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Bernard Shaw

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by Holroyd, Michael;


  a honeymoon on crutches 264–8; completes The Perfect Wagnerite, Caesar and Cleopatra and Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 266, 268 (see Works); on Lusitania cruise 266–7, 280; and Boer War 280–3; wants Ellen Terry to play in Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 274, 275–6; writes Fabianism and the Empire 281; (see Works); begins Man and Superman 296 (see Works); impressed by Granville-Barker’s (q.v.) acting 307, 308; and publication of Three Plays for Puritans 279 (see Works); backs Lord Rosebery 283; produces Mrs Warren’s Profession 168, 309–10; and Trebitsch (q.v.) and other translators 286–90; caricatured by Beerbohm (q.v.) 291; writes The Admirable Bashville 293 (see Works); recruits Wells (q.v.) into Fabian Society 328; stage-manages Fabian fiscal policy 323–4; holidays with Charlotte 292–3; joins management of Stage Society 309; drafts Fabianism and the Fiscal Question 324; leaves local politics 285; and ‘agonies of househunting’ 351; writes John Bull’s Other Island for Abbey Theatre 292, 302, 303 (see Works); produces John Bull’s Other Island at Court Theatre 310–11; Henderson (q.v.) becomes biographer 369–70; and royal command performance of John Bull’s Other Island 311–12; begins Major Barbara 312 (see Works); writes Passion Poison and Petrifaction 313; taken to Ireland by Charlotte 313–14, 315–16; produces Major Barbara at Court Theatre 335–6; poses for Rodin 351–3, 354; and future of Fabian Society 325–6; confrontations with Wells over Fabian Society reforms 330–5; and rehearsals at the Court 336–9; ‘dismayed’ at Barker/McCarthy marriage 340; makes balloon ascent 355


  writes The Doctor’s Dilemma 341 (see Works); and Court Theatre enterprise 347–50; settles at Ayot St Lawrence 356; whirled through France by Charlotte 357; at first Fabian Summer School 358–9; nearly drowns 359, 392; and Chesterton’s (q.v.) biography 370–1; crushed and exasperated in Europe 359–60; meets Strindberg 360; sits to Strobl and Epstein 354–5; and production of Getting Married 365–6 (see Works); takes to motoring 366–7, 368–9; writes The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet (see Works) 378, and subsequent censorship fight 378–82; writes Press Cuttings 382; holidays with Charlotte 367–8; writes Fascinating Foundling and Glimpse of Reality 401–2; joins committee of Shakespeare Memorial National Theatre 350; writes Misalliance (see Works) for Frohman 388; influenced by Beatrice Webb’s Minority Report 399–400; writes The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 402–3 (see Works); in Jamaica with Charlotte 406–7; completes Fanny’s First Play 407 (see Works); resigns from Fabian Society executive 400–1; further travels with Charlotte 408–9; debates with Chesterton 372–5; begins Androcles and the Lion 409 (see Works); quarrels with Charlotte 412; ‘motoring about the country’ 412–14; writes Pygmalion 414 (see Works); ‘violently in love’ with Mrs Patrick Campbell (q.v.) 415; writes Overruled 405 (see Works); on Continental motoring holiday 419–20


  and mother’s illness and death 421, 423–4; tries to strike balance between Charlotte and Stella 425–8; end of affair 429–30; involvement with New Statesman 431–3; inspiration for Saint Joan in Orléans 520 (see Works); writes Great Catherine 404–5; with Webbs in West Country 434; and Tree’s production of Pygmalion 434–5, 441–5; and outbreak of war 447–9; writes Common Sense about the War 449 (see Works); abused and isolated 452–6; conceives O’Flaherty, V.C. 465 (see Works); supplies preface to Woolf’s International Government 458; suspected of being a spy 460; begins Heartbreak House 467 (see Works); and ‘Bloomsbury’ 489–90; and Anglo-Irish politics 469–72; ‘sample slice of life at Ayot 461; and Lucy’s illness 478–9; wartime playlets 464–5; visits the Front 461–3; and Russian Revolution 463, 465; writes to bereaved and injured friends 473–4; and Barker’s divorce and remarriage 474–8; campaigns for MacDonald 481–2; brings out Peace Conference Hints 482 (see Works); translates Trebitsch’s Jitta’s Atonement 516 (see Works); more Anglo-Irish troubles 512–15; and Lucy’s death 479–80; signs contract with Theatre Guild 491; employs Blanche Patch (q.v.) 492–3; completes Back to Methuselah 497–8 (see Works); sends copy to Lenin 509; and Langner 509–10; and Barry Jackson 510–11; meets Molly Tompkins (q.v.) 544–5; and Stella’s wish to publish their correspondence 545–7; with Molly Tompkins at Fabian Summer Schools 547–9; collaborates with Cherry-Garrard on book 537–9; introduced to T. E. Lawrence (q.v.) and reads Seven Pillars of Wisdom 525; begins writing Saint Joan 523; last visit to Ireland 514–15; meets Dame Laurentia McLachlan (q.v.) 607; sails to Madeira 531–2; and Archer’s death 533–4; reads O’Flaherty, V.C. on wireless 539


  illness 549–50; taken to Scotland by Charlotte 550; 70th birthday celebrations 540; health restored in Italy 550–1; awarded Nobel Prize (for 1925) 530–1; finishes The Intelligent Woman’s Guide 555 (see Works); and Jane Wells’s death 602–4; in Italy with Molly again 553–4; moves to Whitehall Court 562–3; at Cliveden with the Astors 563, 564–5; at Hardy’s funeral 600–1; and negotiations over Terry-Shaw correspondence 586–91; on the Riviera with Charlotte 580; meets Frank Harris (q.v.) 580–2; completes The Apple Cart 567 (see Works); meets Tunney 604–6; puts off confrontation with Stella 570–1; lays foundation stone of Shakespeare Memorial Theatre 569; and founding of Malvern Festival 568–9, 575–7; friendship with Elgar 577–9; on Brioni with Charlotte 586, 605; misreported in Yugoslavia 586; goes to League of Nations Palace, Geneva 718–19; backs Mosley 540–4; brings out Limited Collected Edition 592; rehearses film of How He Lied (see Works) 705–6; toasts Einstein at the Savoy 611–12; begins Too True to be Good 634 (see Works); visits Holy Land 609; and Russia with Astors 619ff; meets Stanislavksy, Gorki and Lenin’s widow 624; unresponsive to Krynins’ plight 625–6; meets Stalin 626–8; 75th birthday speech 628–9; converts Webbs to Soviet communism 629–31; The Rationalization of Russia 633–4; meets Gandhi 648–9


  popularity in S. Africa 640–2; ‘saying nice things is not his business’ 642–4; crashes car 644; writes The Adventures of the Black Girl 645 (see Works); elected President of Irish Academy 598; cruises on Empress of Britain 648ff; begins Village Wooing 679, and On the Rocks 680 (see Works); in Hong Kong 651–3; in China 653–5; meets Madame Sun 653–4; in Japan 655–9; arrives in America 659; visits Hearst 661–2, and Hollywood 662; mobbed by press in New York 662–3; gives lecture at Metropolitan Opera House 662, 663–5; cruises to New Zealand 666–70; drafts Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles, The Millionairess and Six of Calais 667 (see Works); and life at Ayot 676–9; works on film scripts of Pygmalion and Saint Joan 707–8; ‘drops dead on 24th Nov [1934]’ 694–5; ‘alas! we are old’ 696; returns to S. Africa 646–7; renews acquaintance with Pascal (q.v.) 711; gives him Pygmalion 713–15; in America again 666; drafts Geneva 719 (see Works); celebrates 80th birthday 576; prepares Cymbeline Refinished 716–18; helps Webbs with Soviet Communism 696; and Barrie’s death 601–2; brings out revised Intelligent Woman’s Guide as paperback 703–4; illness 697–8; begins ‘In Good King Charles’s Golden Days’ 725 (see Works)


  gives Pascal go-ahead to film Major Barbara 740–1; and start of war 735–6; writes ‘Uncommon Sense about the War’ 736; wartime popularity 737–8; BBC broadcast vetoed 739–40; last meeting with Webbs 698–9; 84th birthday invitation to shooting of Major Barbara 742; records ‘visual prologue’ 743; in bombing at Ayot 744–5; works on Everybody’s Political What’s What? 745 (see Works); at Cliveden with Charlotte 745–6; prepares Graduates’ Keepsake & Counsellor for RADA students 746; and Charlotte’s last illness 746–50; and her death 750–2; employs Alice Laden (q.v.) 754–5; imports ‘War, Win and Loew’ into his life 757–64; exports Lady Astor 759–60, 764; and filming of Caesar and Cleopatra 766, 767–8; and end of war 770–1; and ‘Coupled Vote’ 772; revises Buoyant Billions 772 (see Works); writes Farfetched Fables 773, and Shakes versus Shav 774 (see Works); 90th birthday celebrations 777–8; accepts Honorary Freedoms 778; completes his Rhyming Picture Guide to Ayot 778; corresponds with Margaret Wheeler 779–81; makes museum at Ayot 785; sells possessions 786; publishes defence of ‘Play
of Ideas’ 786–7; writes Why She Would Not 787; last year 787–91; death and funeral I, 791–2; ashes scattered 1, 792–3; obituaries 600, 604, 792; will 782–3, 794–5, 797, see also British Museum; National Gallery of Ireland; ‘Public Trustee v. Day and Others’; Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

  views on:

  alcohol 2, 3, 53–4

  Americans 659–61, 664–5

  anti-Semitism 543, 732

  art 82–7

  biography and biographers xvi, 117, 699–702

  capitalism 557, 558–9, 615, 619

  censorship 188–90, 365–85

  communism 75, 617–18, 629, 631, 632–3, 739

  critics 186, 192, 193

  Darwin and Darwinism 298, 499, 500, 502–3

  death 11–12 democracy 565, 668

  films and film industry 662, 704–5, 706, 707

  Hegelianism 9, 298

  Ireland and the Irish 138, 465, 467–72, 512–14, 778

  Jack the Ripper 121

  League of Nations 458–9, 482–3, 651, 718–19

  Life Force 114, 221, 270, 298, 299, 300, 499, 632

  London 43

  marriage 45–6, 95, 248, 249

  music see under Star, The; World, The

  nationalism 732

  National Theatre 194, 392, 402, 403

  Nazis 732, 733, 739, 771

  poverty 15, 769

  racialism 642–3, 647, 668

  religion 16, 17, 22–3, 386, 387, 410–11, 499, 645,649, 650–1

  Russia 613–16, 640–1, 701–2, 739, 740

  sex 95, 279–80, 405

  socialism 76, 498–9, 559, 615, 660, 770

  Spanish Civil War 732

  spelling reform 782–5

  vaccination 55, 235–6

  vegetarianism 51–3, 54, 697–8

  war 445, 446–7, 455–8, 462, 656, 770–2, see also Common Sense about the War (under Works)

  women 197, 233–4, 394–5, 557–8, see also sex


  The Admirable Bashville 293–5

  The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God 645–6, 647, 648, 650, 672–3, 731

  Androcles and the Lion xiv, 409–12, 430, 433–4, 445–6, 467, 684, 699; phonetic version 798, 802, 803–4

  Annajanska 465, 529

  The Apple Cart 567, 569–75, 639, 683, 728, 729

  Arms and the Man 104, 169–74, 181, 191, 209, 226, 286, 287, 411, 597, 639, 684, 737, 765; film 662, 706–7; see also Chocolate Soldier,

  The ‘Art and Public Money’ 392

  Augustus Does His Bit 465

  Back to Methuselah 48, 116, 299, 320, 372, 454, 476,494, 497–500, 502–11, 569, 610, 639, 684, 687, 689, 777

  Bernard Shaw’s Rhyming Picture Guide to Ayot 778

  The Black Girl see The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

  Buoyant Billions 652, 769, 772–3, 776, 788

  Caesar and Cleopatra 223, 256, 258, 266, 268, 270–2, 274, 275, 286, 404, 415, 419, 520, 569, 731; film 662, 765–8

  Candida 76, 157, 178–83, 196, 198, 211, 212, 214–15, 226, 227, 286, 287, 288, 307, 310, 336, 467, 684

  Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 62, 266, 268, 273–9, 586, 783

  Cashel Byron’s Profession 68–9, 71, 72, 164, 293–4, 295

  The Cassone 157–8

  Common Sense about the War 449, 450–2, 453, 459

  Cymbeline Refinished 716–18

  The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 294, 402–3, 529, 599

  The Devil’s Disciple 30, 183, 216, 221–3, 226, 239, 256, 261, 287–8, 410, 467, 737; film 662, 707

  The Doctor’s Dilemma 41, 89, 237, 341–6, 502, 572, 596, 737, 766, 790; film 768

  “Don Giovanni Explains’ 87

  Don Juan in Hell 347, 465, 529, 777

  Everybody’s Political What’s What? 543, 721, 745, 746, 757, 769–70

  Fabianism and the Empire 281–2, 283, 324 Fabianism and the Fiscal Question (Fabian Tract No. 116) 324

  Fanny’s First Play 407–8, 409, 529, 575

  Farfetched Fables 773–4

  The Fascinating Foundling 401

  ‘G.B.S. Replies to the Man in the Street’ 729

  ‘G.B.S. Vivisected’ 259–60

  Geneva 576, 683, 719–25, 726, 731, 770, 771–2

  ‘The German Case Against Germany’ 453

  Getting Married 234, 349, 360, 361, 362–6, 388, 467, 487, 489, 520

  The Glimpse of Reality 401–2

  Graduates’ Keepsake & Counsellor 746

  Great Catherine 404–5, 433, 491

  Heartbreak House 304, 320, 322, 454, 464, 467, 484–92, 498, 508–9, 510, 569, 683, 687, 737

  How He Lied to Her Husband 705–6, 812

  How to Settle the Irish Question 471, 472

  ‘Ideal London’ 42

  Immaturity 45–6, 47, 48, 49, 60, 70, 74, 272, 592

  ‘In Good King Charles’s Golden Days’ 576, 650, 725–8, 770, 772

  The Inca of Perusalem 465, 466

  The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism... 543, 555–61, 567, 592, 618, 703

  ‘Ireland Eternal and External’ 1

  The Irrational Knot 49–50, 70–1, 72, 99, 610

  Jitta’s Atonement 494, 515, 516–18; film 730

  John Bull’s Other Island 22, 292, 297, 302, 303–7, 310–12, 320, 329, 336, 341, 488, 491, 721; ‘Preface for Politicians’ 341, 469–70, 472

  ‘Joy Riding at the Front’ 459, 461–3

  London Music in 1888–89 As Heard by Corno di Bassetto 14, 19, 30, 132–3

  Love Among the Artists 54, 57–8, 59, 71, 72, 99, 145, 440–1

  Major Barbara 69, 120, 309, 312–13, 314–15, 316–20, 335–6, 341, 372, 409, 467, 489, 501, 647, 692, 737; film 704, 740, 741–3, 767

  Man and Superman 23, 71, 119, 237, 248, 270, 287, 295, 296–301, 302, 304, 320, 339–40, 366, 408, 467, 488, 491, 503, 542–3, 630, 659

  The Man of Destiny 191, 196, 197–9, 200–2, 206–9, 226, 239, 274, 347, 728, 777

  The Millionairess 567, 608, 667, 670–1, 685, 691–4, 731, 763

  Misalliance 32, 355, 384, 388–91, 392, 393, 487, 596

  Mrs Warren’s Profession 69, 152, 164–8, 170, 178, 189, 191, 226, 227, 287, 288, 309–10, 387, 467, 599, 659, 684, 794

  The Music-Cure (‘A Piece of Utter Nonsense’) 402, 403–4, 433

  My Dear Dorothea 44–5, 48

  O’Flaherty, V.C. 465–6, 539

  On the Rocks 44, 494, 656, 670, 671–2, 676, 680–4, 685, 687, 731

  Overruled 405–6, 419–20

  Passion Play 43–4, 48

  Passion Poison and Petrifaction (or The Fatal Gazogene) 313

  Peace Conference Hints 482–3

  The Perfect Wagnerite 264, 268–70, 276, 300, 521, 592

  The Philanderer 92, 140, 162–4, 177, 226, 227, 248, 362, 363

  Playlets of the War 491

  Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant 216, 226–7, 247, 314, 322

  Press Cuttings 189, 241, 382, 387

  Pygmalion 13, 41, 42–3, 145, 272, 414, 416–17, 428, 434–45, 454–5, 467, 748, 783, 800; films 662, 704, 707–8, 713–15, 730, 741, 767; see also My Fair Lady

  The Quintessence of Ibsenism 113–16, 128, 143, 180, 268, 269, 300, 317, 592, 594

  The Rationalization of Russia 633

  ‘The Religion of the Pianoforte’ 25

  Rhinegold see Widower’s Houses

  Saint Joan 358, 390, 468, 494, 518, 519, 520–5, 527–31, 607–8, 639, 662, 690, 705, 708, 722, 729, 765

  The Sanity of Art 592, 595

  Shakes versus Shav 485, 774–5

  Shaw Gives Himself Away 699, 778

  The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet 189, 217, 378–81, 383, 386, 387, 598, 599; film 768

  Short Stories, Scraps and Shavings 592

  The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles 576, 651, 667, 671, 683, 685–90, 731, 748

  The Six at Calais 667, 685, 690–1

  Sixteen Self Sketches 143

  Socialism for Millionaires (Fabian Tract 107) 813
  ‘Strawberrinos...’ 34

  Three Plays for Puritans 122, 221, 223, 226, 279, 328, 360–1

  Too True to be Good 494, 576, 634–40, 670, 685, 687, 730

  ‘Toujours Shakespeare’ 186

  ‘Touring in Russia’ 623

  ‘Uncommon Sense about the War’ 736

  An Unsocial Socialist 69–72, 73, 659

  ‘Van Amburgh Revived’ 116

  Village Wooing 679–80, 683, 684, 685

  What I Really Wrote about the War 592, 613, 716

  Widowers’ Houses (Rhinegold) 32, 156–7, 159–61, 162, 191, 226, 227, 387, 467, 594, 595, 763

  You Never Can Tell 14, 191, 192, 216–21, 222, 226, 227, 287, 288, 369, 727

  Shaw, George Carr (father): early life 3–4; his squint 5, 593; gains wife and loses fortune 4, 5–6; drunkenness 6, 7–8, 14, 17–19; relationship with his son 7–8, 9, 11, 13, 14–15, 16, 25; and Lee’s relationship with his wife 13, 18, 30–1, 55, 130; becomes teetotal 18; supports his son’s removal from Central Model school 21; pressures him to find employment 46, 49; death 73

  Shaw, Henry (uncle) 2, 6

  Shaw, Lucinda Elizabeth (‘Bessie’) (née Gurly) (mother): childhood 4–5, 8; marries George Carr Shaw 5–6; discovers his alcoholism 6–7, 8; and her children’s births 7; Shaw on 8–9, 10, 14–15, 19, 20, 130, 250; and Lee 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 55; financial independence 27; follows Lee to London 29, 30–1, where Shaw joins her 36; and Shaw’s lack of employment 38, 49; gives Lee up 40; gives Shaw voice training 49; as portrayed in Love Among the Artists 57–8; moves with Shaw to Osnabrugh Street 68; gives singing lessons 68; becomes music teacher 68; and Shaw’s relationship with Jenny Patterson 92, 93, 94, 143; in Fitzroy Square 109; looks after Shaw’s money 122; impressed by Janet Achurch 146; and Vivie Warren 167; as portrayed in You Never Can Tell 218; her spiritualism 254–5, 423; and Charlotte 261, 421; provided for by Shaw 262, 267, 421; opinion of her son 422; relationship with Lucy 422; death and its effects 423–4, 583; and Pygmalion 437; mentioned 295, 357, 363


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