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CLUB TIES (The Trinity Falls Series)

Page 7

by Mara McBain

  “She doesn’t know that yet. You saw the bruises on her. Gin says there are some nasty scars her clothes hide. When a woman is hurt by a man, a lot of times that’s how she sees it. She was hurt by a man. Men become something to fear. All men,” Zeke said shrugging his shoulders. “You have to prove to her that you’re the man that will protect her.”

  Mox leaned back in his chair. That wasn’t what he’d been expecting.

  “Your physical intimidation is only part of it. It doesn’t take a large man to rough up a woman. Once the fear is there, though, you can bet she’s looking at the size of your fists and thinking what kind of damage you would do if you got pissed off.”

  “Does the police department make you take classes on this shit or something?”

  “Sure, I’ve had to sit through seminars on domestic abuse and battered women, but it really sinks in when it hits the home front.”

  “You mean Kramer…”

  Zeke’s negative head shake cut off Mox’s sentence.

  “When Gin showed up on my doorstep in the middle of the night twenty however many years ago, she was trading one fear for another. Her father had upped the ante on her that night, going from beating the shit out of her to trying to rape her. She knew, with my feelings on rapists, that I’d protect her from that. Growing up in that household, she assumed all men hit. It was just a matter of how often and how hard. By agreeing to be mine, she was banking on her feminine wiles and smoking hot body to limit my fists.”

  “She thought you would punch her?” Mox croaked, his throat dry at the thought.

  “She didn’t know I wouldn’t.”

  “I would kill you,” Mox said, meaning every word.

  Zeke chuckled and nodded, “That’s my boy. And you could try.” He puffed on his cigar for a moment, their matching gaze measuring the other. “The point is, you know you wouldn’t hurt Eva. I know I’d never hit Ginny with a closed fist. It’s what they know that matters.”

  “Eva had that nervous look when I got home, and all I did was ask her what she did, just like you do Ginny, and she freaked out and fell on the floor.”

  “She needs to understand that you’re not him. Set her down and lay it on the line. That’s what I did with Gin. I told her to be honest with me or I’d smack her right in the mouth, but that I wasn’t her father, and I wasn’t going to beat her for something stupid like burning dinner. A real man doesn’t have to prove himself by beating a woman. I think it helps to lay your expectations on the table. Every household, every man, has their own rules and hot buttons. If everyone knows what they are then no one’s walking around on eggshells.”

  “It didn’t bother you that Ginny was afraid of you?”

  “I didn’t want her scared of me. As Neanderthal as it sounds, a little fear isn’t a bad thing. I want to know that when I give my woman the look, that she’s going to pay attention. This fall-on-the-floor shit you’re talking about is a whole different thing. You grew up in this family. You know how Ginny is. Not only is she not afraid to speak her mind to me, but she’ll stand up to other men because she knows I have her back. Your old lady only needs to worry about you.”

  Mox mulled Zeke’s words over. As strange as what he was saying seemed in connection with Ginny now, it made sense, and it also shed a little light on Zeke and Ginny’s relationship. He wanted a bond like theirs, and if this was the way to go about it, he was willing to try. There were uncanny similarities in their starts. He hoped he and Eva could stand the test of time.

  Chapter ~ 9

  The heavy steel door at the bottom of the stairs slammed shut, and her heart sank. What had he expected her to say? Rocco had made her pray for death on more than one occasion, and he was half the size of Mox. The look in his pale eyes haunted her. He’d been so generous, and she’d screwed it all up.

  A silent sob broke in her throat. Sliding down the cabinets, she buried her face in her knees and gave into the tears that flowed. She hadn’t meant to hurt him. Rocco’s words were starting to ring true. There were only so many times she could blame others before she had to face the truth.

  She had no idea how long she sat there. The smell of chicken pulled her from her misery and nudged her into action. Numbly she turned off the electric skillet, setting the chicken aside on paper-towels so it wouldn’t soak up the oil. At least he’d be able to eat when he got home. It would be best if he didn’t have to tell her to leave. She walked to the bedroom on autopilot. After only a week, Mox’s apartment felt like home. Her fingers trailed over the smooth comforter. She wished she could have just one more night in his arms. She’d never felt so wanted.

  Biting her lip, she turned away and regarded the clothes he’d bought her. There weren’t a lot, but it was more than enough to get by. She wavered. They were of no use to him. She’d write down his address and pay him back after she got settled.

  She dashed a tear away and blinked against an onslaught. Now was no time for self-pity. She’d brought this on herself. Eva grimaced at the thought, hearing those same words in Rocco’s smooth Italian accent. Shaking off the chill the memory brought, she stood on tip-toe to search the dark recesses of the closet. Finding the tattered backpack she’d tossed up there when unpacking, she added that to the list of things she’d reimburse Mox for.

  It didn’t take long to pack up the sparse wardrobe and toiletries. Knowing she only had around ten dollars in her purse, she trailed back to the kitchen. A couple of sandwiches, oranges, peanut butter crackers, and two bottles of water rounded out the back-pack. Turning off the oven that held wrapped baked potatoes, she shouldered the bag and headed for the door before she changed her mind.

  She froze as the door opened. Rhys’ gaze narrowed in suspicion.

  “Where’re you going?”

  Eva backed away as he stepped into the room, followed by a hulking man with a slew of facial piercings and a thick shock of dark hair swept up in a Pebble’s ponytail on top of his head. She scrambled for a name. He’d helped with the move. It was either Sambo or Tech. Either way, he was terrifying.

  “Where’s Mox?”

  She shook her head, words failing her. Rhys’ handsome face darkened under a heavy glare.

  “Don’t let her leave,” he ordered and stalked past her to search the apartment. He returned shaking his head and pulling out his phone. Eva held her breath as she listened to his end of the conversation. “Where’re you at? At the apartment with Tech. No worries. I’ll talk to you when you get here.” He pocketed his cell-phone and reached for her. Flinching away, she ran smack into Tech’s solid three-hundred pounds. His heavily ringed fingers wrapped around her biceps, but his voice was a soft drawl.

  “Whoa there, honey. It’s going to be okay.”

  Eva whimpered as Rhys ripped the backpack from her.

  “Mox is on his way back. You’re going to have enough explaining to do. You best hope there’s not anything in here that shouldn’t be.”

  Rhys upended the bag, spilling the contents out over the couch. Eva shook as an orange bounced off the cushions and rolled in an accusatory beeline across the hardwood to stop at her feet.

  The door opened again, and Eva’s knees threatened to buckle. She heard the stomp of boots and chanced a peek. Mox met her gaze, and she broke away from Tech. Stumbling, she landed at Mox’s feet. He didn’t wait to hear her sobbed apologies, sweeping her off the floor and into a bear-hug.

  “I’m sorry I left,” he mumbled against her ear as he rocked her in his arms.

  “You might want to hold off on your apologies, Bro. She was on her way out the door when we walked in,” Rhys said.

  Mox glanced at the strewn clothing and toiletries, and looked down at Eva.

  “You were going to leave?” he asked, brushing hair off her wet face.

  “I didn’t want to. You were mad. I thought that you didn’t want me any—”

  Mox cut her words off with a thick forefinger against her lips.

  “What was that you told me? Next time, don’t.

  Eva looked at him, her eyes round with surprise, and then she giggled, nodding frantic acquiesce as she kissed his finger. He pulled her back up for a hard kiss before setting her on her feet with a stinging smack to her ass.

  “If I want you gone, I will tell you. So next time you think about leaving, don’t. Now get your shit put away. We’ll talk later. I’m starving.”

  Eva scrambled to grab her clothes and the bag, giving Rhys a wide berth. When she fumbled a water bottle, Mox hurried her on her way with another playful swat.

  When she came back out, Rhys and Tech were fiddling with the wires behind the entertainment console, and Mox was standing in the kitchen. The chicken was back in the skillet. She lowered her lashes at his appraising gaze.

  “I really am sorry.”

  “We’ll talk about it later. We’re okay, baby.”

  The reassuring timber of his voice and the soft endearment sent warmth through her chilled body.

  “We have plenty if Tech is hungry.”

  “Look at him. Does he look like he turns down free meals?” Mox said with a grin before calling out to his friend. “You’ll eat with us won’t you, Tech?”

  “I would love to if you’re sure. That fried chicken smells fantastic.”

  Eva smiled and opened the refrigerator to grab the salad. The sandwiches she’d made to take with her stared accusingly at her from the top shelf. She swallowed the lump in her throat and hastily closed the door on that, eager to make things up to the big man.

  When the rolls were finished, she dished up plates, complimenting the crispy chicken with baked potatoes rolled in sea-salt and a Cobb salad.

  “From Ginny’s cooking to this, you two have it made,” Tech drawled, digging in.

  “Careful there, Josey. Your hillbilly is showing,” Rhys said, ducking away from Tech.

  Tech ignored the harassment, but winked at Eva’s confusion.

  “I’m originally from Georgia and my grandmother named me Josey. Shithead here seems to find it humorous.”

  “My grandparents live in Georgia,” Eva said, her face lighting up in delight.

  “That explains this incredible fried chicken.”

  “My grandmother taught me to cook. They owned a little restaurant in Atlanta.”

  “Well, you certainly do right by her,” Tech said, giving her a smile that made her blush with pride.

  “Are you flirting with my old lady?”

  “Old lady is it? Well then, maybe just a little bit, but no harm meant.”

  Eva’s eyes darted between the two, sensing she was missing something, but Mox just nodded, and both men went back to eating.

  A yawn split Eva’s face as she started the dishwasher. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster, and she was drained. Rinsing out the sink, she glanced around the kitchen to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. Every surface gleamed and only the electric skillet sat drying in the dish-drainer. With one last peek in at the guys, she left them playing video games and shuffled off to the bedroom.

  Curling on the bed, she let her eyes drift shut. The door was open so she could hear Mox if he called for her. The day’s events played behind closed lids. The pretty boy was frightening when he was upset. She got the feeling Rhys didn’t like her. He probably didn’t think she was good enough for his brother. In comparison, she’d been surprised at how friendly Tech was. The behemoth was a big teddy bear. Her brow furrowed in worry. She wondered when she and Mox would have their talk. She had a lot to answer for.

  Trying to ignore the dread ball churning in her stomach, she tried to remember his exact words. Before he’d asked her if she was afraid of him, he’d promised they’d work it out and later he’d said they were good. She prayed both thoughts held true.

  “Are you okay?”

  Eva’s eyes flew open. Mox stood in the doorway. She’d been so lost in thought she hadn’t even heard him come down the hall. She stammered in her haste.

  “I-I’m fine. I’m sorry. Did you need something?”

  “I was just worried about you,” Mox said, coming to sit down on the edge of the bed.

  It took everything she had not to flinch when he reached for her. His touch was gentle. Part of her wanted to melt as his fingers combed through her long hair, the other held its breath, waiting for the fist to close in the thick tangle.

  “I was just thinking,” she admitted.

  “Thinking about what?”

  “If life keeps repeating itself and I’m the only common denominator, the problem is clearly with me. I’m not sure why it took me so long to figure that out.”

  “You didn’t deserve the beating that asshole gave you.”

  “How do you know? What about the one before that, or the one that almost killed me, or…” she whispered, shaking her head before her voice just trailed off.

  “A real man doesn’t have to beat his woman to get his point across,” Mox said, the strain clear in his voice. “I’m not him.”

  “You walked away tonight. What about next time I make you mad, or the time after that?”

  “I promise you if I can’t control my temper I will walk away until I can, and then we’ll deal with it.”

  “And then what?” she asked. As much as she didn’t want to know the answer to that, the unknown was far more frightening.

  Mox sighed, the sound harsh in the quiet room.

  “I don’t know. We’ll talk. I’ll warm your ass. Whatever it takes, but we’ll work it out. I will never hurt you like that. I’d sooner rip off my own fucking arm.”

  Eva blinked back tears at the passion of his last statement. She believed him. She had no idea why, but she did. She had to be nuts to believe the giant wouldn’t hurt her. A crazed giggle escaped her lips. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth. He smiled.

  “You think that’s funny, little girl?”

  She shook her head franticly. He moved with unbelievable speed for a man his size. They rolled over on the bed, locked together. Her breath caught in her throat as he reached between them to unbutton her jeans. She trembled as he turned, easily tossing her face down over his thighs.

  Crossing her legs didn’t keep him from baring her ass. His hand roamed over both globes. Her lungs screamed for oxygen as she waited for the pain. It didn’t come. When his touch remained light, she dared a peek over her shoulder. The look on his face was humbling. He caught her looking, and his ears colored in that endearing blush of his.

  “This might sound crazy, but your ass is beautiful. You have dimples above it that are as adorable as the ones on your face.”

  It was Eva’s turn to blush. She squirmed and couldn’t hold back another giggle when he leaned down and kissed one cheek.

  “Aren’t I supposed to be kissing your ass, big man?”

  “Mine’s not nearly this cute, but we can take turns if you want to,” Mox said with a wink. “Right now I want to see what this heart shaped hiney looks like pink.”

  Hadn’t she promised herself earlier that she would do whatever it took to make it up to Mox? She’d survived Rocco’s beatings. Surely, she could tough out an old fashioned spanking for the trouble she’d caused him today. The waggle of his eyebrows and a smirk stole most of her fear. His hand cracked down on one cheek, the sound loud in their bedroom. She flinched at the noise. He rubbed it softly before giving the other a smack. Spreading the blows around and caressing often, he soon had her bottom warm and surprising moisture starting between her thighs.

  “Is this what you meant by warming my ass?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Mmm hmmm,” Mox rumbled happily. “If you’re a bad girl I’ll make it a little harder so you remember it tomorrow, but I bet, even that, you won’t mind too much. Gin never seems to.”

  “You spank Ginny?” Eva squeaked, half sitting up in surprise. The move earned her a couple of harder swats and a push back down over his lap.

  “Hell no, silly woman. Zeke does.”

  “How do you know that?” Eva gasped, squirming to d
iffuse the burn.

  “They’re not exactly shy about it. Besides, I busted in on them when I was nine or ten.”


  “The locks on bedroom doors aren’t really meant to keep anyone out. I hit it with my shoulder and it popped,” Mox said with a shrug. “I thought he was hurting her. Ginny was the first person in this world to give a shit about me.”

  Eva’s hips rolled, the heat spreading to coil low in her belly. She didn’t protest when he uncrossed her legs, shoving her jeans and panties down further.

  “You were just a little boy.”

  “I was never real little. Besides, I would’ve taken any beating for Gin.”

  “What happened?” Eva asked. Her words came out a low moan as Mox experimented with blows that cupped the bottom curve of her ass cheeks, rocking her against his thighs.

  “Zeke bellowed at me to get the hell out. I threatened to kick his ass. Ginny had to get between us. It’s a little confusing at that age to be told that some women like their ass smacked and that it’s always preferable to their old man’s fists. It makes sense now.”

  “It does,” Eva whispered, grinding against his thigh. The friction was heavenly. She gasped at the press of his fingers. Her eyes drifted closed in pleasure as he impaled her, slowly pumping the thick digits in and out. She whimpered in protest when his fingers withdrew, and she was suddenly rolled off his lap.

  He stepped off the bed. Struggling with the wadded clothing tangled around her legs, Eva turned, her gaze following him, begging for an explanation of what she’d done wrong. Mox kicked the door the rest of the way shut and shucked out of his shirt.

  “Strip, baby girl. I want you.”

  The simple statement had her scrambling to kick out of her jeans. When he was free of his clothes, Mox cleared the bed of her littered garments with a sweep of his arm. She shivered as he crawled up the bed. Braced above her, one hand traveled a reverent path down her body.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Eva would’ve normally brushed the words away as the lies a man tells when he wants laid, but the look on his face said more than words ever could. Adoration shone from his pale blue eyes. She’d never felt so attractive. He made her feel sexy, wanted, and horny. She grinned at the last thought and looped her arms around his neck to tug him down to her.


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