Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 1

by Theodore Daniels

  Keymovitts planet was named after the ancient scholar, who lived in the twenty-first century and to develop an effective method of cleaning groundwater. The planet is covered with an impressive layer of ice, which is located deep in the core, which consisted mainly of stone and metal. Despite the size of this planet have only one satellite - Noah, who had a similar carbon composition that pushes many astronomers to believe that once the moon and the planet were one and the satellite split off from the parent planet as a result of a strong impact. Rich reserves of the planet made of iridium is very attractive to mining companies of many races, but due to the high gravity was possible to carry out all the necessary processes only using remotely operated robotic systems.

  Gas hydrogen-methane giant Pauling had a gravitational field, which, according to one theory, in ancient times, almost destroyed a huge asteroid belt. Using the space probe, residents Watson received documentary evidence of this theory, knowing the exact number of satellites which turned sixty-six, rings and rings and sputnikovoobraznyh examined over two hundred craters from impacts of celestial bodies on the surface of the planet. After completing a difficult and dangerous task, probe, rightly called the "Unbeatable", was transferred to other tasks that the system always had for so efficient vehicles.

  Stone planet with vast frozen all oceans, named Crick, famous for its amazing geysers, emissions which were visible even from orbit. The atmosphere of the planet consisted mainly of carbon dioxide and monoxide, so be on the open space for the majority of the races was impossible. Basically planet exported potash, mined from the bottom of the ocean - they are in great demand in the world where terraforming performed.

  Planet Franklin was classified as "large satellites." Franklin had the beginnings of an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, but the surface of the desert there is no trace no water, no life. To protect Watson Alliance posted on Franklin two spaceport and military bases, each of which was designed for six platoons of fighters and a certain amount of interplanetary ballistic missiles. Acceptable bases and spaceports inhabitants gravity level supported mass effect fields.

  Mobilization. Fight with Cerberus. N7: Running "Darts"

  Cosmic distances often played with reasonable organics bad jokes. Razvedfregat spotted disorder around the planet Watson still on the distant approaches, but the components of the disorder of the appearance of two warships, much to myself unfortunately were not expecting. No wonder they say that the plans begin to fall from the beginning of their implementation.

  - Attention on the ship. - Officer of the watch, with the permission of the commander of the frigate, who undertook to inform the whole staff about the work of the frigate, exchanged glances with spices - lokatorschikom and metristom. - In the area of the planet Watson noted batarian activities of extremists. Implemented attack a human colony on the planet Franklin skepticism system. The military base close to densely populated areas occupied by forces landing batarian Hegemony. Alliance forces placed on this military base, at the moment, it does not withstand the onslaught of batarian paratroopers destroyed. According to the long-range and long-distance scanning and data collection of information about the Alliance voenbazah, placed at the base with missiles "dart". These installations have been the target of extremists batarian and they captured them. Rockets are already activated and have,

  - Order. - In the broadcast voice came Corps Commander Anderson. - During landing operation batarians break strength, to give missiles to start or after start-up - all the same - the order to self-destruct. The goal - to save the population and infrastructure from destruction. To move the planet transports mercenaries Blue Light. Most likely, the mercenaries have the intention to carry out a large-scale looting of colonies and get hold of prey, including - and heavy missile weapons. This can not be allowed. Landing of Captain Shepard's group works at full strength. If necessary, it will support the landing of the cruiser, but very desirable, having secured rocket launchers, do on their own - there is little distance, you should have time to do everything quickly and efficiently. Perform. - Anderson switched channels.

  - Captain. - On the threshold of the cubicle stood Olivia. - Let me with you? Can connect more Mark. And the Legion is also willing to participate.

  - Good. All three - for loading. - Shepard perezastegnul internal fasteners breastplates, began putting on the suit. Olivia smiled slightly, nodded:

  - We'll be ready in time, Captain. - She left the cubicle starpomovskoy.

  At this time, the full group of troops under the command of Alenko and Jenkins was placed on the shuttles. They had the most difficult - the liberation of the Alliance base. Group Shepard on two conveyors - "Mako" and "Hammer" distracted batarian paratroopers on to allow landing to take control of rocket launchers, and as soon as possible to change entered in the control circuits of missiles and targeting orders. To do this, together with troops went Yavik, supported by Mark and Legion. Olivia decided to support Shepard and take control of "Hammer".

  A short exchange of views between the officers - and the hangar of the frigate, which was released on the satellite orbit, the first to fly shuttles. They will be under fire batarians as close as possible to the positions of rocket launchers, to crush the resistance of entrenched paratroopers four-eyed out there and ensure control of the air at the time of landing from the frigate. Drivers of cars instructed inmates salons also know when and how they should do.

  Following the shuttle with the two minute delay desantiruyutsya conveyor. Blank "Hammer" with one on board for Olivia batarians was a complete surprise: the air rang out the cries of the radio-controlled conveyor. Although, of course, batarians something about the presence of the crew "Normandy" Synthetic knew, they did not know and could not know all the possibilities of organic partners from the frigate. Not servants, without guards, namely partner. So now Olivia carefully competitor has really radio-controlled conveyor. The exchange with the board of the frigate from the conveyor went exclusively in machine code - to get in touch or voice still somehow show their essence AI, Olivia in the very near future is not planned. That's when the conveyor vorvёtsya on the territory of the base and start to destroy the lungs strengthen batarian paratroopers ... maybe then ... And yet - no play game radio controlled conveyor. Not too perfect, not too strong, not too fast, not too dangerous. Batarians, attracted by an easy target and at least an easy prey, I expect not just a surprise - shaped mold.

  - We - on the base area. - Alenko reported. - My group and a group of Corporal Jenkins fully prepared for landing.

  - Right on schedule, Lieutenant, exactly as planned. And - not scorcher. Quickly and quietly. Takes the control of the missiles, and so on. The plan you know. - Anderson said, standing at the Star Map and side screens having seen everything that happens in the world from many different points. - Proceed.

  - Yes, Captain. - Alenko switched channels.

  Olivia on his "Hammer" has gone to divert Arming captured base. Security will be impressed. Unpleasant impressed. Deadly impressed. When the management of even light machine - Opponents should take care of only one AI level Olivia ... - the burial place of their carcasses.

  A "Mako" while he was in the reserve, firing in quite leisurely movement with extremely long distances batarians, entrenched on the approaches to the base. Well accustomed batarians fight comfortably. Accustomed.

  Behind the wheel of the conveyor Shepard settled, Nihlus habitually sat at the control panel pulёmёtnym cannon armament, Saren has prepared a sniper rifle, and intended as soon as possible to take a comfortable position for shooting the heads batarian paratroopers. If it is possible, he is satisfied and shooting with the conveyor. In the end, it is also interesting to try this way of working sniper. With a moving position. By moving targets. Differe
nt purposes. Finally, the perimeter of a dilapidated fortifications lungs and dead-batarians zaschitnichkami left behind.

  - Missile launchers are brought under control. Perform power off to prevent the launch. Batarians tried to provide this option. Legion already digging in the schemes. Here, just reported - now "Darts" not fly. Mark here zalomal two dozen batteries. They were impressed by the appearance of unpleasant and violent activities of our bodybuilder. - I could not resist the joke lieutenant. - Corporal Jenkins and his men take control of the position. "Darts" neutralized, Captain.

  - Accepted. - Shepard responded, casting conveyor intercept tries to leave to easy wheeled transport batarian paratroopers. Ten digging battery found peace after three aimed shots from a gun "Mako", supported by cross-passage on the case of self-propelled carts two bursts of machine guns conveyor. Live battery was now not in the tin. But ten paratroopers, it, whatever you say, power. Now it - dead power.

  The screen could be seen as the other side of the base Olivia, holding on course wild dancing military tap to a meter from the surface of the conveyor belt of the planet, clearly and methodically killed trying to escape from the frantic conveyor battery. Locator is drawn on your screen, the location of the remaining batarians. Those were clearly unpleasant impressed.

  - Captain, batarians already received information that sinesvetilovtsy blocked. - Kaidan reported.

  - Clear. We act on. As with missiles?

  - Yavik already understood. Rockets completely neutralized. Jenkins Group took full control of the position. I bring to the place of origin of dance of death. - Said the officer-biotic.

  - Accepted. Proceed, Lieutenant. - Shepard knew that Jenkins remained Yavik and Legion. They both do not give batarians no chance to come to a position, no commandoes will again try to capture even missiles. A lieutenant with Mark will be able to punish the main forces batarian paratroopers. While Olivia and he was the commander of troops for its part contribute to the reduction of livestock batarian extremists. A few minutes ago on the side screen flashed a message that all transports sinesvetilovtsev focused destroyed by fire guns of the cruiser and frigate. Jeff Moreau words, as one of the specialists who made the authorized Anderson adding to the message a tremendous thrill.

  Failed invaders - or rather, simply adventurers clung to everything that is possible: for the residential base town for the barracks for the consumer area of the economic zone. Olivia methodically smooth out a sector-by-sector, square by square. Screams of extremely accurate fire of unknown flying conveyor perepolyali dozens of channels used batarians this time. Kiborgessa, closely monitor these cries, not smiling. In combat, she smiled only when necessary. In a large and significant need. She definitely liked this way, act alone and free in full battle mode, and do not expose your body in immediate danger. Shepard certainly guessed, instructing seemingly weak "Hammer" of its management.

  Conveyor with a group of Shepard, meanwhile, cleared out from batarian paratroopers headquarters base and adjacent to the building Staff territory. Trying to get away in his canoe batarian officers, as one, all perished in the supports of the machine, and not being able either to transmit information on communication channels - restless kiborgessa incite specialists frigate so that they broke all connected protocols batarians, leaving them with only the voice within outside, a very conditional way, the satellite shield or remove blocks from the drives on the shuttle. None of the officers failed, had not and could not even climb aboard the shuttle. Saren, leaning out of the hatch, with great satisfaction, that was evident by the brutal grin Turian, lard head batarian charges officers of his sniper rifle, never touching the assault rifle.

  - Batarians received full evidence that they were left without orbital support, Captain. - Kiborgessa reported by stripping from trying to hide from flying "monster's death" base residential town. - Practically no resistance in my segment. Living there opponents. I is accurately tracked. Notes falling invaders fire intensity in most segments of the base.

  - It is, Olivia. - Shepard said, rolling "Mako" from the territory of the economic base of the unit. - We also completed a sweep in their segments. Now - a control check.

  - Message received, Captain. By the satellite is directed assault Alliance frigate with three transports Alliance. Transport - new equipment and personnel base with heavy armored vehicles and heavy weapons team ground protection and defense. Alliance ordered to strengthen security of the satellite. So the frigate will be on combat duty in orbit.

  - Accepted. - Shepard rolled conveyor outside the base.

  - Captain, the commander ordered a selection. - The relationship with Shepard went Moro. - I'm a bird in a specified area. I will be glad to pick you soft and clear.

  - I, too, will be happy to jump up, Jeff. - Shepard grinned, making sure on the incoming reports that the task is completed with the maximum level results. - But first pick shuttles with groups Alenko and Jenkins. Then - Olivia on the "Hammer". And only then - will come with me to the point. - Captain called the coordinates of the usual patter. - I is abruptly, we see that there were only the bodies of the invaders, and there are no other problems.

  - Okay, captain. I perform. - Moreau switched channels and transporter Shepard krutnuvshis, went to the bypass road base.

  "Normandy" picked up the shuttle, and then - "The Hammer" and, at the appointed time came at the agreed point. Moreau perfectly seen on the screens of hurrying to the site of the evacuation conveyor Shepard. Insatiable in his desire to do my military job well for a few minutes the captain was able to check out almost the entire perimeter of the base and make sure that there is no hiding in deep burrows batarians there is not and can not. I mean - living batarians.

  Members of the amphibious group arrived on board the frigate before the captain, already gave an oral report Anderson wrote and passed the commander of the frigate report outlining its vision conducted operations and is now resting, doing the usual and normal activities. Slipping on the ramp, "Mako" took his seat and saluted Shepard came up to the commander of the frigate:

  - The task is completed, the commander. - Shepard waited salon leave turians. - Database security, missiles were launched. Batarian troops completely destroyed beyond recovery.

  - The report adopted. - I saluted Anderson. - Relax. We go to the planet Watson. Then - to the planets of Darwin and Wallace. There we stage in the stellar system Mil. It takes eight hours. Do not forget about sleep. - Anderson saluted again, marking the end of the authorized ritual poslepolёtnogo report and the first to leave the hangar.

  Shepard wrote his report, handed it to Anderson and contacted with Svetlana via video. She calmed down, barely looked at John, he was pleased by the fact that she did not have to first get in touch with him. Calmly and listened with interest to his short story, they exchanged knowing glances and Shepard gave Svetlana itself to switch channels. She liked it. She was satisfied. The crew of the cruiser destroyed four of its amphibious transport sinesvetilovtsev. Ten hundred armed not children vodomёtnymi pistols mercenaries found their death on the satellite's orbit, and not being able to help their companions, the battery, and do not get hold of the property and the weapon of the Alliance.

  the remaining databases staff was all the time at full combat alert and fully prepared to the announcement and the implementation of martial law plan, but fortunately for the command and the inhabitants of other bases in batarian paratroopers and sinesvetilovtsev was not found at that time of sufficient resources to organize massive attack to several bases. In addition, "Darts" stood in readiness only on this basis and that they aim to batarian Marines allowed the rest of the staff database of the Alliance to avoid the fate of being attacked.

  Shepard. Job Service and thoughts about the past. Part 1

  Rest did not want to passively and Shepard took up updating your knowledge of the planet, which was soon to get under the radar scopes and scanners Troop ships. Watson, peace garden, found in two thousand one hundred and sixty-fifth year. The honor of opening the new p
lanet was divided between the EU, the Chinese Federation and North American states. After much debate, a compromise was reached - each coalition received the right to organize the world network of cities, whose population was composed of representatives from only one nation.

  In the cubicle wall screens highlight the landscapes of the planet. Watson was colder than Earth, its temperate climate zone extends only thirty degrees of latitude in both directions, starting from the ekvartora. The evolutionary process on this planet was also radically different from that. That was a sign to mankind: on some islands of the planet is still inhabited by creatures resembling terrestrial placental mammals, while others were inhabited by a variety of arthropods. According to preliminary estimates for the implementation of complete and accurate classification of all living, if not reasonable inhabitants of this planet will require the efforts of at least two generations ksenozoologov.

  Looking at the way to the coast of the islands and continents rolled tidal wave, Shepard thought, and that the planet-garden really has great prospects for the organization of lucrative tourism - tides made it, Earthman, deep multi-dimensional impression. And where there were earthlings, there eventually appeared and representatives of the other, at least the key races Space Milky Way. The spaces facing the threat of invasion. Invasion of the Reapers.

  A few hours Troop ships were hanging over the planet, performing scans of locating and mapping of both Watson and the area of its location. Shepard occasionally glancing at the cubicle wall screens, broadcast images from multiple sensors and cameras company officer probes and bitterly thought that the world will soon have all chances to burn in the flames of war. The defense said there was no gently. More precisely, no sane defense system did not exist here. Information about this issue was sent to the command of Detachment on the long list of addresses for the signatures of all four of the spectrum, but a serious and powerful reaction otryadovtsy not expected. They are too well-known inertia and stupidity officials galactic structures and race management pyramid.


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