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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 68

by Theodore Daniels

  - Even I am afraid to ask someone.

  - You know it. Well you know, Shepard. Just do not call her name aloud. Do not. - Yavik said. - Synthetic do support the elimination of problems in computer networks station. Kai Leng, ready to leave the station together with the prisoners Counsellors left in different parts of the complex system of "little presents", which could be activated as required. Now we have these little presents "take a bite". It will take a few more hours.

  - How is it outside?

  - Destroy. Fairly thinned fleet Cerberus. Now he has a much smaller ship than it was. Much less, John. Look it up yourself then. I have to go. Sorry. - Proteanin turned and headed for the stairs. Shepard rushed to the residential wing of the Corps Command.

  - John. - Svetlana came to meet him. - I've already talked to Chakwas. Your happiness is that it has not found any deterioration. Alla I still ask you to diagnose. - She took the captain's hand and introduced into the apartments, covering the front door. - You could not resist again ?!

  - Light, well you know herself. I am a warrior and for those outside the few that I can and know.

  - You're not alone soldier, John. - Svetlana filmed with Shepard's armor and parts of the suit. - You - my husband and the father of our children with you. Understand simple thing - your loneliness ended. The upshot, John. - She put on the table helmet Captain Shepard and kissed on the cheek. - Come on, wash up, and - at the table. Eating at least in the normal, no packed lunch.

  - Thank you, Light. - Shepard hug his wife and kissed her on the top of his head. - Moment. - He disappeared behind the bathroom door.

  - A moment, a moment. - Svetlana went to the kitchen, put on the table one more device, brushed the dust off the stool. - Irrepressible what. - It felt like John contentedly hugging her clean, slightly damp hands. - All right, sit down. Eat.

  Half day went troubleshooting computer networks Citadel. At the same time carried out the liquidation of the last Divers-group "Cerberus". Fleets of protection and defense of the station back to the old place was clearing okolostantsionnogo space from debris and remnants of the fleets of ships "Cerberus". The station also carried out repair work.

  Is integrating additional filtering systems arriving and departing reasonable, activate additional control over the stay reasonable in the station. At midnight, martial law was introduced on the Citadel.

  "Normandy" and "Volga" returned to their seats in the outer roads station. In its place back involved in the confrontation with the "Cerberus" ships many races Citadel space, do not belong to the Navy Guard and Defence stations. It was the pre-charge and recharge weapons and inventory replenishment ships, were carried out repair work.

  Citadel. Planning an attack on the lair of the Collector. Collects and equipping frigates

  - Colleagues, I am not joking and not my favorite wishful thinkin. - Shepard entered the CIC frigate, cruiser, slashed the air with his hand. - The relay "Omega-four" go only frigate cruiser. Cruiser "Volga" will remain here. We can not risk the whole group. We have only one fee system "friend or foe", and as we have proven engineers and Synthetic, it can work only if the standard is one ship. One. And not two. This - the repeater, colleagues, and we still still do not know what can catapult this in detail.

  - John, but ... - he heard a voice in instrumentrone Svetlana.

  - No "but" Light. - Shepard stopped at the "Star Maps". We will accept any help, any equipment, any support except for one - the cruiser "Volga" will remain at the "Omega". The relay will go only to "Normandy".

  - Look, John. You said it yourself. - Svetlana paused. - I am sending you a list of what I intend to overload on the "Normandy". From Titov I all agreed, paratroopers know. With Vakarianom I also spoke - turian transports with cargoes and weapons and infantry will be waiting for us already at the "Omega". Alyansovskie desentnye freighters and transports - is on the way to the "Omega", the transfer of goods and people will be organized there as well. Part of the planned I overwhelmed by the frigate here, and some - in "Omega". When the final loading. - Svetlana interrupted communications.

  - I do not find grounds for objection, John. - Anderson watched sent with the "Volga" file. - Where everything is calculated and thought out.

  - For me it is important to not risk ships. Both ships and both crews, David. - Shepard leaned on the railing, frames the star map. - The rest we can really take on board. And the soldiers, and weapons and equipment. Yes, it is necessary to make room, but is - solved. Yes, I have to have a three-shift system and operate with an overload, but it - also solved. We had planned for these overload "Normal" before the reconstruction and re-equipment.

  - Then ... Then we should get to work. Immediately, John.

  - I agree, David. I feel we will still be many hours of coordination. And we must also ask our Synthetic view all the information, shoveled it. We all should be familiar with the entire array again. And yet, Commander. Alix.

  - It will remain on the "Volga", John. - Olivia went to the XO. - I'm not going to risk it. Yes. It is well proved during the attack on the Citadel, I know she prepared to put on the Citadel monument of pure beryllium or twelve, but to act in such a difficult situation, as the fourth Omega zaretranslyatornoe space, it is still too small and inexperienced. I believe that it will benefit the stay on the cruiser Empire. She learned a lot and Svetlana, and Titov, and the rest volgovtsev. Since the "Volga" - a cruiser, and our "norm" - the frigate, cruiser, Alix will be useful to understand the specifics of the ships of this class as an example of the real battle cruiser. And Alix Svetlana insure that there will be too out of place. He communicates well with omegovtsami, with the Council of stations.

  - I guess to give her access to the collected material from the "obelisks". If she wants - she will be able to delve into them enough. - He said, coming up to the Star Map Yavik. - In a word, it will not be idle. And we ... We will try to solve this problem once and for all. Or at least try to begin to address it, given the presence in zaretranslyatornom space station "Avernus".

  - I agree. - Alix came out of the elevator, went up on a pedestal at the map. - If everything is as you say - I agree to stay on the "Volga".

  - It has been decided. - Concluded Anderson. - Accept with a cruiser of the cargo and of the landing troops, and place - follow to the "Omega". There retrofitted, reloaded - and carry out the task. All - work colleagues. We have a lot of work!

  Flight repeater "Omega-4". Prepare for Combat Collectors

  The handsfree speaker frigate sounded the march "Farewell of Slavyanka". Shepard and Anderson were in the cockpit. Frigate is slowly moving away from the station raid borders "Omega". Left behind verbal battles officers Troop Command groups, many hours of meetings, negotiations, presentations, reading policy briefs, sleepless nights acquisition reinforced landing party.

  Svetlana Streltsov fulfilled his promise - a large part of the paratroopers of the cruiser "Volga" obtained a temporary residence permit on the frigate. One hundred and fifty people, professionals, imperial astrodesantnikov. With heavy and medium voooruzheniem and ammunition, wardrobe trunks with equipment and supplies. Frigate was loaded to the limit, but otherwise did not work - all too well aware of: the level of training depends not only the success of the operation, but also the opportunity to return from zaretranslyatornogo space.

  More hundred and fifty new members of the team reached the landing turians selected unrelenting and extremely strict and demanding Nihlus and Saren. Amphibious military transports arrived at the isolated marinas station "Omega", turians candidate in landing a team placed in a separate level, multi-pass test of aptitude and the degree of physical and mental stability.

  It was possible to gather the best. If not the best, the best - for sure. The officers of the frigate had access to all documents beginners, conducted dozens of interviews, were present at the qualifying sessions. Special Forces Troops of the Space Forces confirmed the Turian Hierarchy highest class training and willingness to meet with the little-known enemy, defeated him.
  As soon as the frigate stern turned to raid beacons "Omega" Shepard walked around the ship - from bow to stern and back. Gardner with two Lookouts fussed over cooking dinner, two more on watch to lay the table. Could be heard muffled conversations: "Some shifts ... Limited time on serving and cleaning utensils and appliances ... A rigorous schedule of serving dishes ... Readiness number two ... Hold outputs permanently open ... Fix table tightly, so that in case of alarm reduce the number of broken vessels and plates ... ".

  Two watchkeeping installed on the walls and ceiling of the main corridors of the frigate mounting for suspended beds. Yes, the ship was a bit overwhelmed, but there will be needed for the relay, each member of the crew, and battle-worthy team, everyone, without the slightest exaggeration. Suspended bed was the only maximum convenience. On vahtsluzhbu frigate lay a huge burden, but no one on watch did not complain, knowing that will have landing that is very necessary, need to return to the space Milky Way. Everyone already knew where this leads repeater. Red repeater. Spangled prohibiting signals like a Christmas tree confetti and glitter. ... Holiday Tree. All it receded somewhere on the long-range plan. Ahead was the mouth of a giant catapult, leading out into the unknown region of space.

  Yes, after the attack of the Citadel "tserberovtsami" hands otryadovtsev were many documents. Including about zaretranslyatornoy station "Cerberus", "Avernus". Much is now known simple crew and command of the frigate. Even more - the officers. Even more - the commander and senior assistant. It always has been. And now this knowledge in many ways became the key to victory. Victory over collectors. Victory, eliminates this race from the face of the Milky Way Space.

  For the first time in the Alliance ship was so Imperials - heavily armed space marines Imperial Special Forces Astroflota Russia. They were assisted by a few - only a few dozen heavily armed Alliance kosmopehotintsev taken after a short selection procedure from the Defence Forces of the Citadel. And they have gathered to help turians warriors.

  More browsing the preliminary lists, Shepard decisively struck one surname Williams, Anderson asked to support his decision to his visa. David did not refuse and Alenko - Shepard knew this for sure - was grateful to the senior officers of the frigate for this decision - it Ashley remained in the secure additional troops of the Alliance and the Empire kosmostantsii "Citadel". Gestational age was already significant, and no one would let Williams in this expedition. No ... But a lot of well-known, which is capable of Ashley, if he wants. It would not have stopped even pregnancy. Only the United Spectra decision - a decision supported by Anderson and Shepard and Saren Nihlus - made contingent commanders on the Citadel of the Alliance Kosmopehoty do everything to Sergeant Ashley Williams never left the main station of the Milky Way Space.

  The march "Farewell of Slavyanka" continued to sound in handsfree. Shepard, paced the corridors of the frigate, knew that his performance Svetlana insisted. And Titov supported their commander, who left the position of consultant and advisor, but will retain the basic rights to the command of the ship and crew. Was it possible to accurately determine the bureaucratic rough tongue of the role that has continued to perform Svetlana Streltsov, who was in the "state" and compelled to remain in "Omega" on board his cruiser, forced to let go of the frigate in this single voyage, forced to accept the fact that this terrible to tremble at the knees of her leave the repeater John.

  She is in numerous communications, shake down questions frigate wiring procedures and its crew and the team in this dangerous expedition, hiding the tears and excitement, smiling, although Shepard knew and saw, felt that her smile is given only an effort of will.

  And the performance of the "March of Farewell of Slavyanka" exec forced to think about what in fact the war has already begun, is it, this war is already underway. Marsh played combined orchestra consisting of musicians and cruisers station musicians inhabitants "Omega". Live sound. Only live sound. Svetlana was a rock, disagreeing on track. Any, even the most high-quality, renowned experts of many races Space Citadel almost reference. Only live sound.

  Hearing the first time this march by a large symphony orchestra, a live sound, long Shepard could not say a word. Yes, it was one of the business cards of the Russian Empire. His, this march, they knew many earthlings. And we have always been associated with Russia.

  And Svetlana gave to listen to John the march with the words. Not only the melody. But words. People. Written by unknown authors. But which preferred music in the fabric, the fabric of the march melodies like a glove. And now, coming down the stairs, remembering switched off passenger elevators and blocked hoist, Shepard completely unnoticed joined the march continues to play a melody with the soulful old verses, born again as early as the First World War had torn human civilization back in the twentieth century.

  Before the eyes of the exec still standing figure Svetlana. The suit without insignia, in the Cape, concealed fullness. The whitened handkerchief her left hand. She cried. I cried, standing on the dock, where the last left hook, went on board the frigate. Those shuttle, which flew Shepard. Her eyes, her eyes burned consciousness exec until now.

  There were so many in this view. Different. Available only to him, it to John. Right hand she held buckle cape. The one, under the neck. And there was so much to Svetlana helplessness, weakness ... Shepard wanted to tear Collectors bare hands. Everyone. Until recently beetle. For him, it was not only a senior officer, but the captain of the first rank, only the commander razvedkreysera, only the pilot and the only intelligence. For him it was more, much more.

  And now, when, under her heart developed two new life, she began to Shepard's all. And he knew that he would never allow to Svetlana that carries with it any risk. And never agree to it risked themselves or their children. More unborn, but the living child. His and her children. Their common children. Child, which marks the birth of their lives for this family, the establishment of the relationship between him and her.

  Shepard stopped in the doorway gateway connecting the deck stair flights. He leaned his forehead against the cold metal "boxes". About many things should have thought. While there is still time. Time to enter the relay. The fact that there will be, much was already known. But be aware - it is one thing, but to see and feel - is quite another. Frigate filled to the limit of soldiers and military cargo, went to the "Omega-fourth." He left in the dark.

  And continues to stand on the deserted quay Svetlana Strel'tsova was bitter and hurt by the realization that she was here, and John went back to this damn "zaretranslyatornoe space."

  Long since disappeared into the darkness of space stern lights "Normandy". It has long been held about leaving the ship beyond the control beacons space "Omega". And Svetlana continued to stand, clutching a handkerchief soaked with tears, and holding a weak clasp Cape.

  She did not want to see many of its "position", hid understandable changes in the figure. But does this hide? Twins, a boy and a girl. As she wanted to like it very much like Joe. As she had said Alla? "But with belly Taken"? Exactly. Her volgovtsy do everything and even beyond everything that she did not feel the slightest inconvenience to alleviate her condition.

  Who it is now for them? Commander? Yes, definitely. Senior officer? Oh sure. But now it has become for them something more. They saw in it not only the commander and officer. They saw her as a woman. And Titov gently but inexorably released her from a variety of previously familiar commander worries. Only to have her there, and the time and resources to devote maximum attention to its main natural purpose - to continue the human race. All volgovtsy know who the real father of her son and future daughter of the commander of their mothers. And volgovtsy were convinced that Svetlana has chosen a worthy mate. Military officer, en's seven, and SWAT - a seamless, multi-faceted personality.

  The Imperials were able to understand it, to understand the deep and silent about many things, storing knowledge. Now Svetlana felt behind him standing at the exit gateway Titov. He is the only trusted volgovtsy support Svetlana. Commanding shuttle "Volga" wa
s standing on a nearby dock. And Streltsov knew that happen, Titov takes it into the cabin cruise boat on a traveling hands, not trusting anyone else his burden.

  First Mate. Her first officer and the deputy, now a full-fledged cruiser commander. A colleague and collaborator of her John. Knowing the ship and the crew thoroughly and using reinforced concrete and comprehensive authority and not ostentatious, real, true love all without exception volgovtsev.

  Svetlana knew wisely realized that the frigate went too far to be noticeable on the background of the cosmos mnogozvёzdya. But her heart kept on the dock. And I waited Titov, went to wait in their own state of understanding of their commander. The fact that he was now practically commanding the cruiser, did not change anything - Svetlana Streltsov at any time been able and willing to return to the command chair of "Volga". Titov knew - this return must be urgent and regulations. Now he has another mission commander. Another task. Other destinations. She is woman. She - the mother. And it is now more important than any collector or any tserberovtsy.

  Streltsov turned slowly and walked to the gateway. Having caught up with Titov, soft he gestured to go next. Titov barely perceptible nod and went to the right. Svetlana easily opёrlas on the hand of his senior aide. voltage wires it is not released, but was required to release the grip of the will. Quite a bit to let go.

  Released in the driver cabin Svetlana gave a questioning look. The usual silent questioning glance. Streltsov umostilas in his chair, threw on the shoulders of the strap belts, protecting the stomach and chest. And softly he said: "On the cruiser, Denis.".

  As much weariness in his voice. So much emptiness. The driver nodded and disappeared into the cabin. The shuttle gently pulled away from the landing field plates and headed for the parking lot raid "Volga". Titov sat down. Not on the contrary - on the bench, and next, in another chair. He sat down so that she could feel it, could touch his hand. Even a halt, to feel the support, experience welfare. Let not this, this is certainly not what she felt beside John with her, Joe, but still - a man's readiness and most importantly - its ability to protect, maintain. Calm, if required.


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