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Broken Together

Page 40

by K. S. Ruff

  “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ,” rang through the garden.

  Father Ramires set his Bible on the small table to his left. “Through the sacrament of marriage you become a conduit for God’s love. His love flows through you, strengthening your union, your family and friends, the communities where you reside, and all of the other lives you touch. And so, this marriage is not just about you. You have been called to serve others. This is a responsibility you regularly embrace, but it can feel overwhelming at times. There will be times when you question whether you have anything left to give. The good news is this… like all sacraments, this sacrament brings grace. God’s grace will strengthen your ability to give and receive love. By reserving a place for him in your relationship you will strengthen your ability to love and care for one another and for others.” He smiled. “Rafael and Kristine, you have declared your intention to enter into holy matrimony. Please face your beloved and join hands while you declare your consent.”

  I handed Lexie my bouquet so I could place my chilly fingers in Rafael’s warm hands. My heart stalled the moment our eyes met. I fell into his eyes and saw Rafael for the very first time… the devastatingly handsome man, the archangel with healing powers, the gallant knight, the passionate lover, and the doting husband who was on the cusp of becoming a father. In that moment, I fell hopelessly and irrevocably in love with him. So powerful were the feelings that evoked that I nearly collapsed.

  A well-muscled arm locked around my back. Rafael dragged me to his chest. His right hand still clenched my left. “I, Rafael Tiago Garcia, take you, Kristine Annabelle Stone, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish through life and in death.”

  His heart thundered against my chest. Our breath mingled, our lips mere inches apart, as he awaited my response. I stared, thoroughly transfixed by the passion burning in his eyes. Breathlessly, I offered the same solemn vow. “I, Kristine Annabelle Stone, take you, Rafael Tiago Garcia, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish through life and in death.”

  He lowered his lips to mine. The garden glowed in the early morning light while our souls entwined.

  “You have declared your consent before God and these witnesses. What God has joined, let no man separate,” Father Ramires announced loudly.

  Rafael froze just before our lips met. My cheeks flushed red. I’d forgotten Father Ramires was there, not to mention our guests.

  “May I have the rings?” Father Ramires continued.

  Benjamim held our wedding bands in the palm of his hand.

  Father Ramires made the sign of the cross over the rings. “May the Lord bless these rings, which are offered as a token of your love and fidelity.” He handed Rafael my wedding band.

  Rafael placed the ring on my finger. “I offer this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

  Father Ramires handed me Rafael’s wedding band.

  I slid it over Rafael’s finger. “I offer this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

  Chief D’Souza handed Father Ramires a black velvet bag. I hadn’t a clue what the bag contained or why it was being included in the ceremony.

  Father Ramires made the sign of the cross over the bag. “May the Lord bless these coins, which symbolize Rafael’s desire to share all that he has with his beloved.” He handed Rafael the bag.

  Rafael placed the soft velvet bag in the palm of my hand. “On the day that my parents were married, my father offered these coins to my mother while he vowed to share everything he had with her. I offer you these same coins while I repeat that promise. My love, I offer you every possession I have, and I promise to provide and care for you always.”

  My throat clogged with tears. “Thank you,” I finally whispered.

  “Please kneel,” Father Ramires encouraged.

  I passed the coins to Lexie.

  Rafael clasped my hand as we kneeled. Father Ramires offered the Eucharistic prayer. We sang “Holy, holy, holy,” before joining him in the Lord’s Prayer. Tears crept through my lashes when he prayed over us. Warmth flooded me as Rafael and I shared our first communion together. God cemented his place in our relationship as we accepted the body and blood of Christ.

  Father Ramires offered one final blessing while he made the sign of the cross. “May the Lord bless your marriage with good health, happiness, and love. May he surround you with family and friends who will share your joys and support you through the trials to come. May he fill your home with children, with family, and friends. May he strengthen your faith in him and your commitment to one another. May he guide you on the paths of righteousness and protect you as you serve others. May he strengthen you, comfort you, and bring you peace.”

  “Amen,” we replied.

  Father Ramires helped me from the kneeler before turning us around. “I present to you… Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Garcia!”

  Cheers erupted when Rafael swept me into his arms. He grinned as he held me suspended a few inches above him. Slowly, he allowed me to slide down his chest until our lips met. My arms locked around his neck as he lowered me to his chest.

  Rafael’s lips slanted over mine. His tongue sought mine in a provocative kiss that felt far more carnal than it should have. Desire sparked across every nerve ending, but the baby chose that precise moment to deliver a hefty kick.

  Rafael’s eyes widened as he broke the kiss. “Was that…”

  I laughed. “Undeniably, yes.”

  His eyes lit with joy as he swung me around again.

  Our friends and family clapped while he clasped my hand and led me down the aisle.

  Father Ramires encouraged our guests to walk down to the pond so they could enjoy pastries and drinks while we took pictures with the wedding party.

  Rafael had other plans. Instead of taking the trail that circled back toward the palace, he swept my legs out from under me and carried me down a different trail. Benjamim and Lexie must have diverted everyone else toward the palace because no one followed us.

  Rafael stumbled inside an abandoned stable. Grudgingly, he released me. “I want to feel the baby again.”

  I tried not to laugh. “Your child kicks when he wants to, not when you command it.”

  He dropped to his knees. His hands splayed over my stomach. “Please kick.”

  I held my breath while we waited for the baby to respond.

  He didn’t.

  Rafael eyed my sandals as he lifted my dress. “God, I love those shoes… and this dress was nearly the death of me. I had to recite soccer plays while you walked down the aisle, and when I felt those pearls against your back…” A low growl percolated in his chest.

  I stood spellbound while he lifted the dress.

  He nuzzled my tummy.

  My hands fisted in his hair. I leaned back against the wall. My nipples hardened as my body responded to his heated breath. “Rafael.”

  His eyes darkened as he gazed up at me.

  My eyes slid closed. “I need…”

  “Here?” His fingers clenched my thong as he awaited my response.

  “Here,” I pleaded. “Now.”

  His tongue teased my core while the thong fell to the floor. Over and over he stroked until my body began to tense. He pulled my leg over his shoulder, clamped down, and sucked. Hard.

  “Rafael!” I screamed. My body convulsed as the orgasm tore through me. He pinned me to the wall as he continued the assault. A second climax ripped through me.

  Rafael stood. I trembled, still basking in the pleasure pulsing through me. His eyes heated. His lips demanded mine. “Kristine,” he groaned. He lifted me and thrust.

  My arms and legs locked around his massive frame. Rafael’s hands protected my back while he drove ins
ide of me. Again and again he thrust until our bodies spiraled out of control. There was nothing gentle about this lovemaking. This was raw, unadulterated sex fueled by lust.

  “Rafael,” I cried. I couldn’t believe he was about to wring a third orgasm from me in less than fifteen minutes’ time.

  He thrust forcefully… stilled… then flooded me with heat.

  I disintegrated in his arms.

  His eyes sought mine while our breathing slowed.

  We both gasped when the baby flipped in what quite obviously was not a kick. This was a full body roll.

  “How soon can we leave the reception?” Rafael growled.

  I winced. “Three, maybe four, hours?”

  He offered me a pained expression.

  We pulled our clothes back into place, then strolled back to the palace hand in hand. I felt sated and blissfully content.

  The wedding party was looking for us inside the palace. Benjamim winked while Lexie smirked. I ducked inside the piano room so I could freshen up. We spent a half hour with the photographer before seeking out our guests.

  I stopped to admire the gardens on our way to the reception. Birds of Paradise perched in front of the palace. Wisteria crept over stone ledges to kiss the mossy green walls along the stone steps leading to the pond. Bright pink flowers bloomed in the Rhododendron trees while lush ferns, violets, and primrose framed the endless expanse of lawn. Beyond that, a lush green forest blanketed the surrounding hilltops.

  Our caterer was working inside a large white tent next to the pond. A handful of waiters were carrying platters of fish, ham, and prime rib to the banquet tables, while others distributed drinks and offered breakfast pastries. An unfathomable amount of food crowded six long banquet tables. The chef appeared to be serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner all at once.

  Tables and chairs dressed in stark white linens sat alongside the sparkling pond. Two black swans drifted curiously toward our guests, presumably looking for bread. A jazz vocalist and her band were performing next to the parquet floor, although no one was dancing… yet.

  The jazz vocalist announced our arrival mid-song. “Please join me in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Garcia!”

  Cheers echoed all around us.

  Rafael tucked me beneath his arm while we crossed the dance floor. The jazz vocalist handed him the microphone. “Thank you for being here today. Our chef has prepared an exquisite meal. Hopefully, this makes up for the fact that we dragged you out of bed at such an ungodly hour.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  A waiter delivered two champagne flutes, which he carried on top of a silver platter. Rafael’s glass was filled with champagne. Mine was filled with orange juice. Our guests were already holding flutes filled with champagne or mimosa, although some were sipping bica.

  “I’d like to feed my bride. I promise we’ll circulate as soon as we’ve had an opportunity to eat. The caterer is serving brunch buffet style so please grab your plates and join us. In the meantime, I’d like to propose a toast to this stunning woman standing beside me.”

  His eyes sought mine. “Thank you for leading me away from the cold and vengeful path I was on. You have gifted me with so much… faith, hope, friendship, laughter, passion, love, a new family, supportive friends, and more reasons for living than I can possibly cite. I no longer feel the need to avenge my parents’ death. I know now that I can honor their lives, their love for one another, for Michael, and me; by embracing life, by loving you, and cherishing all of the good things in my life. I’m still determined to make this world a safer place, but I’ve come to realize that I am more capable of achieving that goal with you standing by my side. To you, Kristine… my angel, my lover, and friend.” Rafael entwined his arm with mine while we drank to his toast.

  We loaded our plates with traditional Portuguese and American dishes before claiming our seats at the head table. Rafael asked our attendants to walk through the buffet with us, so they too were settling in with their plates.

  Kimme dropped into the chair directly across from me. “This place is unbelievable. The palace is exquisite, but the gardens… the gardens are truly breathtaking. I swear my heart stopped when the sun crept over the horizon. I feel like we’ve stumbled into an enchanted garden. I mean… how is this even real?”

  I smiled, secretly thrilled. “The gardens extend far beyond the palace. You should walk the grounds after we eat.”

  Kadyn pulled a chair out for Shae. “I’m surprised Maxim didn’t show.”

  “Me too.” Jase scoured the surrounding forest.

  I registered his absence with disappointment and relief. “I’m sure he has more pressing matters to tend to.”

  Cenia looked up from her plate. “Where are you going for your honeymoon?”

  “That’s a surprise,” Rafael answered smugly.

  “Italy?” Kimme guessed.

  “Fiji!” Shae exclaimed.

  “Belize?” Ethan ventured.

  “Spain,” Marie added.

  Rafael laughed.

  “We should place bets,” Cenia suggested. “The winner gets to be the newlyweds’ first dinner guest when they get back.”

  “Count me in,” Kadyn replied, “but I want to choose the dish.”

  “Clam linguine?” I guessed.

  “What else?” He grinned.

  “When are you planning to return?” Lexie inquired worriedly. I could tell she was thinking about the baby.

  I glanced at Rafael.

  “We hope to wrap up the investigation by the end of June,” Chief D’Souza confirmed. “We still have a few preliminary hearings to get through, and we need Rafael to testify against any defendants who go to trial.”

  “Why can’t you live here?” Eva pouted.

  “We’ll be dividing our time between both countries,” I assured her.

  Marie set her fork down. “What about work?”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. “Seeds for Peace has agreed to hire me on a consulting basis, as my schedule allows. I plan to volunteer at the Casa Pia Orphanage or find another NGO to work for while in Portugal.”

  “I manage finances for an NGO with a humanitarian arm. I can help you secure a job there,” Benjamim offered.

  Rafael brought my hand to his lips. “I think you would really enjoy working for them.” By “them” he meant the Templar.

  I nodded, although intimidated by the idea. “I’ll e-mail my curriculum vitae to Benjamim when we return.”

  Rafael eyed my empty plate. “Shall we cut the wedding cake?”

  “Sure.” I pressed a kiss to his cheek when he helped me to my feet.

  We visited with our remaining guests before seeking out the cake table. I had caught a glimpse of the cake earlier, but this was my first opportunity to see it up close. Deep purple roses sat atop the four tier cake. A variety of purple flowers were scattered along the remaining tiers. The bright white icing was decorated in alternating patterns. The bottom and third tier were carved in a flawless diamond pattern, while the second and top tier boasted an intricate filigree design that mirrored the filigree carvings above the arches and windows inside the palace.

  “It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

  Rafael tensed.

  Confused, I followed his gaze. My heart stalled. I reached for the hand painted matryoshka dolls. The nesting dolls were painted with painstaking precision… a blond bride with blue eyes, fair skin, and soft pink cheeks… and a dark haired groom with brown eyes and caramel colored skin. The bride looked angelic, but the groom had a fierce look on his face. “Maxim,” I breathed.

  Rafael scoured the gardens. “How? Surely, someone would have seen him. Could someone else have delivered these for him?”

  My thumb grazed the groom’s face. “I don’t know. Konstantin and Oni aren’t here. I suppose he could have given these to the pastry chef or the caterer. If Maxim were here, he would have stayed and spoken with us.”

  Rafael drew me close. “He may have felt uncomfortable.”

  “Maybe,” I murmured.

  For some reason, that thought weighed heavy on my heart.

  * * * * *

  I pushed up from Rafael’s chest. “Greece? Did Kari just say Greece?”

  Rafael smiled without opening his eyes. “Yes. I’ve rented a villa on Santorini Island.”

  I opened both of his eyes with my thumbs. “Santorini… as in the Greek Island with white washed houses; an active volcano; a crater filled with water; and beaches filled with red, black, and white lava pebbles?” I had just read about this island in one of the travel magazines at the spa!

  Rafael chuckled. “That sounds about right.”

  “Yes!” I dove for the suitcase Rafael had stashed inside the closet. “That’s awesome. No. That’s more than awesome. That’s perfect. I’ve always wanted to visit Greece.”

  Rafael kissed my neck when he joined me. “You should pick a sun dress or shorts. It’s very warm there.” Thankfully, he had encouraged me to buy a swimsuit and a couple of summer dresses for our honeymoon. Eva helped me shop for loose fitting clothes since I wasn’t quite ready for maternity wear.

  Another “ding” sounded over the intercom. “Kalispera. This is your pilot, Captain Anderson. A brilliant blue Aegean Sea and a balmy seventy-four degrees await us in Santorini. The local time is six-ten p.m. We’ll be landing in thirty minutes.”

  I pulled a light blue halter dress from the suitcase. The empire waist was comfortable and helped hide my tummy.

  Rafael tugged on a loose-fitting pair of faded blue jeans before pulling a white t-shirt over his head.

  My jaw dropped. “You look really sexy.” I’d never seen him in such light colors before. The tousled hair and the mischievous spark in his eyes didn’t help. We hadn’t had sex since our tryst in the stables. We were both so exhausted when we boarded the jet that we went straight to bed and slept, a fact I was now regretting.


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