Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 79

by Theodore Daniels

  - Base of collectors is de-energized. - Adams reported.

  - Accepted. - I threw in the bead Speaker Anderson sat back in his chair at the Star Maps. - The whole squadron - start.

  Frigate appeared with the first cladding. The screens could be seen from Base go all three cruisers collectors. Gone, subdued by the new owners, laden saved prisoners and nearly two dozen leaders of the race collectors. They leave, carrying valuable information and hardware devices.

  - Delete - normative. "Eyes" is not attacked. - I reported specialist lokatorschik.

  - Base - to undermine. - Ordered Anderson.

  - Undermine everything is ready. - Adams reported.

  - Undermining. - Anderson glared at the screen side of the Star card. They were perfectly clear, both on-site rock-iron island swollen cloud explosions.

  A few minutes later experts CIC, rechecking the information reported to the commander of the frigate of the complete elimination of the Collector Base.

  - Coming up on "Omega-4". - Moreau reported. - We go to the cloud of debris from destroyed ships. It is recommended to gain a foothold. Maybe a little shake.

  Omega-4. The return of "Normandy" repeater "Omega-4"

  Brilliant bloody eye relay took a squadron of ships returning safely, without requiring activation of the system "friend or foe".

  - Strange. - Said Moro, felt that Shepard entered the cockpit. - We go to the repeater-red-and he accepts us. All ships. There are no signs that this catapult to send us somewhere in another area of the galaxy Space. All ships. - He repeated the pilot. - Yes, I remember it - cruiser Collectors who always used to go through this repeater regularly and freely. But now they are, these monsters serve us, the new owners, and the repeater transmits us. It is alarming ... and at the same time - happy captain.

  - Moreau rights. - Olivia said, looking up from his work on the console panel and exchanged glances with Mark. - Unusually somehow. Always expect the latest infamy of such a strong opponent. However, it is likely Generals Collectors completely submissive Reapers, never thought seriously about what we can get on base as armed and equipped with the attackers, and not as docile captives. We blew up the base, a strong race deposed puppets Reapers. The answer will have shrimp. He did not slow down, I'm sure. I'm sorry, Captain. You is the commander. By his cabin.

  - I'm coming. - Shepard turned and left the cockpit.

  Anderson has already laid the big screen instrumentrona and planning further action, not sitting in his office chair, only slightly bent over the worktop and typing on a regular keyboard text.

  - While we're going through a repeater, Captain, we'll have time to prepare. I fear that now we have to do many things very quickly and very accurately. We will refund Turian military troops and alyansovtsev his transports, and rescued the captives were loaded onto passazhirniki. All of these vessels have come to raid, "Omega", the information obtained as a result of zaretranslyatornogo scan. Thanks to the experience of Eden Prime. Give paratroopers "Volga" on their own ship. We form the crews of the captured us Prothean three cruisers. Now - this is exactly Prothean machine. A car is not what some collectors. I still can not get used finally to the idea that three huge cruiser deposed puppet race are now available to us, organics and synthetics Milky Way. We define their place of parking, do everything,

  - Commander ... - Shepard said, walking to standing at the desktop Anderson. - We have...

  - Yes, I remember, John ... Three of the victims. - Commander of the frigate fists clenched, he leaned against the countertop, froze, staring at one point. - The first loss. The first non-return loss Squad. Alenko goes grim, silent. No smiles, no peace. Jenkins - he does as lost. He sits like a statue. Silent Mogilno. The face - white teeth squeak before he greatly compresses the jaw. Vineet around himself. - Anderson paused. -Voyna Showed us otryadovtsam first real sharp teeth. These teeth will be ... very much. Ahead. - A new pause. Shepard could feel how the commander of the frigate is now difficult to articulate their thoughts. - We will give families the body. Achieve rewarding all those killed in these military orders. Although ... that ... what reward can ... can be compared with a non-return loss. - New short pause. - I see. We will now stand the queue of those wishing to serve on board the squadron. But first ... First we must come to the "Omega", get up to the road. - Anderson went through the cabin wall to wall. - Three losses. Three persons. Someone may say that we have got off lightly, but I ... I have not got used to the fact that the composition of the crew and command a squad of ships tear out those with whom I have worked for many months. Who knew very well. Who are you, Shepard, believed, making it possible to believe them and to me. To believe that they are not only military policemen, but also by professional soldiers. Collectors have paid for their deaths deposition of his race-puppets. Now for their deaths will pay Reapers. - Anderson straightened. - I know, John. We will now be irrevocable loss. But for each such loss of our opponents will pay a terrible, huge price. Will definitely pay. We are all, all otryadovtsy take care of it. I will take care of it. They will pay the full price of the real. We really are entering a war. Now finally. Before the victory. Prior to our victory, John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. all otryadovtsy take care of it. I will take care of it. They will pay the full price of the real. We really are entering a war. Now finally. Before the victory. Prior to our victory, John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. all otryadovtsy take care of it. I will take care of it. They will pay the full price of the real. We really are entering a war. Now finally. Before the victory. Prior to our victory, John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. They will pay the full price of the real. We really are entering a war. Now finally. Before the victory. Prior to our victory, John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. They will pay the full price of the real. We really are entering a war. Now finally. Before the victory. Prior to our victory, John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that R
eapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. John. Thank you. Go to her. we will work now. You have done the trick. We need to prepare for what we will do at the "Omega". I never thought that this would be our base station. One of the most valuable of our database, this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel. this stronghold of the Troop. And now this - a reality. I am sure that Reapers use tserberovtsev as those who will attack the station. Try to lay it to his hands. I've got a feeling, John. There is. But first we need to sort out a problem. - Commander of the frigate took from the safe two reader. - Check. It is encoded by zaretranslyatornomu channel.

  Shepard took up readers, turned and looked at the screen, got a grasp, sat down mechanically, adjoining vacant chair and forget about everything around. In his hands was the most complete information about the Leviathans race. With preliminary evidence that they were on the Reapers. Gathered on a variety of sources.

  Half an hour passed like a flash.

  - Our next task, John. - Anderson said. - Yes, I have read. Carefully read. Maybe it is - a chance to alleviate our situation at any point in the future war against the Reapers. To some extent alleviated. I do not know. All too inaccurate, fuzzy.

  - Hmm, yes, on that you should consider. - Shepard put off readers to the side. - All right, David.

  - Go. An hour later, we will be able to go beyond the activity of a repeater zone already in our space, John. To be parking. Then - leaving the Citadel.

  The hour allotted for passing frigate pilots repeater, was filled with a variety of concerns and events. On board the frigate and cruisers continued hard work - all prepared for the parking lot at the "Omega", realizing that now had a lot to do in war time. Physicians working in three shifts, trying to alleviate the condition emaciated former inmates, prison camp Base Collector. If not for the volunteers - many of the victims failed to return to normal. Ship Technology investigated captured on the basis of equipment and devices, accounted description instructions for use, safety recommendations. Mordin not come out of his lab, creating more and more new products, exploring the samples provided with the cruiser boards, spending endless experiments.

  Shepard in his cabin looked through that managed to shoot drones Squad. Not everything, of course, was perceived as exactly as he remembered it being a direct participant in many events, but the main thing - it was a documentary base for a variety of films, to make sure of organic Milky Way in the seriousness of the evolving situation. Mate realized - this footage will blow Extranet Galaxy, with all certainty will prove - peacetime Milky Way finally come to an end.

  And now, throwing off most of the stress of combat, he was very worried about Svetlana. He knew, understood, remembered that she is worried, thinking about it, is going through, afraid. And he believes in it. He believes that he will return to it. I come back from this hell repeater. To be close again. With her and the children.

  Standing over the capsules, in which three policemen found peace paratroopers, Shepard was silent. Three people lost its landing group. Three professionals. texts of the letters were already in the reader exec addressed bereaved families. It was hard to write these lines. For a long time they were born, it is difficult to lay down on the e-paper. However, Shepard continued to write, crossed out, erased, wrote again. Also it is no one will do. He - the commander of the landing party, the head of the group landing frigate. Even if the direct commanders of these policemen were paratroopers Lieutenant Alenko and Corporal Jenkins, still he, as a senior officer of the ship, as the First Mate is obliged to write himself. Personally. And it is not a standard letter of formal reply, but something more. Much more. These people believed him and in him. They were professionals, We were able to be realized in this new field of activity. And knew he would never abandon them. Never leave, never betray.

  Now I had to do everything that their friends and relatives do not feel abandoned at this critical moment. Documents required to award had already been prepared. Documents on pensions and benefits - drawn up and signed by Anderson. The documents entitling them to a free burial with full military honors at the locations specified the most closest relatives - decorated. As soon as the frigate will, as always, the first of the transponder - these documents are gone "gold" in the channel FORCE Alliance. All these documents were signed by all four of the spectrum and stop or slow down their passage - meant to break the law and to appear before the Tribunal. According to the laws now in wartime. With the appropriate sanctions. Severe sanctions.

  Chakwas with great difficulty catch XO and forced to come to the sickbay. I do not listen to his confused explanations that, de, it's just a scratch, not worth it medical attention. Dr. Michel remained in the cruiser, removal of former prisoners - she's needed. Maori epaulets Chakwas for anybody been no secret, and Michelle was a civil specialist and former prisoners she trusted more.

  - John, this is not a trifle. Yes, it is an injury, but is not injured. But this is - just the beginning. If you are not to treat them as necessary, there will be more trouble. Pretty soon they occur. And then I will have to cancel you from service and transferred to sickbay as a patient. - Chakwas said, making out on your desktop screen instrumentrona medical "formatki". - You see, it is no secret there is, in our space that you really fought. They fought with the enemy, which, no doubt, is fundamentally different from our usual enemies. And you have ahead - even more complex tasks, missions. You must be in the form of John.

  - Karin ...

  - Do not, John. I know, Svetlana all worn out, and in her position your care attitude to their own health only exacerbates the state of light. Do not give her unnecessary worries, troubles and worries. For her, believe me, your injuries are no longer a mystery, although we have not yet passed the output relay. That's how we women, we feel it automatically. At any distance, even cosmic. She knows that you had a hard time. Many of her Marines also received injuries of varying severity. But they will understand Selezneva. And Svetlana will make sure that you have recovered, John, take care even better than any doctor, including me and Michelle. No, John, Brave. Not that now is the time to flaunt.

  - Karin, I can not ...

  - Before Svetlana, John, you're open like a book. You can believe me. I understand these things more. Yes, you do not want her to worry, trouble, strain. All this is clear and very natural. But for her the main thing that you will return to it, John. Come back alive. Do not resist her care, John, is it necessary. More than you. She is - in you, you - in it. She hopes that now her cruiser will be next to you, with your frigate. And it can help you the power of his ship, his crew. She needed, John. We've got - a clash with the Forerunner.

  - Karin?

  - I am also a senior officer of the ship and is
obliged to prepare its part to ensure that the counter attempts to harm the crew of the frigate and the team in the field, of which bear direct responsibility, John. So I know about Leviathan. I know enough. Anderson gave me materials. Not all, some, but I knew enough. It is possible that this - those who created the Reapers, and is now trying to survive, understanding that Reapers can destroy them. Yes, there are Leviathans, John, I'm convinced. And the encounter with them will be difficult and painful - they are not used to answer to the Junior Races for their mistakes, and now they will have to answer. And get to our side, to engage in battle with the Reapers have on our side with you - also have. So ... I, as a doctor, I say to you - all you have to be parked next to Svetlana. Whatever the short parking was. I agreed to it with Anderson, he informed. Be next to her. Reassure her. Give it to make sure that what happened there in zaretranslyatornom space, you do not change anything dangerous. Give Alla examine you, John. For Svetlana is important. She trusts Selezneva more than me. For obvious reasons.

  - Well, Karin. What is the situation with our saved?

  - Here, read this. - The doctor pulled up a chair crouching in free XO three reader. - Reading annoying, but on the whole - can do a lot. Only so many have to hide in the deep rehabilitation under lock and key in the closed part of the hospitals and clinics. Without any communication with relatives and friends. Without any visits. If not Mordin - I do not know how to approach to many points. Salarian doctor, is one thing, but salarian commando-plus doctor - a killer combination that allowed me and Michelle find solutions, and - workable solutions to many issues and problems associated with the restoration of the health of our rescued. Complex saved. We'll return to many of their native worlds - there know how to deal with them better. Jagow - in the first place. Three. One - and two very weak - have kept most of the health.


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