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Hot SEAL, Red Wine (SEALs in Paradise)

Page 7

by Becca Jameson

  He held her hand closer, closed his eyes, and inhaled the scent of her palm. “Why, baby?” It was all he could manage. It came out croaked. A whisper.

  She pulled her hand back, took a breath, and set her napkin in her lap. “Our dinner is here,” she stated softly.

  Sure enough, Noah jerked his attention to his left to find Renaldo waiting patiently for them to part so he could set their plates down. He was silent as he did so, as unobtrusive as possible, and then he was gone.

  Noah found his appetite had vanished. His throat was dry. He didn’t think he could swallow.

  Why did she have to be so stubborn?

  Couldn’t she see how much he loved her? Had always loved her?

  She shuddered, her entire body shaking. And then she forced a smile. “Enough gloom. Let’s eat and go to the comedy show.”

  How she could bounce back like that was beyond him, but if she could do it, he would find a way to join her. He had no choice. She had him by the balls. He would do anything for her. He’d walk to the ends of the earth if she asked him.

  Could he also let go of the past?

  Chapter 7

  Ellie was beyond aware of Noah’s hand at the small of her back as they returned to their room several hours later. She’d enjoyed another gin and tonic at the comedy show, but three wasn’t going to put her over the edge considering how much time had elapsed and how much food she’d eaten.

  She felt relaxed. Happy. Her face was tight from laughing so hard. The comedian had been hilarious.

  Noah had never stopped touching her. His hand was always on her somewhere. Her back, her shoulder, her thigh. He’d even held her hand several times. He’d been possessive, sat closer to her than necessary, whispered in her ear.

  No one around could have believed she wasn’t having sex with him. She was well aware they presented as the perfect couple, perhaps even two people who were getting engaged on this trip.

  It had been so long since she’d dated anyone, let alone someone who doted on her like Noah did. He clearly adored her.

  It felt so good. She couldn’t bring herself to stop him. She wanted him with every fiber of her being. Her body was on fire. Her pussy had been so wet for so many hours it was a wonder she hadn’t left evidence of it on her dress. She hadn’t looked.

  She had no idea how she was going to keep her distance from him for another hour, let alone the entire week. He was doing his best to wear her down, and he was good. Damn good.

  She was playing with fire.

  They reached their cabin, and he extracted their keycards from his pocket, opened the door, and let them in. He dropped both cards on the desk as she wandered toward the balcony. She needed air. Desperately.

  She slid the door open, aware of Noah behind her, tugging on his tie and then tossing it on the bed. He opened the first few buttons of his shirt next. She watched this through the mirrored glass door. The only lights in the room were those coming from the moon and a dim light above the bed.

  She held on to the doorframe with one hand and reached down with the other to remove her shoes. And then she stepped out onto the balcony and sucked in oxygen.

  Noah followed her. He’d removed his shoes too. He stepped up behind her, crowding her at the balcony. His hands reached around both sides of her and planted on the railing.

  She pressed against the Plexiglas until there was no more room to escape him.

  He set his chin on her shoulder.

  They stared out at the night for a long time. The wind whipped her hair in his face. He said nothing.

  The sounds of the engine and the waves soothed. The scent of salt filled the air. The cool breeze did its part to tamp down her ardor, but it wasn’t enough.

  Ellie was aware of every inch of the vibrant man behind her. His cock pressed against her butt. His pecs nestled across her shoulders as if they fit together like puzzle pieces.

  They did.

  They always had.

  Why did stupid shit have to get in the way and ruin everything? What a cruel world.

  Noah kissed her neck until she tilted her head to one side to give him better access. His hands came from the railing to her biceps. They smoothed up and down, drawing her into his warmth while he continued to torment her with his lips.

  When he slid his hands to her back and let them glide slowly around until he cupped her breasts beneath the silk of her dress, her head fell back against his shoulder, and she gasped. “Noah…”

  He palmed her heavy breasts and then stroked his thumbs over her nipples.

  She rose up on her tiptoes, gripping the balcony with her fists. Her tight buds grew stiffer as he worked them. His touch was nothing like the fumbling ministrations of a teenage Noah. He was a man now. He knew what he was doing. And he was destroying her resolve.

  He squeezed one breast enough to make her breath catch and then took advantage of her complete loss of brain cells to slide his other hand across her belly and lower to cup her mound.

  She cried out.

  His middle finger found her clit easily through the thin layer of silk. Undoubtedly encouraged by her reaction, he let that hand slip closer to her core and then slowly pressed against her entrance.

  He didn’t even bother to remove the material impediment, which made his actions even hotter. Instead, he pushed the silk up into her. Slowly. So gradually it was almost imperceptible. Except there was no way in hell anyone alive could miss a second of his torment.

  She moaned, her hands gripping the railing as an orgasm rushed to the surface. She couldn’t do this. She was taking advantage of him. Or he was taking advantage of her. She didn’t know which, but it would be too intense for her to shatter in his arms.

  She grabbed his wrist. “Noah…”

  He didn’t continue, but he didn’t pull out either. His finger was about an inch into her tight channel, her clit trapped against his palm. Another inch and she would come, screaming in the night air.

  “Noah, stop. I told you we’re not having sex. I meant it.” If he ignored that demand, she wouldn’t be able to trust him. Sex was a hard line. Sex was always a hard line for her. Even if she could permit herself to let go like that, she wouldn’t. If she let him into her body, she would never get him out of her soul. He would destroy her. He had that power over her.

  And it would be so much worse than she imagined because this thirty-two-year-old Noah was an improved version who knew exactly what he was doing.

  His lips were on her ear again. His hand still palmed her breast. His thumb still stroked her nipple to a stiff peak. His finger still pressed into her tightness. The base of his hand still nestled against her clit.

  Every inch of her was tingling with desire and the need to come.

  He whispered. “I heard you, baby. I would never break your trust. I swear. But let me make you feel good. You never said anything about fooling around. If the boundary you need set between us is my cock in your pussy, you shall keep that piece of your virtue. But don’t deny me the pleasure of watching you come apart in my arms. Please…”

  She couldn’t move. Not even to respond. His words filtered in. She understood their meaning. But she also knew he was manipulating her. He probably had a plan to do so all week, thinking he could break her down until she gave in.

  He was in for an unpleasant surprise if he thought she would cave. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to. God knew she would be tested by him a thousand times in the next six days. But she would never lose sight of the damage fucking him would do to her.

  No amount of alcohol or cajoling would penetrate that wall.

  “Ellie… baby… you need the release. I’m offering it. Take it.” He was at least gentleman enough to hold steady while he fought her for this small victory. He didn’t push in deeper or squeeze her breast harder. He waited.

  She moaned. Denying him wasn’t a possibility. Instead, she pointed out the thing he needed to understand most. “If you fuck me while I’m weak, I’ll never forgive you, Noa

  “I know, baby. I swear I will not. My cock won’t even graze the edge of your sweet pussy until you beg me to do so. Sober and clothed.”

  “It won’t happen.”

  “If you’re right, I’ll live.” He didn’t admit defeat, but he did give her an inch.

  Her legs shook.

  He held her closer. “May I continue?”

  “Yes.” The word came out on a breathy sigh.

  He didn’t hesitate. His finger thrust up into her, taking her dress with it.

  She cried out, releasing his wrist to grab the railing again.

  He pinched her nipple sharply, sending a rush of pleasure/pain down her body like an electric shock. He’d never been this dominant with her fourteen years ago. They had been hardly more than kids.

  “That’s it,” he whispered against her ear. “Let it go, baby. Let me take you there.” He pulled almost out and then thrust back in, this time with two fingers, made that much tighter insider her with her dress bunched around them.

  His third thrust was deeper.

  The silk was soaked. Her clit was sensitive. Her nipple ached as he released the tight pinch and switched to torment the other one.

  His cock pressed against her lower back, tempting her. Making her fight against her willpower.

  If she were a different person, with a different past, it would be so easy to say yes. To let bygones be bygones and take him deep into her body. Each stroke of his cock would be exquisite torture. She could endure it. Hell, she would love it.

  But she would never recover from it.

  Over and over she had to remind herself that making love to him would destroy her. And that’s what it would be. They could call it sex or fucking, but it would be making love, because that’s all she knew with Noah.

  Because she loved him.

  He sped up his thrusts, her feet nearly lifting off the floor as he fucked her tight pussy with those two fingers.

  She let her head drop forward, her hair cascading around her face like a curtain. It closed her off from the world, leaving her in a dreamland where all that existed was Noah and the way he made her feel like she was the most important person in the world.

  She believed him. He’d always made her feel special. But this day was bittersweet.

  Suddenly, he ground his palm against her clit and rubbed it up and down.

  She sucked in a breath and held it, her eyes squeezing shut as she climbed to the top of the mountain.

  And then she was falling. With no warning, she crested the peak and tipped over the edge. Her entire body convulsed as he slid his fingers in and out of her, gripped her breast with his other hand, and ground his cock into her lower back.

  “That’s it, baby. Take what you need. You’re so gorgeous when you come.”

  The flutters of her orgasm continued for long moments, her body jerking with every pulse. Her knees gave out.

  He held her.

  He held her upright through the entire experience. Even when he eased his fingers out of her pussy, he continued to cup her to keep her from sliding to the floor like a pile of goo.

  Still holding her bare breast, he slid his other hand up her side until he reached her cheek. He gripped her chin loosely with his thumb and forefinger and tipped her head around to meet his. His lips closed on hers for a long kiss that would have made her weaker than she already was, except that wasn’t possible.

  When he broke free, he spoke against her mouth. “You always were a firecracker when you came. Sexiest woman I’ve ever been with. Hands down.”

  She stiffened slightly at the thought of him being with other women. Of course he had. He was a guy first and foremost. She’d always imagined him with a lineup of dates. He was sexy, smart, built, and kind.

  That last part was no joke. Noah was the kindest man she knew. Women in every port must have fought for a piece of him.

  Noah finally released her breast but only so that he could bend at the knees, lift her in his arms, and carry her back inside. He set her on her feet next to the bed, untied her dress at the nape of her neck, and let the silk fall to the floor.

  She was naked before him, less than an inch between them because that was all he permitted. Her butt was against the mattress.

  She considered arguing or covering herself, but instead, she got caught up in his gaze as he held her at arm’s length and reverently perused her body.

  “When did your sweet tits fill out like this?” he asked.

  She smiled. “When I stopped being a kid and started putting on weight.”

  His head jerked back. “Putting on weight? I hope you’re not implying for a second that you weigh too much, because that would drive me to drink.”

  She gripped his forearms and met his gaze. “I’m not saying that. I’m just saying I was a bit skinny in high school. Most girls are. But then we add a few pounds over the years. Before we get out of college, we usually look more like a woman. I did.”

  After studying her face for a moment, he reached down to pull back the covers and lowered her onto the bed. Easing her onto her back, he released her and reached for the buttons on his shirt.

  His gaze never left hers while he undressed down to his boxer briefs. And then he climbed over her body, nestled his legs under the covers next to hers, and pulled the sheet over them. He immediately pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, baby. That was a gift I will never forget.”

  She bit her lower lip as she turned onto her side to more fully press her body into his. The only clothing between them was his briefs. His cock was rigid against her hip. She lowered her hand under the blankets, thinking to alleviate the strain. But he stopped her with a grip to her wrist. “Don’t.”

  She hesitated. “Let me return the favor.”

  “Not tonight, Ellie. Another time.”

  She wasn’t sure what to make of his request, but she was too sated and relaxed to argue. Instead, she flattened her palm on his chest and closed her eyes. Her head rested in the curve of his arm. She would spend the night inhaling his scent, listening to his breaths as they evened out, feeling the hardness of his body.

  She tried to stay awake long enough to outlast him, but she was too comfortable and relaxed after that amazing orgasm to keep from closing her eyes.

  He held her tighter, his arm around her shoulders, his fingers stroking the side of her breast. She didn’t care that she was naked and he wore nothing but boxer briefs. It had been inevitable. She could handle this. Right? It wasn’t the full deal. Just some messing around. Third base maybe. Not a home run. That had to be the line. The rest of the lines blurred.

  She could do this. Keep her resolve all week not to let him inside her. She drifted off, vowing to keep her legs together. It was the most important thing in the world. She could do it. For six more days.


  Chapter 8

  When Noah woke up the next morning, Ellie was gone from the room. He wasn’t surprised to find he’d slept through her escape, considering how long he’d lain awake watching her sleep the night before.

  His stiff erection wasn’t the only thing that kept him up. He’d been restless. Desperate. It was unlike him to feel the way he felt about Ellie. In fourteen years he hadn’t experienced anything like it since her. After two days with her, everything had fallen right back into place as if no time had passed and nothing had happened to separate them.

  Except time had passed. A lot of it. And some incident he was still unaware of had broken them apart. Torn them to shreds.

  They hadn’t shut the blinds either night, so the morning sun was streaming into the room as it had yesterday. The sliding door was also open a few inches, permitting him to enjoy the sounds of the ocean. Their room was low enough in the ship that he could hear the waves lapping at the sides.

  He ran a hand through his hair, wondering what he should do next. This entire week was like a game. Push Ellie hard enough to get her to fall in love with him again—though th
ere was little doubt that was an issue, or ever had been. At the same time, he needed to walk the thin line of not nudging her so far that she ran from him.

  He was on a roller coaster with no exit plan.

  After dragging himself from the bed, he took a quick shower, dressed in board shorts, sandals, and a tank top, and headed out to find her. Or breakfast. Whichever came first.

  As he left the room, he had a thought that made him smile and pick up his pace. He took a detour to the on-board florist, made his selection, and headed toward the breakfast buffet.

  It turned out she was easy to locate. He filled a plate with food and then stepped out onto the deck. She was sitting on a lounge chair in the same vicinity as he’d been the day before. On purpose?

  “Hey,” he said as he approached. He had his plate in one hand and a single white rose in the other. He leaned over and held it out to her.

  Her mouth fell open, and she flushed as she accepted the rose. “You remembered.”

  “How could I forget?” When they were in high school, he hadn’t been able to afford elaborate flower arrangements, and one day he stopped to get her a rose, but the store was all out of red, so he’d grabbed a white one. When he’d presented it to her, she’d cried. From that day forward, he surprised her as often as possible with one single white rose.

  She glanced up from the book in her hand. “Thank you.” Her voice was hoarse. Next, she patted the chair next to her and dragged her bag off it to the deck floor. “Saved you a seat.”

  “Thanks.” It meant something that she’d been so thoughtful. As soon as he had his plate propped in his lap, he grabbed a piece of bacon and ate the entire thing in two bites.

  Ellie glanced at his plate. “I’m going to gain twenty pounds this week.”

  “You and me both. No one will recognize us when we get off the ship.”

  “Who would be there to recognize us?” she asked. “I mean if Layton and Karla dared to show up, we would strangle them both. I quit my job, so I’m in no hurry to go home. You quit your job, so you…where are you planning to go?”


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