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For Daddy

Page 8

by Celia Crown

  “What about the other pieces?”

  My cock presses and throbs in my tight pants, stamping the zipper as it grows harder at her innocent question. She wants to model more for me, but I just want to hook a finger in her panties and pull them to the side so I can feed her small cunt with my big cock.

  Would it be barbaric of me to take her on the floor?

  Yes, but she’ll like it.

  Every man is a Neanderthal in the deepest part of their bodies. Our primitive side demands to secure the woman we love using any means necessary. It’s why pride is one of the deadly sins along with lust.

  “Go on,” I say while smacking her ass, feeling the pricking in my skin at the impact.

  She yelps, crying out for me to stop being mean to her. I had to cop a feel before she went to change. I couldn’t stop that side of me, and that was fine with me. I’m not ashamed to let her know she causes this monster in me to awaken at the stroke of her dainty fingers.

  As she walks back into the changing room, I briefly remember that this entire building is soundproof and no one would be the wiser as to what we’re doing. My company headquarters is made with tall glass windows and people cannot look into the building from the outside. Aria and I have privacy to do what we want.

  The pieces of the lingerie that I have designed have multiple parts to them, and it would take Aria a couple of minutes to figure out the concept of it as if it’s the first time she had seen it.

  My phone flashes on the counter, showing me a message about the phone in my office ringing. I look at the closed door and take in consideration of the time that she would need to change and stand there for a solid five minutes to get her nerves under control and the amount of time that I would be on the phone.

  It’ll be quick; the phone call shouldn’t be of any importance. I don’t have meetings today and I’m not expecting anyone, and I don’t meet people without appointments.

  I leave the backroom reserved for my work and close the door that’s connected to my bright office under natural lights. I pick up the phone and receive a message from my receptionist outside saying there is a woman down at the lobby that wants to see me.

  I frown at the interruption of my time with Aria when the name Mrs. Lynch gives is vaguely familiar. With a snap of a lightbulb in my head, I remember where I have heard that name before and I sigh in annoyance.

  Giving permission for the woman to come up, I slowly forget her name again by the time I go to use my key to lock the door where Aria is in. I don’t want her to come out and see that woman, but I don’t trust her to not wander around to find me if I’m talking to that woman in a different place.

  Just as I pocket my keys and step away from the door, Mrs. Lynch knocks on the door and comes in with the woman in her stilettos, tight dress, and her bizarre tan. To untrained eyes, it’s perfect and even. My eyes are trained to focus on details, and her tan is less than perfect.

  She is laughable.

  She flips her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder and winks at me. Disgust rises before anger, and I steady the raging fury inside of me to tear a new one in this woman. How dare she come into my office when I had specifically ordered her to never come near me again.

  What we did was a one-time business, and I paid her the appropriate amount.

  There is no reason why she would be here.

  “Hello, handsome,” she purrs, stalking up to me with her heels clicking on the floor.

  Mrs. Lynch dutifully closes the door behind her and leaves a private moment between this woman and I. A moment that is unwelcomed, and I wish she would launch herself out of my window and get the hell away from me.

  This is risky. I have Aria in the other room, and she doesn’t know what I have done. She will surely hate me for being the one that took apart that fairy tale she had been immersing herself in. It wasn’t healthy and it was wrong, and I was helping her.

  “Oh, how I missed you!” she squeals, opening her arms to try and hug me.

  I dodge her with a side step. “What are you doing here?”

  She puckers her lips, and another shiver of disgust punches me in the gut. Her appeal to men doesn’t work on me. I have no interest in her and I never did.

  “I just wanted to see you since you still haven’t called me.”

  I keep my back to the door with Aria in there and I’m glad for the soundproof walls.

  “There was no reason to.”

  She gasps as if she is hurt by my calloused words. “I thought we had chemistry! You said you would call me!”

  I have told her nothing but to do what she was hired to do. I don’t need clingy women having thoughts that they concocted. After the job, I had forgotten about her and the entire ordeal until she came barging into my office.

  This woman doesn’t take my silence well. She ducks her head and her blonde hair falls to her face. A crackle of sardonic smile falls from her painted lips. She shrugs her hair back and turns her nose up.

  “Oh dear.” She breathes with a laugh. “How is your darling girl?”

  My eyes set on a deadly glare and her shoulders give an involuntary jump, but she reels back her fear and squares her shoulders.

  Any mention of my sweet little girl from anyone’s mouth is a taboo. Only I can know about Aria; she is a hidden gem that needs to be kept in secrets. People will soon find out how precious she is and men will come flocking around me, challenging me to take her away as if they had the right to be with her.

  “What do you want?” I grit out, my jaws ache from how hard I clench them.

  My pulse is racing with my blood, thumping loudly in my ear as my temper flares. This woman has the balls to come to my office and speak of this matter when I have Aria in the other room. Even if the room is soundproof, I just have this inkling feeling that she’s planning something.

  I have to be careful around her. When I picked her, I was looking at her ruthlessness that is known throughout the entertainment industry. She played her part well and that is all I can say about remembering her, but she seems adamant to make a second impression.

  “I want you,” she says, not beating around the bush.

  She strolls up to me, laying one manicured hand on my shoulder. I’m ready to knock her hand away when she leans up and presses her body to mine as if I would be interested in having plastic on me.

  I smack her hand away, stepping back to see her smirking. Her perfume lingers on me, and I want to gag at the pungent smell.

  “You wouldn’t want her to know what you have done, right?” she taunts, teeth snapping together in a mockery of a threat. “And what kind of a man you are.”

  Anyone who underestimates me will be undervaluing their lives. I never initiate anything without exit plans and strategic routes to secure my name if it’s morally gray, and the media would eat up that story like vultures on decaying bodies.

  “She’d be so heartbroken to find out that you paid for me.”

  I frown at the wording. Yes, I did pay for her, but it was for something else. Her implication is that I had sex with her and I definitely would not touch her with a ten-foot pole.

  “Would she cry?” The woman holds her hand to her mouth to attempt to hide the smile. “Would she be relieved to be away from that abusive man?”

  Speaking of that man, I hate that ex-boyfriend of hers. He is not good for Aria and how the hell he even got a chance to be with her is beyond me, and it’s poor planning on my part. I was too slack with her freedom that I let a fool have a taste of her, but at least he had the common sense to never touch her.

  “Oh!” She snaps her finger. “Would she hate you?”

  My jaw ticks in irritation. The woman continues on, drilling into the fear that I have had from the time I had this plan in action that Aria would find out what kind of bullshit I have done for her.

  For her, my mind supplies as it eases my nerves. Everything I do is for her, and I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise.

  “Because, you know,” the
woman says with a grin, tapping her long nail on her chin. “I was only doing what you paid me to do. She wouldn’t hate me, right. No, no, she wouldn’t. She’s going to blame everything on you and she will leave because you’re the same as her ex-boyfriend.”

  I am not like that man.

  “I slept with him because of you, so you have to take responsibility for me.”

  “I will never do anything for you.”

  That wasn’t what the woman wanted to hear based on the twitchiness on her face. She glowers, glaring daggers at me while she stomps up to me. I’m ready this time. I won’t let her touch me and I will break her hand if I have to.

  It isn't my proudest moment, but I did have this woman do whatever it takes to drive Aria away from her ex-boyfriend. I just didn’t give her specifics as to what she had to do, but my only request is that she does not hurt my Aria.

  When I had found out that she had slept with the man and became a homewrecker in terms of the relationship, I knew my fragile and sensitive little girl would be emotionally hurt. That’s unavoidable, but it’s better than physical pain.

  The woman stops in front of me, taking a deep breath and smiles as if she is posing for the media.

  “If that’s your answer,” she says, leaving it just at that before clicking her heels out the door with a dramatic slam.

  The itch in the back of my mind doesn’t settle even after she had left, but I know that woman has more up her sleeve.

  A knock on the door behind me drags my attention back to Aria and I hastily take the key out to unlock the door. She comes out with regular clothes on, tilting her head in confusion and a look of shock flashes across her face.

  Then my office door bursts open with the same woman coming back in, eyes blazing with unspeakable evil as Mrs. Lynch is unable to stop her.

  “Ah!” she exclaims, smiling like a snake. “Wrong room, sorry!”

  She leaves immediately after that and I snap my head back down to Aria who has wide blue eyes set at the door that Mrs. Lynch had closed again. Aria shakes, upset and disappointed.

  A part of me hates that I know where it’s coming from. She recognizes that it’s the same woman who had cheated with her former boyfriend. Even though I want to say that the relationship wasn’t a big deal, it still hurts Aria that it makes her have these insecure thoughts that she isn’t good enough.

  “Hush, sweet girl,” I cup her cheeks, limiting her sight to me. “Daddy’s not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Nine


  “Are you still upset with Daddy, little girl?”

  I curl inside the heavy duvet, huddling towards the middle for maximum warmth as I shut my eyes. The painful throb in my heart won’t go away with the sound of Simone’s velvety voice.

  I never thought I would see that woman again, and yet, there she was with a lipstick mark on Simone’s white collar. I hated seeing that mark—it’s almost possessive, taunting me that she was better, prettier, and generally a greater presence than my commoner status.

  “I burned that shirt already,” Simone remarks.

  It’s not his fault. The insecurities in me curl deep within my gut, and it hurts to breathe because the coiling of nerves pinches me to the point that I want to hurl myself into the toilet.

  Simone rips the cover from my face, hands squeezing my arm to lift me into his lap. My body is familiar with his as I relax at his touch, caressing my back while his breath fans over the top of my hair.

  “I don’t like her,” I find myself saying.

  It’s an out of body experience. I have no control of my voice as I stare blankly at the disrupted pillows. The arms around me bring me back as Simone sighs, petting my hair with his big hand while the heat of his body wants to melt away the shirt that I’m wearing.

  “I don’t either,” Simone replies nonchalantly.

  “I don’t want Daddy to—”

  Simone cuts off any insecure thoughts in my head with his words. I love how he can put that demon in me to rest and stop the doubts from resurfacing as of now. I don’t think I can handle another round of heartbreak if Simone says something about that woman and it would be something I can’t take.

  “Daddy is not going to do anything with her.”

  I swallow and reluctantly nod. There is nothing I can do other than to trust him because he wouldn’t lie to me like my ex-boyfriend. Simone is strong; he’s not going to fall for that woman’s seducing tactics.

  Nonetheless, he did move away when she planted that lipstick kiss on his collar.

  My eyes narrow in disdain. I try to reason with myself that he was taken off guard, but Simone is always on his toes when someone is around him. He’s calculating and analytic when he’s in public, and he wouldn’t even let innocent civilians walk past him without scaring them to the other side of the street.

  “What if—”

  He grunts, “There is no ‘what if’.”

  Simone drops on his back with me splayed on his chest while he bounces on the bed. I remember the bed being the hardest thing to sleep on the first night I was in here and I had to wonder how Simone is able to sleep. I thought this his muscles are already hard enough, and the bed would only bring his bones more discomfort, but he slept fine while I thought I fought a battle in the morning.

  Ever since then, the bed had become the softest thing I have ever felt with a touch of firmness that balances out everything.

  He altered the bed as per my liking with the pillows and multiple covers to make sure that not an inch of my skin is exposed. I don’t like sleeping knowing that I have a blanket that’s shorter than me and that’s saying something about the length.

  I hated the blanket I had at my apartment. It was perfectly squared so every side is short so I would just curl into a ball even though my knees cramped intensely and yet I would still refuse to extend it.

  Finding comfort in his arms, I try to forget the woman’s evil face and whatever plan she’s scheming.

  A shrilling ringtone causes my skin to jump in shock, scrambling up to see what made that sound as my mind got fried momentarily.

  Simone rises from the bed while holding my weight with just sheer power from his torso. I listen to him talk on the phone with a tone of irritation and I feel bad for whoever is on the other line. I can never stand when Simone talks like it, cruel and uncaring when I know him as the kindest man that walks on Earth.

  I know he doesn’t give to charity much because he had told me that he doesn’t know what their true intentions are no matter how good their sales pitch sounds. He does his research first before he gives out money to charities, and he gives more than an average millionaire.

  If he finds a cause that is being used to help people rather than his money being pocketed over a scheme, then he will be generous and I love that about him.

  I love everything about him. I love him.

  “Escort them to the police!” The crackle of thunder in his voice scares me as I jerk my head up from his chest to see the fury turning into wrathful irritation.

  The person on the other line says something before Simone growls in frustration, clicking his tongue and muttering something along the lines of several words of toxic profanity.

  “Keep them there.”

  Simone hangs up the call, threading his fingers absentmindedly into my hair and tugging on the strands while he thinks for a moment. I want to read his mind to know what it was about that made him this angry, but I don’t have that superpower so all I can do is wait for him to tell me.

  As expected, he doesn’t tell me because he thinks it’s going to worry me.

  “I’m going to the office for a while,” he says, and he leaves no room for me to argue.

  “I want to come.” I stare into his dark eyes.

  His immediate answer is anticipated too. “No. I want you to stay home and let me take care of this… business.”

  I remember seeing this rage on his face when he met my ex-boyfriend for the first time, but it coul
d be that it’s the alcohol that triggered another level of anger in him.

  “Please,” I beg, wrapping my arms around his thick neck. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  He pauses, unknowingly giving me the answer I need when he curls his body to mine. He lays his lips on my forehead, murmuring words that fall on my deaf ears as I enjoy the attention he shows me in.

  A gut feeling tells me that whatever business he has to deal with has to do with that woman. I just know it and since that scene had just happened this morning, my skepticism rises after the phone call where he’s just a ball of red energy.

  “Alright, sweet girl, but you let Daddy handle it.”

  He must know that I know this has to do with the woman and whatever she’s pulling out of her sleeves. I don’t doubt that she wants to take Simone away from me because I know the look she gave him the moment she burst open the door saying she was in the wrong room.

  It was a look of selfishness and lust. She wants to have what she can’t have.

  “I promise.”

  He nods. “Get dressed. I want you covered up.”

  I finally have clothes that are my own size so I dig through the massive walk-in closet that’s organized with his shoes, watches, ties, and his suits. I have my own sections too, and I don’t know how he managed to do it, but I feel like I’m taking up more room than him.

  Whatever makes him happy is what makes me happy. I come out of the closet with long sleeves, long pants, and a light jacket to combat the nasty night weather. Sometimes nighttime can be temperamental, especially during summer when the temperature varies too much.

  One moment can be the sunniest day, and the next minute, it rains cats and dogs. “Is this good?” I twirl in a circle to let him see what I’m wearing. I have simple taste and it reflects in how I dress since I would rather take that extra hour to sleep in than fuss about what I should wear.

  I can’t disappoint Simone and embarrass him. He likes me in my elements and that means casual clothing rather than expensive Shahtoosh shawls and designer bags. My arms aren’t meant to carry something that decadent.

  “Perfect,” he purrs, locking me in his burly arms again and peppering me with kisses.


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