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Pleasure Planet

Page 6

by Beverly Havlir

  “That’s fascinating,” Aria said sincerely. She always enjoyed learning about new cultures and species. And yet, at the same time, it was disconcerting to think that the very human man she had come to think of as Ronan, to care for as Ronan, was in fact Erosian 134256338.

  “Aria! Please forgive me!” Of course, he had heard her thoughts. “I apologize. I have seriously overstepped the boundaries of our relationship. It’s not your fault, of course, but,” he paused, seeming to look for the right words, “there’s something about you. About us. I feel as if we’ve known each other all our lives. As if our lives were meant to intertwine somehow. I feel as if I truly own you. This is no longer a game, my little slave girl.”

  He laughed a little, looking embarrassed and admitted, “You know, I could be severely punished for this breach. Our code clearly states what is permitted to be shared with the, uh, tourists, and the details of our sexual and social order certainly aren’t among them! And yet, with you, I feel safe, somehow. Even compelled, if you will, to share. To let you know a little bit about me and not just the image I’ve created to please your eye.

  “I know it’s ridiculous. Soon our time together will be over and you will be gone. That is why I am sad, I suppose.” He stood slowly, pocketing his little flute. 38


  Aria didn’t know what to say. She sensed something odd was happening here, perhaps unprecedented, and yet she had to admit she too felt that special connection. It excited her, but it also frightened her.

  Ronan brought Aria a tall glass of something cool and refreshing. They sat together on one of the deep couches, enjoying the view of the sea through the clear wall of the abode. The sun was setting like fire over the water, dazzling the eyes. Glittering shades of silver and gold edged the waves. Aria sensed Ronan had more to say, but she decided to let him say it in his own time. She sat silently musing on what was going on between them, on so many different levels.

  Oh, the exciting sex, the games of Master and slave, and the entire lush, luxurious experience were certainly part of the “package deal”. But what could possibly come of his protestations of love, if that’s what they were? As he had pointed out, the week would end soon and that would be that.

  Quietly he began to speak. “Aria. I’ve been working for the spa all my adult life. For many years, it was truly just a job. I would assume the form of the species in question, connect with their inner desires and serve them. I was never involved on any level that mattered to me.

  “But over the past few years, especially when humans are involved, it has become more difficult. Too often, it has shaken me, left me somehow different when the experience is over. It’s almost as if some protective shield has been breached, and human emotions and needs are seeping into my essence.

  “In fact, I put in for a transfer to something in administration, because I find I am having difficulty keeping my Erosian nature intact when inhabiting other life forms, most especially the human body.

  “The orders are being processed, and I’ve been told you will be my last assignment. After this, I am supposed to work behind the scenes, setting up the schedules, taking care of the myriad of details that go into creating these weeks of ‘paradise’ for species from all over the galaxy. I am not to have further contact with alien species.

  “The odd thing is, at first I was relieved when they told me the transfer had come through. I have had far too much trouble controlling my human feelings when I inhabit this human form. I have been reprimanded on several occasions for ‘going too far’ in my behaviors and, more importantly, my feelings.”

  “Your feelings! But whose business are those? Who would know?”

  “Oh, they know. We are closely monitored. In addition to our regular telepathic natures, we have a chip implanted at birth. All thoughts and feelings are carefully screened by the Review Board. This is essential in the work that we do, to keep our true selves intact while we assume the forms of alien species. I have always accepted that. It’s a part of our culture, though I appreciate that to your way of thinking, it is a very

  ‘un-human’ sort of intervention. It’s really for our own protection.

  “And in general I’ve been able to control myself. It is only with the human form that I seem to have trouble now. I almost feel more at home in this human skin than in 39

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  my own hairless, sexless Erosian body. Something’s changed. I can’t seem to shut it all down now, to compartmentalize these alien feelings and then flush them away when the week is over. And lately, my feelings are bordering on subversive. And it’s your fault, my love.”

  “My fault?!” Arias’ eyes widened in confusion. “What did I do?”

  He smiled, his eyes crinkling kindly, though they shone with sorrow. “You came into my life, little one. You burst in here, with your silver hair, your fiery eyes, your strength of will and your deep submissive sexual streak, and,” he dropped his voice to a whisper, “you have captured my heart. I’m in love with you, Aria. And that is forbidden.”

  Aria stared at him, speechless. Suddenly Ronan stiffened. “I sense them nearby,” he said, his expression tense, alert. Lowering his voice to a whisper he continued, “They have been monitoring me! I should have known this would happen. They’ve come for me. Listen,” he took Aria’s face in his large hands, cupping it gently. His golden eyes looked almost fierce as he said earnestly, “they may take me from you now. I’ve let down my guard. I’ve let my human emotions cloud my judgment. Take these words to heart, Aria. I will come for you! No matter what happens, wait for me and I will come. You will not leave this planet without me, my darling.”

  “But—” Aria interjected, “they’re taking you? Who’s taking you? From me? They can’t!”

  “They can. Read your contract. Forgive me for all of this. I had never planned for love to enter the equation. I was content that this would be my last ‘adventure’ before I retired to a quiet life of bureaucracy. But you’ve made it impossible.”

  Aria started to speak again, but Ronan put his fingers to her lips. “They’ll be here in a moment. We must answer their summons. Just tell me this, do you want me to come for you? Do you want to commit yourself to me? If you say no, I will go and we will never see one another again. But if you say yes,” he bent and kissed her, his lips searing hers with passion, “if you say yes, my love, I will find you. I will come for you.”

  “Yes,” Aria said, her eyes filling tears, still confused as to what was actually happening.

  Ronan stood, pulling Aria up with him. Speaking quickly he said, “Whoever they send as my replacement—you must accept him. Don’t let them see that it matters. This will assuage their fears that we are connected by more than a contract.”

  He stopped a moment, and Aria felt tears overflowing, though she knew she had to remain strong as Ronan wanted. He took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly and said,

  “Now remember, whoever takes my place, for I am sure now that is what they intend, do what he asks of you and enjoy the few days until we meet again. Give yourself to him as if he were me.” Aria started to protest, and of course, Ronan could read her jumbled thoughts and sense her desire to be true to him. He smiled reassuringly and said, “Jealousy is not a human trait I have much use for, little one. You will be doing this for me. For us.”



  “But Ronan! How? They’ll know. They’ll look in my mind and read it all there as plain as day. They’ll know my heart belongs…” she trailed off, suddenly shy, feeling heat bloom on her cheeks. Never before had a man, not since her first love, affected her as this one did. And now he was to be taken from her.

  “No, I can give you a mind block. A shield. Many humans find it disconcerting when we peer into their heads and they insist that we stop.”

  “But you said before—”

  He cut her off, smiling sardonically, “It wasn’t what you truly wanted, dear heart. In truth, which you will acknowledge if you a
re honest with yourself, you loved the fact that I could see into your dreams, into your heart. It freed you from having to defend yourself. From having to always maintain that powerful façade that you show to all the worlds.”

  Aria gasped, silenced by this admission, its truth resonating within her. Ronan sat up again, looking toward the door. “We only have a minute or so. Close your eyes and sit still a moment. I will give you the mind block. They will sense it at once and not attempt to penetrate your thoughts. You won’t be at a disadvantage, at least in that regard.”

  Aria closed her eyes and Ronan closed his as well, placing his hands on her temples. After a moment he said, “It is done.”

  There was a knock at the door.


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  Chapter Eight

  Aria had expected to see a group of Elders such as had been in attendance when she danced at the Meeting House or some kind of armed guards. She was half-prepared for them to be carrying handcuffs or the “punishment cane”, ready to escort Ronan to Erosian Thought Prison for his subversive feelings!

  She’d barely had time to process what he had been telling her. The admission of his love for her she stored like a little pearl in her consciousness, to take out and savor when it was safe to do so. For now she steeled herself, ready to fight to protect her man. But instead of aliens, armed or otherwise, another human being stood outside the door when Ronan opened it. Ronan squeezed Aria’s hand reassuringly and whispered,

  “Remember my promise.” A man entered the room, smiling at the two of them. He was breathtakingly handsome, a fact that Aria couldn’t help but notice. His long dark hair gleamed blue-black in the fading sunlight, and his features were strong and even, from his high forehead to his firm jaw. Aria realized with a sudden jolt that he was the spitting image of the cover from a romance novel she had read on the ship flight here!

  Only the golden eyes betrayed him.

  Unlike the complex memories and dreams that had allowed them to create Ronan’s human shape for her, based on her first true love, this man had clearly been “thrown together”, grabbing the first image, closest to the surface of her subconscious. He stood now, tall and strong, muscles brimming against his white shirt, his sizable endowment clearly outlined in black close-fitting pants. He was sexy, in a romance novel kind of way.

  But he wasn’t Ronan, and Aria found herself curiously disturbed at how they were able to take images from her brain like this and manipulate her feelings as a result. It had been well and good when she’d signed up for it, but this change of events had unnerved her. All these thoughts tumbled over themselves as she tried to come to grips with her bizarre new situation. “Ronan,” he said heartily, his voice deep and masculine.

  “You’ve been called away on very important business. It can’t wait. I have been given the privilege of tending your slave girl in your absence. And from the look of her, I’d say it’s a very high privilege indeed! Girl!” He turned his attentions to Aria. “Let’s see your form. Strip!”

  Aria was reminded of her first night with Ronan. Of her shock, and secret arousal at his insistence that she strip and submit to his attentions. This man was following the same formula, it appeared, reading in her psyche that this behavior excited her and would provide her with pleasure.



  She turned to Ronan, uncertain, unwilling to obey this new “master”. “Not very obedient, is she, Ronan?” The man chuckled. “Perhaps it’s because I failed to observe the human ritual greeting. Please introduce us, Ronan.”

  Ronan moved forward and said, “Aria, this is Mordan. He will be your pleasure guide for the rest of the week. My apologies on the short notice. You are to obey Mordan in all things, or pay the price. Am I clear?” Mordan grinned, nodding his agreement.

  Aria started to object, but Ronan’s urgent words were branded in her mind. She was certain what was now happening wasn’t part of any scripted role-playing. She and Ronan were engaged in a secret battle for survival—the survival of their fledgling love. Ronan interrupted her thoughts. His voice sounded formal, almost distant. “It’s been a pleasure serving you. I take my leave with your beauty imprinted upon my heart.” He bowed low, gave a nod to Mordan and was gone.

  Aria stared at the closed door, momentarily stunned. Yes, he had warned her that this would happen but now that it had, and so suddenly, she felt winded as if she’d been punched in the stomach. Ronan was gone. She wanted him back! Her whole being seemed to scream this one thought. Suddenly she whipped about to face the hulking, handsome man before her. Had he read her thoughts?

  She let out a little breath of relief, as Mordan simply stood staring impassively at her, his impossibly red lips curled into a devilish smile. “Not used to being handed over, eh?” he said, leering toward her. Her first impulse was to slap his face. How dare he assume she was some actual slave girl, eager to be used by whatever good-looking man happened to be handy? She started to retort, forgetting already Ronan’s admonitions to “go along” with things.

  But Mordan interrupted, “Please calm your mind, dear lady,” his voice soothing.

  “Perhaps I was hasty in my command that you disrobe. This must be a shock, this sudden change of partners. It is rare, but if you read your contract carefully, you will see in clause 27B, subsection 24, that it does occur and doesn’t void the contract per se.”

  Aria just stared at him, saying nothing. She didn’t know exactly what she was feeling, her thoughts were still spinning around the man who was no longer there. She felt suddenly as if she was part of some kind of spy story—an agent with a secret mission. The image empowered her somehow and she stood a little taller, facing her assigned “lover”.

  “Let’s have some tea, and then we shall get to know one another better,” Mordan said, taking her arm. He led her to the table, moving about busily as he prepared the food and drink. At last, he sat down, setting out a pretty arrangement of little cakes and tarts as he poured a fragrant hot tea into a ceramic cup. Holding it out to her he said, “Your reputation precedes you, did you know that, Aria? I have heard talk already about your splendid dance at the Member House. Perhaps I shall require a command performance later on.”


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  Aria smiled a little. For a moment, she felt a small, surging pride at his compliment. Then her mind clouded again, as she saw Ronan, his eyes ablaze with lust and possessive pride as she moved and writhed in tantalizing circles around him. She considered screaming, demanding a refund, insisting on seeing the Elders to make her case. She considered using her considerable clout and power in the Unified Planetary System to demand the return of Ronan at once! Somehow, she doubted if that power would hold sway here. She knew it would be useless to stamp her feet and wave her fists. Almost as if he were speaking aloud to her, she heard Ronan’s words, entreating her to wait for him. He would come for her. Aria, who had never fully trusted a man before, not in ways of the heart, found that she did trust Ronan. Though she had never dreamed her trust would be put to such a test, she felt it now in her bones. All she had to do was get through these next few days. Ronan hadn’t told her how or when he would come. She would have to leave that to her lord and master. Smiling at Mordan, she took a sip of her tea. Still not entirely trusting the mind block, she gazed up innocently through her lashes, trying to read his expression. He smiled back, his face a handsome blank. Feeling more assured, she said, “This is all so sudden, Mordan. I’m sure you understand it’s been something of a surprise for me.”

  “Yes, I can see where it must be,” he nodded. “These things do happen, from time to time. Please don’t take it as a reflection upon you, dear lady. I assure you that is not the case.” As he spoke, he looked her brazenly up and down. Aria, still in her robe, clutched it more tightly around herself.

  “You have three days left,” he went on. “I am deeply honored to have been chosen as your partner for those remaining days. I hope to make the rest of y
our stay here as exciting as your first days have been.”

  He waved his arm, saying, “There are so many things yet to do. I want to take you sailing. To see your long hair, gleaming silver in the sunlight, your lovely form outlined against the sea! Truly, lady, you are poetry in motion.”

  He touched her arm now. She saw that his fingers, unlike Ronan’s long tapered ones, were thick and blunt. Mordan was literally a Hercules of a man. The fact that he was so like a myth, like a romance novel jacket, somehow made this whole peculiar charade she was about to partake in easier to bear. He said, “That is not all I want. I want to strip you bare and taste the fruit of your sex. I want to hold you in my arms and claim you as you crave. I’ll teach you the submission you are just barely beginning to recognize in yourself.”

  Oh! Pretty words. If only it were Ronan speaking them. At first, he had drawn the words directly from her own secret fantasies. But somehow together they had forged a magical bond of dominance and submission that suited Aria perfectly. She longed for him now. Again, as if he were speaking inside of her head, she heard his words, instructing her to accept whatever man they sent in his stead. To submit to that man as if he were Ronan himself. You will be doing this for me. For us, he had said. 44


  Mordan’s fingers grazed along her bare arm. Despite herself, she responded to it unintentionally, feeling a little thrill as he moved toward her collarbone and to the top of her breast.

  “Aria,” Mordan said, “stand up and take off this useless garment. Let me see you naked.” As he spoke, he stood, pulling her up easily with one hand. Her instinct was to clutch at her robe more tightly—to resist this bold swashbuckler. Mordan, noting her reticence, threw back his head and laughed, his chuckle deep and open. “Ah, the frightened little virgin, is it? I do so enjoy that particular human game. But no one will save you here, my lady. We’re all alone. You belong to me, for whatever time we have left. I will leave you weak with satisfied pleasure. You are my captive slave girl for the duration. I am going to use you until you weep.”


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