Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3)

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Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Page 20

by Don Koch

  # Station 1 in Malone Orbit – April 5 – C Day 584 #

  Same time

  "Barana, would you please check with Charlie and Lorena to see if they are available for a chat with Sam and me."


  "That works, please tell them that Curt and Linda can join us if they are available."

  # Two hours later #

  The six were joined by the Generals John and Mae Raven along with Josh and Rose Adams. Rose quipped, "There is no such thing as a little meeting around here, is there?"

  Hank started off the meeting, "Lorena, your project is of substantial importance to Malone and to the Antoran Fleet, but you need to be comfortable with what we have in mind. As you know, every Station in the Antoran Fleet is operated by an artificial intelligence. You are most familiar with Barana. Earlier today, we determined that we did not want to lose the special operations platform served by the Rangers and the cruiser Destiny." He explained the activation of the new replacement cruiser and that it would be arriving in about a week. "As you probably know, our AI's are immense constructs. Barana has 24 memory cores that are each 1105 cubic miles. Our smallest Stations have 8 memory cores that size. That new ship can't approach that kind of core capacity just because of size limitation but it will nevertheless have substantial capacity. A cubic mile is roughly 147 billion cubic feet. Destiny’s replacement will have close to 160 billion cubic feet of computer core. Do you think that will be sufficient for an AI to operate and be cognizant, self aware?"

  "Hank, you are kidding me right?"

  "Why would you say that?" In the background Barana was laughing.

  "Because my proposal was anticipating less than a hundred cubic feet for full cognizance and you have billions available. Of course I am wondering if you are making a joke on me."

  "Lets take a different view of where I am going with my questions. Would an excessive amount of core memory have an impact on the ethical base you are developing for your AI?"

  "No, I do not believe so but I really do not have the means to test it."

  "That is where we might help each other. Barana has offered to help review the structure of your programming to see if there are any flaws that might result in a rogue AI. The core that comes with the new special operations platform is of the same material as that used on our Stations. It is how that core material relates to the installed AI programming that can result in a rub. If that programming is where it needs to be, you can activate without issues. We initially were concerned that cloning Barana into such a comparatively small core might prove too restrictive for the new AI and result in psychological issues. We do not now think so but we really do not want to mess around with that. It is either do it correctly or do not do it at all. We can put less than a self aware AI on the Destiny replacement but that would not give us the platform that the ship can be. So are you interested in doing some collaborative work with Barana? You might use that pretty little lab that Curt and Linda have under the mountain by Long Lake. You have one empty cavern in there that is some distance from others you might eventually use, that would hold a bit more than a cubic mile of core material. Barana tells me that we can isolate, reinforce, seal and shield that cavern. We can then fill it with the necessary core material and then we can get to work. What do you think?"

  "I like the idea but what do the others think, Charlie, Linda, Curt?"

  Linda said, "I kind of feel like you owe it to Lyle to pursue this. He paid the ultimate price." Charlie and Curt were nodding agreement.

  Barana contributed,

  Lorena said, "Barana, you don't sleep and I am in need of some. Why don't you review what I have done tonight while I am sleeping. My prototype is in the lab at Long Lake along with all backup material. When I wake up I will holler and we can get started. Does that work for you?" She then provided Barana with the necessary passwords.


  Later as Lorena was talking with Charlie, Curt and Linda, she noted, "What in Heaven could they ever use that many cubic miles of computer core for? It is hard to imagine the sheer volume of it. I can't imagine using even a fraction of the cubic mile we will have sitting so close when we wake up. These Antorans sure do not think small do they? On the other hand, having that kind of capacity certainly has to contribute to their tech advances, but wow, it is awesome. It is also kind of sobering. But think about what a single human is capable of thinking with less than 5% of a cubic foot of brain. That's about 20 human brains per cubic foot. You could put the brains of 2,300 times our entire population in a cubic mile. Wow a cubic mile. That is mind boggling. On the other hand, when you think of the amount of space in space and how far it is from one rock to the next, I guess that is not too surprising that these numbers are difficult to get the mind around. What other surprises are there in store for us?" She rose pulling Charlie with her. "C'mon Charlie, I need one of those wonderful back rubs that you do so well. G'nite Curt and Linda."

  Chapter 29: The Kids and the Gorth

  Station 1 in Malone Orbit –

  April 6 – C Day 585

  At 7 in the morning, Lorena queried Barana about her review of the proposed AI. Barana responded,



  Lorena said, "Wow, that close. Let me look at what you have done and I will call you back this evening. I also want to recheck my math. Barana, thanks a million. This will open a lot of new possibilities for everyone. By all means use what you can of my work. This has become a collaborative effort."

  # One hour later #

  About 8 am, Station 141 joined Station 1 in orbit above Malone. Hank invited the Walters and Orpans to join them for breakfast. The kids and the twins met like they were long lost buddies and immediately started discussing what the twins had discovered. The adults knew better than to interrupt the flow of that session so they went to the kitchen to have a more leisurely chat while the youngsters were getting to know each other. They figured that the kids and twins would come down out of the clouds in a while and get something to eat.

  Rian and Aber were clearly excited about the distance they had traveled in the last few days. They had been able to see some of the amazing stellar dust cloud formations on the way. The Stations had developed a means to take "real" universe vids while at hyper light speed. The resulting vids made the passage through hyperspace far more pleasurable. They could then be replayed so that some of the more spectacular scenes could be revisited.

  As predicted, the kids and twins came out of their workshop haven after about an hour to get some food. They were excited and full of energy. Janey wanted to know if the Stones had some pancake mix and blueberries. Sam indicated that they did and offered to help. Very shortly the Grout twins and the Orpan kids were introduced to the Earth specialty, Blueberry Pancakes with Maple syrup. Needless to say, it was a hit. Between bites, Gust mumbled, "By the way Uncle Hank, we have solved the communication problem with the Gorth."

  Sam said, "That figures and this time before breakfast even."

  The twins started giggling and leaned across to explain the comment to the kids.

  Hank said, "How so?"

  Gust explained, "Well Anto and Goulf explained what they had done while we were on the way here. So we asked Barana how to construct a mental filter using their work. That turned out to be pretty easy to do. The six of us then entered rapport with Kazia and Barana and reviewed the vocabulary that had been collected. We could understand all of it. Barana and Kazia then created a vocabulary and translated all we have heard. Uncle Hank, the Gorth are seriously in need of our help. The swarms are not meant as invasions, they are meant to be the Gorth means for escape."


  "Well it's a long story and we have the gist of it but it is really sad. About 6,000 years ago, the Gorth were invaded by a species that look a lot like the pictures we have seen of the Rotans at Rotagilla. They come from a place that is about 200 light years from Gorth. The Gorth were unable to defend themselves. The invaders basically raided their hives and left them with barely enough to survive. The Gorth started some long term planning to emigrate. The first effort was made 3,000 years ago when they tried to go to a number of the planets in this region. That effort failed. Unfortunately for them, it takes several generations for them to develop the materials needed to form a space bound swarm."

  "They tried again about 1,500 years ago and that one too resulted in failure. It had been difficult for the swarms to hide their preparations and they knew that they would only be able to sustain one more try before they were discovered. This time they decided to try a multistage swarm. They have been unable to communicate with the planets they have approached. This time they hope to establish a colony in this region. Apparently their invaders are becoming demanding to the point that their existence is really under threat. Can't we help them?"

  "We may be able to help at that, but we are going to need to talk with them. First I need to talk with the President of Malone, in fact, let's see if he has had breakfast. Barana, would you please see if the President and his wife are available and can join us for a short bit."


  Hank did the introductions. "Mr. President, Ella, Brent, Melissa, welcome back to Station One. Have you had breakfast? No, well I have a special treat for you. Blueberry pancakes. That is not the reason for the contact but it is a nice bonus and it was all Janey's idea. Of course none of us objected. See if you like them. The blueberries will stain so don't get any on your clothes. See I am one to talk." He then showed blueberry stains on his right sleeve.

  All laughed.

  "Hank, I think it is time we were on a first name basis, I'm Al."

  "Al, These six youngsters have just solved a problem we have had since we arrived here. That is how to communicate with the Gorth." Hank explained what they had done and how. He also described the dilemma the Gorth were facing. "In my view, a large part of how to address the Gorth issue requires giving them a new home. I have been looking at the various planets in your sphere of influence. The most attractive for this purpose is Flat. It does not appear to be in use at this point and is perfect for the Gorth from a terrain, climate and food source viewpoint. I did want to run this by you to see if you can think of any objections."

  "No one has an interest on or in Flat. Sounds like a perfect long-term solution to the issue if you can bring it about. The conditions are good for year round harvest by the bees and we would be more than willing to trade for excess product if they wish. Please extend our invitation as well."

  "I thought you might feel that way. I think this will be beneficial for all."

  "Great. Well kids, it looks like we have our work set out for us today. I think that our first contact should be with the colony at Gorth. If they accept our offer we should be able to convince the rest. Al, we are going to be gone for a couple of hours but Station 17, Hokulani and Station 141, Kazia will be right here. Ladies, please say hello."



  "Thank you Hokulani and Kazia. Hank, we will head back now. Thanks for keeping me up to date."

  "Ok, More to follow when we get back. Barana, is everyone on board."


  "Yes please. Would you also please call for manning battle stations 5 minutes before arrival. I have a funny feeling about this."

  "Thanks Barana."

  Forty minutes later as they were entering the system at Gorth. Barana reported,

  "Please open a hail to them."


  "Ships firing on the planet, cease firing immediately."

  One Ship responded saying, "Maybe you think you can stop us."

  "Well we can, cease firing now."


  "OK, have it your way. Projector crews, take out the weapons on any ship firing, Please do that now."

  Immediately, the projectors started firing and in three seconds, all firing weapons on the invading ships were disabled. Hank said, "Would you like us to start on your ships next? But first I want an explanation of exactly what you think you are doing. I want that explanation now if you please."

  "We are here to collect tribute as we have done for thousands of years."

  "Do you live here?"

  "No we do not."

  "Have you ever lived here?"


  "By what authority do you collect tribute? "

  "We collect tribute by our own authority. We own this planet. The creatures have been cutting the amount of product due so we are here to teach them a lesson."

  "Well you never did have authority in this system and your taking authority is no longer tolerat
ed. The creatures, as you call them, on the planet are sentient and are the only authority on that planet. You are to leave and you are not to return."

  "Nonsense, they are insects. Why can we not see you?"

  "They are sentient and you can not see us because we do not wish to allow it."

  Your tone suggests that you have doubts. We would not want you to think that we are bluffing, so, I am redistri-buting the crew of this last ship to the other nine ships. Now observe."

  "Barana, please redistribute the crew to the other ships."


  "Next remove all cargo taken from the Gorth if any. Remove and destroy any volatiles aboard the vessel. When that is done make that ship look like a loaf of sliced bread. Cut that ship into about a dozen pieces and move the resulting pieces far enough apart so that it is clearly visible on their viewers."


  Hank then contacted the remaining ships, "We are now considering the damages you have done to a sentient species and are considering the level of reparations. We also note that you have on your vessel something that does not belong to you. Taking that substance means that the inhabitants of Gorth will starve to death. We are here to return that substance to its rightful owner. Barana, would you please recover the stolen goods."


  Twenty seconds later, all of the stolen honey and other substances were on board Station One. The commander of the remaining nine ships fairly shouted. "How have you done this? You are sending us home with empty holds. Our leaders will not be happy. We consider this an act of war."

  "Commander, were I you, I would be very careful what I ask for. Be aware that Gorth is now under our protection. Do not irritate us. Or perhaps you would like to lose a few more ships as well as the cargo that you stole. Your choice. You may leave now while you still live."


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