by Johnny Satan
Q: Do you remember what you were carrying?
A: I was carrying a gun and a knife.
Q: Did you pass any buildings, any houses on the way up the hill?
A: Yeah, I believe there were houses on one side and on the other was hills and rocks and things like that.
Q: How were you dressed?
A: I had on Jeans and a black shirt, I believe.
Q: How about the girls?
A: They all looked kind of like I did.
Q: In what respect?
A: The same kind of clothes kind of thing.
Q: Do you remember how you were carrying the knife?
A: I had the knife in one hand and I had that gun in the other hand.
Q: And were you carrying them exposed that way as you walked up the hill?
A: I was carrying them just the way they were given to me.
Q: What sort of knife did you have, Charles, if you remember?
A: I know it didn’t have a handle on it; it was just a piece of metal.
Q: Do you mean there was no wood on the part that you grasp?
A: Right, yeah; there wasn’t any, it was just a piece of metal.
Q: Did it have anything wrapped around it?
A: No, not that I know of. I didn’t look that close.
Q: Now, as you passed these houses and approached this house on Cielo Drive, Terry Melcher’s old house, were you aware of a gate?
A: No, we just walked right up to the fence and started over the fence; there wasn’t really — more of a gate, I don’t know.
Q: Had you ever been to this house before?
A: Yes, I had.
Q: On how many occasions?
A: I’d say three.
Q: Do you remember how you got into the house — or, strike that. Do you remember how you got up the driveway on the other three occasions?
A: Yes, there’s a button outside the gate.
Q: What do you do to the button?
A: You push the button and the gate swings open.
Q: Did you do that on this night of August the 8th?
A: No, we did not.
Q: Did anybody push the button, as far as you know?
A: Not as far as I know.
Q: Why didn’t you do it, if you knew it was there?
A: There was no thought about a button, it was just the fence was there and we just went over the fence; there just wasn’t any thought about a button or anything like that.
Q: How high was the fence?
A: It was hard to get over; I don’t know how high it was.
Q: You eventually got across the fence?
A: Right.
Q: And did the girls do it, also?
A: Yes.
Q: Then you got back to the driveway and continued walking on up; is that correct?
A: That is correct.
Q: Did anything happen as you were walking up the driveway?
A: Yes, a car’s lights flashed on us and the car came up and —
Q: Just before that, do you remember, Charles, whether you — what order you were in, in the sequence of four going up the hill; was there anybody in front of you?
A: There was two girls in front. We were kind of like we were riding in the car, the same way we was riding in the car we was riding up, going up that hill.
Q: Two girls in front of you?
A: Yes.
Q: And you are in back with another girl; is that correct?
A: Correct.
Q: The four of you walked up this hill together?
A: That’s correct.
Q: What happened then, when you saw the approaching lights?
A: We were all four across the fence and the car pulled up and stopped and —
Q: Was anything said by anybody?
A: No, nothing was said by anybody. I stuck the gun in the car and shot.
Q: Shot what?
A: The guy.
Q: How many times?
A: I don’t recall the exact number of times.
Q: Did you know who was in the car?
A: No, I just knew that Charlie, you know, like I could see and hear him, hear his voice like, and to kill everybody in the place; and I remember one of the girls did say something about, “We got to get everybody,” or something to that effect.
Q: Was this before or after you saw the headlights of the car?
A: This was before we saw — I saw the headlights of the car.
Q: Were you able to see who the driver of the car was?
A: No, I didn’t see anything.
Q: Did he take any form or shape in your eyes?
A: No, huh-uh, just kind of like a mass thing there, you know. There really wasn’t any — felt like I was in a dream or something, you know, about half and half, you know; I felt half awake and half not awake.
Q: All right. After you shot the driver of the car, what did you next do?
A: Started walking up to the house.
Q: Were the girls still with you?
A: I didn’t see the girls again until we were in the house.
Q: Was there anybody in front of you as you continued on up the driveway toward the main house?
A: No, there was nobody in front of me.
Q: What happened as you approached the front of the house?
A: I walked in the front door.
Q: Was there anybody there?
A: There was a guy laying on a couch asleep.
Q: But that’s after you got in the house; is that correct?
A: That’s after I got in the house.
Q: As you approached the door, was the door closed?
A: I believe it was, uh-huh; and I walked right in the door.
Q: You just opened the door —
A: Just opened it up.
Q: —just turned the knob and go right in?
A: Right.
Q: Was any of the group — that is, any of the three girls with you at this time?
A: No, I didn’t see any girls at that time.
Q: All right. What happened when you got in the house?
A: Then I saw Sadie.
Q: Where?
A: She just popped up.
Q: Do you know where she came from?
A: No.
Q: Did you see her before or after you saw the man on the couch?
A: I saw her — did you say before or after I saw the man on the couch?
Q: Yes.
A: I believe I saw her before.
Q: What was she doing, if you know?
A: She went by me and went in the other part of the house. I was in the front room and she started bringing out people out of the rooms.
Q: How many people were in the front room that you went in?
A: There was one man laying on the couch asleep.
Q: And was he awakened while you were in that room?
A: He awakened when everybody was coming into the room.
Q: Who was coming into the room?
A: A bunch of people walking into the room.
Q: How many? do you remember?
A: Three or four people were walking into the room.
Q: Was Sadie one of them?
A: Sadie, yes, Sadie was one of them.
Q: Do you remember who else among the girls was in that group, if they were?
A: I didn’t see any other girls yet.
Q: You didn’t see Linda?
A: No, I didn’t see Linda.
Q: Nor did you see Patricia; is that right?
A: She walked in the house as everybody was walking into the room.
Q: What happened when the group was in the room then?
A: A guy started toward me and —
Q: Was this the man that had been on the couch?
A: No, it was another person.
Q: What happened then?
A: And I was — I remember I was kind of running or jumping back and forth behind the couch and making funny noises and Sadie said, “Watch out” or something like that and I turned around a
nd I emptied the gun on this man.
Q: You say emptied the gun on this man?
A: Yes.
Q: How many times did you shoot him, if you know?
A: I don’t know. I just shot, you know. I don’t know how many times I shot him.
Q: Did you do anything else?
A: Then I went around the couch and started stabbing him.
Q: This is the same man that you shot?
A: Yes. Patricia was already over there stabbing him and I went over and I did the same thing.
Q: How long did that take or last?
A: Until Sadie hollered at me and she was fighting and stabbing a man going out the door.
Q: What did you do about that, if anything?
A: I remember Sadie hollering, “Tex, Tex,” a bunch of times and I ran over and started hitting him with the gun.
Q: After you hit him, did you do anything else?
A: I hit him for a while and then there was a little lapse of time, I believe, and then Sadie was still stabbing him on the ground and I walked over and stabbed him some more.
Q: While he was on the ground?
A: Uh-huh.
Q: He is now outside of the house; is that correct?
A: That is correct.
Q: On the lawn?
A: On the lawn.
Q: Did anything else happen?
A: Then Katie came running over and grabbed me by the arm and said something like, “There’s one over here,” or something. I don’t know what she said but she said, “come over here,” and we ran over and there was just a woman lying there that had blood all over her and stabbed her.
Q: Did these people, or these people that you stabbed, or the objects that you stabbed, have any form?
A: They had form but I really didn’t see any faces, you know, or expressions or — they were just blobs of, you know —
Q: Did you have a rope with you that evening?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you carry a rope up the hill or into the house?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you tie any people up in that house?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you throw a rope over a rafter or anything of that nature?
A: No, I did not.
Q: I think you told us now you shot and stabbed somebody in the house; is that correct?
A: That is correct.
Q: And then you stabbed some people outside of the house; is that correct?
A: That is correct.
Q: Do you remember where the couch was in the house?
A: The couch was kind of in the middle of the room longways, up and down, up and down the room.
Q: Where were the two people that you stabbed in the house in relation to the couch?
A: Well, I only stabbed one person.
Q: I am sorry —the one person in the house.
A: In front of the couch, laying longways, laying —
Q: Parallel or perpendicular to the couch?
A: It was the opposite way of the couch.
Q: That would be perpendicular to the couch?
A: Perpendicular to the couch.
Q: How about the other person, do you remember if that was a man or a woman?
A: Had on blue jeans and stuff. I guess it was a man.
Q: How about the other person?
A: The other person was laying at the end of the couch up toward the room where they came out of perpendicular to the end of the couch, on down from the end of the couch.
Q: Did you touch either of those bodies after you had shot and stabbed them?
A: No.
Q: Did you move them?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you tie anything to them or tie them together?
A: No, I did not.
Q: After you left that room and went outside, did you go back into the house again?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you write anything on the walls of the house?
A: No.
Q: Did you slit the screen in that house?
A: No, I did not.
Q: Did you see Linda about that house at all while you were there?
A: No, I did not.
Q: You did see Sadie and Patricia; is that right?
A: Sadie and Patricia, yes.
Q: Was there any screaming among any of these victims?
A: It was wild and it was loud and all kind of noises.
Q: Did anybody beg for their life?
A: I couldn’t really make out anything like that – screams and noises, loud noises.
Q: Did you hear any dogs barking?
A: No, I didn’t hear any dogs barking.
Q: Did you hear the sound of music from a hi-fi set or anything like that?
A: No, I didn’t hear any music or anything like that.
Q: How long would you say you were in this house on Cielo Drive?
A: I don’t have any idea of time or anything, how long I was in there.
Q: After you left the house where did you go?
A: I was outside in the — between the, like on the driveway outside of the house there.
Q: I take it these people were not people you had ever seen before, were they?
A: No. I never had seen anybody. I couldn’t make them out, not that much.
Q: Can you tell us what it is that made you go there?
A: I was doing what Charlie had told me to do.
Q: I take it you had no grievance with those people?
A: No, none at all.
Q: How did you leave the premises, Charles?
A: We walked down the hill.
Q: How many of you walked down?
A: Three.
Q: Was Linda among that group?
A: No, she was not.
Q: Did you punch the button and get through the gate on the Way out?
A: We walked out the gate, but I didn’t punch any button.
Q: Do you know who did?
A: No, I do not.
Q: You walked on down the hill?
A: Yes.
Q: Did you have the gun and the knife with you?
A: Yes, it was still with me.
Q: And where was the car, if you remember?
A: Parked at the bottom of the hill.
Q: Where you had left it?
A: Yes.
Q: All right; did you get back in the car?
A: Yes. No, Linda was sitting in some leaves or something beside the car, and she got in the passenger’s seat and the girls got in the back seat and I got under the wheel and then Sadie or Katie, one, said for Linda to drive and for me to change clothes. So I scooted over and Linda drove off and I was changing clothes.
Q: Did the car come to a stop again?
A: Yes, it did.
Q: Where?
A: On some street.
Q: What did you do in between the time that you left Cielo Drive and the car stopped?
A: I changed clothes.
Q: Removed what, your shirt and trousers?
A: Yes, removed everything I had on.
Q: And you obviously put some other clothing on; is that right?
A: Yes. The girls in the back seat handed me some clothes to change into.
Q: And how about the girls, did they change their clothes?