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Champion Complete Series

Page 3

by Francheska Fifield

  My aunt smiles and nods.

  “I know Madeline. You have a good heart, but this one is much like her father in her penchant for getting into trouble.”

  I sigh. I don't like being compared to such an arrogant man, but mother always said the same thing about me while she was alive so it seems I have something in common with him. And I try so hard to deny all relation.

  “Of course, along with your stunning beauty, is where the comparison ends. You are much your mother’s daughter. She was a kind, caring I always called a friend. She always put others above herself, and you, I believe, have inherited those traits from her.”

  I smile and nod. “Thank you, aunt.” I am never against getting compared to my mother and aunt knows it. I know she means it though. She is not the type of person to say things just to make someone happy. She doesn’t bother with false flattery, the Elves hate complimenting others and she hasn’t bothered changing that habit since moving to the human lands. A queen doesn’t have to.

  She sighs again smiling.

  “You are independent like her as well. She had a stubborn streak you wouldn’t expect from such a soft woman. Whatever shall I do with you? I could tell you that the answer is no but I have a feeling you would just do it anyway, find some way to sneak out with or without guards.”

  I had the courtesy to blush. I am caught. She laughs and lifts her head looking between Madeline and my own stubborn and determined faces.

  “All right girls I shall make you a deal. If the general can find two young men that are on that list and not on duty tomorrow that he thinks are worthy of guarding you two and they agree to do so you may go out. No bribing or threatening though. Do we have a deal?”

  Madeline and I both agree and know this would take some sweet talking. Aunt will check in with the general later so we will need to be careful in our wording, no demanding young men for tomorrow.

  “We shall ask him on the morrow after breakfast but before the training starts. He is likely very busy now and I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  She nods smiling. My aunt is more than clever and likely knows I am thinking that this would give Madeline and me an entire night to decide how to phrase the request.

  “You do that. Now run along girls I have work to do. Your uncle has not a clue about the pride of the People of the Ocean. He has no clue how to deal with them at all. Meaning I am in charge of most everything.”

  She usually is. Aunt rules the court with all the efficiency of my father in the Elvin lands. No mistakes are made and no privileges are given to those that don’t deserve it. She has tightened the reins and made people work in her favor. She is very good at being queen and it only enrages uncle more that he no longer has control over his own household. Hopefully, my husband will work with me instead of making us work against each other.

  We nod and run back to my room to plot away the rest of the day. All in all, we decide we have made out fairly well as we got what we wanted and I am not even questioned about my absence at breakfast this morning. My aunt does not miss things often and for us to have gotten away with it and now to have won such a victory we are ecstatic and we act it, then again we have to act sixteen sometime.


  The day ends with me wishing I had gone to training. I do not sit still well. I don't like doing nothing. I can’t handle doing nothing except when I’m asleep.

  “How are you feeling Viktor?”

  “Fine Mason, how was practice?”

  “You were sorely missed. No one was much of a challenge for me, only you seem to do that.”

  I snort as he laughs and sits down to dinner with me.

  “What of your day sleeping and resting?”

  “I wish I had gone to practice. I shall tomorrow for I am not sitting in bed doing nothing once again. I missed practicing.”

  I am beyond annoyed at this fake injury. I can’t just do jumping jacks though, not with the Princess’s reputation hanging in the balance.

  “How are your ribs?”

  “Fine. Please do not go getting all sarcastic with me. I hear the condescending tone of your voice. You got a lucky shot. If I hadn't slipped in that puddle you never would have hit me.”

  “I think, my dear Viktor, that you are a sore loser.”

  “Tomorrow we shall see who the sore loser is.”

  Mason stops gloating and looks at me thoughtfully.

  “Do you think you should return so soon to combat? Especially without seeing the doctor?”

  “I am fine. I think it was bruised not broken. I’m feeling much better today. I don’t need a doctor.”

  Mason nods believing my story. I am hoping to get away with not showing it to anyone. However, just in case I had smeared some of the liniment on my ribs and wrapped it up, enough to cover any fake bruise should anyone ask to see it. It smells, but otherwise, it is nothing.

  “Well, then you shall get your rematch tomorrow.”

  I nod and leave to head to bed.


  The day has gone well. I will indeed get to go out and can choose any guards on the list that are not already on some duty. Tomorrow I will get my day of freedom. Then it will be business from then on out.

  Madeline has agreed to accompany me to where ever I will go. I have decided to go riding and to the market. Royal guard tunics will be given to the ones that accompany us so no one will know we are out without actual guards. I do not foresee any difficulty. Guards are posted everywhere to keep the peace. We should be safe enough when we go out on the ’morrow.

  Madeline bids me goodnight and goes to the guest room she is staying in. She has basically lived in the castle since I have arrived. She has been my constant companion. The others come and go daily or as I summon them but she is always here. She said at first that she could tell how lonely and distraught I was being away from home and so soon after my mother’s death. She has barely left my side in the weeks since and I am grateful.

  I climb into bed wondering if I can orchestrate it so that Viktor will be one of my guards. I am not sure why, but something about him intrigues me. He seems so tough but last night he had been so gentle with me. He stayed with me until I had awoken and left. He is kinder than he lets on.

  With my faith in humanity at its lowest after my mother’s murder, I want nothing more than to find someone to restore that faith. Perhaps that’s what it is about him. I don't think it is just that. Madeline is doing a fine job of it herself. What then can it be?

  I sigh accepting that I may never know what it is about him that intrigues me so. Might as well get some sleep before tomorrow comes. Madeline has promised that the list will arrive first thing in the morning and I want to be up and ready before practice starts at dawn.

  Chapter Three

  Madeline and I march out onto the field at the crack of dawn. By the shocked faces as people notice us no one ever expects to see us up and about at this hour. It gives me a bit of satisfaction that I can still surprise people, although as shocked as they are I am guessing no one but the trainees are here at this time which I find disturbing. No ruler should demand something from his or her troops that they are not willing to do themselves.

  The men are all lined up waiting to be given their training assignments. Madeline holds the list and it seems as if my wish will come true. Viktor and Mason it would seem were the only two trainees at supper the other night. So getting them should be fairly easy. We still don't have a solid plan though so we have decided to wing it and use my status to get what we want.

  “Your Highness, what can I do for you? It is awfully early for you to be up and about.”

  “Well, General there is something I think you can help Madeline and me with.”

  He scratches his beard and his captains began handing out practice assignments for the day. This will be their last day of training before being put on real duty. They will be ground into the dust today before being allowed to rest. Madeline and I see it as a favor to whoever comes with u
s; we are rescuing them from a grueling day.

  “Whatever could I help you with?”

  “Well here is the thing. See we wished to go riding and out to the market to get a welcome gift for the Daughter of the Ocean who, as you surely know, is arriving on the ’morrow.”

  “And all the guards are busy and your aunt refuses to let you out without some.”

  I smile and nod. The general has his job for a reason.

  “Yes, indeed good sir. Her Majesty told her Highness and I that if you could find us two trainees that are close to attaining their soldier status that we may go if they would agree to accompany us. We will not force anyone, they must agree on their own. The Queen also mentioned that perhaps two of the guards from the Princess’s state dinner the other night might be available. However, if they are not or unwilling we will, of course, accept your wisdom in the matter of their replacements.”

  He turns and calls for a captain to be brought to him. We stand there smiling. Madeline picks up on my hints very well and hands me the paper as she finishes her polite speech and I reach towards her.

  “We have the list of guards at the dinner the other night. I assume you will know which are not on duty somewhere at the moment.”

  He takes the list smiling.

  “You girls put a lot of thought into this plan didn't you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean general.”

  He laughs and I smile as innocently as I can. The captain he calls for comes forward.

  “Would you please bring Viktor and Mason here? They are being called to royal duty it seems.”

  The captain nods and goes to find the boys. Madeline and I stand patiently. I am glad we just put on our riding clothes and had breakfast before dawn. This is taking longer than I thought it would. However, the general is not a man to fool with and these are his trainees.

  “Will they do general?”

  “You couldn’t choose a better pair. They are both very dedicated. You’ve seen them in action a bit if you remember.”

  I nod even though I know it is not a question so much as a comment.

  “Yes. They were impressive.”

  “Indeed they are our best students. They shall graduate from training a full year early the both of them.”

  Madeline looks impressed and I nod.

  “Then I shall feel safe enough with them. Madeline’s safety is of the utmost importance to me of course and if you deem them good enough for her I shall accept your wisdom.”

  He chuckles and nods. The boys come before us in plain black uniforms. The trainee uniforms are all black like the royal personal guards but they don’t have the royal seal embroidered on the chest.

  Viktor’s usually stoic face shows some surprise as he approaches. I smile at the ability to catch him off guard. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

  “Boys these young ladies have a proposition for you. I want you to hear her highness out and make up your own minds after. You both have a choice and should you choose to do as the Princess wishes you will not be punished. It’s a great honor so listen carefully.”

  He nods and steps back. I step forward taking on their full attention. It is hard to do being so short; I am less than five feet six inches like I said it is hard to intimidate people being me.

  “Madeline and I are in wish of riding and going to the market. However, all the guards and soldiers are busy with the increase in security. My aunt, however, has said if we can find two trainees worthy of guarding us we may go. Your two names were at the top of the list. Both for your performance at the state dinner and by your general’s recommendation.

  “I cannot promise it won’t be dangerous. You could get hurt. You also will miss your training today. If you prefer to stay and practice we will simply choose others to take your place. Otherwise, you will spend the day as part of the royal guard. I can promise you that should everything go well this will look very well on your record, but remember the reverse is also true. So gentlemen what say you?”

  “It would be a pleasure, your Highness.”


  Mason answers almost the second she is finished speaking and bows to her. She nods and turns to look at me. She stares me in the eyes and I know I should look away. We are not permitted to look upon the royal family so openly. She does not seem to mind though but instead looks curious and nervous. Whatever for I cannot imagine.


  I don't bow and she doesn't ask me to. She doesn't even break eye contact as she smiles and nods. She seems to find my answer pleasing, though I cannot imagine why.

  “Now your highness I will leave these two under your command and get back to training this future army if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course general, forgive us for taking up so much of your time.”


  I break eye contact with Viktor and look at the general as I speak. He nods and leaves. I sigh. Well now onto the hard part. I turn back to the boys.

  “Have you all eaten breakfast yet?”

  They nod.

  “Well, that makes things easier. We are going riding. However, you two need to change. Mistress wardrobe is waiting to give you the uniforms of the royal guards. You will wear these all day. While you are guarding Madeline and I you will be royal guards. Bowing to us is not necessary. Instead, you will salute, as the others do. Today gentlemen, you get to see how it is to be one of them. You have twenty minutes to be in the stables waiting or we replace you. Come Madeline we must visit the kitchens.”

  We leave and the boys run on ahead of us towards the wardrobe tower. We go on to the kitchens to get lunch for four packed. Just because they are our guards doesn't mean they can’t eat. My uncle sometimes doesn't let his men eat lunch. So they eat breakfast at dawn and supper at dusk having nothing in between.

  I would likely faint if were that to happen for me. I promise myself I will never be that cruel to my guards when I get them, my aunt is not either. The men prefer to be assigned to her; however, many have their hearts broken in that regard.

  When we return to the stables the boys are there waiting.

  “I must say I didn't expect you to beat us here. However, the culinary staff was slower than I expected to get our lunch together. Apparently, they had been told a lunch for two and Madeline and I had to correct them and say four. Why we keep people around that argue more than cook I do not know.”

  “Your Highness, don’t be too hard on them. The chef is a master, and masters, no matter the art, are all prickly.”

  I laugh and nod getting up on my horse as Madeline ties the bundle to her saddle.

  “Too true Madeline dear.” I turn to the boys so they will know I am addressing them and seriously. “Before we go off I would like to explain how this works. Likely you know but everyone you guard will have different preferences and here are mine. I shall only say them once so listen well.

  “Neither of us goes anywhere alone, one of you will be with each of us at all times. If you wish to assign yourselves as individual bodyguards the whole time so it is less confusing if we split in the marketplace than you may. If you prefer to work as a pair and decide who goes with which of us when we split then that is fine as well.

  “I only ask that whoever ends up with Madeline protect her as if you were protecting the Queen herself. Madeline is very important to me and I want no harm to come to her. Either way is fine with me, the techniques are entirely up to you. Another thing, your weapons stay sheathed unless absolutely necessary. Are we clear?”


  Neither Mason nor I am slow to nod our acknowledgment. She is being fair giving us leave to do our job as we see fit while making her priorities clear. Her fervor over Madeline’s safety surprises me though. Who would guess that she prioritizes the safety of her lady in waiting over her own? She is, as I am quickly discovering, a kind person.

  Her face softens at our agreement and the sternness is replaced by a small smile.

  “Also know that I do not exp
ect you to be stoic and silent. I wish to know more about you and if you wish to join in the conversation with Madeline or I at any time feel free to. You will not ride behind us that is for overindulged snobs. Madeline and I, you will find, are not like that in the least.

  “Oh, and we are not as cruel as my uncle to make you not eat a thing until dinner tonight. Absolutely horrid in my opinion. So you have a few minutes to decide on your guarding preferences or decide to wing it and then let’s hit the trails.”

  Mason’s face holds astonishment. I am sure even I am not able to hide my surprise. She is nothing like any of the nobility or royalty I have ever encountered and I can almost hear Mason’s head thinking the same thing. We both nod once again and the ladies head towards the open stable doors chatting about which trails to take as we stare dumbstruck for a moment. I clear my throat and Mason looks towards me.

  “Preferences”, I ask.

  “I say we guard as a group and when they split up in the market later today we can decide which of us goes with who, or even take turns if need be. Sound good?”

  I nod my agreement to Mason’s idea as we mount the black steeds reserved for the members of the honor guard, horses that are already saddled for us, another luxury we are not used to and ride out of the barn after the ladies.

  “Nice of you two to join us. So box us in. I'm afraid as part of your guard duty you cannot ride side by side and ignore us.”

  The Princess laughs and Mason pulls his horse up next to Madeline so I pull mine up to hers.

  “Well now, Madeline and I were about to decide on a trail, however, we realized we did not know how competent you two are at riding.”

  “We can ride any trail here, your highness.”

  The Princess nods. I am fine with Mason being our spokesman as long as he doesn't say anything I disagree with.

  “Let’s put that to the test.”

  “Your Highness, I do not think a horse race with the lunch box tied to my saddle would be a good idea.”


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