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Hard to Catch: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (The Beasts of Baseball Book 3)

Page 6

by Alice Ward

  “There, everything’s fine.” I turned to look into those amazingly bright blue eyes. I worked up a smile, still nervous, and reached for my bag between my feet. “May I?” Todd asked, picking up my iPad before I could protest.

  I watched him type in my name and hit enter. He was seriously doing a search on me right now, right here, and right in front of me?

  “You are all over the place,” he said, then clicked onto my Snapchat story.

  His smile widened as he scrolled through my images. “Nice,” he said, pointing to the one I took before entering the place.

  “No one would ever know you were terrified,” he said softly.

  “That’s the point,” I stated quickly.

  He raised an eyebrow. “So, you use social media to create something that isn’t real?”

  “Not necessarily. It’s used to create positivity, an image.”

  “So, an image… of something that isn’t real.”

  I opened my mouth, but only “Um” came out.

  “I mean your life looks super exciting,” Todd went on, scrolling through my hundreds of uploaded images.

  “What about your real life?” he asked.

  “This is my real life.”

  “I don’t see anything about your dad on here.”

  He looked at me and I could have sworn he was able to see deep inside my soul. “That’s my personal life,” I insisted, taking the iPad from his hands.

  “There’s a difference?”

  His eyes were serious, his lips playfully curled, and his tone so deep it vibrated between my legs, awakening my libido with a vengeance.

  “Yes,” I said, not really convincing myself… or him, I presumed.

  “Okay, you’re the expert,” he teased, leaning back into his seat.

  “What about you?” I asked.

  “What about me?”

  “All this real?” I pointed to his social media page I’d pulled up.

  He laughed, pointing to a picture of mountain peaks and blue skies. “I took that during a jump.”

  “Why do you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?” I asked, keeping my tone playful and not accusatory.

  “It makes me feel alive,” he said.

  “And, without it, you don’t feel alive?”

  He gave me a look, one that I’d love to see again and again. He was hiding something, not wanting to let me in, but I knew he would if I pushed hard enough. Not here, not on the plane, and not today. But I would get inside and find out what drove him to do such risky stuff. That was my job, that’s why I was here. It was just a bonus that I was excited to learn what made Todd Morris tick.

  The subject quickly reverted back to my dad, and what it was like growing up with him as a child. Todd’s eyes were full of surprise as I told him how much I loved baseball, and how I spent every second possible on the field, at the stadium, and close to my father.

  “So, old Spaceman was a real family man?” he asked.

  “Yeah, he was.” I missed that feeling of pride when talking about my dad. It felt good to remember how things used to be, and forget what they’d become, even if only for a moment.

  “You get that look when you talk about your dad. It’s almost like sadness.” I felt instantly shaken by his observation. I thought I’d done a great job at hiding my pain, but I was apparently transparent through those deep blue eyes.

  “I didn’t realize I did that,” I said, not willing to explain anything further.

  We were halfway through our flight, and I hadn’t grown nervous once, not even with the turbulence in the air. I shared my favorite images with Todd, and he shared his videos stored secretly on his phone with me. He couldn’t post any of the stuff he showed me. I felt special that he’d allowed me to see it.

  “I need to get a picture,” I said, standing in my seat and holding my camera out for a selfie that included most of the team on the plane. Todd jumped up, smiled into the camera just as I snapped the picture.

  “I need to post this,” I said, tapping on the screen to create a cool update on the team’s upcoming arrival to Florida.

  “Always working.” Todd shook his head and smiled.

  My cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling so much. It was by far the best airplane ride I’d ever had. I actually hated for it to end.

  “Excuse me,” I said, standing from my seat. Todd stood, let me out and even though I didn’t turn back, I could feel his eyes following me down the aisle.

  The bathroom sign was turned to “occupied.” I almost turned to go back to my seat, not exactly a fan of standing on a moving airplane, when the door opened. Luke emerged, a wide smile on his face, his cheeks slightly flushed with color, and his eyes wild with excitement. I moved out of his way, let him pass, and was ready to enter when the door opened again. This time, the blonde flight attendant who had helped me with my overhead bag emerged. She too had flushed cheeks, slightly redder than Luke’s, but also a strangely nervous smile. Her hair was madly out of place.

  I’d heard of the mile high club, but I wasn’t a member. As I peeked into the bathroom to make sure no one else was inside, I couldn’t help but notice how small it was behind the door. How on earth did they manage to make anything happen with Luke’s large frame?

  “You’re not gonna tell, are you?” I turned to see Todd standing close behind me.

  My cheeks began to heat, and I knew the redness of my embarrassment was showing. I shook my head and smiled.

  “So, you can keep a secret.” Todd moved closer to me as he spoke. “Good to know.”

  My heart raced as he reached out toward me, letting one hand glide slowly down my bare arm. My nipples tightened, my pussy swelled, suddenly my undergarments felt restricting. My panties were strangling my delicate flesh as it grew with excitement beneath the silk.

  “I can,” I replied softly.

  My eyes went to the front of the plane. We were situated in a nook where we were unseen by the other passengers. Excitement rolled through my veins at the thought of kissing Todd right then and there. No, hands off the players, Katrina.

  “You think there’s room for us both in there?” he asked, his grin growing wide and his eyes hungry.

  “Well, Luke just proved there is plenty of room,” I said quickly before realizing how flirty that came across.

  “I’d love to get you alone,” he murmured, licking his bottom lip slowly.

  Oh, I’d love that too!

  My smile must’ve looked ridiculous. I could feel it widening across my face, but there was nothing I could do to control it, to stop it. I couldn’t speak. I could only imagine what it would be like to kiss those magnificent lips.

  “Don’t you want to know what I’d do to you if we were alone?” His voice was so sensual it melted my inhibitions. Yes, I wanted to know desperately.

  “First, I’d lean in close, hold you in my arms, and let my lips press against yours,” he purred. His hand moved to my top, one finger tracing the outline of the neck as he let out a heavy sigh. “I’d have to get you out of that top. Spend some time exploring your full breasts with my mouth.”

  My pussy was focused on only his words. No one on the plane mattered, no job, no amount of money, just Todd Morris’s words about what he’d like to do to me.

  His eyes embraced me, holding my attention as his lips parted to continue his delicious journey. My hips took in the warmth of his hands as they lowered on my body. I wanted to lean in to kiss him, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. No matter how bad I wanted to. Oh, I wanted to, badly.

  “That skirt would look so good slid up around your waist. Those long legs open, your sweet flesh ready for me to taste.” My body trembled at the image Todd was creating in my mind. I could almost feel the warmth of his breath on my pussy as he spoke.

  “Would you like that?” he asked.

  I was so deep into my trance, I’d missed the fact the little blonde flight attendant had come back to retrieve her cart. Her presence snapped me back to reality. I smi
led, my cheeks burning as he stared at me with those seductive eyes.

  “It could be our little secret. And I can keep a secret too.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m here to work,” I said, hating the words as soon as they fell from my lips. I wanted to play, not work. Why did Daddy have to be so careless?

  The look of disappointment on his face was no match for the stiffness in his jeans. I imagined his cock pressed hard against the denim, full and long, ready to play out his verbal fantasies in real life. I knew if I allowed it, he’d come into that bathroom with me, fuck me hard against the small sink, and make me come over and over again.

  “You sure?” he asked, his lips curling into a smile.

  I’d never been so unsure of anything in my life. “I’m sure.”



  “Please take your seat, sir.” I turned to find the little blonde flight attendant Luke had been messing around with standing in front of me. Shit, my pants were tight, my cock hard as hell.

  “Of course,” I said quickly.

  Her eyes drifted from mine, lowering to my crotch. “There’s another restroom in the front of the airplane,” she said softly after meeting my eyes again.

  I smiled, gently pushed my way past her, and found my seat. The thought of escaping into the other bathroom and rubbing one out was appealing, but I’d prefer to wait. Walking back to my seat, I wondered if I’d upset Katrina, offended her in any way. I didn’t think so. She seemed into it, like she wanted it — wanted me — but she took off so quickly. Her tone was so professional, so cold when she said, “I’m sure.”

  Dammit, I really hope I didn’t offend her.

  Nah, she was into it. I was certain. That look in her eyes, the way her breathing became slow and heavy, yeah, she wanted me. I’d wait it out. Be patient. See where it would go and have a little fun in the process.

  I leaned back in my seat, closed my eyes, and sent my mind to baseball. My dick ached from being stuffed so tightly against the denim. My balls were drawn upward, tight, and in need of release. Baseball, Todd. Think about all the hard work you have to do once you arrive in Daytona Beach. Calvin Malone wasn’t going to be easy to crack, and I needed him to succeed on this team. I was a Beast now, like it or not.

  “Excuse me.” Katrina’s soft voice brought my dick back to attention. I stood, barely able to straighten my body to let her pass and take her seat next to me. The seatbelt sign lit up, and the flight attendant announced we’d arrived at our destination on time. I was relieved. I pushed my head back against my seat, fastened my seatbelt, and thought about the game. Baseball, baseball, baseball.

  Katrina busied herself with her tablet, clicking wildly with her perfectly manicured nails. Keep it together, Todd. We’ve almost landed, and then I can get some distance from this adorably nervous woman. If I could squat behind the plate for hours, I had the discipline to control myself around her, but it wasn’t easy.

  The tires met the pavement with force, bouncing me in my seat. Katrina’s eyes were clamped tightly shut, her knuckles white on the armrests. She was scared. I reached over, placed my hand on hers. “It’s okay. We’ve landed.”

  Her smile was obviously forced, still sweet even with the fear and anxiousness so readily displayed behind it. I gave her hand a tight squeeze before letting it go, and then helped her pack up her briefcase.

  We didn’t speak about what happened outside that bathroom door again. I gathered her overhead bag, smiled graciously at her, and let her exit the plane in front of me. Her small waist, full rear, and swagger in those high heels were enough to work my blood back down to my dick. The guys were all riotously excited, slapping each other on the ass, chattering about the game, the city, and the partying they planned to do. I was still the odd man out, not exactly thought of as a team member just yet. I didn’t really know any of these guys, at least not outside of the field. I had always been the enemy, the player on the other New York team. Trying to find a way to not only fit in but prove I belonged wasn’t going to be easy.

  The shuttle turned right on Ocean Boulevard, driving north of all the action. I watched out the window as the streets grew emptier and emptier. Katrina was busy snapping photos of the team, posting updates, and working her PR magic. “Why are we all the way out here?” Luke asked.

  Katrina smiled, smirked really. “You have to ask?”

  Calvin chuckled, slapping Luke on the shoulder.

  The shuttle stopped in front of a tall white condominium building. The driver hit the button, releasing the door open. This was it.

  I stepped out, moved aside while Calvin, Luke, and the others piled out. Katrina gathered her things, I reached my hand out to help her step off the bus, but she smiled politely and ignored my assistance. “You have something to do with us being out here in the middle of nowhere?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she smirked. Yeah, she knew.

  I could see Lana doing something like this. She was a real ballbuster, but Katrina appeared so sweet. Maybe that image was like her Snapchat. Only a façade.

  “Need some help?” I asked, trying to reach for her suitcase. She snapped the handle up, kicked the large suitcase outward, and smiled as she began rolling it away. Okay, so she doesn’t need my help.

  I knew I looked like a lost puppy dog chasing her around, but she had me reeling. “Let me,” I said quickly, pushing the elevator button. The other guys already had their keys and were on their way up to their rooms, leaving Katrina and me behind. I didn’t mind. I could use some more time alone with her. Maybe I’d get a glimpse at her room location.

  I hit the seven button. “Which floor?”


  I pressed the three reluctantly. Disappointment fell over me as I realized how far our rooms were apart. “They’re remodeling the lower floors. That’s the lowest I could get,” she said, that sweet flush of embarrassment moving into her cheeks.

  “You don’t like heights that badly?” I teased.

  Her head shook while her lips pursed together. It was obvious the elevator was even a discomfort to her. I smiled, and a soft chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at her. There was always something about a strong woman showing vulnerability that turned me on.

  “See ya at practice,” she said quickly, scampering from the elevator like a field mouse.

  I settled into my room. It was nice with a view of the pool. I pulled out my notebook, started studying the players on my team, and worked on a strategy to share with Calvin at morning practice.

  I woke up with notes scattered all over my bed. I wasn’t even sure when I’d fallen asleep. Shit, I overslept.

  I didn’t have time to shower, shave, or even think before grabbing my gear and heading out the door. The elevator was taking forever, stopping on what appeared to be every floor. C’mon!

  Finally, the doors opened, and I slipped inside. The ride down was swift, passing all the floors until it stopped and opened on the third. Katrina looked up, her mouth falling open in surprise, possibly something else, longing? She quickly slipped into the elevator next to me. I wasn’t sure what impact I had on her, but it was obvious the impact she had on me. The Earth’s atmosphere seemed to change when she smiled, or even neared. Oh, the things I could do to her right now. That stop button taunted me, begging me to push it and steal a kiss before the doors opened. “How’d you sleep?” I asked, hoping she’d thought about me while alone in her room.

  “I didn’t.”

  My lips were curling into a smile that I couldn’t stop. Her makeup was perfect, her hair in place, and her skirt and jacket looked as though they were just picked up at the cleaners. She didn’t look like someone who hadn’t slept. Damn, she was gorgeous.

  “I didn’t realize you had to be at practice,” I said as the door opened.

  The lobby was swamped with players, all restless and pacing over the navy blue carpet as they waited on the shuttles. “I have to observe,” she said quickly, gr
ipping her briefcase to her side as she exited the elevator. Her legs were long, lean, and looked to be toned in those expensive high-heeled shoes. The slit in her skirt was high enough that I could see her upper thigh as she took a step. The jacket she wore covered the thin blouse that was buttoned up to her neck. She wasn’t showing off anything, even though I was certain she had plenty to flaunt. Damn, that was making my jeans tighten.

  “I’ll see ya out there,” she said without eye contact. I watched her glide through the players and outside the doors. She slid into the backseat of a white car as the driver closed the door.

  “You ready for this?” Luke asked, pulling me out of the trance I was in. The white car drove away, a group of shuttles arriving almost instantly after.

  “Yeah,” I said confidently, even though I wasn’t sure if I was ready to deal with Calvin.

  The guys began pushing their way out the front doors and into the waiting shuttles. I followed Luke, climbing onboard the second shuttle as Calvin loaded onto the first. There’d be plenty of time to deal with him. I at least needed a cup of coffee before we had to strategize together, since I woke up late and missed breakfast.

  “Morris, Malone, you two work together today,” Coach yelled after we all piled into the locker room.

  I watched Calvin’s eyes roll over me. His irritation was visible. Chuck it off, Morris.

  I pulled my gear from the canvas bag the assistant handed me upon arrival, stuffed it into the locker in front of me, and started to get dressed. Most of the other players were already in their gear, causing me to rush while the coach shouted out his expectations. I’d already heard enough. He wanted me to work with Calvin, just what I was dreading.

  The field was somewhat desolate with the few fans that had arrived early. The air was warm, but still brisk as I stared out into the open field.

  “You ready for this?” Calvin asked.

  I turned to find him standing over me as I tightened my knee pads on the bench.

  “Yeah, let’s talk strategy,” I said, eager to get our issues behind us and start playing ball.

  He sat down beside me, didn’t loosen the tightness in his face, and shook his head. “No strategy to discuss. I’ll just fill you in on what’s been working.”


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