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Champion Complete Series

Page 7

by Francheska Fifield

  After the door shuts behind him I sit in a chair and motion for him to as well. Instead, he walks around the room looking behind the curtains and under the furniture that is up off the ground. Perhaps he worries about me being killed; my safety is being questioned in my mind as well.

  “What is going on here?”

  “That girl.”

  As usual Viktor’s answer is both short and to the point. I hesitate to blame Marina as she might not be intentionally doing anything. It could just be some weird thing that happens between mermaids and humans. I have heard stories of people falling in love with a mermaid at first glance.

  “Yes, the question is whether or not it is on purpose.”

  “It is.”

  I tilt my head in thought and watch him finish his search of my sitting room.

  “How can you know that?”

  He looks uncomfortable for a bit but then stands near me and looks into the fireplace. He seems troubled and deep in thought.

  “I could feel pressure against my temples. Almost like a headache coming on.”

  “Maybe that is what it is.”

  “It was only there when she turned to look at me. It went away after I blocked it out.”

  That is interesting. Perhaps her spell can be fought against. Mason and Viktor have managed so why no one else?

  “I wonder why you and Mason are the only two to fight her spell so to speak.”

  Viktor shifts uncomfortably.

  “You don’t think Mason has?”

  “At first I thought so but I fear the longer he’s there the more susceptible he is. I don’t trust anyone right now. I don’t believe anyone else is fighting it.”

  Madeline. She has been my constant companion since arriving. She is my best friend.

  “Madeline would never betray me.”

  He turns to look at me for a second before casting his eyes towards the floor. I stand wiping tears from my eyes as I walk over to the fire.

  “How can I trust anyone?”

  “I suppose you don’t.”

  I turn determined to fix things and not give in to the terrorism that is consuming our nation and hoping I have someone I can trust….no matter who it is.

  “So how do I know I can trust you?”

  He sighs.

  “You don’t.”

  I sigh and look away. He looks serious. I suppose it is a good sign that he is admitting it. That has to count for something.

  “Then I suppose I should keep a close eye on you.”

  “I hope you do.”

  He sounds sad to say it and I don’t look back. I know what he will look like and I don’t want to give in to despair.

  The silence is good for thinking but after a few minutes, it starts to make me uncomfortable. We need a plan.

  “So we cannot fully trust anyone? Even Mason or Madeline.”


  He doesn’t sugar coat it and that one word opens the floodgates. I put my hands over my face and weep. I hear him sigh and walk closer, slowly. A hand lands on my shoulder. I almost laugh at his awkwardness. Instead, I find myself practically throwing myself at him. I wrap my arms around his neck and turn his shoulder into mush.


  It is awkward, her crying into my shoulder. I don’t know what to do to help. Given her situation, there is not much I can do but protect her as best I can. She doesn’t remove herself, even though I stand there straight as a board and unresponsive.

  I figure there is nothing to do but ride out the storm. So I bring my arms up and put one around her dropping the other one. I wait for her to say something but she does nothing but continues to cry so I raise the other again. If anything once I am holding her she presses closer and squeezes tighter. I feel so bad for her. She just lost her mother and now she is losing everything else.


  A knock at the door brings me away from Viktor’s shoulder. His arms drop the second I start to move away. It must have been weird for him because he will not look me in the eyes. He moves in front of me and draws both swords.

  Mason and Madeline walk into the room.

  “She is definitely plotting something. I swear every time I saw her looking at me I could hear a whisper in my mind.”

  I turn to look at Madeline as Mason finishes speaking. Viktor has not moved and Mason is starting to look at him suspiciously.


  She looks at me and frowns.

  “I felt pressure. but not a voice. Almost like a headache or something was coming on.”

  Viktor shifts slightly so he is blocking Mason more than Madeline. Mason frowns, he understands now.

  “I am not an assassin out to get her Viktor and who says you can be trusted?”

  I pull myself up to my full height; as I said before not that it is that intimidating. I am just over five feet and not growing so I am not very tall but it helps me feel more confident as I speak.

  “I did.”

  “And what test must we pass to prove our loyalty?”

  Viktor doesn’t look away but I do. I hadn’t made Viktor prove his loyalty, I just knew he was.

  “Everyone is different so no two people can prove it the same way.”

  Viktor doesn’t agree or disagree with me. I will take that as he is okay with whatever I decide to do to test them.

  “Madeline said she felt pressure.”

  I nod as he speaks. “Like you.”

  Viktor nods and I wave Madeline over. She quickly comes over and hugs me sighing in relief.

  “Mason you said you heard her whisper. How did you fight it?”

  “I thought about something else.”

  I wonder if that will work. If so why hadn’t anyone else done that?

  “What do you think Viktor?”

  He relaxes slightly and sheathes one sword. The other he keeps drawn as he walks closer to Mason, who is still scowling at us.

  “If you do anything suspicious I will kill you.”

  Mason nods as if he expected nothing less. Viktor nods once and sheaths the other sword. He undoes the buckle holding his belt on and comes over to me. Without saying a word he buckles it around my waist, I doubt it is the belt so much as the knife attached that he wants me to have.

  “If any of us act suspicious or weird in any way don’t hesitate to use this.”

  That is all he says before taking up his post right next to me as he finishes. I swallow and hope it won’t come to it. I am not sure I can do any of them in. The boys being trained has nothing to do with my hesitation, though that likely will make a difference as well. I am trained in self-defense but not as thoroughly as them.

  “I won’t.”

  He nods and I am not sure if I am convincing enough. My voice is breaking and I am shaking.

  “We need a plan.”

  I nod agreeing with Madeline and go to sit in the chair near the fire while everyone else turns to look at Madeline as she speaks. Hopefully, they will think I am shivering because I am cold.

  “What can we do?”

  Viktor leaves Madeline and Mason to plot and comes over to stand near the chair I sit in. They talk loud enough for us to overhear and pause often to give us both chances to give input. Neither of us says anything. Viktor is looking at me as if waiting for me to take charge. For now, I am willing to let Madeline and Mason toss ideas and such together.

  “I think it’s time to retire for the night.”

  Madeline and Mason look over at me as I speak, offering no comment on why I am not commenting on their ideas. Viktor looks at them pointedly.

  “Should we not stay together? There is safety in numbers.”


  “Yes.” Viktor and I both answer Mason at the same time and I sigh. This is going to end badly. Viktor scowls at me likely because my answer is not the same as his answer.

  “I think the guys should alternate keeping watch and sleeping. Madeline can…”

  “No, it’s too dangerous.”

bsp; I cross my arms standing and returning Viktor’s scowl. “Viktor it’ll be more dangerous for them out there alone than in here.”

  “I’m not here for their safety.”

  “Well, I am! It is my job to see to the safety of my people!” I know Viktor takes his job seriously and I am hoping that will make it easier for him to see my point of view.

  “Not when it compromises your own!”

  “Viktor…” I only get the one word in because he has no qualms about interrupting me, princess or not.

  “I understand you have a duty to your people but for now the best thing you can do is keep yourself safe and come up with a plan!”

  “Viktor you’re arguing with your Princess! What are you thinking?”

  Viktor turns to scowl to Mason. At least I am not the only one getting that death-inducing look.

  “If you were any kind of guard you would be arguing for her safety as well!”

  “Madeline and I are not a threat. The Princess is choosing to trust us, as one of my best friends you’d think you would have more faith in me.”

  “Being friends has nothing to do with this Mason. I have a job to do. If you are not a peon of that mermaid you’ll agree to the best choice of action.”

  Viktor is never a big talker but he is making his opinion known. However, I agree with Mason. There is safety in numbers and right now we need to stick together.


  We all turn as my aunt bursts into the room. We all bow, curtsy, or in the guard’s case they salute as is protocol but my aunt waves our attempts away. Obviously, she doesn’t care for protocol now.

  “What is it, aunt?”

  “I’ll ask the questions. Why are these three in your room?”

  We all exchange looks. Is it safe to trust her? We have to take the chance, we can do nothing lying to her, my aunt catches lies easily, she always has.

  “We were trying to figure out what the hell is going on out there with that mermaid Princess and how to fix it.”

  “How do we know none here are spies for said person? Your uncle fell quite easily. Humans always do and men are the easiest for the merfolk to trap.”

  I think about it, I hadn’t heard anything, not even pressure against my head.

  “So you didn’t hear anything or feel the pressure in your head?”

  She glares at Madeline as she speaks; obviously insulted that Madeline would think she could fall prey to such things.

  “Of course not. Elves have stronger minds than merfolk. The magic of the forest protects us from the water.”

  I think about what my aunt is saying. The Elves have an almost symbiotic relationship with the earth. We don’t need the forest to survive, but it does make us stronger. “Of course. Earth and water are harmonious elements, therefore, neither race can hold the other in thrall.”

  My aunt nods but doesn’t look happy about it.

  “So why did I not hear or feel anything?”

  Everyone turns to look at me in thought.

  “Because you are more Elvin than human niece and this will be our salvation. Your father is the emperor of the Elves. His blood is strong and thus is protecting you.”

  “Maybe, but Viktor didn’t hear anything either. No voices, whispering, nothing. I wonder why. If human men fall prey to her spell easily he should have, even Mason said he heard her speaking to him in his head until he thought about something else.” Again I have to wonder what is it about Viktor? One more thing to add to the anomaly that he is.

  “So the spell can be blocked, but can it be reversed?”

  Until my aunt mentioned it I had not thought of it. What if it is not reversible? Will we have to kill everyone in the palace?

  I let out a small cry and shake. I can tell the others want to offer me comfort but they can think of nothing to say in front of my aunt.

  “You must go to your father.”

  We all turn and gape at my aunt like fish out of water.


  “He can tell you of any spells to reverse this, break it, or if it’s hopeless. He will know what needs to be done. Think horribly of him if you will Elainne, but he is your father and he is wise in the matters of spells. He is very learned and a talented wizard.”

  I sigh. I hate to admit it but she is right. However, I do not want to travel to him for help.

  “Why do you not go, aunt? I am sure you would be better received by all, I doubt I could make it through the gate even.”

  “Because my lack of presence would be more obvious than yours. After today no one would be shocked if you slunk out of court for a bit. Your uncle was harsh and horrid. Slinking off to lick your wounds would be acceptable for you; I cannot leave my crown to be stolen by some siren slut.”

  I have never heard my aunt use language even remotely close to inappropriate and here she is swearing like a sailor. This is very serious. I am not sure why my aunt cursing makes it sink in even more already has, but it does. I grow serious and determined. I ca not sulk; I have to help my people.

  “I will go.”

  Mason and Madeline seem ready to protest but I put up my hand stalling. Viktor has not which means he agrees with me, I am not sure why but I am thankful for small miracles.

  “I will also see what I can do to secure a treaty, so we will not need the mermaids and their superiority. I know people may think I have alternate intentions but right now a treaty where they get something in return for helping with this situation is all we have to offer for aide.”

  My aunt smiles and puts her hand on my cheek.

  “I am so proud of you. You have grown into a responsible and amazing young woman. You are putting much hurt behind you to save the people of this country. You will make a fine Queen someday my dear.”

  I smile and blush. “Thank you, aunt.”

  “Your mother would be proud.”

  “Do you think so?”

  She nods. “I do indeed.”

  I start to tear up but I don’t let them fall. We have serious business to attend to and I cannot take time for personal thoughts.

  “When shall we leave, and what shall we do for money.”

  “You shall leave right now. Money will be harder to get. We cannot get into the treasury right now it is well guarded and too short notice. Boys, Madeline, if you help my niece I promise you will be repaid. Niece here is my seal. Use it when you have a need.”

  My aunt slides her ring off and hands it to me. It is too large for my fingers so I slip it onto the locket my mother had given me before she died. It has her picture as well as one of both of us in it. This ring is just as important.

  “As you wish aunt. I will use it only in the direst of circumstances.”

  She nods choosing to trust me, or perhaps because she has no other options.

  “We can go to my house tonight. I will get you out of the palace to safety.”

  My aunt doesn’t ask questions but Mason looks about to turn purple from lack of oxygen.

  “All right then. We will change out of these dresses. Madeline the riding clothes please, they will survive the trip better. Also spare clothes in a bag. I will pack some things we will need with us. Boys do you need anything?”

  They both shake their heads no. Soldiers in training don’t get to keep much here until after graduation when they have their own place instead of being in the barracks so I am not surprised.

  “I do not know if I can get you through the kitchens or not for food.”

  “Do not worry about that. I have everything we will need at my parent's house other than the girl's things.”

  My aunt looks at Viktor and nods.

  “All right. I will leave you then. I do not wish to know any more in case they should try to torture me. Is your family traceable boy?”

  He shakes his head no and she nods and leaves. She doesn’t even know his name; at least I do not think so. That will help us in this case. I cannot bear to think of her being tortured for information on my leaving but the
King and mermaid might very well do it.

  “She knows where we are going. So I guess it’s a race. We need to get there before she breaks and tells them I ran off with a soldier and they can investigate enough to find out which one.”

  Viktor nods, likely he has already thought of that. He is my guard after all.

  “Your highness everything is packed. We just need to change now.”

  I nod. “Very well let’s make this fast.”

  We change and I can hear the boys discussing how to get out of the palace with horses. We can’t leave through the front door. I come out smiling and change.

  “Boys I can help with that.”

  They look at each other, then me, obviously wondering what I have up my sleeve.

  We sneak to the stables. In truth, it is not hard. It is dark when we decide to leave and everyone is fawning over the Mermaid Princess. So many guards are following her like lovesick puppies that the halls are clear. No one can get close to her it is true but anyone can come and go as they please. This suits our needs perfectly. We take a few secret passages, ones I have indeed taken before just in case but from behind the wall, the halls sound clear so we likely could have walked right out the palace gate.

  When I get there I step out first and motion for the others to stay put. Viktor doesn’t look to be following my directions so I give him a look and he stays put, with both his swords pulled out and the door pushed open wider than I wish it to be.

  “Your Highness, what are you doing out here? I thought you were forbidden to ride while the Princess of the Ocean was here?”

  I nod and sigh.

  “We need your help.”

  “We? Is it not just you Your Highness?”

  I wave to the others; Viktor has the sense to sheath his weapons before coming out. Still, his glare looks intimidating. I turn back to the groomsman.

  “Have you met the Princess Marina sir?”

  “No your highness, they do not ride, the beasts of the earth do not like them I have read.”

  I nod. Perfect.


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