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Champion Complete Series

Page 54

by Francheska Fifield

We appear in the middle of the throne room. I am dirty, tired, annoyed and very, very angry. I don’t bother hiding that.

  "Your majesty it is so good to see you…"

  I cut the council member off with a look.

  "What is going on here?"

  Chapter thirteen

  Everyone freezes where they stand or sit. No one so much as breaths. Then I realize why. I am so angry that I have dropped my perfection spell. Also, I have summoned a bit of a storm. Thunder shakes the palace from within. The wind whips around me like a typhoon. I could drop the spell but hell this is better. They are quiet.

  I look around. They have moved tables and chairs into the room. I turn to the conference room off to the side where we all meet. The door is missing and from what I can see the inside is in tatters…this is a freaking stone castle.

  "This is ridiculous. Apparently, my kind-heartedness has made you all think you can act like children and I will forgive you. That ends now."

  I keep my voice low but filled with anger. It forces them to pay very close attention. I slice my hand and their table splits in half. The ones sitting jumped up and back.

  "You all need a lesson. You will clean and repair that room and all the furniture. No. Magic. Allowed. Anyone caught breaking the rules will be removed from their position. I don’t care about your health, skill level or anything else. One of the maids will oversee your work and tell you what to do. Then a contractor will watch and give directions. You all are stripped of rank until this is done. Anyone that back talks or refuses the work given to them will also be banned from the council. I am done being the youngest here; except for Cullen now, but acting the most mature. So, this is the one and only warning you get. Get to work now."

  I walk over to Aiden and nod. He rises and follows as a maid comes in to direct the council like the children they obviously are. Viktor follows saying nothing.

  I dissipate the storm and walk to my office. The men follow as I get to my big comfy chair and sit. Slump is more like it.

  "Elainne you look almost as horrible as I do."

  I blow a kiss to Aiden. "Aren't you a sweet talker."

  "I was just saying…. maybe you should have cleaned up a bit before returning."

  "Aiden how are the unicorns?"

  He sighs in annoyance but gives me the report.

  "They are settled in the stables but their lead mare wishes to speak with you when you returned."


  He nods.

  "Very well. Aiden see to hiring some more grooms. They need to be well cared for. I will speak to them. Then I need to talk to Avren. Oh, and Aiden let the unicorns be the final say in which are hired. I want them to be comfortable with their caretakers."

  He leaves to tell the head of the household to hire some extra grooms. I hope none of the ones I already employ had offended the unicorns. I have already pissed off an old race like I want that to happen again. Invisibility magic will be useful if I have to fight the dwarves. I am not sure if the unicorns will grant it to me but I can foster good relations and make it more likely.

  "To the stables."

  I heft myself out of the chair, very reluctantly, and head to the stables. I need a nap and by nap, I mean hibernation. I need to turn into a bear and hibernate. I am too strung out. But this is the time I will be busiest. Unification means no sleep for the next five or so years.

  "Do you really plan to sire children from all the races? Including the animal ones?"

  "It's not an heir if they will never be empress or emperor. I believe it is called a steward. Aiden can return to his roots as a financial genius and give up his dislike of the throne."

  I don’t really want to talk about this. I made my agreement with the fairy queen and I will keep it. Avren will be pleased; Talon will have kittens…or something much bigger and more magical. I am doing what I have to do.

  I want to use magic to get there faster but I cannot. I can’t waste it. It hasn't had time to replenish and I have done fairly heavy spell work lately. I step inside the barn and most of the unicorns are out in the fields. Two stay separate waiting for my full attention.

  "SnowDrift, Charcoal, how lovely to see you. What can I do for you?"

  "We wish to speak to you about having a place to live other than the stables; we are not used to having to be locked up at night."

  "I will tell the grooms to leave the stall and barn doors open for now. We are trying to find a place you will be comfortable and that will have enough land and is not overrun with predators. I promise you it will take no more than a week. Is that acceptable?"

  "Very well. Do you have more people to care for the stables?"

  "They are being interviewed now and will be brought to you for approval. I want you to be comfortable with those taking care of you. Are any of the ones currently doing the job unsatisfactory in any way?"

  "No there are just too many of us to do a proper job."

  I am glad the unicorns seem a peaceful understanding race. All the more reason to treat them so well. They don’t give me magical hassles like the others.

  "I will get our top geographical expert to find the perfect home for you right away. Until then I have to ask if you wish to have a representative in the council. If you can mind speak to everyone that will make things easier. but even if not I can set up a translator and you will have a say on how the kingdom works. You have a unique perspective so I would welcome your input."

  "I will stand on the council."

  I clap my hands together smiling. "Wonderful. The council chambers are getting repairs right now so we are breaking until it is done. I will make sure my steward knows of your decision in case the first meeting is with him, not me."

  They nod and run out the back door to join the others. The few horses we do have follow them around in awe. I can’t tell if they know what the unicorns are if they can sense the magic, or they just wonder what is on those silly incredibly fast ponies' heads. Silly thoughts. Right now, it does not matter. Still, it does amuse me enough I no longer feel like slapping someone.

  I enter and my secretary comes to me, she hands me two letters and grabs her notebook and pen. I am grateful for the efficiency.

  "The new grooms need to be introduced to the unicorns by tomorrow morning, all grooms working should know they are not to close the horses in. The regular horses will be stalled, but the stall doors will be open for the unicorns. The stable doors are to be left open as well. They are not used to being penned and it makes them nervous. I need a map expert to let me know where empty land suitable for a herd of horses exists. It is to become protected lands, no hunting or trapping allowed and given to the unicorns. Have whoever is doing this liaise with the leader SnowDrift so it fits their needs precisely."

  "Anything else your majesty?"

  "Have Aiden introduce himself to the unicorns so they can get to know him. SnowDrift will be joining the council so they need to know one another."

  "Yes, your majesty."

  She bobs and runs off. Well, that is settled. Now on to the next item of business. I have to see Talon and where he is at. Then Viktor will need to keep him occupied until Avren and I return.

  I am expecting my visit to the human kingdom to be the worst errand yet. My aunt will not want to be dethroned.


  "Sometimes I hate your link to my emotions. I mean it can be a hassle to not have my feelings and thoughts private."

  "You usually block it better than this. You are overtired."

  Well, I can’t argue with that.

  "Let's hurry. I need to make sure you can handle Viktor before I steal Avren away."

  He nods and we pick up the pace. Ahh, such is the life of a Queen.

  I hurry to Avren's little dimension, I don’t even need an object to get in now. His bond to me and his blood in Viktor means we can come and go as we please. It's where he gave us private lessons, far from prying eyes. I had been thinking about giving it to the unicorns, but they want
to be part of the world. I am still thinking about melding it with the kingdom and if I do the unicorns will have somewhere protected to be that is a part of our world. It is a hassle that is on my to-do list.

  "My Queen."

  "Where is he?"

  Avren looks towards the forest and I nod making my way. Viktor follows, likely to protect me, as well as see how Talon is handling the change. Men.

  I step silently and carefully. I smell of sweat and all manner of underground creepy crawling bugs.

  Avren wraps around my wrist making himself small and less threatening. Even crazed the blood infused won't come up to a wide-awake fully charged dragon. There is rustling in the trees. Has Avren really given Talon his blood or did he make a mistake and chose a flying squirrel instead? Talon is going from tree to tree circling us like prey.

  So, I sit down and wave Viktor back a bit. I need to see how Talon is if not threatened. When Viktor is back a good ten feet Talon comes down from the trees. He watches me circling but not instantly charging. He is behaving more logically than Viktor had. That is a good sign. Perhaps he will overcome this faster.

  I let my magic fill the glen. He stops circling and studies me. It is a part predator but also part curiosity. Well, Talon is a fighter, but he is also smart. His behavior reflects that. In which case Aiden turning will be a snap. Or he will be lost to the blood. You have to have enough bite to not let it consume you. Too much or too little is bad.

  "Talon. You look…well dirty, but I am as well so I really cannot talk."

  Talon crouches, he doesn’t sit, but he gets down closer to my level. I pull my magic back to me bit by bit to gauge his reaction. It is the wrong move. He runs to me like his feet have wings. Viktor comes up behind me as I jump up and step back.

  Suddenly two beasts, part human, part dragon, and fully charged magically are rolling on the ground snarling and attacking one another viciously. Magic slams from one to the other but both have the scales that absorbed it making them stronger while they fight.

  I step back a bit and sit again. "Avren do you think they will both survive?"

  Seeing the blood fly from the tearing at each other with teeth and claws has me doubtful. I want to stop them but I know my interference will, in fact, make it more dangerous for both of them.

  "They both heal fast my Queen. They will survive. I doubt they will even have scars."

  I see a chunk of flesh fly from the wrestling pair. I raise an eyebrow glancing down at Avren. Is he serious?

  "It's the scales. They will grow back."

  I am glad he is confident. Hair goes next and I flinch thinking of one scalping the other. I don’t want either to go that way…I am finding it hard to believe Avren.

  "We have an errand do we not my Queen?"

  I nod and stand. Yes, we do. I walk back the way I came as Avren slithers to my shoulder watching my back from behind. Two male predators fighting is terrifying and yes, they want to kill one another but there is no guarantee they won’t turn on me.

  "Let's make this quick. Remember you owe my father an apology."

  Avren says nothing just magics me clean and puts me in finery befitting a queen. I wish I had the energy to do it myself. Once we are back in my kingdom he returns to his normal size and lets me climb on and we fly off. Time to visit my mother's kingdom once again.

  Chapter fourteen

  The flight to the human kingdom is short; any distance is short for a dragon, to be honest. We land in the courtyard I had once taken tea in and Avren gives a roar for effect then shrinks to drape around my neck. He is a bit bigger than when on my wrist and he wants his presence known, but not the primary focus. That is to be me.

  My aunt runs out and hugs me tightly. I return the hug wondering what she is thinking. She has never once hugged me…well maybe once. She had been kinder than my father, but still stern.

  "Thank you for coming niece. You are very late though. The proceedings get nowhere."

  Now I understand. She thinks I am here for her. To help her. To support her. If she was able to keep things together and help the citizens I would have. If she had their vote. However, no one here has the vote of the people.

  "Let us proceed. I have other meetings that need to be done. I need to prepare lands for the unicorns and I need to visit the firebirds."

  "Yes of course. This way."

  I follow her inside and the faces peering down at us disappear back inside. Well, Avren has gotten everyone's attention. Now I have to use that.

  "Everyone this is the Queen of the Elvin kingdom, and my niece, Elainne. She is here to mediate and offer support to our country as we choose a new leader."

  Ahh, parliament. The court is a vicious living thing and here it is hurting my aunt's ability to lead. I look around and see my father hidden in a corner watching but not participating. He has nothing to offer so, for now, he slinks around trying not to be noticed. I wonder if it has humbled him at all.

  I take the empty seat I am shown and sit. Might as well hear them out. It will give me a better understanding of what the people have gone through under their rule.

  "Now as you can see my family is quite powerful and I am sure as Elainne was once heir to this kingdom by right, her mother's right, she will be relieved if I continued to rule. Even without my husband."

  "You are not human!"

  There are many outcries and I understand a bit why they are so angry. She is spoiled, though powerful, rich Elvin noble. Sister to the previous king, aunt to the current queen. Entitlement is what I had the most trouble with when I took the throne.

  Wresting power from the nobles had been harder than taking the entire kingdom from my father. The Elves in my kingdom had to be given a heaping dose of humility. They didn’t like it, but the rest of the population, the majority, had been delighted. I rule by the support of the people. As all kings and queens should.

  I sit there for an hour more as they argue over experience (my aunt has that), how her husband hadn't even liked her (because that obviously matters), and how she is not human (important to the humans to be ruled by one). I myself have had to face that prejudice my entire life…no matter where I am. Around and around those three points. It is the worst meeting ever. A terrible thing to think considering right now my meeting room is being rebuilt.

  I stand and everyone stops talking. "I think we are getting nowhere. Why don’t we break for tea and snacks? All this screaming is going to dry out everyone's throats. I would like some time to consider all I have heard before making a decision."

  My aunt looks offended then winks at me smiling as she understands. She thinks I am pretending to be unbiased to help her. I am not. I don’t care what happens to her after this…well, I do but only if she doesn’t make me fight her for the throne.

  I walk out to the courtyard for fresh air rubbing my temples. Avren blows on my forehead. His cooling magic hits me soothing my overheated head and lessening my headache.

  "Thank you Avren."

  "You are welcome, My Queen. They are like children. No wonder the people hate them."

  I have to agree. "I suppose our council has its moments as well."

  "Nothing like this. All points brought up are valid it's just the process of compromising that is hard work and causes people to bristle. Still, your council does their job well."

  Well, he is not wrong. The council, while stubborn, has the best of intentions which is why I value their opinions. If that changes so will they.


  I turn to the sound of Madeline's voice. It has been so long. She has a gigantic stomach but looks radiant.

  "It looks like congratulations are in order. Your majesty."

  She tries to curtsy but the baby is in the way. I walk over pulling her up and hug her. She squeezes back, harder than me because no way do I want to chance to squish the precious life inside her.

  "I wanted to come to visit you Elainne. I swear I did but I am not allowed to travel in this condition. It has not been an
easy pregnancy."

  "Oh, shush lady! I should be congratulating you! You are going to be a mom! Who is the lucky man?! Do I know him?"

  We pull apart and she smiles behind me.

  "Have you forgotten me already Elainne?"

  I turn to see Mason. I am so glad. I always knew how they felt about one another and I am glad they have been allowed to be together.

  "Papa Mason. Viktor will be sad he missed this."

  Mason smiles, hugs me and goes to his wife's side kissing her cheek before grabbing her hand. They make a beautiful couple. Even their side glances to one another shine brightly with love.

  Avren who jumped down when I rushed Madeline for a hug sits by my side the size of a large dog. Quite the sight for those not used to a dragon. Which is everyone outside my kingdom?

  "You are the queen of the Elvin people now? I don’t remember the best reception last time we were there."

  I laugh. Lots has changed. "Yes, well my father lost his power and I was the next of kin."

  Mason's face betrays his thoughts. Ahh, so they know. They know I stole the throne. I close my eyes, pinch my nose, take a deep breath, and face them head-on.

  "Viktor and Avren…well they had a different plan than I did. I snuck into the palace to talk to my father, challenge him to a duel. They…well they had their own ideas. It ended very…well, I didn’t plan it that way. I hope you don’t believe I wanted it to be that way."

  Mason looks at the dragon by my side. Avren has no reason to fear no matter how Mason thinks of him. He stares back unblinking and definitely unapologetic. Mason is tough though. He doesn’t turn away either until he feels he has Avren's measure. Looking back at me I see fear. Not of me or Avren….at least, I don’t think so. Madeline still looks at me with open honest friendship.

  "So, Viktor and you…"

  My face falls. Mason looks away then. I doubt he expected his question to prompt such a response from me. He likely assumed I would gush about our romance. I pull myself together reminding myself I am a queen.

  "He took command of the army when I took the throne."


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