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The Equen Queen qotlc-2

Page 10

by Alyssa Brugman

  Vrod turned over his mouthful as if he was afraid to swallow. Verris elbowed him in the ribs when he thought the herdsfolk weren't watching and reluctantly the troll finished, rubbing the floury meal from his hands.

  Tab bit into hers and immediately regretted it. It was bland and fibrous, and seemed to stick to the roof of her mouth, but it was too late. She had to finish. She tried to imagine it was a sweet cake, like the ones the sky-traders had given them.

  After everyone had eaten their rolls, the family packed away the leftover food into their sacks. The children sat up straight and sang a song for the visitors, slapping their hands together in an elaborate pattern. The visitors clapped in time.

  When they had finished Verris looked at Vrod and the two of them broke into a jolly pirate song, except without the swearing. Tab and her friends cheered.

  Fontagu stood and sang a melancholy ballad in a powerful and tuneful voice. Even Amelia was gripped by the sound of it.

  ‘So you're good for something!’ Verris joked when he reached the end.

  Fontagu bowed deeply, and Tab was pleased to see him accepting the dig with grace.

  After the songs had finished, Torby and the small herdsfolk children curled up near the fire and slept. The others sat around the crackling blaze in silence. A short distance away the equens stood swishing their tails contentedly and dozing.

  ‘How does it work?’ Fontagu asked finally. Flicking a glance towards Tattoo.

  The healer broke up some more sticks and placed them into the fire. ‘It's complex between us. The equens carry in their minds the places that are best to find food, water and to stay protected from the weather at different times of the year. We carry with us the methods to keep them well. When we settle we use their manures to feed our crops. We eat the grains and feed the equens the stalks. By watching them selecting herbs on the ranges we know which ones to collect to protect from illnesses in the chest and in the blood. Their smell tells us when predators will arrive or when the weather will turn sour.’

  Fontagu blinked. ‘But what about the magic healing?’

  The healer shrugged. ‘The equens find comfort in being in a herd. When they are not with their kin they become distressed and ill. We two-leggeds are the same, aren't we?’

  Fontagu stared into the flames. Tab could tell he was thinking that the herdsfolk healer wanted to keep their magic a secret.

  Tab reached out for Tattoo's mind. The little equen opened her eyes for a moment and then closed them again. For Tattoo, ‘herd’, ‘comfort’ and ‘heal’ all meant the same thing.

  ‘Haven't you ever had a friend who makes you feel better just by being with them?’ Tab asked Fontagu. She looked at Torby, with his head resting on Amelia's knee, smiling in his sleep. Perhaps they hadn't found the answer for Torby that she was hoping for down here, but then again maybe they had?

  Fontagu ignored Tab. ‘But really, how old are you?’

  The healer smiled. ‘Old.’

  ‘Sixty? One hundred-and-sixty? Four hundred?’ Fontagu guessed.

  The healer winked at another of the herdsfolk, the lady Tab guessed to be his wife.

  ‘I'm just curious because…’ Fontagu began again.

  ‘Fontagu!’ Tab pleaded.

  ‘But we will be leaving! This is my last chance to learn their secret!’

  ‘Let it go!’ Philmon said.

  The healer slapped his thigh. ‘All right. Mr Fontagu Wizroth the Third of the great city in the sky, tamer of scavenjaws, possessor of the throat of dreams, I will tell you the answer to the riddle of eternal life. This is mysterious herdsfolk, equen magic. Very secret. Are you listening?’

  Fontagu leaned forward, nodding eagerly.

  The healer held up his three fingers, and ticked them off in turn. ‘Work hard in the service of your community. Move your arms and legs every day. Let go of anger in your heart.’

  Fontagu's mouth dropped open. ‘But I have five fingers!’ he blurted.

  The healer laughed. ‘Then you can add; eat lots of fibre, even if you don't like it. No meat! And… What else would you say, little one?’ he asked Tab.

  Tab looked across at Lord Verris. ‘Live well today,’ she said.

  ‘Be good to your mother,’ Vrod suggested.

  ‘Laugh often,’ Philmon said.

  ‘Try to get to bed early,’ Amelia added, stretching and yawning.

  ‘There you have it,’ the healer said. ‘Quentaran magic and mysterious herdsfolk magic is just the same.’

  Fontagu growled. He stood up and walked away from the fire while those who encircled it laughed at his retreating back. Even the equens wrinkled their noses as if they were laughing.

  Tab sighed contentedly. They would be leaving soon, back to their sky-city to discover new worlds, face more hostile opponents, and hopefully make some new allies too, but right now she was amongst friends and she did feel better.

  Lord Verris winked at Tab, and she grinned back.

  ‘Live well today,’ she said again.

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