Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 34

by Theodore Daniels

  - If you are missing about your spy, then ... - Shepard took out laying reader. - Check. We did a long time moving around your home planet. So - we help.

  - Good. - Commander of the scouts got acquainted with the contents of the reader. - This is valuable. I thought that if from it for a long time no news, then, most likely, he could not go unnoticed and he was captured. Now ... I know he is still alive and ... used as a guinea. It may be true that he has decided to help the clan Veyrlok and all krogan geonfaga cure, so he does not want to go back to the camp. I'm in his place I would not return - Rex does not understand such activities. Exploration - is certainly not a charity. I do not know - well captured, well done potopytnym ...

  - The first duty of any prisoner - run? -What if asked, or just Shepard said.

  - You, the people, as well? - I asked the commander of the scouts.

  - And, fortunately, not only in humans. However, in view of the circumstances ... We'll have to understand and your scout. Opposing clans, real busy finding a cure for genophage, resist his skill ...

  - Our clan has only one krogan-scientist can not. - Commanding boomed scouts. - I do not even know...

  - Well, if we are here and we are interested in to help you, can you tell what this clan Veyrlok? - Shepard said. - Reconciled so to speak, information. And there our group landing will help you to deal with your, uh, competitors. Gently so understand. But - effectively. - Shepard once said, noticing how tense the commander of the scouts. Krogan obviously did not like the desire guest "soft" deal with the eternal rivals urdnotovtsev.

  - You are going to intervene? - Somewhat surprised commander of scouts.

  - And where we hold your hand? - Shepard asked. - You, as a scout, have realized that we otryadovtsy not going to destroy the opposing clan you. A look into the situation at Tuchanka - is not only our right but also our duty. So let's deal with this clan, and there are other issues and problems will be solved. What we can. The main thing after all as - start. And we have already begun, if on your run around the planet for several hours.

  - I've heard. - Commanding boomed scouts. - Then - to the point. Veyrlok Galda - Croghan, the clan leader Veyrlok wants genophage cure at any cost, even if it means conducting experiments and krogan and members of other races.

  - Including the people. For us the base, otryadovtsam intervene. - Shepard said. - Farther...

  - According to my information Gulden makes a Melon, salarian, which, incidentally, also wants to cure genophage.

  - There is such information. - First mate said. - In addition, we know that the Gulden wants to raise the clan Veyrlok above all clans and lead your clan to dominate the galaxy.

  - What is realistic, given that he does not have one child, and two, one of which - a girl. - Said the commander of the scouts. - Shaman our clan would say better, I will say briefly - the presence of two children treated so many krogan not only as a sign.

  - Then - Galda can be considered a major problem. - Shepard said.

  - In terms of the physical, the armed forces and influence - certainly. - Confirmed the commander of the reconnaissance Clan Urdnot. - We know that the Gulden shotgun armed with heavy M-300 "Claymore" and can, being biotic, use deformation. Also Galda has strong biotic barriers and powerful armor, differs enviable health and fast, sometimes - even the very fast - regeneration. In general, health and regeneration of the perfection level above the average in most krogan on a good third. Galda not like and can not fight alone, he prefers to draw near to the opponents in a close group of supporters, with fires his shotgun quite aptly. In most cases, Gulden prefers to stay behind their soldiers to weaken opponents, often uses a deformation in the open field, that as practice shows, greatly weakens opponents Galda. To win this leader will have to first safely reduce his health to a minimum and only then move on to a fatal blow. You have in the group ...

  - Biotics we have, but we use force only as a last resort. - Shepard said, cutting off further questions. - I do not see the situation you described is nothing complicated.

  - I would not have seen. But Rex does not allow our scientist to concentrate on the development of heavy and powerful designs of new weapons, and no such weapons shlestnutsya with racket - means to weaken our clan purely numerically. We have, in particular, the clan armed with no long-range and powerful weapons and no long-range high-power rifles. Although I, as the head of intelligence clan known that the same racket can be easily stopped, and subsequently - is neutralized at a great distance from our position. - Commander of the scouts was silent for several tens of seconds, apparently thinking that it is possible to tell the visitor, and what is not. - Now - for the whole clan. Clan Veyrlok cooperates with the "Bloody flock." The basis of the clan, as you already know, the captain, is a project to find a cure for genophage. It may be true, that under this deal Veyrloki planned to dramatically expand and become stronger in the long term - to go to war against the Galaxy. Under such a goal Veyrlok clan can join many kroganskie clans, but that's the price paid for this purpose will be prohibitive, not only for a particular clan, but for all krogan together. In my opinion, in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. strengthened in the long term - to go to war against the Galaxy. Under such a goal Veyrlok clan can join many kroganskie clans, but that's the price paid for this purpose will be prohibitive, not only for a particular clan, but for all krogan together. In my opinion, in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. strengthened in the long term - to go to war against the Galaxy. Under such a goal Veyrlok clan can join many kroganskie clans, but that's the price paid for this purpose will be prohibitive, not only for a particular clan, but for all krogan together. In my opinion, in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. Under such a goal Veyrlok clan can join many kroganskie clans, but that's the price paid for this purpose will be prohibitive, not only for a particular clan, but for all krogan together. In my opinion, in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. Under such a goal Veyrlok clan can join many kroganskie clans, but that's the price paid for this purpose will be prohibitive, not only for a particular clan, but for all krogan together. In my opinion, in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about t
he krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. in this case the whole race krogan would be in jeopardy. Under serious threat, Captain. Veyrlok not calculates perspective, he is blinded and consequently - does not see the danger. He does not see the threat. If we, the krogan, other races, even combined efforts, pushed to the back again ... We run the risk of never rise. And so the galaxy through this extranet go any ... unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors. unpleasant rumors about the krogan. That is often not the rumors. And more specifically - not rumors.

  - What is known about this Maloney? - Shepard asked, wanting to distract the commander of scouts from unnecessary slovopostroeny.

  - Salarian scientist. Student Mordina Solus. Consisted according to some sources in the mountains, also worked in the Solus group. According to my information - conducting experiments and research to develop a cure for genophage kroganskih on women belonging to the clan Veyrlok. The head of the clan Veyrlok very interested in the success of his work, so ... lets Malone very, very much. And spending Veyrloki its equipment and reagents are ... - commander of scouts hit his paw on the stone table. - During the week such waste can be a year to feed our clan.

  - What are the results? - Shepard asked.

  - If i knew. Even if there will be positive results - hardly Veyrloki say this openly. Anyway - as long as there will not be one hundred percent sure that all other krogan depend on them and are firmly willing to acknowledge the supremacy of Clan Veyrlok - as holder of the vaccine. For any information not only about the results, but even on the progress of any Croghan Malone, a scientist will give ... a lot. Therefore, it is no wonder that Veyrloki entrenched in the territory subordinated to them, as in a besieged fortress. Sturm territory Veyrlokov when our armed clan level ... big and serious problem. - Candidly admitted intelligence commander. - And Rex is interested in bringing the krogan and claims submission Veyrlokov Urdnot clan - the real challenge. Leader, of course, know better,

  - Good. We will discuss how and what we can do in this situation. - First mate said.

  - It would be nice. Time ... - commanding boomed scouts.

  Shepard turned and walked out of the cubicle occupied by the commander of the reconnaissance clan included instrumentron and received the latest data from the frigate.

  Mordin as evident from the information received, was torn down after learning that his missing student found a Melon on Tuchanka and busy working on drugs genophage. It was necessary to avoid the trouble to communicate with the rest on board teammate squadron in text mode, but not for Shepard or for Mordina was not a problem typing speed dialing:

  Mordin: Shepard, I insist. I should be there by your side. If you choose to intervene, then I have to see and Malone, and the results of its work. This is critical.

  Shepard: Mordin until here nothing is clear. We have not even decided in what format will help to deal with the krogan veyrlokovtsami. When will be able to - you arrive at Tuchanka as fast as it could be, in principle, possible. For information on Maloney confirm?

  Mordin: Confirm. Although not all and not everywhere.

  Shepard: evasive.

  Mordin: secrecy and official secrecy no more could not cancel out the reasonable organics. I - not the creator genophage, I do not know much, but if Malone tries alone genophage hack mechanism, to create a vaccine ... Why not? The main thing to him, Malone, do not throw it away in the heat of battle. After storm after all will, Shepard, I know you.

  Shepard: Well, you know. Storm, if need be, we will. But Malone - in any case find. A clan ... We will deal with it consistently. All Mordin up connection.

  Mordin: Before connection, Shepard. I am waiting for a call down.

  In the same mode, a keyboard Shepard, not to draw attention to themselves and to ensure a high level of encryption of information communicated to Anderson and other normandovtsami and volgovtsami. In general, permission to intervene in the relationship between clans and Urdnot Veyrlok was obtained. Mordina promised to send, as soon as Malone would be safe. The rest of Commander Shepard received carte blanche.

  At the same keyboard instrumentronu by Shepard spoke with Alenko, Jenkins and all the paratroopers-cops. Those were clearly pleased that finally something will combat work. After agreeing on a plan of action, Shepard broke the connection and see approach Gryunt.

  - To be a fight? - Briefly asked the young krogan.

  - Yes. - Said Mate.

  - Veyrloki. - Said a member of the clan novopriznanny Urdnot.

  - They're the best. - Shepard confirmed.

  - I'm ready. - Growled Croghan.

  - No doubt. It takes time to prepare to attack the clan. They'll not all, but some of the soldiers have to carry with you. Risking all clan will not. That is unnecessary. - Chastened young kroganskogo warrior commanding the landing party.

  - I agree. Eager to stretch their legs. - Rumbled Gryunt.

  - Will you workout Gryunt. Get ready. How should I prepare. - Shepard switched communication channels on the remote speaker.

  - Absolutely. - Croghan drowning to the shuttle, and Shepard went to Rex.

  The conversation with the head of the clan was delayed for an hour with a small, but managed to fit on most issues. Rex obviously wanted to take some of the members of the clan Veyrlok under his control. Average desire a strong leader, there was nothing unusual or unrealizable. It is a real desire. It is implemented in practice - that was the main thing.

  A bite suhpaykom, Shepard went in line with Alenko and Jenkins. Matching a long time did not take. With the permission of Rex landing band got the opportunity to take advantage of multiple conveyors - trucks. To shine participate in Clan Urdnot it was decided that no other warrior clan, together with a group of landing a frigate will not.

  Gryunt is little in the Tuchanka know few krogan believes that he is a "clean" Croghan, can be a full member of the clan. Mistrust - or rather, lack of faith in it from other clans and other krogan was acceptable in this case and allow Gryunt actively participate in hostilities against another clan krogan and feel really krogan warrior.

  Gryunt promised that he would not scream in the heat of battle, that he - or Urdnot krogan clan warrior clan Urdnot and would only yell it - Croghan. Well, I had to shout to him to raise the morale of their own - even yelling, even suggests additional fear in the enemy.

  While conveyors moving through the tunnels closer to the lands occupied by another clan, Shepard thought about how to deal with Malone. Solus practically expressed personal request - to assist the former member of the development team genophage. Salarian-scientist, member of the expert PRP felt that Malone captured "Bloody Stacey" and taken to Tuchanka forcibly. Let it be so. Let Solus believes that the mercenaries captured Mellon and even - that they had been tortured Mellon as a warning to others. Information about Meloni, and - a real, proven and confirmed by information has already been collected for the most part now was to dot all the "i", if necessary - and the release of Mellon captivity. Shepard did not find grounds for confidence Solus that Malone is just a prisoner, but he knew that every intelligent being has his own view of reality. We needed the facts.

  But the facts were bad. The commander of the scouts Urdnot clan is obliged ex officio to monitor the actions of the enemy, did not attend, as it turned out, the actions of the krogan allies. In this case, specifically - the actions of the "Bloody Pack" and its soldiers. Yes, of intelligence commander Clan salarians heard o
f, but do not know where exactly is this salarian. Even that Malone is at Veyrlokov he, as it turned out, I did not know exactly. Here is such a commander of the scouts was Rex. Rex had to work here with such experts here.

  If indeed clan Veyrlokov engaged mainly in research to find a means of impeding the genophage, the center of concentration of these works can only be an old hospital. That it is now was to get closer - conveyors Clan Urdnot could deliver the landing party frigate, cruiser only on the very perimeter of the land Veyrlokov clan, and then ... Then had to travel on foot. And as Synthetic Squad claimed to which flocked the information about what is happening in the world, the road to the hospital is not going to be easy and simple. The Hospital District, as expected, there were plenty kliksenov and varren. Krogan not particularly care about cleaning the bodies of defeated enemies, knowing that Warri and klikseny and love to eat fresh carrion. So around the hospital, where, according to Synthetic, were very intense study of corpses was enough. How many of them were inside the hospital ...

  Sama Hospital is also a problem. The magnitude of this problem depended on who wish proshturmovat this building. Krogan in its long history of confrontation any building was converted into a fortress that could withstand a long siege, and even hospital ... Get out of orbit Tuchanka latest video information, Shepard came to the unequivocal conclusion - if to storm the hospital rise Urdnot warriors clan - their waiting krovprolitie and large casualties. Maybe because Rex, and the commander of the scouts, and even easy to Shaman agreed not to insist on the participation of soldiers Urdnot Clan in the upcoming military operation. Please Mordina - learn the fate of his students looked for guidance Urdnot Clan sufficient grounds to attack the opponent clan.

  Trucks traveled to the lands of Clan-opponent couple of hours and Shepard could more familiar with this vehicle. Krogan trucks called "tomkahami" and regarded them as a heavy infantry fighting vehicles to accommodate and further transportation of their troops. Tomko-transporter was only known for certain kroganskim vehicle designed to move on lizards devastated post-apocalyptic surface of the mother planet. The main weapon of the infantry fighting vehicles were two heavy machine gun with mass accelerators. Additional weapons - small arms worn themselves krogan warriors. Because of its large size Tomko-transporter could not be thrown long distances by any of the medium transport ships - only large transportation companies,


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