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Champion Complete Series

Page 5

by Francheska Fifield

“Nothing important.”

  I can’t bring myself to tell Mason that I am fairly certain I am losing my mind. Well, maybe not, but there is something wrong with me when I feel admiration for a sixteen-year-old girl that is not even fully human or from the Kingdom I serve.

  I have chosen to serve, and should she become the crown Princess my admiration for her politics will be understandable. However, I know nothing of her politics and still, I admire her. Mason will think me mad, he knows better than anyone how separate I keep myself. How I do not form any sort of attachments.

  “It is funny that of all people she should be the one to notice something bothering you Viktor.”

  “Not really.”

  I speak before I think. Mason is a smart man though. He doesn't ask me why I say such a thing. He just nods and stares straight ahead waiting, like me, for the end of the ride.

  We get down and Mason opens the door to let the ladies out. He clears his throat and nods to the door. I lift my hand and Madeline put hers on mine and uses it to get out. The Princess follows and I feel a zing, almost like a small shock, when our bare flesh touches. I can tell she feels it as well for her head swings towards mine. When our eyes meet hers are wide with shock.

  I pull my hand away as her feet hit the ground and she shakes and flexes her hand and moves on towards the marketplace. I clench and unclench my hand trying to forget the feeling. I have little luck as we follow the girls towards the first stall which sells jewelry.

  “What do you think a Daughter of the Ocean would like Madeline?”

  The lady points out many things to the Princess but I can tell Elainne only half pays attention. She keeps looking towards me out of the corner of her eye as if trying to decipher the current of electricity we both felt. I myself am confused about it and what could cause such a thing. Mason stands behind them as they face the stall scanning the streets while I stand right next to the Princess.

  “Oh, your highness this one is lovely.”

  The Princess pulls her gaze from me and turns to look at the necklace the lady Madeline holds. It is truly a beautiful piece. I do not know much about jewelry or precious stones, but the blues, greens, and grays blend to look quite a bit like the ocean. The colors swirl around the stones like waves. It will be a wonderful gift for a mermaid.

  The ladies buy it and then decide to walk around. The lady Madeline gossips away but the Princess keeps looking back at me and all around. She looks nervous. I wonder why.

  “Ah, the Elvin bastard has finally left the castle.”

  Mason and I both put our hands on our swords as a young lady steps up to Madeline and the Princess. She waves us down and we remove our hands from our weapons but stay tense for battle. Mason and I step forward so we are next to and slightly in front of the ladies, which also puts us between the rude woman and the Princess. I wonder who this rude woman is. How dare she talk to the Princess like that? When I discover her name I will make sure she is punished.

  “My mother was a Princess of this very country. The sister of your current King. That makes me no bastard.”

  “No, but being the unwanted get of Elvin scum does.”

  I step forward and pull out my blade.

  “How dare you speak to her Highness like that!”


  I sigh. This will lead to bloodshed. Viktor has a strong sense of honor and he will not stand by while Victoria insults me. She had been passed over as one of my lady’s in waiting and has been nothing but cruel since. She is jealous and angry. I pay her no mind and try not to let anything she says offend me. Viktor does not seem to share this sentiment.

  “You cannot even control your own guards. Do you work for them or they for you? Seems our King is right about not letting you take the throne. After all this one guard didn't even stand down when you told him to.”

  I sigh and put a hand on Viktor’s shoulder. I should reprimand him for disobeying me however I will not punish him for loyalty.

  “Viktor please stand down.”


  I sheath the sword I pulled out. The witch is lucky I hadn't drawn both and cut her down. I turn, salute and step back standing behind the Princess. I shamed her, made her seem weak like she can’t even control her own guards. She shouldn’t have said please at all. She should have me hanged for sure, but of all my mistakes this is the worst and that is saying something.

  “How will you rule the country when you cannot even control your own guards? Guards that are taught obedience from the very beginning.”

  “I don’t need or want blind obedience. His loyalty is more than enough. Madeline, I think I am done shopping. Have you anywhere else you need to go?”

  “No, your Highness.”

  I nod and Madeline and I return to the carriage with Mason leading the way scowling and Viktor behind us. I am hesitant to leave him behind us in case he does turn around and draw his blade on the lady, but I hope that his sense of duty will be stronger than the urge to cut out Victoria’s tongue. I turn out to be right and we make it back to the carriage without incident.

  Mason quietly says he will ride in the carriage with the ladies while I watch outside. I agree that one of us should be there. I wish for a moment it might be me to comfort her but with her the lady Madeline in there I can say nothing to help.

  I cannot believe that anyone could say such things. She is a Princess for God’s sake. Royalty not only in this country but the Elvin territory as well. Had anyone insulted the Queen like that her guards would have been allowed to cut them down, and the Queen would not have stopped the bloodshed. It is more proof of how different the Princess really is from others.

  The carriage rolls to a stop and Mason quickly jumps out of the carriage and comes back to me while the stable lads helped the ladies out of the carriage.

  “That was the most uncomfortable ride I have ever endured. No one said a word. The Princess looked miserable and on the verge of tears the whole time.”

  I nod. Likely she had been. She is kind-hearted and likely is taking it fairly hard. Her mother just died you would think people would show more respect. Especially our people considering her mother had been the Crown Princess of our Kingdom before marrying the Elvin King. Madeline approaches and clears her throat stopping Mason from continuing. We both look at her solemnly. Hopefully, she won’t think us gossiping nags.

  “The Princess wishes me to tell you that you are both excused. She will spend the rest of the day in her room and I shall retire as well. Also, she wishes me to thank you for your service today. You may tell your captain when you return to the barracks later that she will have a report ready for tomorrow praising your services today. Since our day is finished early you have free time; I hope you enjoy it, gentlemen.”

  Madeline waits only for our acknowledgment before hurrying off to her room. The Princess has gone to the back of the stables. I did not see her come back to exit the stables so she might return to the palace. Mason leaves without a word but I sit on a bale of hay and wait. She has to come out sometime and I will be here when she does. I owe her an apology. Also, I need to know she is alright.


  When I come back out with my saddled mare Viktor is sitting on the same hay bale as the first time I had truly met him. Well, the first time we truly talked.

  “What are you doing here? I thought Madeline dismissed you both for the day?”

  “She did. You had not left yet and I wanted to make sure you got back safely.”

  Her smile is small and sad.

  “That is sweet of you. However, as you can see, I have no intention of returning. You were both supposed to go and enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “We are supposed to guard you today. If you want silence I can do that. You shouldn’t go anywhere alone.”

  I look at him trying to gauge how serious he is. He is not going anywhere without me. Not until the end of the day when I truly retire. He will follow me all night if need be.

  “Saddle a horse.”

  I do not wait to be told twice or for her to second-guess her decision. I would have followed her whether she said I could or not but her agreement makes things easier.

  I follow her out of the stables. She pushes her horse to a run and we race along the trails outside the castle for over an hour before she finally slows her horse to a walk. When she does I see the tear stains running down her cheeks. She wanted speed so she could cry in peace. I look away. I should not be witnessing this. I let her horse take the lead and follow closely behind. Her pain and grief are her own.

  “Thank you.”

  I look at her back. She is hunched over and sobbing.

  “You are welcome.”

  I am not sure why she thanks me. I have been nothing but rude and disobedient today. True I had only done it because I couldn’t stand listening to that snake talk about the Princess like that, but it is still inexcusable.

  “I want to apologize.”

  “I understand why you pulled your sword.”

  I nod and though she can’t see it since I am behind her I know she will know I am doing it.

  “It wasn't for that. I know that it was wrong to do after you told me not to but I couldn’t stop myself when she spoke like that to you. It was beyond rude. I was actually apologizing for before though. What I said about your talking. I did not mean it like that. I don’t think you talk too much, you have a very pleasant voice, and it’s very soothing. I am not very good with words when I am nervous though and I was too embarrassed to explain myself.”

  There is silence for a few minutes and I think she won’t respond.

  “That is the longest speech I have ever heard from you.”

  She twisted around in her saddle and is looking back at me smiling. I blush and look down. That hadn't exactly been what I was expecting.

  “Come ride with me. I do not want to break my neck trying to talk to you while you ride behind me.”

  I nod and push my horse next to hers.

  “Your apology is accepted. I was never offended. I thought perhaps you felt uncomfortable around me as I am of royal blood; that perhaps you did not think it right to socialize with me, so I tried to refrain from doing so. My aunt is of that opinion with her guards. I am not, however. Madeline and I wish to know about everyone in the Kingdom.”

  “I think that is admirable.”

  She stops her horse and looks at me in shock.

  “Did you just admit to admiring something about me?”

  I blush and look away but nod. She smiles and rides on. I keep pace but continue to look at her from the corner of my eye.


  “Tomorrow I shall be all Princess. I wish these days of semi-peace could last longer. I own I am not much cut out for the life of a royal. My father has named an heir, not me of course, and I never thought I would be a possible heir to this Kingdom as my aunt had a son. My mother let me roam about mucking around in whatever I wished. I was well educated, but I was never expected to rule, so I never followed any of the regulations that are required of the Elvin royals. Yet here I am.”

  I sigh and feel the weight of it all. “I am not sure I can do this.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  I look at him. He meets my stare and his face is all seriousness. He means it. He truly thinks I will be a good Queen. I blush and smile. I quickly nod my thanks, a nod which he returns, and we continue to ride on in silence.

  When dusk breaks I figure I will have to return so he might get some sleep before tomorrow. He will be on guard duty all day and it is a tedious business. He will need to be fresh for the morning. Besides, after riding so long he will probably be stiff.

  “Let us head back. We shall stop at the kitchens to get something to eat since you have missed dinner to follow me about. Then you can go get some sleep. I am sorry to have kept you out so late.”

  “We can ride longer if you wish.”

  I smile, he read my mind. However, I will not put my own comfort above that of my subjects. “Thank you for the offer, but I know you are on duty tomorrow and you will need your rest.”


  I nod and we hurry the horses back to the stables. It is true I missed the evening call for dinner for the guards, but I could tell the Princess wanted to stay out longer. She had much to think about and I doubt that she has had much of a chance to mourn the loss of her mother yet.

  “As you wish, your Highness.”

  We ride the rest of the way in silence and once we arrive I follow behind her as she walks to the kitchens and instructs the kitchen staff on what to feed me, it is more than I am used to and says she will take dinner in her quarters. She turns back to me smiling politely but withdrawn, she is a Princess here and she has to act it.

  “Thank you for your service today.”

  I bow, honor guard clothes or not we are in the castle and she is the Princess and I am not truly in her honor guard. She leaves before I can even finish rising. I sigh and sit to eat. I will return a bit late but I will still have plenty of time to sleep.


  After dinner in my room, I indulge in some alone time by crying my eyes out. Madeline has already retired but I don't want her with me anyway. I find myself, oddly enough, longing for Viktor to be by my side. He is awkward and would have nothing to say but that is why I wish him here. I can tell he would stay with me until I wish him away and I want company that doesn't try to offer soothing words and comforting hugs. However, I am doomed, as I always truly will be, to be alone.

  Chapter Five


  The next morning sees us up early and eating slightly more than we are used to. That, combined with the dinner I had last evening and the deep sleep I got last night, has me alert and ready for duty. I don't know what my assignment will be but I am hoping it won’t be in the castle. I have not been in there much and don't know my way around.

  “Viktor where were you last night? I wanted to get some practice in and you were nowhere to be found.”

  “Nowhere in particular.”

  “You were not in your barracks either…”

  “I know.”

  I am hoping Mason will give up and leave me be, but all he does is smile and throw an arm around my shoulders.

  “Were you perchance meeting up with a certain young lady that I know to be fond of you?”

  “No. It wasn't her.”

  I know as soon as it comes out of my mouth that I have worded that very wrong. Mason’s devilish smile grows larger and he removes his arm using it to elbow me playfully in the ribs.

  “Why you dog. You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.”

  “I don’t….it isn't like that.”

  He laughs and shakes his head.

  “You can hide no longer Viktor. Now I know your secret. You are trying to hide your affair. No worries I shall not tell anyone. Is she married or something?”

  “No! Mason, you have it all wrong!”

  “So she isn't married. Why is it a big secret then?”

  I sigh and shrug. He will never believe me now anyway so there is no point in arguing.

  “Can I meet her?”

  “Maybe one day you will.”

  When he truly meets Elainne he will understand. He smiles accepting that as an answer, which is good because it is the only one he will get from me.


  I get up and dress. The Daughter of the Ocean will arrive today. I have to be all business. A knock at my door has Madeline leaving my buttons to go see who is disturbing us. I hadn't wanted a maid, just Madeline. I am as nervous as a person can be. What if I make a bad impression, or forget something vitally important to do with her Kingdom, or worse, this one?

  “Your Majesty.”

  I hear Madeline welcome my aunt and I sigh. The door closes and I am alone in the room with my aunt. Great, likely she will have a lot of advice for me, more to make me nervous.

  “I have been trying to talk with your uncle about you having
an honor guard. You shall need one now that the Daughter of the Ocean is arriving today. The general and I have discussed it…”

  Which means my uncle was uninterested in my safety and didn't see the point in talking about it but hadn't forbidden her from getting me an honor guard either. He is much like my father for all that he is human. Neither my father nor my uncle can be bothered with me.

  “….and he feels he can put together a suitable guard for you. The two you took with you yesterday will be included and others that have recently graduated. Their guarding posts will be taken by those that are to become soldiers within the next year. They will all be paired off with a veteran so the general feels we shall still be safe. Your guards will all be very young though. If this bothers you we can find some older gentlemen to put in as well, ones with more experience.”

  I interrupt my aunt. “It’s fine. If the general feels they can protect me I will accept that he knows his soldiers best.”

  She nods and finishes my buttons while I wait for whatever else she has to say.

  “He has asked them all to join your honor guard and they have all agreed….”

  I wonder how Viktor had taken that request. Did he agree because it is an honor and he would be insane to say no or because he wants to guard me? He’d shown himself to be a dedicated soldier yesterday and while the report I sent the general on both his and Mason’s work yesterday gave a great review of their work for me, the one for Viktor had been above and beyond. He had gone above and beyond what was expected of him so I felt it only right.

  “If you like them all then I would like to keep them as your permanent honor guard. The general assures me that two of them are the only ones to have not graduated yet and that they shall within a month’s time and that they are just as qualified, if not more so, to care for you.”

  “Then I shall trust you two and I will let you know how everything works out as the week progresses. Is that all we need to discuss Your Majesty?”


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