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BLAKE: Captive to the Dark

Page 20

by Angelini, Alaska


  “No.” I crawled on the bed to loom over her. “I’m going to cut you, baby. You’re going to bleed for me so good.”

  A moan left her mouth while she shook her head back and forth. “We can’t.” The whisper made me smile. Can’t wasn’t in my vocabulary. I could do whatever the fuck I pleased, whenever I wanted. Who was going to stop me?

  “Shh.” I separated her legs wide and moved to rest between them. I wanted her rubbing her wet pussy against my cock as I breached her skin with my blade. “God, you have no damn idea how hot this makes me, baby.” I led the tip to trace between her breasts. A shiver made Kaitlyn’s body tremble. The slight movement of her hips rocked her hot slit easily against my length. This is what she needed. What I needed.

  “Sir?” Her thick lashes fluttered open as she raised her head to look up at me.

  “Unless you’re screaming my name, I don’t want to hear what you have to say. The time for insecurities or questions is over. They don’t exist for you anymore.” I pushed the tip into Kaitlyn’s cleavage, closer to her right breast, causing her to suck in air. Crimson appeared, standing out brightly against the silver of the blade. Just the tiniest drop, but enough to have my heart racing. “Don’t you see, baby? I own every single part of you. I choose what you feel. What you see. How you dress. What you eat.” Our eyes were locked as I continued, “In moments like this,” I flattened the blade, spreading the rich color over her skin, “I even choose how much I want you to bleed. Your life is completely in my hands.”

  Continuous sounds spilling from her mouth led me on while I moved my knife all around Kaitlyn’s stomach, arms, and thighs. She never knew when or where I was going to stick her. I loved the thrill she was obviously finding in my game. Loved how absolutely drenched her pussy was. My thumb moved over her clit in tiny circles, barely applying pressure, while I pushed the tip of my blade down just above the crease of her elbow. A small spasm was followed by an all too familiar sob.

  “You want to come.”

  Kaitlyn nodded. “It’s too much. Too intense with you touching down there.”

  My thumb paused. “Down where?”

  “Sir.” She tried to move against me but I gripped her hip, ceasing any movement she might try again.

  “See what moving did? Now I’m not even touching you. Now, say it. Where was I?”

  “On my pussy.”

  I dug my fingers in. “Wrong. Try again.”

  “Your pussy,” she cried out.

  “That’s right.” My hand came back to between her legs. “This is all mine. It’ll never belong to another person again. Ever. Say it, slave. Say you’re mine. Always.”

  Kaitlyn eased her hand to the knife and although I didn’t want to give it to her, I was curious to see what she planned to do with it. Trust. Fuck, I loved that I had that in her.

  The point came to rest against my chest, right on the exact side I’d cut her. My breathing didn’t increase as she pushed into my skin. The pain and warmth of the blood was barely existent as I watched the hunger on her face. Fascination pulled me into an awe-inspired love-spell. There was my girl. The mate to my killer. Is this what I had to do to invoke my other half from her deep sleep inside of a semi-broken slave? Hand her a knife?

  “I’m yours. Always, Sir.”

  With one last swoop of her hand, she pulled back, returning the knife. I looked down, narrowing my eyes. “Is that an infinity symbol?”

  A smile came to her face as I lifted my stare.

  “Yes. If we’re agreeing to always, we might as well seal the deal. I’m your slave until you say otherwise. It’s written right there in your skin. An unbreakable oath.”

  “Unbreakable because I’d never let you go regardless.” I leaned down, moving to the original place I’d punctured. As I carved the sign into her skin, her thrilled gasp made my heart beat faster. Pain and pleasure dilated her eyes and I suddenly knew that symbol was going to haunt me if my slave ever left my side. I couldn’t help but try to swallow past the emotions that were overtaking me. Kaitlyn wasn’t merely just my slave, or the woman who I had fallen in love with…she’d suddenly become more than that. A person I could rely on. My best friend? Had I ever had one of those? Jack was my friend, but he still didn’t know me. Not the beast that rested inside. But, Kaitlyn…she accepted every part of me, just as I did her. She made me feel different, more than anyone else ever had, and I detested that I couldn’t define the impression she’d burned into my soul.

  The looped ends of the symbol embedded in her skin captivated me until I knew nothing but the intricate turns. Always. Forever. Infinite. We would be. I knew it. I’d make it so.

  My lips eased down to her, no longer assaulting like they had been moments before. I slid my tongue along Kaitlyn’s, pushing my chest into hers. The slick feel of our blood mixing, infusing with one another’s, had the animal in me at an all-time high. My fingers clutched to the hair on the sides of her head, overwhelmed with the need to somehow bring us closer together. I couldn’t get enough. The desperation to be inside her mind and make her experience what I was feeling had my hold tightening even more. These undefinable emotions weren’t good for my beast. It left me desperate for something I couldn’t even understand.

  “Yes,” Kaitlyn moaned. “Harder, Sir. Show me what you hide from everyone else. I want to feel what is rightly mine. What protects and belongs to only me.”

  My hand gripped tighter, but my brain locked. What I used to so easily kill people was the one thing that had enveloped itself in my slave. The raw hate, anger, wrath, had twisted with love, inventing some new species of monster inside of me. Kaitlyn was now my yin and yang. She’d stolen who I was and now held every single part of me. The weak, the strong. From the man who needed no one, to the killer who would die without the one thing he’d finally found a reason to live for.

  The sound of my phone filled the room, pulling me from my epiphany. I fought whether or not to reach down and grab it. Kaitlyn looked at me uneasily and made my decision with her nod. I picked it up, glancing at the screen.

  Jack. I hit the button, feeling like I shouldn’t have. I wanted to return to our moment. Recapture it. “What’s up?”

  Sirens echoed in the background as the sound of the engine increased.


  I’d known before I had asked. Somehow, I figured it had nothing to do with the blackmailer. “You need me?” Of course he did. I used to live for his calls. Now…fuck. I needed to go. Girls depended on me.

  “We’re going to bag them up now. You should head to the station so you can watch the interrogations.”

  I grabbed my jeans, ripping them from the floor. “Where were they spotted?”

  As I slid them on, I listened to dispatch sounds break into the interior of his car.

  “On the Westside. Old abandoned warehouse on Murphy Road. I’m headed there now. We had three girls go missing today. I figured possible runaways, until now.”

  “I’m on my way to the station.” I hung up, pushing the phone in my pocket. The moment I connected with Kaitlyn’s worried stare, I broke our connection, going to the closet. “I have to take care of some stuff. Work,” I emphasized. “Get dressed. You’re coming.”


  I glanced back, making myself stop. I couldn’t end what we’d just shared like this. My arms outstretched and she raced into them, throwing herself into me.

  “What’s wrong, kitten? Talk to me.”

  Kaitlyn’s hold was tight around my stomach. “Do I have to go? I’m so tired. I’ll really only be in the way.”

  Where would she stay while I was observing the questioning? I doubted the Chief would let her watch, too. I wasn’t even supposed to be there. The thought of leaving her here, though, was sickening. I swallowed hard, suddenly realizing…Kaitlyn wanted to stay. She was getting stronger. This was a good thing. I didn’t need to worry. I had an alarm system. A house full of weapons. Although I knew it would keep her sa
fe, it was still hard for me to accept. I trusted nothing and no one, but myself. But she needed this.

  “You’re going to eat dinner, sit in front of the mirror for the twenty minutes, and then you can lay in my bed and watch TV until I get back. Then, after I ravish you, you’re back to your room. Got that?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The smile that appeared on her face nearly stopped time. So big and beautiful. Just like those eyes.

  I broke the hold I had on her before I changed my mind. I cleaned the blood off of both of us and got dressed. Only then, did I force myself to look back over at her, now sitting on the bed, the TV already playing quietly.

  “No leaving the house or opening the door for anyone. I’m going to set the alarm behind me. When I do,” I pointed to the clock on the far side of the wall, “the cameras will kick on. They’re all throughout the house, even outside, so don’t even think about disobeying your routine.”

  “I won’t,” she laughed. She licked her lips and moved to rest on her knees, right on the edge of the bed. I didn’t hesitate to go to her and wrap my fingers in her long hair. At her hand resting against the back of mine, I watched her face turn worried.

  She needed reassurance. “Give me a few hours. I’ll try to hurry.”

  “Just be careful. Please.”

  “Who are you talking to? I’m always careful.”

  “Bullshit,” she laughed. “I’ve seen your work, Mr. Morgan.”

  My mouth was on her before she could continue with what she was about to say. We crashed to the bed and I pinned her down. “Fuck. Say it again, slave.”

  “What? Mr. Morgan? Blake Morgan.”

  A huskiness had taken over the words, turning her tone deeper, more seductive. I kissed her again, letting the memories of the day I saved her wash over me. My cock pushed against the barrier of my jeans and I couldn’t stop myself. I flipped Kaitlyn on her stomach and jerked my jeans open, freeing my length. The wetness that met my fingers was coated all the way down to her inner thighs. I growled and pulled her to the end of the bed to rest over the side.

  “I’m not going to be able to focus if I don’t have you now. Fuck waiting. You’ll be mine now and when I get back.”

  Warmth encircled my cock and Kaitlyn pushed back impatiently. My hand connected with her ass so hard it made her scream out.

  “Who’s in control?”

  “You are, Sir.” Still, she tried to wiggle. My hand spanked her again, pulling a moan from deep in her throat.

  I surged forward, burying myself in one thrust.

  “Oh…fuck!” Kaitlyn’s fists gripped to the sheets, driving me on. My hand settled over her mouth, moving her head from the side to face her forward.

  “No. More. Talking.” I slammed into her with every plunge of my cock. My hand slid up to cover her nose and I pulled back, cutting off every ounce of air I could. Suction drew in my palm and I twisted my other hand in her hair, bringing her further back, trying to arch her hips so that she felt nothing inside of her but my cock. I wanted the sensation to stay there forever. The memory, a constant reminder of who she belonged to. I moved my hand down to her mouth, letting her breathe. The large inhale could barely be heard over the slapping of our skin. The scars on her back, healed now, drew my attention. Later, I would kiss each one. Take my time loving her body like the Master in me wanted.

  “Sir.” The muffled word was dragged out, filled with all the ecstasy I knew she was experiencing.

  “Almost, kitten.” My hand left her hair and went around her hip until my fingers were brushing the sensitive bud at the top her slit. I applied pressure, lifting her even more. The scream that left her mouth accompanied with her orgasm had my jaw clenching from the tightness. It held to my cock like a vice, so fitting and firm that the pain was almost my undoing.

  “You’re going to pay for that when I get home.” I flew forward to her shoulder and sank my teeth in, continuing the hard thrusts until I couldn’t bear the torture anymore. Cum exploded from my cock, leaving me lightheaded with each shot of release.

  Yes. Kaitlyn was going to pay for not waiting, and I’d enjoy every minute of making her suffer. The moment I returned, I’d put her in the stocks and not stop until the sun was coming up. That would teach her to obey. If it didn’t, that only meant more fun for me in the future.

  Chapter 16


  The reflection that stared back at me was nothing new. I’d seen it more times in the last few days than I could ever remember looking at it before being sold. My lips twisted and I sighed. How was this helping? Was I supposed to grow numb to what I saw? Maybe immune to the large mark that marred my face? That wasn’t ever going to happen.

  Slowly, I lifted my finger to trace along light pink line. The color had lightened some since I’d gotten here. That was a good thing. I doubted that it was as unnoticeable as Blake made it sound, but maybe it wasn’t as bad as I believed.

  My head tilted more toward the light. Well, that wasn’t very flattering. I leveled it out again and puffed out my cheeks, noticing I looked more like my old self when I did that. Damn, I’d lost a lot of weight in my face. If I didn’t have my scar, I bet one of those bob haircuts would look cute. It’d define my high cheekbones.

  Blake’s request hit me hard. He wanted me to cut my hair. The thought scared me beyond belief. I’d almost lost it when he first threatened. The fear had been equivalent to the one I had for the whip. When I realized it in the car, I couldn’t stop from wanting to go through with it. Cut all my hair off. That way, the long locks could never hold me hostage to that sort of terror again. Blake would be so proud if he returned and I surprised him.

  I took a deep breath and pulled out my toothbrush that now rested against the dark marble counter in Blake’s large bathroom. I’d hated going and getting it out of mine. Hated that we were separated. How much longer would this last? I picked up the toothbrush, knowing all too well how long. It would continue until I got better. That wouldn’t happen until I faced who I was.

  As I squeezed the toothpaste along the bristles, I continued to stare at myself. With each stroke along my teeth and gums, I watched the scar move. Every expression that crossed my face made it even more noticeable.

  I rinsed out my mouth and toothbrush and placed it in the holder it wasn’t meant to be in. Oh well, I’d just get it in the morning.

  The hand towels rested in the cabinet on the back wall and I turned around, walking over to grab one. The scissors sat on the shelf below, taunting me. Should I do it? Hopefully, my Master would be happy, but if I did, there was no going back. I’d have nothing to hide behind. I’d be more exposed than I had been since I’d been saved.

  Tears stung my eyes and a lump the size of a softball formed in my throat. I picked up the scissors and walked back to the sink. If I did it now, at least I’d have control over the length, versus Blake taking me in somewhere and telling them how short to cut it.

  Do it, Kaitlyn. Just…

  Sweat broke out over my skin. I really should. Blake knew what would get me better. He seemed to think this could help. Trust…

  A shuddering breath rocked my chest and I picked up a lock of hair closest to my face. How short? To the shoulders? Chin? I brought the scissors up in between the two lengths and held the blades open with my hair resting between. Think of Blake. Think of Sir.

  With one sweep of my hand, I heard the sound of blades crunching. Tickling rushed down my body coming to rest at my toes. My eyes opened and I gasped. Shit! It was closer to my chin than my shoulder. I inhaled, deeply, knowing I couldn’t take the action back. The piece was too big. I’d done it. Made the choice to put my trust in Blake. Now, I had to continue.

  “Don’t think about it, Kaitlyn. Just keep cutting.” My voice echoed through the bathroom breaking the tension I felt.

  The infinity symbol on my chest numbed the fear and I focused solely on making the dark ends of my hair even. I wouldn’t look at the scar. Not yet. I’d only pay attention to the style I wa
s trying my best not to screw up.

  Minutes went by while the pile of curls at my feet grew. Tears blurred my eyes at times, but thoughts of Blake made me stronger.

  Long strands here and there caught my attention and I moved in closer, snipping, making sure every last one of them disappeared. The moment I succeeded, I pulled loose a section for my bangs. I always swept them to the side. I’d keep them shorter than my length, but only by an inch or two. I’d seen plenty of bobs with long, side swept bangs.

  The crunch of my hair once again filled my ears and I couldn’t believe how light I felt. Ten pounds lighter, really. I couldn’t remember the last time my hair had been shorter than my shoulders.

  I stepped back taking in my new appearance. It was shocking…yet cute. The smile came, but didn’t last as my scar sucked in my attention. This. This was what I needed to see. The real me. The new me. Not the vision I tried to make appear in my head.

  “Oh…shit. What have I done?”

  The steps back continued until I couldn’t go any further. “Blake,” I whispered. My head connected with the wall as I let it fall back.

  He’d be back in a matter of hours. It’d already been close to two. I wasn’t sure how far away the station was or how long he’d be there, but I really hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long.

  “He better like this.” I pushed off the wall and refused to look in the mirror as I reached down and began to clean up all the hair. By the time I got the broom, dustpan, and every single piece of hair off the floor, I was exhausted.

  Shower. The large walk in that Blake held was so much better than the tiny one in the guest bathroom. It was like any other bath/shower combo. This one, I could actually move in.

  I took my time washing my hair and body. My finger rubbed against Blake’s mark on my chest and I finally felt content. Before I knew it, I was climbing into my Sir’s bed and dozing off. Hours of nightmares came and went and the sound of the beeping from the alarm woke me. I flew from the bed, off-balance, but managed to catch myself just as Blake came walking into the room. Blood was half splattered, half smeared on his face. The shock that hit me to the core had me more going to my knees than the sign of respect I was trying to show my Master.


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