Back In The Saddle: Bachelor Auction - Book 2

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Back In The Saddle: Bachelor Auction - Book 2 Page 11

by Vanessa Vale

  “Shit.” His head whipped around to look me over. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” I murmured, my adrenaline pumping.

  “Listen to me carefully. Climb out and shut your door. Stay on the ground behind the SUV so you aren’t seen. Call this in.” Gone was the sweet Huck. He was in police mode now, hyperfocused.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Mandy. Claire’s mother.”

  I gave the woman a quick glance, then did as Huck asked—undid my belt, opened my door, and slipped out, shutting it behind me. I took my cell and squatted down behind the rear wheel and called Graham.

  Huck’s door slammed. I felt the reverberations of it against my back.

  “Hey, Sarah,” Graham said.

  “Huck and I are on County Road Four,” I whispered. “A woman has blocked the road. Huck knows her and is dealing with her, but we need some help out here.”

  “Got it. No one’s hurt?”

  A gunshot had me jumping.

  “Shit. You okay?”

  “She doesn’t know I’m here,” I whispered. “Huck’s talking to her, and she’s got a gun. And is using it!”

  “Stay down. We’ll be there soon.”

  The line went dead, and I scrunched down and peeked under the SUV. I saw Huck’s jean-clad legs. He was still standing, thank God.

  “Put the gun down, Mandy.”

  “No way! You need to give me money. Now!”

  I couldn’t see the woman, but her voice was shrill.

  “Why? What are you on? Meth? Put the gun down before you hurt someone.”

  I heard footsteps on the paved road. “That’s the plan. I want you dead.”

  “Be pissed all you want. Shooting me won’t solve anything.”

  How could he sound so calm? I wasn’t sure if I could handle him being police chief if he dealt with people like this as part of his job.

  Then I realized she wasn’t part of his job. She was part of his life. The woman who’d made Claire but had fucked with him. She might be a nutjob—and dangerous—but Huck had gotten the best part of this woman. He was right. I wouldn’t want to change anything that had happened because we’d never have Claire otherwise.

  We just needed to get out of this alive.

  “It’ll solve everything. If you’re dead, then Claire’s mine. She inherits everything. All your Manning money.”

  I heard more footsteps and knew she might see me. There was a deep farmer’s ditch on the side of the road. I crawled over to it, then slid down the steep bank. Glancing up, I couldn’t see the road. As long as I leaned against the berm, I wouldn’t be seen. I’d stay here, safe, and pray I didn’t lose Huck before I ever really had him again.


  * * *

  Mandy was a fucking disaster. I hadn’t seen her in five years, and they hadn’t been good to her. Her long hair was bleached but had three-inch dark roots. Her skin was pale, and she had a hideous cold sore at the corner of her mouth. It was her eyes that told me everything. She was on something. Hooked. Desperate. How she’d found an attorney to represent her was impressive, or she’d spiraled down since then.

  She’d climbed from a beat-up sedan and must have been coming to the ranch. She had lady balls to stop a police car like that unless someone was having a baby or dying. She must’ve figured I’d be the only person driving this way in such a vehicle. The road wasn’t well traveled, and she was amped. The location of the Manning ranch wasn’t a secret. Anyone in the county could have given her directions.

  The way she was acting, she hadn’t seen Sarah. Thank fuck her focus was squarely on me. After all that Sarah had been through, she didn’t need this shit. It was mine to deal with, mine to handle.

  Besides, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on dealing with Mandy if Sarah was in harm’s way. It was Mandy’s erratic behavior and the gun she held that made her a threat. She had to be a hundred pounds soaking wet, but the gun… it fired bullets no matter who pulled the trigger. I guessed I’d have backup in about six minutes, but that was a long time.

  “You think I’d leave my portion of the ranch to a five-year-old?” I called out.

  Her eyes widened, and she took a step closer. Her hand wasn’t steady, and that first shot had gone wide.

  “She’s your heir. You might not be the sperm donor, but you’re on the birth certificate.”

  “That’s right, I am. I was smart enough five years ago to get you to sign over your rights to Claire. I’ve been smart since, ensuring that she can’t touch any of the money until she’s twenty-five, and that’s just a small portion.”

  “You’d fuck over your own daughter?” she asked, waving her arms.

  “I’m saving her. She’s going to know the value of hard work. Something you’ll never understand.”

  I wasn’t raising entitled children. They’d know the land. Respect it. If there was money, it would come second to what was important. Family. Fulfillment. Love.

  “What are you going to do, Mandy? Shoot me? Then you’ll be in jail and won’t be able to spend a dime.”

  Sirens were faint in the distance. Mandy heard them too. She started to pace, talk to herself. I remained still, hands out at my sides.

  “Run, Mandy. Hear those sirens? They’re for you.”

  I wanted her to get in her car because she’d put the gun down to drive. Hopefully. We’d catch her quick enough, especially since backup was coming from town and she’d run into them. There weren’t any other roads, fields all around.

  She turned to look over her shoulder, as if she could see the police cars headed our direction. They’d be here soon.

  “I hate you!” she snarled, then ran for her car. The driver’s door was open, and she hopped in. I moved then, cutting across the pavement to her passenger door. She was right-handed, so the gun had to be on the seat beside her.

  I expected the engine to start and for her to peel out, but the car remained quiet. Mandy didn’t. She pounded on the steering wheel and started screaming at the car. “What the fuck? Work, damn it!”

  I took the opportunity with both her hands in view to yank open the door and grab the gun. It was on the seat as expected.

  Two police cars raced up the straight road and blocked Mandy’s car. Lights flashed as Graham and Nate, another deputy, opened their doors, squatted down behind them, and pointed their weapons.

  “Clear!” I shouted. I held up the gun in my hand so they could see it as they approached.

  Graham took the weapon from me as Nate moved to stand at the front bumper, gun lowered but in his hand as he focused on Mandy.

  I stalked around the car and pulled her out. She barely weighed anything, her arm all skin and bones beneath my grip. She was practically feral as she clawed and resisted.

  Graham joined me and helped me restrain her arms behind her back so he could cuff her. Once done, I handed her off.

  “Sarah!” I shouted, spinning around toward my SUV. It was movement to my right that had me turning again. Sarah pushed herself up from the ditch and ran over. I pulled her close, hugged her fiercely.

  Thank fuck she was fine. My heart was hammering.

  She held something up, and I studied it. Frowned. “Is that—”

  “Her starter fuse?” she asked, the corner of her mouth turning up. She tipped her head toward Mandy’s car. “It was all I could do to help.”

  “Show me later where that is on a car, yeah?” I asked, then kissed her soundly.

  “What do you want me to do with her, Chief?” Graham asked, holding a now sobbing Mandy.

  “Book her. The list will include everything from reckless driving to attempted murder.”

  “On it,” Graham replied, pushing Mandy toward his squad car. Nate followed.

  I looked down at Sarah. “You okay?”

  She nodded, tucked her hair back behind her ear. Her palms were dirty and so were her jeans at the knees. “You?”

  I ran a hand over my face, tried to calm down. “Fuck. That was a
mess. Now you’ve met Mandy,” I said, then laughed, but there was no humor in it. “She’s out of the picture for good. It’s over.”

  “Good. Because we’ve got plans.” She hooked her hand behind my neck and kissed the heck out of me. “I think her car’s gonna need a tow. Know someone?” she asked when she finally pulled her lips from mine.



  * * *

  In the end my father was called to tow Mandy’s car. He was the shop on record with the department. For now. Based on the way Huck wasn’t wild about my dad, that would probably change, even if I didn’t set up my own business. All I knew was that I hadn’t been the one to tow it. I wasn’t sure if Roy had been scraped from the bottom of a liquor bottle, but I didn’t care.

  Huck and I had been long gone from the scene by then and settled at the station. I’d had to write up my statement about what had happened, but Alice had offered to come and collect me when I’d finished. I’d refused, even though Huck had reports of his own and had to book Mandy into custody. Being with Huck, even in the same building, was important, although I’d gone to the deli down the street to get sandwiches for everyone.

  We finally left around eight and stopped at my house—as originally planned—to get a few of my things before heading back to the ranch. Claire hadn’t run out to meet us as she had earlier, but when we went inside, we found her coming down the steps with damp hair and pale blue pajamas.

  “Daddy!” she squealed, then launched herself off the third step and into his arms.

  I panicked for a split second, sticking my arms out to catch her, but it was obviously a move they did often because he squeezed her close and tickled her. He made growly bear sounds and she giggled.

  “You’re back,” she said to me once Huck stopped winding her up.

  “I am. Is that okay?” I asked, setting my overnight bag down.

  She nodded vigorously. “You can sleep with Daddy in his room. That’s what mommies do. My friend Lizzie’s mommy and daddy share a bed, and she says they make funny noises in it.”

  I could feel my cheeks heat, and I glanced up at Alice, who’d followed Claire down the stairs but at a slower pace. By the smile on her face, she was amused. As Huck had said, he was thirty-two years old, but still… I didn’t want to be disrespectful since this was her house, too.

  “I bathed and brushed and it’s books time. Will you read to me, Sarah?”

  My heart swelled, and I couldn’t help but smile. Offering a glance at Huck, I saw the satisfaction I felt in his gaze. “I think Daddy needs to read, too.”

  She bounced in Huck’s arms. “Yes!”

  Huck set Claire down. “Go pick out two books, and we’ll be right there.”

  She dashed up the stairs.

  “I heard what happened,” Alice said, her smile slipping.

  “It’s over,” Huck told her.

  She nodded once.

  “It’s finally time for you two to be together. I couldn’t be more pleased,” she said. “I’ll be in my room watching my show… in case you want to make any funny noises.”

  I stared at her openmouthed as she walked off. “Did she just wink?”

  Huck laughed. “She’s been our champion all this time.”

  “Daddy!” Claire shouted.

  He looked to me and rolled his eyes, but his expression screamed happiness instead of frustration. “We each read one book. Don’t let her sucker you into more. She’s smart and will try.” He spoke as if the five-year-old was a cunning legal expert. After I nodded in—supposed—understanding, he leaned in and kissed me. “Then you’re mine. All mine.”

  Thirty minutes later Huck closed his bedroom door behind us. He’d been right. Claire had tried several different negotiation strategies to extend her reading time, which impressed me. I had a feeling she’d gotten away with it in the past, but tonight Huck wasn’t having it.

  He was having me, and hopefully very soon.

  Seeing him snuggled up in a single bed with Claire, reading a book about a bear and a missing button, definitely made my ovaries pop out a few eggs. There was something sexy about a man with his child.

  When Huck pulled me into his arms and kissed me, I was beyond ready. Wet, eager, and needy. Lifting his head, he stroked my hair back and looked at me. His pale eyes held mine.

  “When I saw that gun in Mandy’s hand, I panicked about you getting hurt,” he said.

  “You? I was talking to Graham and heard the shot. I thought you’d been killed!” I tried to push back and break his hold, but he kept me snug to him.

  His jaw clenched as his eyes roved over my face. “It’s over. We leave her behind, baby girl, with everything else. All we need to see is the future.”

  I nodded, took a deep breath. “You’re right.”

  “I want to start that future right now.” He tipped his head toward the bed. “Right there.”

  “Yes,” I breathed, wanting that too. We’d lost six years. We’d almost lost each other today. But our time was now.

  Before, we hadn’t even been trying to make a baby. Now we would be. The future was finally clear.

  “Yes,” he repeated as he stepped back. Took my hand and led me to the side of the bed.

  I burst out laughing when I saw the headboard. A wooden slat was missing right in the middle.

  Huck looked to the bed and back to me. “We might need a new bed.”

  I shook my head, set my hands at the hem of his shirt, and started to push it up his body.

  “No way. I want that there to remember the moment when we got back together.”

  “You want that, all you have to do is sit on my face,” he countered.

  We didn’t say anything else after that, just stripped each other’s clothes off and fell into bed together. I was beneath him, and I savored the hard press of his body. The way the hair on his chest tickled my nipples. His hand slipped between my thighs, parted me, and found me wet.

  “Baby girl.”

  “Don’t make me wait,” I said, lifting my hips for him.

  This was going to be a quickie. We both needed it, the connection.

  He shifted, set the head of his dick at my entrance, then held himself still.

  I looked up at him.

  “This is it, Sarah O’Banyon soon-to-be Manning. Time to make that baby.”

  “Yes,” I said, lifting my hips to take an inch of him into me.

  He pushed the rest of the way in. “Fuck, baby girl. I’m home.”

  He filled me completely, and my walls rippled around him, adjusting to being filled with something so big.

  He was home. Wherever he was, I belonged.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, but you can’t make any noises.”

  I giggled, my inner muscles clenching as I did so, and he groaned.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer and began to move. I met each thrust with my hips until we couldn’t hold back our moans and groans, gasps and begging.

  I came as he reached between us and pinched my clit. He plunged deep, growled. Filled me with his cum.

  There was no going back now. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ready for more? Read Hand Me The Reins next!

  Bought in an auction by a shy baker? No problem.

  Pretending to be her boyfriend for her sister's wedding? On it.

  * * *

  I can pretend all day long because I'm Thatcher Manning, the guy who doesn't do relationships.

  I'll give a woman a wild romp. Hell, I'll give her anything. Anything but my heart.

  I decided a long time ago I'd never get serious with a woman.

  The fact that I'm leaving town in a few months only cements that decision.

  But then Astrid has to get under my skin. She hands over the reins in bed—and out—and now I'm catching feelings.

  The kind you can't fake.

  Trouble is—I wasn't playing for keeps. Now, that's a problem. A big one.

  Read Hand Me The Reins!
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  Also By Vanessa Vale

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  * * *

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  About Vanessa Vale

  Vanessa Vale is the USA Today bestselling author of sexy romance novels, including her popular Bridgewater historical series and hot contemporary romances. With over one million books sold, Vanessa writes about unapologetic bad boys who don't just fall in love, they fall hard. Her books are available worldwide in multiple languages in e-book, print, audio and even as an online game. When she's not writing, Vanessa savors the insanity of raising two boys and figuring out how many meals she can make with a pressure cooker. While she's not as skilled at social media as her kids, she loves to interact with readers.


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