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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 46

by Theodore Daniels

  - Noted. Enhanced encryption. Eight minutes.

  - Clear. - Shepard looked at Czarna, which both turian pushed into the room control room. - We've got to talk to anyone yet.

  Olivia said nothing, lost in work.

  - So, Charn. Batarian, the second commanding officer after Ka'Hirala Balaka. However, it manages a group that landed and captured asteroid X-57. The reason for the landing would call themselves or do I call? - Shepard calmly looked at his mouth Czarna, ignoring all the four eyes batarians. - I am, by the way, do not confuse your chetyrehglazogo, Charn. As?

  - We planned a quick and efficient capture of resources and slaves on the asteroid. - Batarian spat, clearly annoyed by the fact that he was a prisoner of those who had to be destroyed. - But the arrival Ka'Hirala Balaka changed the whole mission.

  - Ka'Hiral Balak wanted to do ... larger mission. - Shepard said, not moving from the spot, though, after the word "slave" he wanted to nail batarian extremist simply fist on his four-eyed head.

  - You could say that. I have personally do not expect anything from this mission. We were preparing for another, so just wanted to quietly leave. And then you came, killed my companions with whom I have worked for a long time and who are ready, seized me. I do not even have time to begin negotiations ...

  - Negotiations with extremists and terrorists Alliance no longer leads. Systems Alliance is able to mobilize. According to the law in this period, which according to the laws of many countries of the Alliance, is also threatened by a period of negotiations with the extremists and terrorists are not kept in any case.

  - Exactly. - Charn said. - I and my people have signed up only to capture slaves, not the destruction of the colony, but Balak ... It is terrible even for us who are accustomed to risk and blood. It's ... like you, people sometimes say, full ... ... otmo otmoro ... moron, here.

  - It has long been a slave were not Charn? - Shepard asked suddenly.

  - Never ... was not ... - the look batarians appeared amazement, mixed with incomprehension. - Our race many consider the race-based slavery ... But batarians slaves we have. Anyway me of such cases is not known.

  - Nihlus, provide the opportunity to relax our interlocutor. The most natural way. - Ordered Shepard, losing interest in Charney and hearing the melodious signal announces that Olivia led the engine in order. - Saren, search of the dormouse. - Said Mate. - We need a pass to the main complex. I do not want to blow up or break open the doors - people are still working and working. While there have such an opportunity.

  - Done. - Turian-handed XO Spectrum card-pass. - Sleeps reliably and safely.

  - Engine is given in standard condition, Captain. - To communicate Olivia finally came. - We see you're someone there put to sleep for a while?

  - It batarian Deputy Balaka. They call Charn. I send data. - The short answer Mate by pressing several sensors on the keyboard of his instrumentrona.

  - Noted. The rest of us are marked as dead men.

  - Confirm. - Shepard said. - We did not leave alive accomplices Czarna. We need him alive and now we zaymёmsya Balaka. It is necessary to terminate this prolonged mission.

  - X-57 asteroid course straightened. It takes away from the planet. Dispatching service stations accept all the required information. On the frigate and cruiser received hundreds radioblagodarnostey - we do not include video channels communications, Captain. - Kiborgessa reported.

  - It seems that Balak lost. - Saren said.

  - And now try to more expensive to sell his worthless life. - Confirmed Nihlus.

  - Does not matter. The main thing - the engineers and the capture of live Balaka. - Shepard said. - Go down and exit.

  Before going out, almost on the threshold of the gateway to instrumenron Shepard received a text message from the shuttle driver. He appeared to have time to destroy all six turrets guarding the perimeter of the main asteroid engineering complex X-57 and follow the work of the group Alenko - those already activated antenna and find approaches to monitoring stations.

  - Waiting for the team captain. - Said the driver, coming in touch with Shepard on the audio channel after receiving a receipt with permission to contact. - Maybe it would be better to deal with engineers.

  - Alenka.

  - On-line, Captain. - Said the lieutenant. - We already know what and where. Synthetic confirmed and refined our data. Both the engineer dead. Chief engineer insists that we have found and removed their bodies.

  - Do it, Lieutenant. Pass to the frigate's request to send a shuttle to transport the bodies of engineers at Terra Nova.

  - Yes, Captain. I start performance. - Alenko switched channels.

  - Inside the complex - a lot of batteries, some flying rocket and flying drones with standard shturmvintovkami. - I reported Nihlus already associated with Olivia and received updated information. - Balak keeps engineers - among which is the same, our voluntary helper - hostage. In the chamber-closet, where he put them, arranged according to our Synthetic large explosive charges. In a word ... he decided to go to the end. But most likely, according to Mark and confirm the Legion, charge only enough to kill hostages engineers. And them there five, including our assistant. It seems that Balak is not a suicide, even though he knows that his idea to attack Terra Nova asteroid failed.

  - We leave. - Shepard crossed the threshold of the gateway. - And I run to the door of the main complex. Destroy all but Balaka. Balaka immobilize. And do not give it to undermine the charges. Destroy target in decreasing order of danger level.

  - Yes, Captain. - Both turian reloaded rifle fresh stores. - Ready. - They stopped on the opposite side of the door to the main complex, allowing XO insert a card-pass, rip it in Czarna. - Green.

  - Inputs. - Shepard first crossed the threshold. A dozen batteries were shredded charges for a few tens of seconds - turians showed the highest class firearms training. Missile infantry and flying drones were poured on the floor slab of the first floor rain - there were also nearly a dozen.

  - Stop. - From the boxes appeared Balak. He was holding the remote. - Stop shooting.

  - Raskomandovalsya. - Saren pulled the trigger and the needle dug Balak exactly soft cuff, covers the joint. Batarian instantly fell silent kulёm on the floor and immediately fell asleep. - Made captain. I managed to utter a word - press the button too late. - Turian moved to the ringleader of terrorists lay on his back, swaddle him obezdvizhivatelyami and took out half clasping fingers cylinder of the fuse. - Standard model. Pretentious, four-eyed.

  - Check out the engineers and colleagues. - Shepard pressed key instrumentrona. - Alenko report.

  - We're done, Captain. - Replied the lieutenant. - Engineer Montoya found not far from the main complex, near a small observation post. He knew about the vulnerability of their shelter and tried to defend himself by attacking him batarians by security drones. Montoya's body was found in three hundred meters from the observation post - he apparently tried to escape from batarians, but was shot dead by a sniper rifle. Engineer Jaimes was found inside the reserve radorubki post asteroid communication. The door post detonated an explosive ring charge itself engineer died from the explosion - battery too far. The incident confirms the latter, and unsent broadcast recording - according to her Jaimes tried to latch on batarians inside the post, but it is clearly not expected the explosives. In addition, an engineer Atwell found in the radio signalers cache, in which there were records about the fate of Mendel as an engineer, and the engineer Sladzhsa. We found the body of the engineer in broken Sladzhsa M29 "Grizzly". At the site of the death of an engineer we found his tools. Legion claims after talking with Mark and Olivia that Sladzhs was forced to leave the stricken conveyor caught fire and was shot, as soon as came out. Shot batarians of assault rifles. Point blank. The chief engineer did not even know that Sladzhs disappeared. There was no evidence of this. No, Captain. as soon as I came out. Shot batarians of assault rifles. Point blank. The chief engineer did not even know that Sladzhs disappeared. There was no evidence of this. No, Captain
. as soon as I came out. Shot batarians of assault rifles. Point blank. The chief engineer did not even know that Sladzhs disappeared. There was no evidence of this. No, Captain.

  - Body? - Shepard asked.

  - Packed. We are waiting for the shuttle from the frigate, cruiser, sir. Chief Engineer will take them to Terra-Nova.

  - Welcome. Upon completion - report.

  - Yes, Captain. - Alenko switched channels.

  - Captain. - Shepard walked Nihlus. - Came a request from the chief engineer Simon. He asked for clarification of the result of what he called ... ... interference in the main complex.

  - Tell him, too, in text mode, that all the terrorists, who landed on the asteroid, with the exception of the leader and his assistant - destroyed. And yet ... if it is to offer any reward - refuse.

  - Yes captain. - Turian moved away, revealing instrumentron and starting to type.

  - Captain, you - Keith Bowman. - Saren came, accompanied by two women and three men. - It's - the one young lady. - Said the spectrum.

  - You - Shepard? - The girl approached, stopped, carefully examining exec. - I could not ask. Just ... It's so unexpected. We were scared, we were locked up in this room filled with explosives ... We are ready to die, Captain ... And very, very grateful for our salvation. It is true that all but two of the leaders of ... dead ?!

  - True. - Shepard confirmed.

  - They were waiting for the court?

  - We will give them the Citadel. In the order of the Corps of the spectrum. And there will have to solve employees Corps. In accordance with the Law. - Shepard said.

  - Captain, Telecommunications - Chief Engineer. He ... he does not find the words. - Clarified kiborgessa. - He thought, it is not clear, however, for whatever reason, that you ... that you miss or release Balaka. I do not quite understand his confused explanations, Captain. And then ... then he said that if you make a blast in the room, which was locked his colleagues ... he would have accused you of their death. But you ... as he puts it, done the impossible - to capture the terrorist leaders and saved the lives of his colleagues. He is grateful to you, Captain, the entire landing party. And it promises that about your work as effective and its impressive positive results ... Yes, yes, so it is said, and will know every resident of Terra Nova. Pretty soon, he said, Captain.

  - Thank you, Olivia. Sami respond to his speech, please. We've got - the body of the brother of one of the engineers. His shot himself Balak and that it will be counted in the blame. - Shepard said.

  - We can send the shuttle, where the bodies were loaded engineers found you, captain. - Olivia, apparently checked the screens and conferred with his colleagues-Synthetic. - I confirm that we send the shuttle for you. There are three troopers, policemen from the rapid response team on duty and engineer Simon. I think it would be better if they temporarily move to a planet with an asteroid. For several reasons, the captain.

  - I agree. - Shepard characters ordered Nihlus and went to meet the arriving shuttle. - So be it. - He switched channels. - Saren, take the post of assistant Balaka building. Bring it here. Let this pair will take on the "Volga". And placed in solitary confinement.

  Spectrum nodded and headed for the exit. On instrumentron XO quarter of an hour, it was reported that "Volga" shuttle arrived with Quartet of Marines and both batarians sent on board the cruiser escorted. Saren, returning, said in his report, only a few details.

  brother Keith Bowman's body was loaded aboard the shuttle arrived and Kate herself, of course, wished to accompany him to Terra Nova. Engineer Simon already personally thanked both Turian and Shepard, but the reward - either monetary or material is not remembered - Olivia held "explanatory work" very high quality.

  - I do not understand, Captain. - Sitting in the shuttle arrived, Nihlus said. - That is, of course, I understand in general terms, but ... Terra novovtsy planning great holidays on the occasion of their deliverance from destruction as a result of the asteroid. It has not even passed the year.

  - They need to relieve stress. The ultimate treat stress Nihlus. - Shepard strapped to a chair, he reloaded his rifle, put it on the fuse. - They - people mostly civilians. And today, in fact - the second day of their birth. They narrowly escaped death. What is not a reason to relax and poprazdnovat?

  - Maybe the captain can be. - Nihlus sat back, noting that the shuttle headed for the frigate. - Return?

  - Yeah. - XO nodded. - Looks like our eventful trip to the X-57 was completed. Maybe - even successful. Although ... It's more like a look. Batarians - that still a problem, colleagues.

  The road to the frigate, cruiser took less than half an hour - the driver drove the car along the shortest path. Reported the results of the mission commander, Shepard received permission to rest and returned to the cabin. News agencies Citadel already being reported on the resolution of the crisis on the Terra Nova and that the inhabitants of the planet are celebrating a big day of their deliverance from the threat of death.

  Instrumentron exec quietly trenknul, notifying the owner of the arrival of the letter. On the small screen glowing icon "private" and the destination code - the very Kate Bowman. Shepard had already heard about the brave girl, engineers say in local planetary news, and heard her speech in which she praised the heroism of soldiers of the Alliance, who saved her and her fellow engineers from certain death.

  After reading the letter, I sent him to the exec file instrumentrona, changed clothes and went to the dining room. Rupert Gardner put before Shepard double serving a full dinner and Spectrum did not refuse - after such a work should have good back up power. The trip on the X-57 was completed and now it was possible to briefly refer to the memories and reflections.

  - Attention on the ship. The detachment sent to the Voyager Cluster. Driving takes twelve hours and therefore allowed to use the night schedule of holidays. - Revived speakerphone. - Ships leave accumulation of Exodus.

  Reflections Shepard

  Collectors Attack Cruiser. beetles Cruiser was unable to cause significant damage to two squadron. Dependency. Disable. And I made a landing on the board. Troopers, which consisted of Olivia and Jennifer. Jenny had the opportunity to try out their biotics in combat conditions, in full contact fighting. Her strength impressed while watching the normandovtsev and takes place on board the cruiser hovering Collectors volgovtsev. This, as it turned out, was that the cruiser, which ran from Horizon.

  It was hard to realize that the collectors have already set their sights on Earth. It was hard to realize it. And even more important was the victory over the commander of the cruiser - Gen. collectors. After the death of the beetle cruiser fully came under the power and control of new owners. Becoming the biggest trophy, not only for the Troop, but for all races Space Milky Way. Of course, the cruiser was taken captive to Mars. There he will learn and will be put into operation. Even as a ship, fighting on the side of organic reasonable Milky Way. Already fighting against their former masters.

  Collectors then tried to attack the station "Omega", but suffered a crushing defeat - to instantly tightened imperial fleets and even particular intervention, "Volga" and "Normandy" is not required. Then cruiser Collectors went through many other relays, but all their attempts to gather a rich harvest of prisoners ran into the updated system of planetary and space defense and colonial heroism and teamwork ground militias and resistance groups. In the words of a classic in the struggle you will attain your right.

  When the cruiser captivated collectors - or rather, a little modernized cruiser Prothean taken away under police escort to the Martian slipway, Shepard stood out for several hours, which he, of course, had a close and together with Svetlana. As she played the piano ... And then they were silent. Words were not needed. They, the words may have had a catastrophically poor to express the feelings and emotions of the ocean, which then united Shepard and Streltsov. Two people loving each other, waiting for the birth of their firstborn, their children. Knowing that ahead of the war, in front of the pain, tears and loss.

sp; The reference to a large extent - a study visit neighborhoods "Omega-fourth." Talk First Lieutenant and Commander of zaretranslyatornoy station "Cerberus".

  Neutralization of the project "The Lord," provides direct mental contact between humans and geth. Man and machine. Then it was necessary to do everything to the virus has not gone beyond the planet. Kaidan Alenko after the shelling of the critical points of the project infrastructure, "Lord" withdrew with the two brothers of the planet. The victim was sent to the young Gris and older was sent to a prison cell at the Citadel. There they do Spectra-investigators.

  Then it was proposed to establish a Press Centre Detachment. Since, as rightly pointed otryadovtsy should themselves give information about yourself.

  Ambiguous perceived Mate and operation at Station Heretics. Yes, the geth heretics had not destroy, and to rewrite using the power station transmitters, using all the resources of the station is there.

  Tali was unhappy - her right. Shepard tried it in simple examples show that there is a welcome for quarian stability, and never will be. She did not understand, I remained unconvinced. Position younger Zora was understandable, but ... is unacceptable. Quarian just trying unconsciously, perhaps, once again evade racial responsibility for improper attention to the generation of a new race.

  Chakwas was unhappy - her work has increased, lung injury, injured. Good thing there were no severe injuries. I had to calm Svetlana, really gets off the channels of communication between the cruiser and frigate, cruiser. Light to worry, of course, justified. Not everything at the station turned out to make soft and safe.

  Difficult to otryadovtsev mission was a mission with Jacob. Shepard would dearly love to not be in contact with these bullies at all - neither individually nor as part of the landing party. This tserberovets John did not like. With him still had to deal in the future and these proceedings, even if planned, now Shepard did not like even more than the object of these proceedings - tserberovets Jacob Taylor.


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