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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 56

by Theodore Daniels

  - There is a third option, captain. - Anderson said quietly.

  - I understand, sir. - Shepard said. - "Omega-fourth."

  Anderson nodded:

  - And I'm afraid this is not the last such ... the front door in our galaxy, Captain. I agree that Reapers will not ignore the possibility of a system of repeaters. If we accept that the Reapers are as ancient as the repeater system, many of the pieces of the mosaic fall into place very firmly and tightly. Sorry, Captain, there is another aspect that we were able to realize only recently. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser pulled out of the drawer-Refuse few readers. - Check.

  Shepard picked up the first reader, plug and ... realized that this problem may well really compete on complexity, significance and importance of the problem of repeater "Alpha". In the texts, diagrams and pictures clearly felt the work conducted by the Imperial and Imperial Intelligence Astrorazvedkoy Russia. The XO was not sure about at least some of the data does not have a clue Svetlana, yet ... Even if it is, the senior assistant to the commander of the frigate, cruiser and tried to use the power of the imperial razvedkreysera in a very limited scale, finding support in this and the commander of the "Normandy", yet the rest mass Astrorazvedki to which the employees belong to the number of all volgovtsy, acted and continued to extensive work. "Volga", follow the "Normandy" as the thread for a needle,

  If otryadovtsy and accustomed to the fact that somewhere in the galaxy is traveling Reaper observer, Reaper reconnaissance, which managed to establish a no, but mutually contact, the presence on the asteroid Calvary certain "Object Po", which, as it turned out, is directly related to the reapers, it complicated the situation and translates it into an extremely dangerous level.

  Gather intelligence Alliance, Empire, a number of other countries of the earth, pulling out a hundred half-forgotten and neglected Server Extranet Synthetic Corps of Object Rho information stated that the object was imprisoned in an asteroid with 157 Calvary in a kind of shroud, which, if you follow the logic of the information presentation , the object itself is not particularly needed, as had the barrier exceeds the strength, power and perfection biotic barrier able to resist most of the currently known methods and methods of studying the evisceration entailing changes and damage. Even laser treatment safely blocked kokonopodobnym barrier artefact, because to remove even a part of the material for the study and analysis was not possible. The object is obtained preliminary reports indicated that absorbs a lot of energy,

  Accessory Object Rho Reapers confirmed and unexpectedly revealed the ability to object to the transfer of signals and information in a variety of spectra. Although in practice the researchers secret base failed even once to watch this broadcast in full on the basis of some related data, it was concluded that, showing remarkable energy activity of Rho is able to generate a pulse having a good chance of reaching, theoretically reserved for the layout area of the Reapers .

  Additional studies are carefully classified, gave reason to believe that Po is able to act on living organisms in the same way as is usually done when the Reapers psychological treatment of the victims in the course of intoxication. Part of completed and is now very secret research clearly demonstrated that these effects were typical for rapid intoxication, leads the victim into a state of total subordination in the shortest possible time.

  Amanda Kenson saturated the lab all the actually existing devices capable to catch any signal coming from the object and Roh did so, hoping that some help will attest to the fact of approaching Reaper galaxy before it is too late to organize resistance to the invasion.

  While Shepard read the first portion of content readers, Anderson pulled out a few more Refuse reader, laying plates within arm's reach of his assistant. The captain had no doubt - the commander of the frigate, cruiser familiar, and quite thoroughly familiar with the contents of both readers servings.

  When it came to the second portion of the information, Shepard frowned dramatically - reports Project researchers produced the Alliance intelligence now wore openly panicked character. A few months went on sverhzashifrovannyh transmission channels of information that the artifact "Object Rho" became suddenly and strongly influence the secret base personnel visions clearly convince people that the invasion of the Reapers is inevitable.

  Project researchers took the controversial decision to insulate in the bowels of the asteroid and try to resist the coming invasion Reapers destroying repeater "Alpha" on the asteroid hit his catapult. To this end, it was decided to secretly deliver no less covertly install the engines, able to disperse the asteroid to an acceptable speed and direct it exactly on the relay, keeping on fatal to catapult for the asteroid to date.

  - They forgot that the Reapers ... - Shepard said, looking up from reading a regular reader of the second stack.

  - That's right, Captain. - Anderson nodded, not wanting to move to the format of a personal communication. - Researchers have forgotten that Reapers can do without repeaters, unless, of course, accept the fact that the Reapers age is approximately equal to the age of any of the known current repeaters, including even the "Alpha". We know about the power of the Citadel as a repeater, we have proof of this power by Yavika, so even the "Alpha" with all its potential not so little when compared with the same Citadel looks rather pale. - Anderson paused, straightened, but continued to overcoming internal resistance. - Admiral Hackett asks us to ... pulled Amanda Kenson. I'm afraid to believe, but the first time I saw Admiral Hacket able humiliated petitioner. Even when we pressed,

  - Amanda Kenson ...

  - Personally, very expensive Hacket. - Anderson confirmed. - I tried to remind him that staying close to the artifact made Kenson ... to put it mildly, not quite adequate, and realized that he Hacket is quite clearly aware of and understand. However, for obvious to you and me without words reasons Hacket asked to contribute her evacuation. I suppose that if we do not then crushed in a situation politicized the games, he would have just told us to contact you to arrange both the removal of the asteroid Kenson. Now Hacket only asks. Requests, habitually, can be mechanically and can be - automatically justifying its request that the Alliance policy is very afraid of the prospects of war with batarians. Cursed myopia. - Anderson could not resist. - I had to remind him that people Kenson, despite the likelihood of a deep indoctrination, nevertheless it is sent to standard established under the encryption of large engines and prepare all that is necessary to ram the repeater. Hacket tried to wag, pointing out that this will lead to significant loss of life among the local population batarian what I had to answer him in the sense that the system is used Bahak batarians work a huge number of polls chipped and so absolutely obedient slaves. Free batarians in Bahak system is therefore not so much - in their presence in large numbers here, considering chipping, there is simply no conceivable need - such servants will not rebel, and these free like batarians are actually soldiers psychologically ready to to die at any time. Or die. Bastsuda, Urmol, Yunak and Klogon - all this we are with you, Captain, have seen with my own eyes, and with the help of devices, albeit in a passive mode. There are no civil batarians, all, except, of course, the slaves, epaulets on the shoulders. The only planet which has a civilian population, the free population - is Aratot. There's such wrestlers there are about ninety thousand. But there is in the world working under the cover of heavy veil of secrecy, and two hundred fifteen thousand chipped slaves. I reminded Admiral Hacket that batarians voluntarily exile from the Citadel races retained completely intact their commitment to the use of slavery and even traditionally characterized by a high degree of despotism and closed. I reminded the admiral that batarians directly or indirectly actively finance, and support morally and financially in many ways piracy across the galaxy, they prefer to use the power and possibilities of the other races in the solution of their own batarian, including even purely domestic problems. An example of this was in the era of confrontation batarians Skyllian Blitz. - Anderson paused, pulling out another special containers box. - It develops, the captai
n, in a difficult complex. Discover another part of the problem. - He opened the container and put on the table a few readers. Captain, in a difficult complex. Discover another part of the problem. - He opened the container and put on the table a few readers. Captain, in a difficult complex. Discover another part of the problem. - He opened the container and put on the table a few readers.

  devices plates contained the files, mainly extracted from salarians and salarians. Other sources have been used to a lesser extent. All information of the stack has been devoted to the oldest living ship - Leviathan of Dis, the remains of which were found on the planet in the Gamma Yartar Aida. These residues have been known to so many residents of the Milky Way, mysteriously disappeared from the planet after Yartar visited only known now batarian Dreadnought. Returning a colossus on the ship Leviathan smaller simply was not possible - at that time a lot of intelligence the most different races Citadel space possessed tens of thousands of the most accurate images of the artifact.

  - The process of division of the space of the galaxy has not yet been completed, the captain. - Anderson said. - Batarians because just took advantage of the situation had brought to his limits this wondrous discovery, to research and isolation that the collective efforts of the majority of the races at that time and had neither the means nor the strength nor the resources nor the inclination.

  - If there is a connection between the Reapers and the Leviathans, sir, - Shepard said - that in my opinion, batarians, removed and start an independent, albeit highly classified research residues Leviathan of Dis, have signed his own death warrant. If the Reapers are actually a product of Leviathan, we can safely assume with great certainty - a warning made by the subject of the Po imminent Reaper invasion precisely batarian sector is under a very serious reasons and batarians inevitably fall the first victims of the forthcoming mass invasion of the Reapers. - Shepard paused, then making over a significant effort continued. - It is unpleasant to talk about it, but in this case all of the space race of the Milky Way come into conflict with the Reapers while not fully prepared. Given the vagueness made outright object of Ro prevent the invasion of the Reapers, should, yet it is possible to understand how the Citadel races ready for the invasion of the moment. Batarians not accustomed to solve problems of this magnitude on its own, a serious obstacle to the Reapers can not be, therefore, we have to solve the problem by other means. And other methods.

  - I'm afraid, Captain, that you almost everything right. - Anderson said quietly. - And if not for our contact without our cooperation and partnership with the Empire, we would, as humanity, are extremely weak in our eyes creates an unenviable situation. Thanks to Russia, thanks to its imperial weight, we managed to involve almost two hundred countries of the Earth. In different ways to connect, but now we are able to implement our plan. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser pulled out of the belt laying reader. - I had long talks with Titov, Strel'tsova and their officers, as well as - with military and civilian leaders of the two hundred countries with which the official Alliance maintains very cool and unequal power relationships. In vain, he does so. In vain. - With these words gave Andersson reader into the hands of Shepard. - Make changes and comments in the text mode.

  Nodding, Shepard became absorbed in reading. Plan "Invasion of the contrary," involves several stages. At the first stage it was necessary as soon as possible to return to its original place - the planet remains Yartar Leviathan of Dis. The drafters of the plan noted that batarians could not afford to destroy all traces because of their intelligence and character of the warehouse is a patron of pirates and slave-owners, and therefore - were terrible and the owners of the most valuable artifacts were shaking like leaves earthly trees under a light breeze. Few people would be able to compete batarians in piracy and slavery, because there was no reason to doubt - the remains of the Leviathan of Dis has not yet been destroyed and are still within batarian Hegemony. The plan stated, The object that Po is quite capable to track the energy signature of the Leviathan of Dis, and transmit a signal to the space occupied by the Reapers. It is possible that the evidence received at the return of the remains of the Leviathan Yartar, Reapers abandon the implementation of immediate action plan.

  In the second stage, as the right has been formulated in terms of operation, it was necessary to actually annex Bahak system, putting it under the control of the Citadel Council, and especially - Spectra Citadel Corps. Yes, both directly observed compilers operation plan, it will inevitably cause some difficulties in densely populated batarians colonies, but, according to intelligence many races, most batarians are not explicit or secret ardent supporters of extreme methods, so characteristic of the Hegemony and above all desire a peaceful and secured life in those worlds, which batarians so far managed to colonize and build, as well as in those worlds, which took batarians not as owners but as equal citizens. It was necessary in the opinion of the compilers of the operation plan to make a number of structures "pyramid of power"

  - I have some development on this, sir. - Shepard said, interrupting the reading. - Allow me to throw them on the reader?

  Anderson nodded and tossed with Shepard instrumentrona reader to several dozen files. Part of the file he formed with Yavikom, part - together with the officers of "Volga", and some - in the course of communication with the Reaper observer. On the scout-Reaper Shepard was a special calculation: for the captain was no secret the existence of multiple communication channels - any scout had to have them set in order to ensure its success and efficiency. Then, talking to pilot the Reaper, Shepard raised this point and the pilot said quite definitely - if inhabitants of the Milky Way will be inclined to actively correct their mistakes or wrong actions, then the Reapers would have no reason to take a sudden motivation to punishment. It does not really matter, and that seems to be important fact that, at full speed Reaper invasion might not be immediate - it unfolded over several decades. Poor consolation for almost guaranteed to be slain victims. But really what it is.

  Handing Anderson reader for viewing, Shepard got up, intending to walk around and stretch their legs. From the long sitting a little aching muscles. The commander of the frigate, cruiser brought textual changes and additions to the general and detailed plans for the operation, according the text mode, many steps with specialists headquartered in the Citadel and Omega, as well as the Alliance's command and Imperial Astrorazvedki. Approvals and changes have taken several hours. During this time, Shepard was able to close a snack and drink nearly three liters of herbal tinctures, do not forget to bring a full meal and the commander.

  - Check out the captain. - Anderson gave him a reader. - We have some of the agreed-what. Interested in your opinion is very valuable and will be of your changes and additions.

  Nodding Anderson, has already started the meal, Shepard became absorbed in reading. As reference materials, Number all acutely aware - to solving the problems were connected batarian politicians and high-ranking military leaders of many countries of the Earth. In coordination with the Council of the Citadel, a worn, however, imperative for the Council of the character, in an operation for the removal of the remains from batarians Leviathan will be four dreadnought Terran part, already equips the hastily for the export of such volume artifact. Dreadnoughts will go to batarians and from there to Yartaru accompanied by three Fleets Turian Hierarchy, already fully prepared for the implementation of the bombing and air assault operations against ships and planets batarians.

  "Normandy" as spetskorabl, which was carrying four Spectra Citadel Council, it was to escort fleets all along their way to Yartaru. Captain Anderson has already received the appropriate clear and complete an order, a copy of which was contained in one of the files of the reader.

  Four other Navy Turian Hierarchy have been supported by two Fleets earthlings ensure remand annexation star Bahak repeater system "Alpha". Three back-up earth space fleet and two Turian Fleet will soon be alerted and displayed on the shortest paths on Hegemony border in readiness for a massive invasion, if
the situation in the main worlds batarians still out of control. In the final part novopostupivshih materials detailing the plan of operation, clearly pointed out - the arbitrariness batarians with the Leviathan of Dis clearly qualified as a betrayal.

  - Will begin. - Shepard said, having finished reading and returning to Anderson reader. - Will begin. - He repeated. - We'll have to do everything in order to gain time.

  Anderson nodded, confirming the truth of the words of his first assistant.

  Now, Shepard was back in the cabin of the commander of the frigate, cruiser and again poring over texts from the same reader. Asteroid-base was far enough - Troop Command decided not to draw undue attention to it. By Bahak batarian system and other star systems and colonies were nominated Fleets and troops hull spectrum Turian Hierarchy and terrestrial videoconferencing.

  Sitting in a working chair semi-rigid, Shepard readers reading materials and simultaneously replayed in memory information on the problems associated with the consequences of the destruction of the repeater. Anyone - whether the "Alpha", whether conventional, through which the squad and entered the Bahak system. It has long been the inhabitants of the Milky Way used to the fact that in many star systems have not located one, but several repeaters. It has long been this circumstance did not cause astonishment, surprise and incomprehension. Now, however, I had to think carefully about how to deal with what could only Protheans. Namely - the consequences of the explosion of such a complex structure, which has always served as a valid transponder.

  It was clear that batarians nothing to be loving people who wanted to destroy the relay, located within the territory of batarian. It was also clear that using the power of the repeater Alpha and its capabilities, Reapers can quickly penetrate anywhere. It is quite possible that the destruction of the repeater can stop the invasion of the Reapers. Even using superlight engines of its largest ships, the Reapers would have traveled to another repeater for several months, and even years. The asteroid was quite prepared, as the latest data showed passive of locating and scanning, to ensure that the cause of destruction repeater. It was assumed that a repeater explosion could destroy the entire star system.


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