Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 78

by Theodore Daniels

  Erupted dome biotic protection, full, thick and large, covering all platforms, arrived to reinforced front suspension hanging on the Reaper, coincided with the full activation of the monster.

  - Captain, it will cover. Approaching the platform with collectors. - Marc reported. - We expect that there will be Spawn and offspring. They will try to distract us.

  - Section. Heavy weapons - at the reaper, light and medium - for its protection. Move, move. - Shepard commanded, seeing how close the two sides on the two platforms, filled with drones collectors. - The first wave!

  Again there Forerunners, habitually The illuminated chandeliers. They hit their shots on the extra side walls and platforms where otryadovtsy housed. Earned assault rifles, vykashivaya drones, snipers barking, destroying mounting hardpoints Reaper. Zauhali grenade launchers, grenades throws balls to the monster's eyes. Explosion at the very lenses, grenades shredding drives and destroy the protective coating domes.

  - The first node collapsed. Reaper is maloaktiven. Obviously, expect when will pause in the arrival of the guards collectors. - Olivia reported. - Then it is connected. The second node is collapsed. Activation increases. He is waking up.

  Firing rifles and pistols has become almost continuous. Gains two more platforms with collectors and collectors-killers-guards. Drones are fewer. Erupted yellowish disc Collector shields. But now the landing team was at full strength and shield did not help. Part of the group led by the fire emitters Reaper. Part of the suspension to shoot, destroying more and more attachment.

  - The Third Wave. - I heard a speaker in the voice of Olivia. - There were two ... No, I have one hanging mount. Reaper is active, but he is aware of the arrival of protection and yet will not interfere.

  Again three platforms on the left and three on the right platform. New drones collectors, new collectors and new guards Collectors killer. The battle raged with renewed vigor and Shepard personally shot the last node.

  - He's crashing! - Jenkins could not resist. - Crumbling! Right at the bottom of the canyon!

  - I am not sure. - Olivia looked at instrumentron, hiding behind the rim of one of the platforms. - Before he was interrupted due to suspension, he was already moving. So his system ... - platform rocked a series of blows, she swayed. - That's what I thought. He's down, hanging, clutching hands of technological platforms projections. Soon climb onward and upward, he will soon be over the edge. We have very little time.

  - Everyone get ready for firing at vulnerable places of the Reaper. - I ordered Shepard. - All ready. All fire - on Reapers. On the protection and collectors - at least. Canyon to prepare an explosion. Legion, get explosives and all ... necessary. Even if we bring down the Reaper, this place - the first candidate for a full sweep. Best cleaning - a powerful explosion. Prepare everything you need.

  - Yes, Captain. - Het disappeared behind the rim, taking the necessary equipment from the containers.

  - Shepard, he climbed. - Olivia reported. - Drone is gone, do not approach the platform. It seems that he was ordered to kill us alone. Without help, the local bugs.

  - All - attack. - Threw the XO. - Went?

  - Charges are installed, tested network. - Het easily hold on the platform waving. - Ready to fire.

  - Fire. - Shepard commanded, raising his sniper rifle and vsazhivaya charge in the monster eye, whose head appeared above's edge technological platform. - Beat only on the most vulnerable places!

  Sounded the shots, heard the barking grew into a roar of sniper rifles Turian.

  - Oral active emitter. Anyone who in his affected area - to the shelter! To change the position, do not stand! - Shepard commanded, seeing as growing the glow of the main radiator. - Change the position! - XO repeated, seeing an easy impulse knocked down the wall behind which, fortunately, none of sokomandovtsev not hiding. - All - only on fire damage!

  For a few tens of seconds Reaper's head disappeared behind the platform's edge. None of normandovtsev not left the shelter. Everyone waited. Reaper emerged on the other hand, his right hand clenched fist, the technological platform snesya light walls and sinking two walls in the deck of the platform. Docked platform trembled normandovtsy were forced to cling to everything that you can.

  Reactivate the emitter blow fell on a light wall behind which hid one of the cops, Marines, not had time to move to another position - there was little shelter and he found it impossible to embarrass teammate. Cop-commando's body thrown up a few meters, cut through sharp-edged fragments deck platform and brought down on the plate.

  There was a strangled cry, rezanuvshy hearing Shepard as a cleaver. The first victim. The first victim is irreversible. Shots teammate merged into a continuous hum - the incident is already known to all. There was a desire to take revenge, to punish her for the death of the direct perpetrator. Reaper again went under the deck, intending to get out again on the other side of previously unknown. Shepard felt as he goes through his hands-manipulators somewhere far down, clinging, firmer, stronger.

  At this time, the appearance of the Reaper could count. But he had prepared a surprise defenders - his mouth puffed transmitter three times and knocked down two walls. Killed two more policemen paratroopers. Shepard saw Alenko crouched at the boards, jagged movements reloads his rifle, Lieutenant fingers trembled so that even with twenty meters was noticeable.

  The battle lasted. Reaper again slammed his fist on the technology platform, at the same time releasing the charge of the mouth of the radiator. It was a miracle no one was hurt, though several heads appeared normandovtsev for bumpers - platform shook very strongly and remain in immobility cost a lot of sweat. At this time, Reaper did not shoot out of the mouth of the radiator, under almost continuous bombardment. It seemed that no one trunk, not in tselivshegosya monster eyes.

  Reaper then appeared on the edge of the technological platform, then hid under her, trying to lure attackers out of their shelters. His weapon shines almost continuously pyhaya pulses. Normandovtsy hastily changed their position, not giving opportunities to aim precisely reaper.

  - Reached half the level of resistance Reaper. - Olivia's voice was even and indifferent. - He is getting weaker, but still - not too much. We quickly reduce this level. Too fast.

  Really. Reaper, though not outwardly show weakness, but he was already izmochalen hits. Replacing cover, Shepard looked at the monster's eyes and saw that the metal around the eyes pitted with potholes. Normandovtsy fired, is not particularly hiding and without resorting to special tactical delights.

  - A critical hit. Blast targeting system. Explosion coordination system. Explosion positioning system. - Heard a report of the Legion. - Reaper falls.

  Reaper flames head fell back back and struck down the monster. The explosion threw up a technology platform, Shepard barely had time to catch the hand slid to the edge of the platform Olivia. Stacked transport platforms undocked, trembling and jerking under new and novel blast wave. Luckily, no one fell from the platform - all were able to keep from falling into the canyon, where the waning skeleton Reaper.

  - Captain. - Cut through the voice of Jeff Moreau. - Fregat is ready for departure. All cruisers are subject to and are ready to fly.

  - Early, Jeff. - First mate said. - Too early. We have yet to come the Central Base Post. There - Generals collectors. Though they are puppets - the captain looked around, seeing how come a teammate - but have to answer for everything that happened here.

  - They are fifteen, Captain. - Explained Olivia came up. - Thank you for saving me.

  - Here, Olive claims that it there nearly two dozen. Without their elimination or capture, I'm not leaving here. We've already lost three ... They will pay.

  - Commander wondered what are your plans, Captain. - Moreau internally agreed with the choice of Shepard.

  - I undermine the canyon, moving to the top, the command level, to overcome the resistance of the elite Guard Base Command. Hats from the central station all the most valuable. Information, media, equipment - everything that can come in
handy. Then - exec caught sight proteanina - once in the station explode. I am returning to the frigate. We take off and go to the repeater. There is resistance, "Eyes", I know, to be exact - guess what will happen. But collectors and their supervisors will be deprived of the principal and basic, almost single database.

  - It is clear, Captain. The commander heard the whole conversation. - Said the pilot. - We have checked the database, the parts of which are now cleared for the presence of any values. Good luck, Captain. And remember - we are waiting for all of you back to the frigate.

  - Before connection. - Shepard said switching channels.

  Omega-4. top, level of team attack. Race, created by the Reapers from modified Protheans, deposed

  - Captain, canyon prepared by an explosion. - I reported to the Legion. - But in the transition compartment again Roi. We are trying to lock up here, do not give a break to the central control post.

  - Confirm the captain. - Olivia's voice was heard. - We have to break through this compartment. bloodhounds concentration simply prohibitive.

  - I'm ready, Captain. - Yavik came to an exec. - Now is the time to show me your biotics.

  - I am also ready, Captain. - Jennifer stood next to proteaninom. - I've already recovered. And ready to support Java.

  - I am also, the captain. Among my people - irrevocable losses and more losses, I will not tolerate. - The girl went Kaidan. - We'll cover all three of the shield landing party. Stratified shield. According to our calculations. - Lieutenant exchanged glances with Jennifer and Yavikom. - We will be able not only to detain Roy. But a significant part of the normal charges of weapons collectors.

  - Captain, moved forward one of the generals of the Collector. - Reported kiborgessa, next to which already stood Legion and Mark. - I suspect that they did a test run.

  - Then - to the gate, we need to break forward to the central station of the base and end its existence. - Shepard said.

  No one objected - we all had plenty of time to prepare for the new, the last battle on this basis. Three bodies were put into bags and stacked on stretchers - nobody was going to leave their dead. Surrounding biotics continuous ring and bristling with trunks, landing the group waited for the platform, grinding and tugging, dock with the edge of the canyon, where the gate leading to the command center and moved to the Base webs flaps. Obeying the Legion, who managed to pick up the code to the gate began to open up and immediately broke the dome of the biotic protection. One layer, the second layer, the third layer. Yes, it was beautiful, yes, it was a strange and unusual - such domes connected by masters of their craft, no one else from the inhabitants of the Milky Way, it may not be seen. But even this multilayered canopy trembled under the blows of massive swarms.

  - Tension is growing, Captain. - Olivia reported.

  - All - pass their rations biotics. Half of the set. - I ordered Shepard. - Prepare for the transfer of the second half. There is only Roy Collectors not, apparently waiting for, or simply do not want to interfere in the work of Roy. General?

  - Ahead in the hexagonal booth. - I reported to the Legion.

  - We are ready to open fire on the destruction of the captain. - Said Alenko. - I suppose one general can be destroyed completely. From this company. - Said the officer.

  - Moving. - Shepard checked the number of charges in shops, reloaded the rifle and pistols again. - Carefully, but we are moving. - He looked at under a variety of oscillating strokes dome.

  - Thirty meters around the corner - in shower. There's this general. - Olivia reported. - Eighty meters from the turning. - Legion and Mark confirmed nods, raising his rifle.

  - Destroy. - Ordered the XO, as soon as the landing of the group passed the turn.

  - He says something to us, Captain. - Alenko twirled setting. The speaker's voice sounded modified General Collector. - I do not see it that shirnulsya?

  - No, he just said what he said to the reapers. Puppet. - Shepard said. - Hmm. Those whom we call the Reapers, carry us organics Milky Way ... salvation through destruction ?! Og-gon!

  A wall of fire for a few seconds, spread out the Collector General on the atoms. They shot everything. And Synthetic and alyansovtsy and turians and Yavik, managed to retain a layer of dome with one hand, and the other to keep the assault rifle. The booth from which the Collector General to manage the system databases, has disappeared in the flames.

  - Ahead - The base of the control room. They are all alive. But ... losing contact with the Reapers. The order, Captain? - Olivia demanded, looked into his eyes Exec.

  - Capture. - Shepard first stepped into the room, saw fourteen chairs in which sat beetles. These beetles, full-scale, not the pale copies, what had to fight, breaking here. Pausing, Number One watched his teammate pack beetles in belts, inject them obezdvizhivateli and sleeping pills.

  - Base Collectors captured. - Alenko said. - It's amazing that we are so easily broken here.

  - Captain, Collectors self-destruct in droves. Across the base. They have lost touch with the general, and those - with the Reapers. No pressure wave. - Marc reported. Olivia slight nod confirmed the validity of the above relatives. Legion, packing the last General in straps, turned around:

  - Captain, can move back. They. - Het pushed the barrel of an assault rifle lay at his feet beetle. - There would be on their own. Many of honor to drag them.

  - Remove all valuable. Now we have the time and opportunity. - Shepard said.

  - Yes captain. - Goeth turned to the desk behind which the generals Collectors sat a few minutes ago. - An hour, maybe - two.

  - Welcome. - Shepard including information transmission channel, joined with the frigate, Anderson reported the situation. - With frigate come gravitelezhki. Transported comfortably. These will go their way. Security will be provided by paratroopers and soldiers of the Empire of the Hierarchy. However gravitelezhkami art come. They will be able to understand the richness of this better than us. We work and wait.

  An hour later came the art accompanied the Imperial Marines and soldiers Hierarchy. bodies were loaded onto trucks dead and extracted from the depths of the Central Post Office base media with information. Synthetic plunged into work with the head - their help was just invaluable - Post amazed by its size and features.

  - Confirm the captain. - Shepard approached Lieutenant Alenko. - Resistance to the Collector Base nowhere else says. Our troops complete inspection of the island. Confiscate everything of value.

  - Captain. - Shepard walked Yavik. - I ... I do not know what to say. For the first time I have enough words to express what I feel. Yes, I'm a warrior, I know how to fight and do not really know how to talk. But now ... When I found out that all the generals Collectors have imprisoned the rest Collectors disbanded ... ... I can only mean one thing: the race of Reapers created from modified barbaric ways of my compatriots, finally deposed. - XO proteanin handed out and the soldiers of the two races exchanged a firm handshake. - Now I believe a lot more capital, that we can win. Even if now the Reapers have an incentive to let any other race ahead yourself. Nevertheless, Captain. I insist on the destruction of the base. Complete destruction. I'm aware that we're valuable shooting, pack and ship to frigate and cruiser captured. This framework should remain in the past, go into oblivion. I need a funeral pyre for my countrymen.

  - Good. We still get out of here. The explosion will be provided. - First mate took the elders technicians reader, read, signed by its optical fiber-kodatorom. - Proceed. - A gesture he dismissed the equipment. - Will they fire.

  Yavik departed. A few hours spent on something to prepare station to the explosion. It is undermining everything - the central post, the engines, the prison block, blocks production facilities. At the same time it conducted the final removal of all that is valuable in the first place - information carriers, equipment, instruments. Everything found was transported on the third captured cruiser.

  - Captain, in touch - the commander of the frigate. - Olivia reported. - Surfing.

  - Shepard. - And
erson appeared on instrumentrona screen. - We are ready for departure. We finish loading. Prisoners generals isolated reliably. Sleep. Spelёnuty and are under the protection and supervision. Doctors continue to work with the saved. I never thought that we would go back to the whole squadron.

  - Commander, you ...

  - I know, Shepard. Are you sure I can cope with the command of a squadron of ships. I am pleased to. Cruiser Collectors, former Prothean cruiser - it is something. While we were not given information about what happened outside, though we can do it ... Experts CIC me too convincingly proved it. The station is preparing to explode. Engineer Adams convinced - lost communication with the base collector, out of control with Base, "Eyes" will not be as aggressive and active. No third-party management of these devices are too dumb. But even if it is not - then that I was informed specialists who examined cruiser ... inspires respect. We break through, John. Now, in this I am convinced. Return on board. All return. And - be careful.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard switched channels.

  A few hours - and the Central Post Base empty. Group landing back through the Base back to the hangar-cruisers dock. Techniques for the last time tested equipment that ensures the expansion of Base Collector into tiny fragments.

  - I guess that ghost slave Reapers will be very unhappy, Captain. - Said Yavik, paced away from the XO. - I do not care about his dissatisfaction. Husk he is Husky, even in a suit from the famous tailors.

  - I also do not care. - Shepard said quietly, getting the latest on board the frigate, have emission metal ramp onto the surface of plating Base Collector. - We were sure to face it. And with its "Averno" - too.

  Another hour went to the clarification of the overall situation, the account recent changes in the environment. Finally came the report from the elders technicians that reactors Base stopped. It was noticeable - Base Collector blёkla gradually disappears glow ceased to tremble indicators of radiation on the panels of experts technicians and CIC.


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