Darcy's Starry Sky

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by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard became acutely aware that the time of peace close to the finale. It gradually, steadily, quietly, but it definitely gave way to wartime. Yes, not all intelligent of organic it was obvious. Yes, for many it was extremely important to continue to feel in peacetime. For the war they were not prepared in any way. Do you think the war someone asks about the availability? It just comes.

  The planned clash with Leviathans Shepard made a few days ago to reflect on what he has already done with the appointment on board the frigate. Stored in instrumentrone AI vёdshy per-second recording of his personal history, here, unfortunately, help to fully could not. His options were limited here. Yes, he shook the ship systems everything connected with the activities of Shepard - documents, videos, reports ... But human memory remained closed for AI. He, the AI was not Miralem was not able to read minds, was not able to see those pictures that Shepard had seen, which are stored in its memory. So it had a lot to remember. It is still possible.

  Shepard remembered the first major revival of its extraterrestrial, extra-galactic skills. Awakening the past, it is now well understood, in a soft, even a very soft mode. The awakening that changed his, John Shepard, and his fate. The first awareness of impending huge and serious troubles that threaten to overwhelm not only the Earth and the solar system, but also the entire galaxy. The first blow of the unavailability of Understanding. Global, blatant unwillingness of the inhabitants of the galaxy to the invasion of such a strong and powerful enemy. Unavailability, cover, and the frigate, commissioned him now as a senior assistant captain. And at the same time - the commander of the assault group.

  Not that he, John Shepard, was not prepared for just such a combination of professions, specialties and positions. He learned to operate effectively and efficiently and in a more horrific and abnormal conditions. They taught the conscience. Taught by understanding what happened that - and they are en-Seven, and a few without, will have to stand up to meet the enemy when all the other protection systems are already neutralized. Yes, al-sevens were accustomed to act in full autonomy mode. In Global mode, the lack of resources. They were taught to interact with other similar units placed at the disposal of other countries of the Earth governments. They were taught to interact with the spectrum, with Gorovtsov.

  They were taught. Few people outside the Academy knew what and how they, en-sevens taught. They taught and that they, the Academy graduates have been able to fulfill its task even opposing such enemies as the Reapers. They taught not to be afraid, do not give in, do not be afraid. Taught to act effectively, quickly and efficiently.

  Because at the time of activation of extragalactic opportunities and abilities for Shepard became the world like a slow playback ancient membrane film. He was at the time just more acutely did not like. I do not have to like. Twelve policemen instead of the statewide amphibious group, held the necessary training and combat coordination. And the problem itself, which was supposed to perform, and the frigate and its crew to the tune of a little-known wide range of earthlings Citadel Council. aliens Council. In which there was still, even after thirty calendar years, not a single person.

  Then, not only is it annoying Shepard. But the fact that he was assigned to defective Vice - Lieutenant Alenko and Corporal Jenkins. Inferiority in the physical and in the military sense. Well, can not a person in a non-commissioned officer rank to be so childish mood. Wishing will certainly win. By any means. Such sentiments, Shepard knew well, led guaranteed only to poor results. And to any positive results of such attitudes in the majority of cases do not lead, that, however, the propaganda system is not only humanity but also the propaganda system of the Citadel, carefully concealed. There's no need to hide. And did not have to indulge in wishful thinking. And then would not have to suffer and to apply prohibitive response methods.

  That allowed him, John Shepard, learn about the ship Implemented largely against his human will extragalactic activation opportunities ... It was all a nightmare. Show him in seconds, the captain of the Alliance VKS entire depravity still existing bureaucratic system. Regardless of whether there are straps on the shoulders of officials or there never was. Independent often even elementary common sense. The death sentence of eighty percent of the population of the galaxy - that was the price of a lack of common sense. Lack of respect for this reason.

  Once people become too carried away equipment. Gradually shifting to a technique on her, expressed as a scribbler, shoulders, everything that had to be done before people hands using paper, pencil and a head packed with a wide variety of knowledge, skills and abilities. And now ... now it was ahead of the clash with the machines. Heavy collision. At the cost of which will no doubt many lives sentient organics. I did not understand that the car can not be charging too much. People were taught to use the machine, but not taught to fight against the machines. Not taught to fight with cars which do not allow its use by people. Not taught. And it was one more line in the death sentence. The death sentence is not only humanity, but also other races Citadel space.

  Needless to say, the activation of extragalactic abilities and for the most Shepard said there was a little unexpected. Both externally and internally. And if not for the preparation of en-sevens. Captain Anderson would have had to look for another exec, frigate moored to the nearest large kosmostantsii besides "Arcturus", spit on Spectrum Nihlus Craik.

  Sam Shepard felt that at that moment he was not human. Early humanity was to possess such capability and capacity that are now activated in it, Briton John Shepard. Early. But without them ... Without them, humanity would perish guaranteed. Without any hope of survival. Without any hope. Which, as known, the last dies. So people tend to think, for many years locked up in isolation on their only parent planet.

  In order to defeat the recalcitrant machine, people will have to give everything to the end, completely. The terrible knowledge. Required knowledge. Knowledge, backed by changes makes Shepard at the time monster. in one case Superman and monster. Sparkling eyes at the moment were able to throw ahead in the tens and hundreds of meters of the rays of light, the strength comparable with the best military anti-aircraft searchlights while Shepard be seen surrounding him on the same hundreds of meters of space in every conceivable detail. On inaccessible to ordinary people accuracy and level of detail. Yes, Shepard's eyes sparkled at the moment, although blacks were darker than his eyes Asari and Drell at certain moments.

  Then came the understanding inaccessible levels of perception. Now Shepard had reserves. I had the reserves, which even at the Academy of Al-seven, at the Faculty of pioneering developments discussed only in the smoking room and only in a whisper, risking in formatki records of soft inadequacy.

  The incident with the corporal Jenkins became one more step to understanding occurred to him, John Shepard, changes. The changes, which appeared under it, Shepard, exposure occurred first with Jenkins, and then with the other soldiers, part of the crew and command of the frigate "Normandie". Corporal become as understood at the time Shepard, will be different. But Cpl only in this case, when it becomes the other ... Only in this case the corporal will live.

  Alenko. Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko was next, caught in the account of the changed fundamentally changed Shepard. John himself was unusual substitute for a whole range of diagnostic and, so to speak, rehabilitation, medical equipment. But such devices, with these characteristics was not even in the Academy of Al-seven. And there, below, in a provincial general hospitals it could not be. Shepard and not only had to spend the first time, deep diagnostics, but also for the first time to carry out a deep surgery, virtually inaccessible to anyone of Earthlings, and even unknown salarians and batarians.

  Shepard enraged that had no special training, Lieutenant-biotic for some unknown to him, John, because, hanging around in the pilot's cabin of a frigate, trying to perform very specific duties of co-pilot. Tangle controversy grew and shirilsya, understanding and deepened, but had to act strictly selective. Prior methods of carpet affair is, fortunately, never came. />
  Then, at the time Shepard already knew peacetime ended. The upshot to all the inhabitants of the Milky Way. As explored and unexplored parts of the vast galaxy. How like a reasonable organics imagine themselves conquerors of the galaxy. Do not avoid this temptation even asari. And the people who can make everything out of nothing, capable ... a lot ... what can and can not speak. And then exec frigate like to Kaidan had the opportunity, the minimum to survive that nightmare, which could begin in a few days. I could start. And rapid, profound, effective surgical intervention was made. Only then, later, Lieutenant videoconferencing Alliance officer-biotic was at least some evidence linking digestible to the changes to it, Kaidan Alenko, the very new XO frigate.

  The conversation with the commander of the frigate after being caused by changes in wave subsided with the body and the essence of Shepard helped John. And John Anderson helped. I did something to see and understand something. Important. Anderson corresponds to the status as one of the first and the best graduates of the Academy of Al-seven. Understand and see the Reaper: horror legend and the Milky Way Galaxy. Needless to say, the depth and diversity of proof of the reality legend impressed Anderson, in general, seems to be unable to be impressed. And Shepard at the time was not inclined to be impressed. He was inclined to work. Act. And I understand that without the support of his Anderson, Shepard, even exorbitant extraterrestrial resources, extragalactic origin may not be enough. For then there would no longer be simply John Shepard, but will be a monster. Monster, which is usually organic, but the same people, humans, as a not perceive at all. And try to destroy it. We will try in every way to destroy. As used to destroy all the strange, terrible and dangerous a priori. Not noticing that one danger of this level pulls the other dangers faced by humanity will be too weak and helpless. And in the end he will gain a lot of chances to die. Disappear.

  And in order to stop the implementation of this scenario Shepard was arhineobhodima support and understanding of Anderson. And he got it, although already knew at that moment that Anderson balanced at the limit of their normal even spetsnaz, ensemёrkovskih and abilities.

  Changes on board the frigate began. Details Now I did not want to remember. They have been well known including AI stored in a instrumentrone Shepard. Let dry at the documents and hours of video.

  Facing Nihlus Craik then it became a clash of humanity with the Corps spectrum - a major punitive tool Citadel Council. In which, as always remembered Shepard, still did not have a representative of mankind. Since then, Shepard has the full support of Anderson, to understand one important thing - the XO will not podsizhivat him commander of the frigate, not his overthrow and dismiss from his post as senior officer of the ship. And it will work on many fronts himself. Independently, autonomously. Using standard and non-standard features and capabilities for its benefit. For the highest good of not only humanity.

  Of the supplier had to humiliate and fire, but this ... This was a necessity, standing higher than the military. And since the change of intendant frigate and the crew with the crew forgot about that experience somewhat flaw. one shot was enough to change to the other - and the site was completely closed and secured. As all this was easy and as at the same time, it is difficult.

  Having support Master Sergeant Whitman Shepard gained an even greater level of peace of mind: now the details involved in the familiar military cops and they did not feel the urgent need to apply directly to the exec frigate. Thanks to Whitman, and not him, Shepard, cops found a second life and second an implementation program. Ceased to be simply extras-mannequins. Turned pro. We blocked a lot of sites do not work on the orders, and because they themselves wish.

  Jenkins was the first time under its origins soldiers ready to become professional commandos. For the first time - to prepare for becoming a truly professionals, rather than implementing the will of others. And he Jenkins then realized that he has to constantly maintain your own highest level of preparedness to simply have the right to command these people became members immediately and directly subordinate to him, the corporal unit. Needless to say, the motivation for those who understand the essence, steel. And Jenkins grew rapidly in the ranks of those who understood the essence. Shepard And then there is a very pleasing. He saw the potential in this guy. And I wanted to open it. Because he understood - he is one, even as a monster, a superman, unsociable, not be able to defeat all the Reapers. Do not be able to save humanity alone.

  He needed a team of professionals and associates. Which it was impossible to create an order or command. Which I had to educate and prepare many consecutive hours. Cook clearly and subtly. Master Sergeant Whitman then correctly understood Shepard. And he testified, XO frigate, its support. And then received the support of CIC officers realized that the cops - no less professional than they are - regular officers of the Alliance kosmokorablyami control groups.

  The conversation with the navigator Pressly turned professional, confidential and respectful. The first thread of the new understanding of the system was laid between the two senior officers of the frigate was at that time. The conversation with the commander of the frigate subsequently confirmed the correctness of conduct Shepard.

  And then I had to act. And anxiety and exercise, and stress all the forces and all the possibilities and abilities. Everything was thrown into battle to face the reaper does not pass. Do not retreat. And do not die. Do not give your reaper swinging beam weapons in space agricultural planet, where the population had nothing more serious Berdan rifle and carbine ever as the flora and fauna on the planet were not aggressive towards people.

  The conversation with Anderson about the lighthouse was unpleasant for both officers. Both understood that they, the Alliance soldiers use for their dirty interests of civil policy of the Alliance and the Citadel. Use without considering many important details. Which is quite capable to lead to an explosion. Talk about the lighthouse was unpleasant. But it was necessary. Without him, it was impossible to proceed, because Shepard was already understood, and Anderson also felt that to return to Arcturus or Martian slipway likely will not have to: since the manifestation of "Normandy" on Eden Prime, everything goes in a completely different scenario plan . In a completely different way. Interstellar, interracial policy and diplomacy, too, will change. Inevitably change, regardless of the wishes and obese okosnevshih politicians and politicians, accustomed to irresponsibility and impunity.

  Anderson then much talked about "Lord" and "Nazaré", how else this ship called in the narrow circles of knowledgeable reasonable. Something about the Lord knew Shepard before, a few seconds, minutes, tens of minutes ago learned thanks to the activation of extragalactic abilities and capabilities. The more valuable for him was what happened then hear from Anderson.

  I had then povospityvat Jeff Moreau, to give him his partner in the German pilot. In order not to miss and not engaged alone in the pilot's cabin nonsense. I not used, so to speak, office for purely private purposes. Erich Goeben received the maximum opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment and become a reliable ally Shepard, which is part of the pilot's frigate division. Unperturbed and pedantic Erich created purely for Moro working environment and introduced a disabled lieutenant in the harsh reality frame, cutting the majority of usual and possible liberties.

  EW specialist Ingvar Tempke it, Shepard, pleasantly impressed. The success of the operation with the Reaper sixty percent - to his credit. He and his colleagues, is no longer just military cops. Including - the gunners. Managed to make inaccessible to the vast majority of the war gods, belonging to the number of earthlings, people.

  Caring for people was another brick in the foundation of a future confrontation with the success of space zagalakticheskogo guest. All normandovtsy were informed about the plans and command of many details of the work. Trust has once again brought positive results - people believe in success and have been adjusted to apply to succeed all the forces. Even the disposal of the constant wear suits with readiness to transition to a closed loop is
not caught off guard normandovtsev - they already internally have been prepared for such an eventuality. Conducted training additionally activated inhabitants frigate.

  Needless to say, conducted training helped to raise the level of preparedness of the crew. Though somehow contributed. But there were, as then understood, and Anderson and Shepard, clearly insufficient. And this failure merged with the general level of the lack of readiness of organic sentient galaxy as a whole to meet the scourge of what will surely be the Reapers.

  Confrontation with Nihlus Show All pre-programmed this failure. Hoping that race, having behind thousands of years distant manned missions to the active use of repeaters, at least are more intelligent and highly organized, humanity was totally unprepared for what actually about any reasonableness exceeding much, a few, say , of order, rationality itself homo sapiens, can not speak at all. Do not just talk - expect a higher level do not have this intelligence. Now you do not have to.

  It was necessary to recall the centuries of armed confrontations, when success provides an incredibly rigid and computed to detail actions. It was possible then to put Nihlus to say the least - an awkward, uncomfortable position - and well. Now Nihlus - one of the most valuable members of the team and the crew of "Normandy", a professional soldier, Master of War, Spectrum. And then he, too, was of the spectrum. But - with a different spectrum of understanding of their role and the principles and possibilities of its activities. Role-based activities.

  He had to go a long way to its current level and status. Hard way. Whatever the complex and heavy this path, it was necessary. After the Reapers still had the prospect, not the past for all the inhabitants of the Milky Way. Vista. And then they, too, were the prospect. Even more, I wanted to believe it, very much like a distant than now, the prospect.


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