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Justice (Creed Brothers Book 1)

Page 12

by K. C. Lynn

  Before I know it, I’m on my back once more, his weight settling over me.

  “Again,” he growls, his voice rough as he pauses at my entrance, waiting for permission.

  “Yes,” the word leaves me on a breathless whisper.

  He drives into me, filling more than my body. I gasp at the feel of him, my fingers gripping his back as I become lost in all the feelings he evokes in me.

  He takes me in much the same manner as before, with a primal need that matches my own, his eyes holding mine through every thrust. Amongst the passion we always make is the pain of our past.

  I pray one day we will overcome it. That one day, this man who still holds so much of my heart will eventually forgive me.

  Not until I’m crying out with another orgasm does he allow himself his own pleasure. He finishes with a kiss on my mouth, a gentle kiss that reaches me on another level, instilling hope. Afterward, he wraps me in his protective arms once again, making me feel a safe I haven’t felt in a long time.

  In the quiet dark, I’m left wondering where we go from here. “So what happens now?” I ask, unable to hold back, remembering I said something very similar to him years before.

  “Now you sleep in my arms, where you belong.”

  His words wrap around me like a warm peaceful blanket, bringing my conflicted heart some peace.

  I have no idea what the future holds for us but I don’t bother thinking about it and just live in the moment for now. A moment I have dreamt about for the past six years.



  I wake up the next morning to the smell of coffee wafting through the air, missing the body heat that surrounded me when I fell asleep. Cuddling deeper into the warmth of the blankets, memories from last night come flooding back and I bolt upright, bringing the sheet with me when I realize I’m still naked.

  Oh god! Did Hannah walk in and see us together this morning?

  The thought is horrifying. I meant to wake up early enough to send Justice on his way, or at the very least send him to the couch. The last thing I want is to confuse Hannah and give her any false hope. I carry more than enough of that for the both of us.

  Being at the receiving end of Justice’s touch again after all these years was even better than I remembered but the best part was sleeping in his arms, feeling protected and cherished. It’s dangerous for my wounded heart. I should regret what happened, every second of it, but I can’t. I can’t regret a single moment ever spent with him, even if it brings me nothing but heartache.

  Sighing, I climb out of bed, feeling my body beautifully ache in places that I haven’t felt in years. Grabbing my robe, I drape my arms through it then head downstairs. In the kitchen, I find a shirtless Justice standing at the stove, holding our daughter as they cook eggs. I’ve imagined this moment countless times but not even my imagination pictured something as precious as this.

  Hannah’s head turns when I hit a creaky floorboard, her smile lighting up my heart. “Morning, Mama.”

  “Mornin’,” I croak then clear the sleep from my throat when I hear how gruff I sound.

  Justice turns to the side, his heated eyes drifting down my body, my skin tingling with the memory of his hands and all we shared last night.

  “We’re makin’ breakfast together,” Hannah informs me excitedly.

  “I see that. Smells delicious.”

  “We were gonna save some for you but now that you’re up we can eat together. Just like real families do.”

  My smile slips as I’m slapped in the face with a major reality check. “That sounds nice but first why don’t you go on and get dressed. I need to talk to Daddy for a minute.”


  When Justice places her on her feet, she moves to run past me but stops to give me a hug first, her arms wrapping around my waist. “Thanks for letting Daddy sleep over. You’re the best.” After a brief squeeze she continues out of the room, leaving my heart in shambles.

  My attention reverts back to Justice who is looking more amused than horrified like I am at the moment. “Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep over.”

  “Please tell me you were up before her?” I rush out.

  His easy demeanor slips. “Does it matter?”

  “Of course it does.”


  I gape at him, wondering how he could ask me that. “She can’t see us together like that, Justice. It will confuse her.”

  After a tense second, he shuts off the burner and moves the pan aside before turning to face me completely. He leans casually against the counter, crossing his powerful arms over his chest. I try not to let my eyes wander but it proves impossible, there’s too much not to admire, especially that deep V peeking out from his low-rise jeans. Every hard angle of his body is a reminder of what it felt like against mine.

  “I was up before her,” he finally says, yanking my gaze back up to his face and easing the worry in my heart.

  A breath of relief escapes my lungs. “Thank god.”

  His scowl deepens. “What’s the problem, Ryanne?”

  “We have to be more careful. Especially around Hannah. It would be wrong to give her false hope. Look at what she just said about being a ‘real family.’”

  “Why would it be giving her false hope?”

  I open my mouth then close it. My mind spins as I try to figure out what the hell he means by that. My heart scared to hope. “It’s too early in the morning for mind games, Justice.”

  “I don’t play games and you damn well know it.”

  “Then what’s going on here? Why are you acting like this?”

  Instead of answering the question, he asks one of his own. “Who’s Chuffman?”

  “Excuse me?” I ask, baffled by the sudden topic change.

  “Who is Chuffman?”

  “You mean Tom? He’s an accountant at the bank in town. Why?”

  “Because last night the asshole approached Hannah and me at the diner asking questions that were none of his business. He acted like he has some sort of claim to you.”

  “That’s crazy,” I tell him. “He’s asked me out a few times but that was in the past.”

  “Well, I don’t think he got the fucking memo.”

  Staring back at him, it all becomes achingly clear, my heart shattering when I realize what last night was all about. “So that’s what last night was? You pissing on me so no one else can have me.”

  He pushes away from the counter, that steady gait of his calm and cool but his eyes portray something else entirely. His large body crowds me, dominating my personal space. “Last night was about taking what belongs to me.”

  “Hannah is yours. I am not. I never have been.”

  A smirk tilts his perfect lips. “Now that’s a bunch of bullshit and we both know it. Last night proves it.”

  My fists clench at my sides, hating the way he throws my weakness back in my face.

  “No more scheduled visits, Ryanne,” he says. “Nor will I be leaving the two of you here unprotected anymore. You can also quit that job of yours. I’ll be taking over the bills from here on out.”

  His audacity has my blood rising to a dangerous temperature. “You have lost your damn mind, you know that?”

  The only response I get is an infuriating grunt.

  “Just because we slept together doesn’t give you the right to bark orders about how it’s going to be. It doesn’t work like that.” My finger jabs in his chest as I feel my anger climb. “If you think I’m going to roll over and take it then you never knew me at all.”

  He grabs my wrist, yanking me against his hard body. “I’ve always known what a stubborn pain in the ass you are. You’re the one who is forgetting how I work. You and Hannah are my family to take care of and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “There’s more to a family than just taking care of them. It’s about loving them too, and we both know you don’t love me.”

  It’s hard to say that out loud. Because
the truth is, my love for him since I was a young girl has never faded, no matter how hard I’ve tried. It’s ingrained into me forever but that doesn’t make me a fool when it comes to his feelings.

  “We have a strong connection,” he says. “We always have. No one is denying that.”

  “So do you and your brothers,” I challenge.

  His shoulders turn rigid, jaw flexing. “This has nothing to do with them. So leave them out of it.”

  “It has everything to do with them,” I argue back. “What happens when it comes time for them to need you, huh? What happens then? Because I don’t share, Justice Creed. I never have and I never will.”

  His hand cups the back of my neck, gently at first until he grips my hair, pulling my head back so his face hovers over mine. “Good, because I don’t share either, not when it comes to you.”

  His mouth descends possessively, capturing mine like a thief in the night. My traitorous heart jump-starts, catapulting me into another realm and making me forget why this is such a bad idea.

  By the time we break apart I’m breathless, gasping for air, his arms banded tightly around me.

  “I want my family, Ryanne,” he says, the admission doing all sorts of things to my tortured heart. “We owe it to ourselves and our daughter to at least try.”

  “Does that mean you forgive me?” The question is out before I can stop it, my breath stalling, fearing to know the answer.

  The silence that fills the air sends my heart sinking. He doesn’t have to say anything, the answer is in his gaze.

  His thumb strokes my cheek in an intimate gesture, soothing the ache in my chest. “I’m getting there.”

  I swallow thickly, tears building behind my eyes. “I don’t want Hannah to get hurt from this.”

  Or me.

  “I’d never let that happen,” he promises. “Trust me enough to make things right for us all. Give me the chance you didn’t give me six years ago.”

  When he puts it like that I find myself unable to deny him, because as terrified as I am for my fragile heart, he deserves this chance and so do Hannah and I.



  The sound of my hammer echoes through the air as I drive another nail into the porch, replacing the board that broke earlier beneath my booted foot. The whole damn thing needs to be replaced but I don’t want to put money into it when I don’t plan for us to be here much longer. A subject I haven’t broached yet with Ryanne.

  Things have been good the last few days that I haven’t wanted to ruin it with an argument. Getting to spend all day with my daughter right up until I put her to bed then getting to spend the night in Ryanne’s is all that has mattered. It’s everything I never knew I wanted and could never live without again.

  “Look, Daddy. Look how high it’s going,” Hannah yells from across the yard. The sun beams down on her, wind blowing her brown hair wildly as she flies the kite I bought from the hardware store. Ryanne stands behind her, trying to help her control it but they both struggle.

  “Give it more slack,” I yell.

  They do as I say and the wind catches it at just the right angle, making it hover in the air.

  “Yay!” Hannah cheers. “We did it, Mama.”

  Ryanne’s eyes meet mine, her smile punching me in the chest. The woman affects me just as strongly as she did all those years ago. I can’t get enough of her, not only her body but also her smile, her laughter, and every moment I watch her with our daughter. It has the bitterness fading a little more from me every day.

  My cellphone vibrates in my pocket. When I pull it out, I see it’s Knox.

  “Yeah,” I answer.

  “We have trouble.”

  I tense at the hard edge in his voice. “What’s going on?”

  “Someone trespassed onto the farm last night while Dad was gone and did some major damage. Burned half his crop and vandalized most of the property.”

  Anger swells in my veins, morphing into vengeance. That land means everything to my father; those crops are his livelihood.

  “Who?” I ask, the one word coming out cold and hard.

  “We don’t know for sure but apparently he’s been getting threats for the past few months.”

  The information has dread curling in my gut. “What kind of threats?”

  “Random phone calls in the middle of the night and letters in the mail. But last night they took things to a whole new level. Someone is trying to run him out of here, Justice.”

  My mind reels as I wonder who would be stupid enough to threaten my father. Not only because of the three of us but Thatcher is more lethal than us all. Calmer and more levelheaded, but definitely more dangerous.

  “Why the hell would he keep this from us?” I ponder out loud.

  “Probably because he knew we would flip this fucking town upside down.”

  Damn straight we would. No one fucks with our father and gets away with it.

  “You need to come home,” he says. “This is serious, Justice. Whoever is doing this isn’t fucking around. Our family shouldn’t be apart right now.”

  Running a hand through my hair, I let go of a heavy breath. “I know.”

  “Does that mean you’ll come?”

  I look across the yard, my eyes connecting with Ryanne’s. She immediately straightens, her smile slipping at my expression.

  “Yeah. We’ll leave here in the morning.”

  “Good. See you soon.”

  I hang up and watch Ryanne cautiously walk toward me, leaving Hannah to continue with the kite on her own.

  “Justice, what is it? What’s wrong?” she asks, concern edging her voice.

  “That was Knox. Someone destroyed my father’s property last night.”

  “What?” she gasps.

  “Apparently he’s been getting threats for the past couple of months.”

  “Why on earth would someone threaten Thatcher?”

  “I don’t know but I plan to find out.”

  Her face pales, fear washing over her expression. She knows what’s coming.

  “We have to go back, Ryanne.”

  She shakes her head. “You go. Hannah and I will wait here for you.”

  “I’m not leaving you. We all go.”

  Her bottom lip begins to tremble, her entire demeanor setting into panic mode. “Please don’t make me do this.”

  I watch her carefully, suspicion rearing its ugly head. “What are you so afraid of?”

  Her eyes drop to the ground. “I hate that town. I hate the people there and the power they have, you know that.”

  “Come on, Ryanne, a few families do not make up that whole fucking town.”

  “They do when you’re related to them,” she argues, her eyes spitting fire as she looks back up at me. “If there is trouble out at the farm the last thing we should do is bring our daughter there.”

  “No one is stupid enough to come onto that property when my brothers and I are there. That’s why they waited until Thatcher left.”

  She remains silent; chin jutting out stubbornly as she continues to fight the inevitable.

  “My father needs us right now. After everything he has done for you, are you really telling me you’d turn your back on him?”

  I feel bad using that card but also feel like I have no other choice. There’s no backing out of this, no more avoiding it. We both need to go home with our daughter. It’s time. She knows it, too.

  Her eyes close in defeat, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

  Stepping closer, I cup the back of her neck, tilting her face up to mine. When those hazel eyes of hers open, the fear in them rips me in half.

  “Nothing or no one will ever hurt our family, Ryanne. I would never allow it. Trust me.”

  Her resolve slips and she finally gives in. “Okay,” she whispers. “We’ll go back.”



  Familiar trees and brush pass by in a blur as we enter the outskirts of Winche
ster. I stare aimlessly out my window, dreading every second that passes.

  Hannah jabbers cheerfully from the backseat as she has for the past several hours, excited she is finally going to Papa Thatcher’s to see his farm and meet her uncles. Her enthusiasm is the only reprieve my terrified heart has had.

  Things had been going so perfectly the last few days that I should have known the other shoe was bound to drop. The dream I had of us being a family was firmly in my grasp. Watching Justice and Hannah together as they form that special father daughter bond healed my wounded heart in so many ways, it also helped that I got to spend every night in his arms afterward, feeling safe and cherished.

  When we weren’t drowning in our desire for one another we would talk for hours, sharing the last six years and everything we missed. It reminded me of the beautiful memories of our past and it began washing away the ugly ones. Until we got that phone call it was easy to forget, but now it’s all I can think about and it has me fearing I will lose everything before I even have it.

  If Thatcher wasn’t in trouble I would never return, but since he is, I can’t turn my back on him. Not after everything he has done for Hannah and me.

  Justice reaches over the truck’s console, placing his warm hand on my bare knee, stilling it from its incessant bouncing.

  I look down at his touch then up at him. “Sorry,” I whisper the apology. He’s worried enough about his father, the last thing I should be doing is adding to his stress.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” he assures me once again. “You’ll see.”

  I wish I felt as confident as him.

  “It’s gonna be great,” Hannah adds, thankfully having no idea of my torment. “I can’t wait to meet my uncles. Hopefully they like me.”

  “They’re gonna love you, baby,” Justice tells her before I can. “They already do.”

  “Good, ’cause I love them, too.”

  A soft smile dances across my lips. In my heart I know this is long overdue but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous for what kind of reception I will receive from both of them. I have no doubt they are furious with me on their brother’s behalf but it’s a consequence that’s unavoidable and one I will accept.


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