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BLAKE: Captive to the Dark

Page 8

by Angelini, Alaska

  My eyes opened and, still, we raced around cars, but we were no longer on the freeway. The two lane road didn’t seem as busy, but it was crowded enough for Blake to have to consistently pass the vehicles every few seconds.

  Minutes flew by and I used my memories, my hopes for the next two weeks, to help me keep the terror of my past at bay. I should be good enough to go by then. Blake would give me the strength. He had enough of it. I’d rely on him to heal me internally. Then, I’d go home, make an appointment to fix my face and back, and go back to doing the only thing I knew. Smiling. Pretending. Showing myself to the world and not enjoying a single minute of it.

  Large fields suddenly stretched out for as far as the eye could see. The dark brown dirt turned into bright green the further we drove. Texas was so different from where I was from. Los Angeles had mountains, the beach, and shops everywhere. This place…nothing but land. It was beautiful and refreshing as hell.

  A few side roads passed and then we were turning onto a one lane paved road. The highway disappeared behind us and a few houses came and went. My back burned and I shifted against the pain. The road wound and minutes later, far away from any other houses stood a one-story, red brick home with dark green shutters. It was huge compared to what I had imagined. This was Blake’s?

  The bike turned onto a long concrete driveway that led all the way to the house. I eased off and cried out from behind gritted teeth as my back straightened. I’d been hunched over for so long, I felt stiff. My hands undid the strap and I pulled the helmet off. Sweat had my hair sticking to the sides of my face. The humidity was almost unbearable. It felt like I was sucking air through a straw.

  “You okay?” The concern on Blake’s face was genuine. I smiled and nodded, trying to downplay the stinging that portrayed the whip still slicing into my back.

  “Not a very good liar, I see. Come.” Blake took off walking and I followed through the large entry way. Black leather couches rested in the open living room. A cherry coffee table matched the two end tables beside the main sofa. It was beautiful amidst the deep colors and soft grey tile. Pictures hung on the walls, but none were of people no smiling faces of family members or friends. They were sceneries of snow-capped mountains. It didn’t fit the personality I knew of him. Maybe they were just wall fillers. I had a few of those in my place.

  “This way.” He walked back and to the left. The large kitchen was also open. The dark cherry cabinets matched all the tables I saw. Light colored carpet started as we entered a long hallway. At the very end, he pushed a door open and I froze at the large bedroom. It was as big as my entire apartment.

  A large big screen rested against the wall and a chaise sat a few feet from the bed. I closed my mouth and looked over at him. The look he sported wasn’t one of amusement, but of deep concentration. He was reading me and I didn’t like it.

  “Nice.” I gave him a fake grin and glanced behind him. The restroom was nearly half the size of the room. A large elevated Jacuzzi tub sat in the far corner and a glass shower bigger than my closet rested a few feet from that. Black marble decorated the floors. It was stunning, and very intimidating. I may have made good money modeling, but living where I did, it took half of my pay. With all the bills I had, I was literally broke. My bank account was lucky to have a couple hundred bucks in it, maybe.

  “Take off your clothes and kneel before me.”

  Signals in my brain locked up leaving me confused.

  “Kaitlyn. You chose this, now obey.”

  Now that I was here, I wasn’t so sure. My hand gripped the bottom of my shirt and I winced as I pulled it over my head. The hesitation of my hands had him slowly walking forward. As he began to circle, I felt displayed. Like…prey. Shit. That wasn’t the case. I was Kaitlyn Summers. My monster matched his equally. There was no reason for fear. I could do this. I wanted it.

  The bra fell to the floor and I bent over, unzipping the boots. By the time I was completely nude, my whole body was shaking.

  “Very nice.” The back of Blake’s hand moved down the length of my arm. “You’ll stay just like this for the remainder of your stay. Unless we leave, you’re not allowed to dress. You belong to me now and I want to see what I own.”

  I felt my eyes go big, but I kept my mouth shut. “I can do that, I guess.”

  “No, not can. You will. And you’re to address me correctly. Blake is no more. You call me Sir. If you don’t, or you forget, you’ll be punished. Do you understand?”

  The reality of my situation came crashing through like a freight train. He was a Dom in every way. The power in his aura had melted into his reality. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now get your ass in that corner until I tell you otherwise. Until I can punish you correctly, the corner will have to do.”

  “Bullshit,” I exploded. “I’m not a little kid. Spank me or something, but don’t—” I was dragged to the corner like a fucking child. Nose in the crease and all. The anger was so intense, I could have chewed nails. This was so damn degrading.

  Fingers pushed between my legs causing my palms to flatten against the cool walls.

  “You’re going to learn to obey real quick, kitten. Who you were before doesn’t exist anymore. I bet men bowed at your feet.” He laughed and rubbed against my folds. I hated the wetness that responded to his touch. Not like this. Not when he was embarrassing me. Blake’s other hand reached up to my breast, lightly brushing against the skin until he swept over my hard nipple. “If it’s a challenge you’re looking for, Kaitlyn, you’ve invested time in the wrong man. The only one kneeling will be you.”

  A moan tore from my throat as his fingertip traced the inside of my opening. The need to reach down and apply pressure over my clit was excruciating.

  “So fucking tight.” Blake’s touch was gone so fast, I had to blink to process it. Nails raked up the back of my thigh and I sucked in air. “Now, be a good girl and stay still while I check your back to make sure you’re okay. Then, you’ll do your time. After I think you’ve learned your lesson, we’ll talk. There’s some things I need to know about you.”

  The bandages were peeled back and, within seconds, he reapplied the tape. “Good.” That was the only word he spoke. Footsteps disappeared and I fought between whether to stay or continue to argue. Wetness coated the inside of my thighs and I shifted my legs. The sound of fabric behind me told me he was either sitting on the bed or lying down on it. Couldn’t we just bypass this and get right to the hardcore fucking? I knew the general relationship between Doms and their subs, but I had never immersed myself in the role. Not truly. Not for more than one night at a time.

  What felt like forever passed and I rested my head against the wall. My legs were starting to ache and my back throbbed. Did he realize I was sick only yesterday? Not that I was using that as an excuse, but understanding his mindset would have been nice.

  “Crawl to the bed, Kaitlyn. You’ve been a very good girl. I didn’t think you’d last this long.”

  I spun around, ready to snap at him, but I caught myself. If I stood up against him, I was liable to find myself right back in the corner. Now, that, I didn’t want.

  Blake lay on his side, facing me. I lowered to my hands and knees and moved forward until I came to the edge of the bed. My head lifted to see him peering down at me. If I opened my mouth, I knew I was going to say something that wasn’t to his liking, so I waited.

  “Interesting.” He smiled. “You know about this lifestyle. At least a little.”

  “Of course I do. Where do you think I got taken?”

  Confusion had his eyebrows drawing in. “What do you mean?” He patted the bed and I gladly stood and climbed up next to him.

  “I was at Dark Dave’s.”

  Blake shook his head and I realized he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “It’s a BDSM club. I was leaving when two men tackled me down in the parking lot and threw me in a van.”

  Hard lines came to his face. “That’s not what the report
said. It stated that you went missing from your home. You were spotted at a birthday party. Roxie’s, if I remember correctly. You left the Hilton around eleven and from there you went home. It didn’t mention anything about you being anywhere else that night.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. That’s what the report said? “Blake, I was never at a birthday party. Roxie isn’t even my friend. More like my enemy. I was at the Hilton, yes, and there was a party, but I wasn’t invited. Hell, I didn’t even know it was hers. I think I might have walked through at some point, but…”

  “What were you doing at the hotel, Kaitlyn?”

  The lump that formed in my throat made it impossible to swallow. “I received an envelope. There were photos of me that I didn’t want getting out. The person said if I met them there and gave them twenty thousand dollars, they’d hand them over. I told them I didn’t have that kind of money. Sure, I get paid a lot, but between all my bills and the appearance I have to maintain, I’m fucking broke. Anyway, they told me to meet them and we’d find a way to work around it. No one ever showed. I went home and then decided to go to Dark Dave’s to blow off some steam. The rest is history.”

  “You didn’t tell any of this to my former partner when he questioned you in the hospital. All you said was that you went to bed and woke up in the van with what you thought were two men. Why did you lie?”

  “Wait one minute. Former partner? You’re a cop?”

  “Former,” he bit out. “I was a detective. Decided it wasn’t for me. Quit dodging the question. Why didn’t you mention any of this to him? Why lie?”

  “Hello. I was at a sex club. I can’t let that get out.”

  Blake ran his fingers through his hair. “Irrelevant. Who gives a shit? We could have gotten them to pull tapes. Collect evidence. Jack already told me there was no camera around your place. That’s bullshit in itself.” He shook his head. “Whatever. I’ll take care of this. Something’s not right with how it all went down and I have every intention of finding out what it is. What were the pictures of?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Cocaine. I was stupid one night. Things were really low and I was at my breaking point. Mickey was hosting a party at the set and it was practically pushed under my nose. I tried it. First time,” I stressed. “I swear. I don’t do drugs. I don’t even drink. That night was just extra bad.”

  “All right. So someone took pics of you snorting coke. How long was it after that you got the pictures?”

  My mind thought back as I went over the days. I’d been so full of regret that I’d mainly stayed secluded after that. “Two weeks. Maybe a little less.”

  “And who gave you the cocaine? Or should I say, practically pushed it under your nose?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m not going to start name dropping on drugs, Mr. Officer. Almost everyone I know does something.”

  Blake’s hand was around my throat and he was pinning me to the bed before I could think. “This isn’t a game, Kaitlyn. You were set up. If you won’t take your kidnapping seriously, I will. Now, who gave you the cocaine?”

  “I don’t know,” I choked out.

  The grip loosened, but he didn’t remove his hand. “You don’t know?” Blake’s eyes raked over my face. “Tell me, kitten. I want to help you. To make these fuckers pay for what they did. Without the information, we’ll never get to the bottom of it.”

  “I’m telling you the truth. I’d never seen him before that night. The place was packed. He could have been anyone.”

  Blake growled. “If you’re hiding information from me, I’ll find out, Kaitlyn. Don’t think I won’t. We can either do this the easy way and you tell me everyone you communicated with that night, or I’ll uncover the truth for myself. It won’t be pretty.”

  The knife was suddenly in his hand and my lungs locked up from his implications. Blake planned to kill to get the answers if I didn’t give him a name? Why was that somehow shocking to me? My eyes went from the blade to his serious stare. “You’re a monster.”

  His small laugh filled the room. “No, baby. Monsters come out at night to scare people. When these motherfuckers see my beast step from the shadows, there’ll be no time for them to fear. The entire room will be dripping red. And so help me, I’ll enjoy every minute of it.” His hand left my throat and his finger trailed down between my breasts. “They will pay for what’s happened. I don’t care if they only took part in the blackmail. It’s unacceptable. No one is ever going to hurt you again, Kaitlyn. Except me.”

  Blake put the knife away and twisted his hand in my hair, nipping at my mouth. The lust that exploded from his declaration had my arms locking around his neck, trying to pull him closer. I would have been on his lap had he not braced his palm to my chest to keep me lying down.

  “Tell me a name.” He sucked my lip into his mouth, but refused to let me kiss him. “Kaitlyn.”

  I moaned, tightening my grip. My mind wasn’t working. All I could think about was feeling Blake’s cock pounding into me from behind. I wanted his hand buried in my hair, arching me, slapping my ass so hard I was crying.

  “Give me what I want and I’ll tell you what I know. If you do a satisfactory job, you should have no problem getting the information you seek.”

  Blake reared back to look at me. “You’re bargaining your revenge while at the same time challenging me to fuck you up to your standards?”

  I licked my lips. It sounded really screwed up once he put it like that. “Challenging you, yes. You’re different, Blake. Make me feel.” The top half of my body gravitated toward him. “You have that ability. I know you do. Don’t disappoint me. I need this. Need you to take everything away and just—”

  “Fuck you?” Blake said, interrupting me. “Amazing. And not in a good way, kitten. You have no control. No discipline, whatsoever. The work that’s going to have to be put into you…”

  My head turned to the side and he let go. “You’re regretting bringing me here?” Tears came to my eyes and the possibility of having to go home to face my new life was suffocating. I didn’t want to. Didn’t want to be anywhere near California. What if the men came back? What if one of my so-called friends was responsible for selling me?” A tear escaped and I spun around, climbing off the bed. Surprisingly, he didn’t try to stop me. Where I was going, I didn’t know. Anywhere to think. To get away from the one man I felt desperate to stay with.

  “Kaitlyn. I don’t regret it. From the beginning, I knew you’d take a while to adjust. You’re too strong to slip right into a submissive role. That aside, I’m not going to forget about what you said. You’re going to give me names. Especially the one encouraging the drug use.”

  I stopped at the foot of the bed, trembling from the pain in my back. “I told you I didn’t know his name. What about the rest? Do you plan to kill them?”

  Something flashed over Blake’s face, a deep yearning that seemed to radiate from his within. “I want to. Whether or not I do depends on them. If they give me answers, maybe not.”

  My head shook. “If you’re going to kill them for being there, I’m not going to tell you. Now, if they were a part of this and set me up so I could be kidnapped, I’ll kill them myself.”

  Chapter 7


  For four days I watched Kaitlyn, taking in every little thing that she did and said. The deep spells she’d get taken over by left me worried. If I wasn’t talking to her consistently, she was easily entranced in her own dark thoughts. Where did she go when she disappeared into her head? Was she back in Russia, bound to that disgusting bed? Or was she being tortured in the basement? I had tried asking, but she shook it off like it wasn’t a big deal.

  Days of medication left her healing perfectly. The trip to the pharmacy had come a few hours after her arrival. To have her, I’d need her as healthy as possible. I’d made that my mission when she’d stood in the corner, pouting from her punishment. It took everything I had not to throw her on the bed and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. God
damn, I wanted to. Every day that passed, my control got harder to maintain.

  From the look of her healing back, she was ready. I could fuck her right now if I wanted. It’d have to be soon. If I had to wait one more night, my house would be destroyed from the impatience I felt. The pent up frustration that overpowered me was clouding my thoughts. Seeing her full breasts exposed and her now shaved pussy twenty-four/seven was too much. And that ass. Dammit. It was her best feature, by far. For even as skinny as she was, her backside hadn’t been affected in the least. And, I’d know. My browser history was full of every picture of Kaitlyn that was available. Even ones that sent my blood past the point of boiling. Like the collection of her with who she called friends, partying it up in the Florida Keys. Shoot after-party, my ass. It looked like Girls Gone Wild. If I had to see one more picture of men wrapped around her, posing, I was going to have to buy a new laptop.

  “It’s time for you to eat.” I glanced up from my screen at Kaitlyn, lying down on the coach, diagonal from me, checking her own mail on my extra laptop while she glanced up at the news. The fucking news of all things. She lived off of that shit. I didn’t understand it. The woman before me was nothing like the girl I saw in the pictures. Masks, she called them. If anyone understood what that meant, it was me. After all, we only showed people what we wanted them to see. As for Kaitlyn’s professional mask, that one I didn’t care for.

  “Again? I just ate two hours ago.”

  “An apple’s not a meal. We’re trying to get you healthy again. Why don’t you go grab a sandwich or salad?”

  “Okay. Hold…on, Sir.” Kaitlyn’s face moved in closer to the screen and I heard her gasp. Slowly, her head shook back and forth and I tried peering around her, curiously. “No,” she whispered.

  “What?” I sat the laptop off to the side and stood. The email she was reading had me lowering down beside her. I felt my eyes go big and my blood heat under the threat.


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