Book Read Free

The World Set Free

Page 11

by H. G. Wells

  main canal from Zaandam and Amsterdam was hopelessly jammed with

  craft, and we were glad of a chance opening that enabled us to

  get out of the main column and lie up in a kind of little harbour

  very much neglected and weedgrown before a deserted house. We

  broke into this and found some herrings in a barrel, a heap of

  cheeses, and stone bottles of gin in the cellar; and with this I

  cheered my starving men. We made fires and toasted the cheese and

  grilled our herrings. None of us had slept for nearly forty

  hours, and I determined to stay in this refuge until dawn and

  then if the traffic was still choked leave the barge and march

  the rest of the way into Alkmaar.

  'This place we had got into was perhaps a hundred yards from the

  canal and underneath a little brick bridge we could see the

  flotilla still, and hear the voices of the soldiers. Presently

  five or six other barges came through and lay up in the meer near

  by us, and with two of these, full of men of the Antrim regiment,

  I shared my find of provisions. In return we got tobacco. A

  large expanse of water spread to the westward of us and beyond

  were a cluster of roofs and one or two church towers. The barge

  was rather cramped for so many men, and I let several squads,

  thirty or forty perhaps altogether, bivouac on the bank. I did

  not let them go into the house on account of the furniture, and I

  left a note of indebtedness for the food we had taken. We were

  particularly glad of our tobacco and fires, because of the

  numerous mosquitoes that rose about us.

  'The gate of the house from which we had provisioned ourselves

  was adorned with the legend, Vreugde bij Vrede, "Joy with Peace,"

  and it bore every mark of the busy retirement of a comfort-loving

  proprietor. I went along his garden, which was gay and delightful

  with big bushes of rose and sweet brier, to a quaint little

  summer-house, and there I sat and watched the men in groups

  cooking and squatting along the bank. The sun was setting in a

  nearly cloudless sky.

  'For the last two weeks I had been a wholly occupied man, intent

  only upon obeying the orders that came down to me. All through

  this time I had been working to the very limit of my mental and

  physical faculties, and my only moments of rest had been devoted

  to snatches of sleep. Now came this rare, unexpected interlude,

  and I could look detachedly upon what I was doing and feel

  something of its infinite wonderfulness. I was irradiated with

  affection for the men of my company and with admiration at their

  cheerful acquiescence in the subordination and needs of our

  positions. I watched their proceedings and heard their pleasant

  voices. How willing those men were! How ready to accept

  leadership and forget themselves in collective ends! I thought

  how manfully they had gone through all the strains and toil of

  the last two weeks, how they had toughened and shaken down to

  comradeship together, and how much sweetness there is after all

  in our foolish human blood. For they were just one casual sample

  of the species-their patience and readiness lay, as the energy

  of the atom had lain, still waiting to be properly utilised.

  Again it came to me with overpowering force that the supreme need

  of our race is leading, that the supreme task is to discover

  leading, to forget oneself in realising the collective purpose of

  the race. Once more I saw life plain…'

  Very characteristic is that of the 'rather too corpulent' young

  officer, who was afterwards to set it all down in the Wander

  Jahre. Very characteristic, too, it is of the change in men's

  hearts that was even then preparing a new phase of human history.

  He goes on to write of the escape from individuality in science

  and service, and of his discovery of this 'salvation.' All that

  was then, no doubt, very moving and original; now it seems only

  the most obvious commonplace of human life.

  The glow of the sunset faded, the twilight deepened into night.

  The fires burnt the brighter, and some Irishmen away across the

  meer started singing. But Barnet's men were too weary for that

  sort of thing, and soon the bank and the barge were heaped with

  sleeping forms.

  'I alone seemed unable to sleep. I suppose I was over-weary, and

  after a little feverish slumber by the tiller of the barge I sat

  up, awake and uneasy…

  'That night Holland seemed all sky. There was just a little

  black lower rim to things, a steeple, perhaps, or a line of

  poplars, and then the great hemisphere swept over us. As at

  first the sky was empty. Yet my uneasiness referred itself in

  some vague way to the sky.

  'And now I was melancholy. I found something strangely sorrowful

  and submissive in the sleepers all about me, those men who had

  marched so far, who had left all the established texture of their

  lives behind them to come upon this mad campaign, this campaign

  that signified nothing and consumed everything, this mere fever

  of fighting. I saw how little and feeble is the life of man, a

  thing of chances, preposterously unable to find the will to

  realise even the most timid of its dreams. And I wondered if

  always it would be so, if man was a doomed animal who would never

  to the last days of his time take hold of fate and change it to

  his will. Always, it may be, he will remain kindly but jealous,

  desirous but discursive, able and unwisely impulsive, until

  Saturn who begot him shall devour him in his turn…

  'I was roused from these thoughts by the sudden realisation of

  the presence of a squadron of aeroplanes far away to the

  north-east and very high. They looked like little black dashes

  against the midnight blue. I remember that I looked up at them at

  first rather idly-as one might notice a flight of birds. Then I

  perceived that they were only the extreme wing of a great fleet

  that was advancing in a long line very swiftly from the direction

  of the frontier and my attention tightened.

  'Directly I saw that fleet I was astonished not to have seen it


  'I stood up softly, undesirous of disturbing my companions, but

  with my heart beating now rather more rapidly with surprise and

  excitement. I strained my ears for any sound of guns along our

  front. Almost instinctively I turned about for protection to the

  south and west, and peered; and then I saw coming as fast and

  much nearer to me, as if they had sprung out of the darkness,

  three banks of aeroplanes; a group of squadrons very high, a main

  body at a height perhaps of one or two thousand feet, and a

  doubtful number flying low and very indistinct. The middle ones

  were so thick they kept putting out groups of stars. And I

  realised that after all there was to be fighting in the air.

  'There was something extraordinarily strange in this swift,

  noiseless convergence of nearly invisible combatants above the

  sleeping hosts. Every one about me was still unconscious; there

  was no sign as yet of any agitation among t
he shipping on the

  main canal, whose whole course, dotted with unsuspicious lights

  and fringed with fires, must have been clearly perceptible from

  above. Then a long way off towards Alkmaar I heard bugles, and

  after that shots, and then a wild clamour of bells. I determined

  to let my men sleep on for as long as they could…

  'The battle was joined with the swiftness of dreaming. I do not

  think it can have been five minutes from the moment when I first

  became aware of the Central European air fleet to the contact of

  the two forces. I saw it quite plainly in silhouette against the

  luminous blue of the northern sky. The allied aeroplanes-they

  were mostly French-came pouring down like a fierce shower upon

  the middle of the Central European fleet. They looked exactly

  like a coarser sort of rain. There was a crackling sound-the

  first sound I heard-it reminded one of the Aurora Borealis, and

  I supposed it was an interchange of rifle shots. There were

  flashes like summer lightning; and then all the sky became a

  whirling confusion of battle that was still largely noiseless.

  Some of the Central European aeroplanes were certainly charged

  and overset; others seemed to collapse and fall and then flare

  out with so bright a light that it took the edge off one's vision

  and made the rest of the battle disappear as though it had been

  snatched back out of sight.

  'And then, while I still peered and tried to shade these flames

  from my eyes with my hand, and while the men about me were

  beginning to stir, the atomic bombs were thrown at the dykes.

  They made a mighty thunder in the air, and fell like Lucifer in

  the picture, leaving a flaring trail in the sky. The night,

  which had been pellucid and detailed and eventful, seemed to

  vanish, to be replaced abruptly by a black background to these

  tremendous pillars of fire…

  'Hard upon the sound of them came a roaring wind, and the sky was

  filled with flickering lightnings and rushing clouds…

  'There was something discontinuous in this impact. At one moment

  I was a lonely watcher in a sleeping world; the next saw every

  one about me afoot, the whole world awake and amazed…

  'And then the wind had struck me a buffet, taken my helmet and

  swept aside the summerhouse of Vreugde bij Vrede, as a scythe

  sweeps away grass. I saw the bombs fall, and then watched a great

  crimson flare leap responsive to each impact, and mountainous

  masses of red-lit steam and flying fragments clamber up towards

  the zenith. Against the glare I saw the country-side for miles

  standing black and clear, churches, trees, chimneys. And

  suddenly I understood. The Central Europeans had burst the dykes.

  Those flares meant the bursting of the dykes, and in a little

  while the sea-water would be upon us…'

  He goes on to tell with a certain prolixity of the steps he

  took-and all things considered they were very intelligent

  steps-to meet this amazing crisis. He got his men aboard and

  hailed the adjacent barges; he got the man who acted as barge

  engineer at his post and the engines working, he cast loose from

  his moorings. Then he bethought himself of food, and contrived to

  land five men, get in a few dozen cheeses, and ship his men again

  before the inundation reached them.

  He is reasonably proud of this piece of coolness. His idea was

  to take the wave head-on and with his engines full speed ahead.

  And all the while he was thanking heaven he was not in the jam of

  traffic in the main canal. He rather, I think, overestimated the

  probable rush of waters; he dreaded being swept away, he

  explains, and smashed against houses and trees.

  He does not give any estimate of the time it took between the

  bursting of the dykes and the arrival of the waters, but it was

  probably an interval of about twenty minutes or half an hour. He

  was working now in darkness-save for the light of his

  lantern-and in a great wind. He hung out head and stern


  Whirling torrents of steam were pouring up from the advancing

  waters, which had rushed, it must be remembered, through nearly

  incandescent gaps in the sea defences, and this vast uprush of

  vapour soon veiled the flaring centres of explosion altogether.

  'The waters came at last, an advancing cascade. It was like a

  broad roller sweeping across the country. They came with a deep,

  roaring sound. I had expected a Niagara, but the total fall of

  the front could not have been much more than twelve feet. Our

  barge hesitated for a moment, took a dose over her bows, and then

  lifted. I signalled for full speed ahead and brought her head

  upstream, and held on like grim death to keep her there.

  'There was a wind about as strong as the flood, and I found we

  were pounding against every conceivable buoyant object that had

  been between us and the sea. The only light in the world now

  came from our lamps, the steam became impenetrable at a score of

  yards from the boat, and the roar of the wind and water cut us

  off from all remoter sounds. The black, shining waters swirled

  by, coming into the light of our lamps out of an ebony blackness

  and vanishing again into impenetrable black. And on the waters

  came shapes, came things that flashed upon us for a moment, now a

  half-submerged boat, now a cow, now a huge fragment of a house's

  timberings, now a muddle of packing-cases and scaffolding. The

  things clapped into sight like something shown by the opening of

  a shutter, and then bumped shatteringly against us or rushed by

  us. Once I saw very clearly a man's white face…

  'All the while a group of labouring, half-submerged trees

  remained ahead of us, drawing very slowly nearer. I steered a

  course to avoid them. They seemed to gesticulate a frantic

  despair against the black steam clouds behind. Once a great

  branch detached itself and tore shuddering by me. We did, on the

  whole, make headway. The last I saw of Vreugde bij Vrede before

  the night swallowed it, was almost dead astern of us…'

  Section 9

  Morning found Barnet still afloat. The bows of his barge had

  been badly strained, and his men were pumping or baling in

  relays. He had got about a dozen half-drowned people aboard whose

  boat had capsized near him, and he had three other boats in tow.

  He was afloat, and somewhere between Amsterdam and Alkmaar, but

  he could not tell where. It was a day that was still half night.

  Gray waters stretched in every direction under a dark gray sky,

  and out of the waves rose the upper parts of houses, in many

  cases ruined, the tops of trees, windmills, in fact the upper

  third of all the familiar Dutch scenery; and on it there drifted

  a dimly seen flotilla of barges, small boats, many overturned,

  furniture, rafts, timbering, and miscellaneous objects.

  The drowned were under water that morning. Only here and there

  did a dead cow or a stiff figure still clinging stoutly to a box

  or chair or such-like buoy hint at the hidden massacre. It was

; not till the Thursday that the dead came to the surface in any

  quantity. The view was bounded on every side by a gray mist that

  closed overhead in a gray canopy. The air cleared in the

  afternoon, and then, far away to the west under great banks of

  steam and dust, the flaming red eruption of the atomic bombs came

  visible across the waste of water.

  They showed flat and sullen through the mist, like London

  sunsets. 'They sat upon the sea,' says Barnet, 'like frayed-out

  waterlilies of flame.'

  Barnet seems to have spent the morning in rescue work along the

  track of the canal, in helping people who were adrift, in picking

  up derelict boats, and in taking people out of imperilled houses.

  He found other military barges similarly employed, and it was

  only as the day wore on and the immediate appeals for aid were

  satisfied that he thought of food and drink for his men, and what

  course he had better pursue. They had a little cheese, but no

  water. 'Orders,' that mysterious direction, had at last

  altogether disappeared. He perceived he had now to act upon his

  own responsibility.

  'One's sense was of a destruction so far-reaching and of a world

  so altered that it seemed foolish to go in any direction and

  expect to find things as they had been before the war began. I

  sat on the quarter-deck with Mylius my engineer and Kemp and two

  others of the non-commissioned officers, and we consulted upon

  our line of action. We were foodless and aimless. We agreed

  that our fighting value was extremely small, and that our first

  duty was to get ourselves in touch with food and instructions

  again. Whatever plan of campaign had directed our movements was

  manifestly smashed to bits. Mylius was of opinion that we could

  take a line westward and get back to England across the North

  Sea. He calculated that with such a motor barge as ours it would

  be possible to reach the Yorkshire coast within four-and-twenty

  hours. But this idea I overruled because of the shortness of our

  provisions, and more particularly because of our urgent need of


  'Every boat we drew near now hailed us for water, and their

  demands did much to exasperate our thirst. I decided that if we

  went away to the south we should reach hilly country, or at least

  country that was not submerged, and then we should be able to


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