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Death Trip

Page 16

by Johnny Satan

  The children of the l960s that you call the “Manson Family” wanted to stop a war and turn the government and world to peace. They gave their lives when they took lives and they knew it. They gave all to clean up ATWA air, trees, water, animals, the whole of the life of Earth, in love and concern for brothers and sisters in soul. They gave to get their brothers and sisters out of cages and to touch some intelligence upon the Earth. By living next to the land, we did see the drought and famine coming. For my part, I was complete and willing to take responsibility for any influence I had over THE mind of all, but your courts ran for the money and away from their own fears, guilts, and responsibilities. They didn’t want to confront the truth about themselves.

  Your government invented the Watergate cover-up but never did say what they were really covering up: a Holy War invoked from the soul. When Manson, aka Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, the Buddha, was condemned by the press and THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA VS. MANSON, you condemned yourselves. You condemned yourselves in the so-called Manson Family, putting the son of God on the prison cross again. I broke no law, not God’s nor Man’s law. God knows this; the Holy Spirit knows; and anyone in the truth knows. What you are buying and selling in God’s name you will suffer.

  With your own judgments convicting yourselves of being Satan, the anti-Christ, you stand your world on fire. I am Abraxas, the son of God, the son of Darkness, and I stand behind ALL the courts of the world.

  Until I get my rights, no one has rights. I’m God’s messenger from and in the truth, brother and son to all men. (666 your computers will print the same read-out to your book brains.) Until I get the same rights my fathers had, I will stand in Nixon’s place, convicted as the false prophet, as fire burns and the children starve and the land dies along with the air, as the wildlife becomes poisoned and the trees are being cut so fast that wildlife will not survive NOT WITHOUT WORLD CHANGE.

  I did I say “did” invoke a balance for life on Earth. From behind the time locks of courtrooms and from the worlds of darkness, I did let loose devils and demons with the power of scorpions to torment.

  I did unseal seven seals and seven jars in accord with the judgments placed upon me, upon my circle. All who had no forgiveness will have no heart, and did set loose upon the earth destruction in the balance of their own judgments. These are the people who gave their own children no chance for survival. These are the people locked in death wishes which they project into the minds of the children.

  To the faithful I say this, so that understanding can be touched and because I know you have been misled: I did live among you in the will of all, in and out of prison for over twenty years before I was put on trial in 1969. From the 1940s I lived a lifetime in and on your prison cross, kept in your punishments to be your goat, your blame, all your bad, long before your children of the ‘60s picked me up and my will from the leftover garbage of past wars you waged upon your young. I am a child of the ‘30s, not the ‘60s. I told and answered in truth for what I was asked. What they did and do to balance themselves in their own points of view for the life they said they wanted is their own responsibility. You gave them your blame, and all of your problems but no forgiveness. They were you - your reflections yet you keep your children in cages and want new prison crosses for your own profits, and the same cycles continue as your judgments are pushed off to the unknowing people for more tax money in old and useless jobs. They are also making up more TV movie crime, as if you don’t have enough.

  Know this: from the prison graves the Christhead is no new trip, and the so-called Christians have been and are feeding on the blood of Christ children. You are so misled and caught up in lies that your souls and your justice are locked in the bank. Actors play your leaders in the same war patterns set by the dead.

  I could have a parole and have no soul. I’ll keep my soul and shirk your parole. You people have no authority from justice. You’re crooks running the numbers racket you got no respect. I don’t want into your thoughts as anything but a number and you are dismissed from any service you claim to do in the name of God.

  Prison is a frame of thought. I’m out of that. I don’t want out of your prison unless I can go with my brothers and sisters. If I have the whole world and not my Family, I would have nothing. I’m not broken.

  I’m not beaten. My own Holy Revolution against pollution is still in full swing. I am my own government. Even if Reagan is trying to ride on my life. I am my own court and judge, my own world, my own God, in my own rebirth movement started behind the judge’s chambers in 1943.

  God is in me and I’m in God and we both have a spirit of justice for the world.

  You can try to kill me a million times more but you cannot kill soul. Truth was, is, and will always be. you have beaten me, broken my neck, knocked my teeth out. You’ve drugged me for years, dragging me up and down prison hallways, laying my head on every chopping block you’ve got in this state, chained me, burnt me, but you cannot defeat me.

  All you can do is destroy yourselves with your own judgments.

  All that cannot get under me and in God’s will will not live over me but for a short time and that will grow to be a thousand hells, for you not only gave me your heads in truth by Dying, but have made me Christ four times in the world thought, Satan four times, Abraxas four times. But over that I already was the 666 for 17 years in government prisons and am still brother in that chamber of thought with knives in darkness. My 666 Beast is running free outside, in one will, with permission to do anything except to destroy water, air, trees, or wildlife, or the people with the marks of the Father on them. My armies move in ways beyond your programmed book brains in a Holy War to redeem life on Earth. For ATWA they move in all things, everywhere, coming from all you don’t know, from all you can’t or won’t try to understand.

  There are many people who have already made a lot of sacrifices in order to turn the world around, to redeem their own ATWA.

  So, the people who lie and have lied will suffer the sufferings of a lot of people who gave. Reborn Christians who are real in their rebirth don’t need to find God’s words in books. The people who want life on Earth are with me in the will of life and working beyond money. The others can go to their deaths however and wherever they find it. The same God I speak of is all gods in ONE GOD. One world. One court. One government. One order. One mind. Or continue with the madness you have judged for yourselves to live in forever. The time has ended and will catch up to each person’s thought as it does.

  Before 1969, for over twenty years, I suffered your prison cross. I give that to live, because I didn’t know the difference. I forgive and it is in my will to forget. But for the last fifteen years, there is no forgiveness. The IPCR is the green field with a red bull. Until you all accept one God, one government, one order, there will be no order. One religion, or no religion. Religion is God’s biggest problem. “Just as a circle embraces all that is within it, so does the Godhead embrace all. No one has the power to divide this circle, to surpass it, or to limit it.” To do so will be your destruction.

  Note for the record. In the all that was said about me, it was not me saying it, and if you see a false prophet, it is only a reflection of your judgments, for in truth, it is motions, not words, that speak for the Manson family. We each have our own worlds and judgments. I have no judgments outside of what you all have set for yourselves. I’m content wherever I am. Whatever you do or say does not touch my inner circle.

  I have peace within myself. Peace of mind.

  Charles Manson

  P.S. The U.S. started the Second World War.


  “Revelation brings blood, love knows no sin”

  General Tim Leary (Sunstone):

  So I hear your call to arms to face the fears mad dog of suppression. My sould crys from a misty grave as I’ve always lived in this tomb of living dead. I’ve cried so long for freedom until becoming one with self is like to un- winding a top. I se
e only through the madness of mad men who try to kill soul and trap freedom in the name of peace, misusing the words love and god. Must I lay in giving again, I have always gave all for my loving and now as you see the grave will open. Will I stand alone, face myself and bring an unjust world to justice. I have cried for you brother. Guns are what people get killed with. Their fear is your strongest weapon. People who are afraid of dying carry guns because they are afraid to face death. When a man can face his own death, and looks in the face of some man who can’t face his own death, strange power is no power had love to stand and reflect no fear and all who are afraid will fall as fear brings to now awareness completing one with itself. Love will look at death and welcome a look into itself. Love will stand in their courtroom and judge its own for all to witness. The truth is as it has always been “my” love can get out of this coming slaughter, by looking at it and learning to live with the welcome fear. My fear is my awareness. Guns are like guitars there’s always one if a song should be played but don’t move until judgement day. Man has his son on trial and I think everyone should get in on it although it may be messy.

  Coming away from the cross is just as sloppy as going to it. If you can go to a cross and love the men who put you there and see no wrong or bad, so then can you come from one and see no wrong or bad if the Romans take their turn. I’ve had my turn now it’s yours. Love is my judge as my love will judge them as my love judges me. The judge is not even a man. His woman sits in the third row and tells him and has told him even through his kids, she speaks in his ear. He like most men who place themselves above others and judge others aren’t men, but reflections of a discontented wife or mother. No school left me dumb. I never learned what I didn’t know and no mother or dad left me open to be the son of all men. Many things happened to leave me open, open to love, open to truth, never learning outside my own understanding. I am of truth and left to judge myself in a prison cell 23 years. What man does not see is that he don’t keep me here in this courtroom. God put me here and he will do what he does. The judge thinks he got me but he don’t know I got the truth on my side. It will judge them. The judge will be judged. Words don’t mean much so I’m just gonna give all as I always have. Anything you could tell me I know already. As you know what I’m-a-sayin’. But maybe some-one who reads this will be a little more confused. As your heart beats your soul knows of my love its your love as I call it, this world will come to peace and no price is too much to pay, for the reward is in the giving. I am calling all to bring down this tower in Babylon where the beast keeps me in a cage in the name of justice.

  When we all come together in the name of one God, love and peace each one with himself, ready to face judgement day for man, standing with our hearts and lives in our hands, giving all, facing ourselves for what we have done and help me stop what man is doing. The last battle is up on us. I’ve seen it coming for the last ten years, only the men who will face their own destruction look at it coming faster and faster, tune with it. Face the blood and death as the wild life does. I am told not to kill and they kill me, not to steal and they steal me from the sunshine. I’m told I have rights and live in a free country. They have all the rights to do what they want to me and freedom they have taken away from this world in their words they have themselves tricked into believing their own lie, locked in fear of death, running from the crosses they pray to. I’m calling to the cross the iron the steel cross of City Hall, calling my love to come put my mark on their foreheads and die. Black men are marked from birth, Mexicans also. As I the bastard son of a beast who has murdered the world in my name is now marked. I am ashamed to show my face and until this house is clean I must run from Gods sunshine house in the night take up arms and fight, like a mad dog devil that I must face and put him out of his misery. God is not in the church!

  Money and the gold catikisism in the sky rule and people look to governments as their gods and Nixon holds hands with the preacher while the pope buys slave girls for the convents. They have blinded the children, laced their brains with word confusion, marred their souls with fear of fear, painted their faces, covered their bodies with shame, programmed to the grave. I am no more than you let me be. This is the last time around and if you believe in yourself, believe in me, for I am in you as you in me. My word is the word as my truth is the truth as my faith is my faith. My world is my world I give it to you as much as you give it to you. Put your faith in yourself and know I love you for me and find it growing bringing my happiness closer. Circles complete, love and I’ll see you in the street, now is now is then. Only the free in soul are without sin. Give up the time, come to me. Now as I come to now to be.

  Always has one been. Revelation brings blood, love knows no sin.

  Don’t’ take something from someone unless you can give the same. My love is and has always been your love. I love and will bring peace as the wind brings clouds and rain makes the world new so God speaks and calls me to now soon, you and your love are invited to the end of mans son. I stand with no hate in my heart, only understanding in my soul for what must be done. I pick no man to fight. Man has picked me. The only thing I can do is what you said ... fight to live. I have no choice for this machine shows me no truth, nor will it let me speak any truth. Their justice is a face used to trick poor people. This machine has murdered the world and wants me to go to the gas chamber for the lie they live.

  My brothers and sisters, you must open your eyes, step from the time and money world, face the end and begin again with a song of freedom in your hearts and a prayer to love on your lips. Your blood will flow as a river in the new world. Stand and face the end, let God be your judge.

  He gives you life and only he can take it. Give back to love what it gives you, and take all questions from your mind, love has no question. Love is as its always been the beginning and the end. Complete your circles, make ready to face me. All words are without meaning. The thought has always been yours as I am.


  (Los Angeles Free Press, October 9, 1970)


  Tom Snyder: Tell me about life here in prison, do you read newspapers? Do you listen to the radio? Do you watch television? Do you communicate with people on the outside? What goes on for Charles Manson in this prison?

  Charles Manson: Well, I can feel the grass growin’ out there on the lawn and there’s a few trees that’s got some leaves on that I can feel. And I’ve been in jail all my life so I’m actually right here at home, uh how long have I been in jail? 34 years? 34 years so um..

  TS: Out of 47 you’ve been here 34.

  CM: I’ve been in jail, uh prison, uh a long time. All my life. I was raised up in here, so I understand jail so I understand myself so I can deal with that. I sit in my cell and do my number like a convict does his number.

  TS: You like jail don’t you?

  CM: I uh, don’t dislike or like.

  TS: Let’s go back to 1967, the time you were winding up serving a term of a number of years, ten years, and written accounts indicate that you told the authorities “Don’t let me out, I can’t cope with the outside world.” Do you have a recollection of that? And do you…

  CM: You’re making a desperate plea out of something, man. There’s no desperate plea out of it. I said I can’t handle the maniacs outside, let me back in.

  TS: I didn’t use the word desperate, that’s your word Charles.

  CM: Yeah, well, your inflection and your voice tones were, uh, implications there.

  TS: Well, uh, You use the word maniacs on the outside. How are you different from the maniacs on the outside, and why do you call them maniacs? Because you know something? They think you’re one.

  CM: Yeah, it would reflect. If you hold a negative up to the light, you don’t see the light you just see the negative. So I’m a reflection of your negative, there’s no doubt about that and I can handle that also. I been handling ain‘t I?.

  TS: I don’t know have you?

  CM: Well, I�
�ve been up and down in these damn hallways, in and out of these nut wards for the last ten years. You think you can follow that act?

  TS: Don’t want to follow that act, I don’t want to get in, why do you want to get into that?

  CM: What crowd you playing for?

  TS: Huh?

  CM: I’m playing for my life. [chuckles] You’re working for money.

  TS: What does that mean, you’re playing for your life?

  CM: I’m working for my life mister. I’m not playing for money, I’m playing for keeps.

  TS: What do you mean you’re working for your life?

  CM: I’m playing for real.

  TS: What does that mean, you’re playing for real. How are you playing for your life?

  CM: Well... That’s something you can’t buy.

  TS: When you say you’re playing for your life am I to assume to you think that someday you’re going to get out of here?

  CM: [chuckles] Get out of here? Hmmm…get out of here? Where would I go now, see?

  TS: What would you do if you got out of here?

  CM: If I got out of here…

  TS: What if they said, they said to you tomorrow morning “Charles, hey listen, you’re free.” You could go where ever you wanna go, do whatever you wanna do. What would you do?

  CM: I’d probably go out front in the grass and sit down.

  TS: For how long?

  CM: For, uh, right now. How long? I wouldn’t, I could put a track record on it or I could, um, put a computer on it.

  TS: Come on down, no no come on down. Get off computers and get off tracks. If you got out of here, there are a lot of people who think you’d go start killing people again.


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