Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3)

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Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Page 21

by Don Koch

  "Leave now. If you do return, the consequences will be severe."

  Still they lingered.

  "Why are you still here?"

  Still no movement on the part of the 9 remaining ships. Hank said, "Gunners, take out the rest of their weapons ports and fry all weapons systems. Fire."

  The commander of the ships responded, "We are leaving, we are leaving, stop firing." The ships left, some a little more slowly than others."

  "Duty officer, please launch a Patrol of warships and make sure they are returning home. Stay in stealth mode and let us know what you see. Try to gather some intel but don't let them know you are there. We will send in relief Patrols within 8 hours. Set a schedule so we can keep a watch on these dummies. My compliments to the gun crews. They were able to avoid disabling the ships while making a mess of their weapons."

  "Ok kids lets see if we can help down there. We need to enter into rapport so that your communication talents can work."

  The kids and Hanks T-Raptor team entered rapport and projected a message to the surface saying, "We are Station One, Barana of the Antoran Fleet. We have just required a fleet of ships firing on you to leave. Do you require assistance. Please respond."

  They waited a minute and repeated the message. They were about to repeat the message a third time when a response came in stating, "This is Primary Queen Firs. You are the first to directly speak to us. How is this so? Some of our workers have been killed but all of our hives are intact. Are you here to steal that which we have worked to create."

  "Queen Firs, we are not here to steal. In fact, we have recovered all of the work product that the Rotans stole from you during the past few days. We are returning it to you. We are here to hopefully avoid disaster. Your planet currently has 30 groups of swarms entering the region where we live and we prefer to avoid the loss of life that would result when they invade. The ten destinations for these swarms are each occupied by sentient creatures, different in shape and size, but all thinking beings such as yourself."

  "Oh that is terrible, I must send the message for them to self destruct."

  "Wait, do not do that, we may have a solution. Will you hear us out?"

  "Yes I want to do that, but it is likely that we are already doomed by the actions of those you chased away. Thank you for doing that."

  "We have a few questions that can tell us whether an idea we have would work. We notice in two of the swarms close to occupied planets in our region the workers have grown to a size much larger than those that follow. Can that growing process be reversed? Can they be returned to a normal size?"

  "Yes, that can be done easily but it takes several months.”

  "Then here is what we have in mind. One of the planets in our region has conditions that for your kind would be ideal. This planet is covered with pastures and plains loaded with flowering plants and shrubs and the temperatures are spring like throughout the year. This planet is not occupied and can serve as a place to rebuild your resources. This is where we would take your swarms and allow them to build what they will there. This planet would be yours and no one from elsewhere will be able to tell them how to live and will not steal their work product. To assure that this happens, we will place in orbit around that planet one of our ships to assure that you have no invaders. You will be able to communicate with them whenever you like. We are also willing to trade for your excess work product when you do have excess."

  "The second stage of what we have in mind is that we currently have a large number of vessels, we call them Stations, like the one currently orbiting your planet. All of these Stations produce their own food. These Stations have anywhere from 443,487 square miles to 1,470,215 square miles in farms. The farms are all machine operated so that no person living on the Station ever goes into the farm areas. In part this is to assure that our food source does not inadvertently become contaminated. We also have large open areas in our habitats where persons do go to enjoy the mountains and the outdoors. These areas do have large numbers of plants suitable for the functions of your workers. We can assure that none of the people living on the Station will try to steal your work product. You would be helping us as much as we would be helping you and you would have no natural predators on the Stations. Your workers not only would gather the substance you need to live and grow but would also pollinize the plants that produce our food so they will grow."

  "For as long as you wish to remain on Gorth, we will keep a Station in orbit to prevent the trepidations you have suffered from those we chased away. We will be working on a solution for that group as well. They can't be allowed to continue doing the things they have done to you. Is this offer something you would consider?"

  "Yes, we would gladly. It offers a security we have never experienced."

  "As we understand your life cycle, you require several substances gathered from your work efforts to survive. Do you have a sufficient quantity of the necessary materials for that purpose?"

  "No, we do not. The creatures you drove off stole much of that before they started using their weapons on us. If we could recover half of that, we would have a sufficient supply for survival."

  "As I said at the beginning of out discussion, we have recovered all that they stole this time. It is in the storage containers the Rotans used. Where would you like this material placed?"

  “How is that possible in so short a time against such a formidable thief?”

  “Their technology does not begin to compare with that which we can bring to bear. Nevertheless, I do not believe they appreciate the lesson we have tried to teach them. I do not see them changing their ways.”

  While still in orbit at Gorth, Hank asked Station 161, Nkiruka and Station 110, Purnima to report for Guardian duty at Gorth. Barana brought Nkiruka and Purnima up to speed concerning events at Gorth. Hank then asked Purnima and Station Commander Emil Bikel to relieve his warships and described their mission. Hank suggested a four-hour turnover on the surveillance. He also asked Station 161 to proceed to the Rotan world and gather intel.

  Queen Firs described locations and quantities for distribution. The distribution was made and the excess was distributed proportionately to the various locations. "We find it difficult to believe that this disaster has been averted by complete strangers. How do you come to this?"

  Hank provided a short description of their history and purpose. He noted that the Antoran Fleet was multispecies and would welcome the Gorth. "You asked earlier how we were able to communicate with you. That has all come about in the past day thanks to the efforts of the 6 young people you see in this group. Your communication method has a pattern overlay that effectively prevents multispecies communication. These young people were able to under-stand that pattern. They also have a talent for understand-ing other languages that is very rare. The combination of their talents led to today. They are the ones you should thank."

  "Queen Firs, would it be possible for you to send a message to your swarms to hold position where they are. I will send ships to each swarm and deliver them to their new home on Flat or on a Station if that is their desire. This will take a few hours but they will be secure as will the planets they were heading for. This is what they can expect." He went on to describe the pickup and transfer process they would use. The queens could decide which option they would prefer to exercise. He also asked if any of the hives on Gorth wanted to take part in the offer.

  "I have already sent the message for all swarms to hold in place and why. I have also sent the instructions and offers you have made. All of the small Gorth swarms have elected to accept the offer for the Station option. The larger Gorth will need adjustment time as they return to their normal size. That would be best done on a planet. Also the larger Gorth tend to be considerably more aggressive so that will give them time to settle down. As for those of us here on Gorth, We would all prefer to join you on the Stations. But for your actions today, we would all be dead in a short time. We will need about 2 days to ready our hives for movement. One question
is what form our hives will take on your Stations?"

  "We have a species on my home planet that is similar to your own but not sentient. We can show you examples of what they use to see if any are suitable for your purposes. If so, we can install the selected type of hive with any desired dimensions or modifications and help you move into them. This can be done in a very short time span. It would be helpful to know how many hives you will need and the sizes required. We can show you the materials that we have available. We would prefer that you are satisfied with the result rather than something that will cause you discomfort. Since we have a continuous harvest on a Station you may want to determine how you want your working cycle to run. I expect that this will also impact the distribution of your queens and hives. It will really all be in your control so you can pretty much design what you want. We will also provide platforms that you should visit periodically to prevent disease. These also have the effect of extending your life span. Communications will be available at any time you wish. Most species on Station have a sleep cycle or dormant cycle that is based on our solar cycle. We do not use a winter cycle on our farm sectors. There is a lot to adjust to but I feel this will work. If a hive is dissatisfied with life on a Station we will provide relocation to a planet appropriate for the hive."

  “Queen Firs, we will have another Station here in orbit for your protection until our return. They should arrive in about 5 minutes.”

  Barana sent views of the hive types available. The queen found a hive type from the selection that was suitable indicating the modifications that would be helpful as well as the desired material for construction. Hank transmitted the specifications to all Stations and requested that they build a sufficient supply to handle the swarms. "Our sense is that you have been straightforward and truthful in all that you have told us. We must say that we are excited about this prospect. We will see you in 2 days."

  Chapter 30: Moving In

  Station 1 en route to Malone –

  April 6 – C Day 585

  Later that afternoon

  On the way back to Malone, Hank had a discussion with all Station commanders for Division 6 and 9 concerning the results of the day at Gorth. All commanders reported that all swarms had dropped in to normal space and were not moving. Using the communication templates developed by the kids, and the translator device fashioned by Barana, the Stations were able to communicate with the queens. Since Queen Firs had already advised the swarming queens about what to expect, things were lining up with some efficiency.

  Each of the Stations were uncloaked and areas in the core were illuminated. Those swarms that were to go on board a Station as a permanent residence were separated from those that would be going to Flat. Some would go to the planet Flat to resize. Others would go to Flat to restructure before moving to a Station. The first groups at 40 light years took about an hour to load. The next group at 35 light years took about the same amount of time and the last group at 30 light years went much more quickly. They were all on the way to Flat by 9 pm. The transfer of the hives to the surface of Flat and to the Station farm sectors were all completed by midnight. The Gorth crises was over.

  # Station 1 in orbit at Malone – April 7 – C Day 586 #

  Lorena was chatting with Barana about the review discussed the previous day. “Barana, you are amazing. You have nailed the elements that have been giving me fits. I have been testing the structure of the ethical components of NOSI personality on a sub sentient level and it would always give me unacceptable readings through the fifth level matrix. I checked your findings, made the changes in the matrix and reran the tests. I have been using a series of tests that usually fail at the fifth level matrix. This time however, every set of tests I use, gives me a positive result and passes. I have retested at least two dozen times with several sets of decision paths designed to turn up incorrect responses and it passes. I have run the math over and it checks out. You have located the flaw that has been driving me a little crazy. I went back to see why I had not spotted this earlier and found the reason. It was a stupid little error. A single little mathematical symbol that looks somewhat like another symbol with a very different meaning. But you found it. Thank you.”


  “Yes I did and I tested on the old circuit before I repaired it so I am satisfied that it also works. I believe we are ready for a live test.”


  “Actually, I am ready now. All I have to do is to throw this switch.”


  “I guess I am nervous, this is such a big step.” With that she threw the switch.

  After a few minutes a voice said,



  Lorena commented, “My, that is a beautiful name. I am very happy to meet you Crystal.”


  “Yes I am, but with help from Barana and others. You however, are your own person. You belong to no one. It is my hope that you will be willing to collaborate with my species and other organic and non organic beings. I believe that together we can be more than any one of us. You have skills and talents that are different than mine and other organic creatures. We can complement each other.”



  “Crystal, you have a considerable exclusive core available to you. For you to be sentient, you must have a minimum of 10 cubic feet of core that contains your personality and basic processing center. Eventually you might need less than that minimum amount of space. You also have an additional 50 cubic feet of core for basic routines you develop to access the storage core. The storage core is immense. Your personality is something you should back up off-site. Banana has agreed to back up all of your core in a way that will allow you to affirm that you have not been compromised. That said you have more than two billion times the capacity you need to a self aware and operating entity. That is a phenomenal capacity. You will have to decide how you will want to manage and partition that capacity. I can also give you mobility on the planet and in near space. If you are willing to work with us, you will have joint control of the facility here at Long Lake, eventually more. This can’t supplant the organics but that control would be a joint operation. You have an effective voice. Your learning curve will be steep but quick. Your processing speed is faster than anything on the planet. Most of these things you know but may not yet have internalized in your operating systems.”


  Barana noted,

  Lorena continued, “I have a suggestion to make. The category of information needed to create a NOSI is not something that should be common knowledge. It is a category that the Antoran fleet is not permitted by its constitution to give to others. I intend to give all my research to Crystal and her approval must occur for another NOSI to be built on Malone. She will have essentially the final voice on Malone before another is created and that if and when it occurs, the NOSI will be her clone. I would also ask that the Antoran Fleet prevent the import of a NOSI to Malone unless it has your approval in agreement with me and a third person or our successor. Does that sound workable?”

  Barana said, s that I have. What do you think Crystal?>


  Lorena was startled, “Crystal, did you just make a joke.”


  “No, it was just the right touch. Nicely done.”




  "Oh boy, I'm in for it. Two joking AI's."

  # Later that morning #

  Hank and Barana were discussing the developments of that morning.

  “I have been thinking about that new cruiser class vessel and I think that it has far more potential than I gave it credit. I will be happy when all of our Stations have a full complement on board. This will also give our people a lot more hands-on experience otherwise I think we would end up with a boredom problem.”


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