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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 23

by Theodore Daniels

  - Captain, - to communicate with Shepard left Adams. - We have an application from some asari strategist with the Citadel. She wants us to have got off the planet some artifact - "Axe Library." Scanners have detected it. You can send probes to the transport platform.

  - Good. - Shepard said agreement on instrumentrone. - I do not mind.

  - Getting the captain. - Adams switched channels.

  A few minutes before the departure of ships from Karkozy probes are brought on board the frigate on a small transport platform is a small cube, spotted by lines of text was a hollow cube, there turned out to be arranged in several rows smaller cubes, also spotted by writing. Solus tried to capture an artifact as fully as possible in anticipation of long hours of fascinating decryption. Self artifact packaged in an insulating container and placed in storage. Up to the Citadel.

  Few admiring a star Hali - orange dwarf, cold fellow yellow-white star class the F - Agay, otryadovtsy headed in Sileanskuyu nebula. After starpomovskoy Watch Shepard had dinner in the dining room of the cruiser and frigate-retired to a cabin to spend a few hours of memories and reflections.


  Reflections Shepard

  The honor and memory. Paying tribute to the fighters for the liberation from slavery reasonable, Shepard thought that in the Galaxy, oddly enough, a lot of time to go through that humanity. Slavery was one of those "many".

  Station "Jarrah", where all killed VI, and helped to kill your computer. A terrible place. Then the first frigate and cruiser poised for combat shooting station. With computers and HIV if they went crazy, not to be trifled. Do not understand. Go to extremes.

  Hana Plant Kedar. landing party Opposition frigate maddened robots rukovodstvuemym no less furious and VI and AI. Conversation with Kaidan Alenko. He, John Shepard, wedding, prompted many to similar decisions otryadovtsev. I could not help but push. And now Kaidan said he was afraid. Afraid for the fate of Ashley, who decided it was time to give birth to children Kaidan. Yes, on the Citadel, but if ... if they come Reapers ... There will also be hot. And Cayden knew it as anybody.

  The decision came spontaneously. It seemed an ill, but in fact it turned out to be the best. Ashley Williams received a ten day vacation and was able to arrive at Omega, where the squad was heading. I could see from Kaidan. The rest was a matter of only two and Shepard neither one nor the other otryadovtsy there did not intervene. They were well enough to know that Kaidan and Ashley are happy that they are together, they love each other.

  Of course, before you get to the parking lot at the station "Omega" had to perform a full range of work on the study of the nebula "Omega". But beyond all the rest otryadovtsev I waited at the station. Not on vehicles - on the island of the iron stable.

  Omegovtsy staged their first class meeting. With the parade colorization station, with a parade of troops "Omega". In the presence of the entire senior management of the station. Everyone was happy to meet. We are glad that soon will hold together. Ashley met with Kaidan. And otryadovtsy were happy the meeting of two people loving each other. Happy their union people.

  The new headquarters detachment impressed. It has not been a few small rooms and hotel rooms. It was really a Headquarters Troop. Shepard then impressed in the good, knowing that Aria retained Hall, which hosted the first concert. Already knowing that there will be held the wedding ceremony Ashley and Kaidan. Talk with Aria during the discussions made at the station confirmed - many inhabitants of the Milky Way seriously preparing for a confrontation with the reapers, and give them to these shrimp are not going to. Ready to fight with them, prepare them to resist. Do not give up and not to retreat - only fight.

  New station abode allocated Shepard Aria liked Svetlana. I liked very much. She was pleasantly impressed with the care. And so, probably, easily gave their consent to the organization and conduct of the second concert.

  Unfortunately, we did not relax. Miral reported a traveling cruiser Collectors attacking ships and has already managed to deal with the asari dreadnoughts. With dreadnoughts and all accompanying flagship of the fleet. It was too serious to afford to ignore that. Svetlana was right - since not taken place and the attack on the station, "Jarrah" and the parade of the "Omega" look and are perceived quite differently. Rest is not fully turned - hearing this from Miralem, all personnel of the Corps disconnected from the rest and moved to a conventional military operation. To prepare for the confrontation with the stray cruiser. Battlestar these beetles - Collectors.

  Svetlana then weakened sharply, barely recovered. But she did not back down and quit her job. The station began to rearm and retrofitted. Concert has no one seriously thought. Shepard had the power to force Svetlana eat properly and normally in a lot of sleep. Female the squad, along with Aria and Miralem Veroy and discussed the ceremony and spent most of the preparation of all necessary for Ashley.

  Yavik then surprised Shepard once again, saying that Ashley and Kaidan already has two children. And they are not just family - they are the parents of twins. Even then Yavik concealed concern. I guess, but did not want to believe. I did not want to believe, who were originally Collectors. Did not want. To hide the pain of awareness. Hides.

  Men's Fraternity presented scenario celebrations and ceremonies. It suggested the use of authority and ask Svetlana to perform on it the famous march by Mendelssohn. Then Aria and women invited Shepard and Men and discuss the ceremony and celebration and concert. The next morning, Kaidan and Ashley fell into a whirlpool. Whirlpool pleasant events.

  wedding ceremony was a success. Ashley and Kaidan were sverhdovolny. Then, almost immediately, the concert began with minimal interruption. Excellent concert earthlings, mankind concert. Became Appeal. Appeal to all the races of the Milky Way. With a call to remember the higher the sake of what came into this world for many generations of organic reasonable. The completed execution in the narrow circle of the great song, thanks to physicians. And no less than the great song of the officers.

  Ahead was an attack. The attack on the cruiser itinerant collectors. The first attack of this kind. And no one did not know exactly what will be the result of this attack. Everyone was tense. And you're done.

  The cruiser then not particularly hiding. It is possible Troop ships were his real and true purpose. Destroying other ships, the cruiser collectors trying to attract attention Squad, trying to make themselves known. He said. "Volga" and "Normandy" clung to the ship stranglehold. Shepard was the first time saw the frigate and the crew in action. In a full-scale battle with the ship, which was higher class frigate. Then the cruiser departed from Troop ships disappeared, teleported to another star system. One could endlessly speculate why it happened, but I had three days to spend on repairs. Restore that can be recovered without going to the docks.

  In Sileanskoy Nebula was to visit the five star systems, each of which has several planets. The main problem here was to be the interaction with the race ElKor, enormous sluggish sentient beings, accustomed to a life of enormous gravity. Squad Command is assumed that in the course of the troops of the Reapers boestolkoveny ElKor in their native planets not resist - the enemy of speed and efficiency required, and ElKor did everything slowly and not really care about achieving the best possible results.

  We had already planned evacuation activities. Plan transporters, plan caravans, plan for their protection and support. Brewing large-scale evacuation operation. Sami ElKor very muffled talking about this term, but its probability is not disputed and denied. So, internally they are already prepared to retreat from his native world, which could not but cause concern and does not force us to seek alternative courses of action.

  Job Corps ships in the cluster Sileanskaya Nebula

  Arriving at the nebula through a mass relay, located in Kipladon system squad immediately took up the research program. Time is running out. More and more evidence indicating that a lot of reasonable inhabitants of the galaxy is still imbued with a sense of proximity of the war and the gradual transition from words to essential matters,
wanting just to survive. Just to survive, and then and try to win as a dangerous enemy. Synthetic otryadovtsam regularly reported that the materials of the Reapers, before lying on servers Extranet dead weight, gradually gaining readership. Different gain where fast, which is slower, but now - gaining. So, more and more sensible will be no food for the simplest and the easiest meditation. Predvoyna. A complex condition where seemingly there is no war, and it already is. She was somewhere close.

  Kipladon was little system is only three planets and the asteroid belt. Detachment did not plan to stay long in it - to the arrival on the need to visit the Citadel was more Nebula Athens and then start planning tsitadelskih Affairs. Later.

  Shepard embarrassed that had yet to visit Tess again. Very confused. Yes, work, yes, full of cases, yes, schedule a "floating", so to dvadtsatichetyrёhchasovom rhythm with eight-hour sleep and three meals often had to forget. But Tess ... Pearl civilization Azari ... There Benešov, there Etita there Liara. At XO there was no doubt, there was no doubt that the Reapers will burst to Tessa, trying to put it in charge, a scathing attack on her. He knew that none of the family T'Soni not voluntarily leave the mother planet asari. So ... So there they will not only live, but also to fight with the enemy. Fight and survive. He, the officer and the soldier's understandable. But is it clear asari? Synthetic mercilessly showed - is not clear. Central metropolitan race planet attracted sissies, idlers, idlers, with great constancy and regularity. Like almost any other planet, the capital. So, be a victim. There will be many victims.

  Reading the reports generated by Synthetic, Shepard saw - Galaxy preparing. Hour after hour, day for day and night. Done. Weak, but prepared. Maybe someone will survive. May be.

  The relatively large size methane-ammonia gas giant Katebolo passing boats supplied helium-third from multiple stations located on mining orbit. Olivia reported that despite the presence of a large amount of fuel military grade, freely offered for sale orbital stations Zion planet, commercial vessels prefer to refuel here - Captains sought to save almost on matches - Katebolo was closely located to the repeater clusters, and to Ziona had more fly a few hours and spend fuel, for which, of course, if it is military grade, had to pay a higher price later.

  Mark sent another analysis of the military situation, which contained a merciless machine conclusion: the Reapers destroy local infrastructure towards more important objectives. Probably, most likely it will be so.

  During starpomovskoy watch from the Star Maps Shepard convinced that asari Ziona understand the importance of infrastructure. The Legion has confirmed that for the destruction of the filling Ziona system will be enough of one asteroid turned into a shell. Azari filled asteroid belt system with numerous sensors and spy satellites. The brain of this highly branched and costly systems were disguised server clusters located on the planets tropane, Lohia and Niel.

  Having tried a lot of modes and scenarios, the same Legion said, and rather convincingly that formed asari Awareness Network poorly help in finding the Reaper ships, if they go to FTL. And most likely they will go at this speed. Smaller ships, of course, will go at a slower speed, and large will be to break through the system it is on such feeble for speed detection sensors.

  Again defect. Again miscalculation local military staff officers, vvёdshih once again misleading the civil planners, developers, equipment manufacturers, installers, engineers. Yes if someone is not enough. Funds disbursed, spent, and there ... at least not dawned.

  On tropane that separated from the relay Ziona, located one of these server clusters here. Olivia mercilessly criticized the defense system of trails, not paying any attention to all the other data collected - climate, temperature, environmental conditions. War makes absolutely pay attention to something else.

  The detachment slipped tropane barely pausing: Spices gradually learned to do without drift and take information during albeit slow, but the ships motion. Time was becoming more and more expensive.

  Ahead was Zion. Flowering Planet, celebrated the fact that many times its inhabitants were kept in an era of storms kroganskih revolts, but never krogan were unable to capture it. Azari krogan managed to break the supply channel, thereby causing dinosaurs to retreat. Some asari matriarchs, joined forces, vowed to maintain the glory of Ziona and not allow the enemy got Zion, whether organic or synthetic. Because, as the report testified Synthetic formed on the basis of current data processing of locating and scanning, Zion was good strengthened. And for War Documentation, available from Synthetic archives azariyskogo command, it appeared that Zion belonged to the category of fortified planets. Well fortified planets.

  Basically currently Zion supplied with fuel passing ships. Azari understood that in the confrontation with a new enemy they can not stand alone. Because as usual and quickly - in just a few decades won the support Turian Hierarchy and the Systems Alliance. Maybe union Asari, Turian people and will save the planet inaccessible to the Reapers. May be. Although the same Mark have - several human outposts and small detachments Turian can not survive for long if the Reapers descend upon the planet sufficient troop of his followers. The fact that such companions, indoctrinated, docile, performing the role of cannon fodder to be, no one doubted otryadovtsev.

  Zion is still interested in not only the asari, but also people and the Turian. Even in peacetime. There were actually created the conditions for equal fruitful cooperation. Peace cooperation, which now inevitably supplemented by military cooperation. Fleet asari people Turian fleet and navy, racial fleets could not afford to lose such a base as Zion. Because the planet strengthens and protects carefully. It was evident now.

  The war was approaching, yet remained at least wanted to believe, year, and at Zion already done a lot for the organization and implementation of a strong defense. Ruthless and suspicious Synthetic found, of course, a lot of deficiencies in already made, some of the sighted transferred to the information anonymous form with the permission of Titova Anderson and local commanders have contributed thus to some extent improve the protection and defense systems. Anyway, it had to do more. But then, given that the Reapers have come to the Galaxy is not the first time, remained a significant chance - they are able to seep through the barriers exposed. And then you have to fight already in the atmosphere.

  Pressly in conversation with Shepard in the Star Cards expressed cautious thought that to protect Ziona will involve ships and their teams. Shepard agreed with the opinion of the navigator. He, too, felt that such a facility will require attention and normandovtsev volgovtsev. Gradually formed a list of places where the squad will come in the course of confrontation with the reapers.

  Hanalei. Maloprivetlivaya, inhospitable planet Earth-like, covered aggressive atmosphere consisting of argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Yes, she was assigned to the terrestrial planets, but a greenhouse effect reduced all the advantages of such a classification to zero. Fat and final zero - where the heat was terrible for most of the races of the Milky Way. No wonder that on the surface were placed Hannaleya only automatic system, and around the planet on its orbit were placed only scientific station Asari. It is unlikely that the Reapers would leave them intact - is likely to pass through the system, simply destroy the iron islands and will continue to flow.

  A few hours - and ships are included in the Troop Loropi system, which housed only two planets and the asteroid belt.

  Small stone Yasilium planet. Its not so easy to visually distinguish from the other debris that has accumulated on the orbits of stars Loropi. Mordin expressed cautious judgment that Yasilium was drawn from another star system. However, he was not alone in their assumptions - many other researchers have expressed this view before. Yes, several centuries of organic reasonable Yasilium supplied Milky Way ore - now it is difficult to list all the constantly changing nominal, formal and actual owners of the planet. Extractive everything: iridium, titanium, light metals, among which for some reason at one time excelled bauxite aluminum.

  The generated, turned into a drushlag planet had b
ecome empty, deprived of even the minimum population long before the invasion of the Reapers - Synthetic confirmed that there are already signs of hidden evacuation. Mark with his characteristic ruthlessness pointed to the squandering of military resources: Lee to leave the command of the armed forces azariyskih, or forgotten in the world sniper detachment "Arman" - an elite unit of the landing asari, specializing in remote combat. Pressly Yasilium he brought in the list of planets, where, quite possibly, the unit will have to go back already during the invasion of the Reapers. We'll have to go back at least to evacuate this valuable military unit. It was not enough signs indicating that when a massive attack Reapers snipers will not be forgotten here.

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant with a high content of nitrogen in the atmosphere - Paphos - was named after the asari Congresswoman. Politician just wrote a treatise on the supposedly took place in the history of most of the races of the Milky Way Space unwillingness to democratic societies reasonable to fight each other. This treatise went on to become a major tenet of the political system asari, which formed the basis of the golden age of Tess. For the people it was obvious that it - just a misconception. And for asari it turned something pleasant. So named because the planet.

  It housed only gas stations, where ships restock deuterium and helium-third. Legion indicated that in the event of invasion of the Reapers their troops destroyed all the stations and all the locals - defense system, even in its infancy there are virtually absent. Another confirmation of the criminal unavailability of reasonable organic inhabitants of the galaxy to war. Another confirmation.


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