Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 88

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard and Kaiden returned to their loved ones. Svetlana has seen John and "Volga" and "Omega". And soon, very soon, and I would see Ashley Kaidan when squad will come to the Citadel. Will come to the parking lot in front of the short throw to another important and difficult goal. To Reapers weakened long before the galaxy vzvoyut sirens, announcing the invasion of the ancient race of intelligent machines huge.

  Need to work. It is necessary to have a rest tomorrow and work even more, even better, to meet the Reapers and their henchmen armed with. To none of the Reapers and their minions are not gone from retaliation. Even if you have to fight quarians completely surrounded - they are not alone. Because thanks to the detachment to fight this enemy, with the Reapers and those who support them, who stand on the side of absolute evil, will be all the races. And Reaper is simply not strong enough. And they will inevitably weaken. And then they will be destroyed. Even if you do not give up - they will be destroyed. By the homeland, which I hope to see. See free. - With this thought Tali, armed the alarm for six o'clock to sleep.

  Looking from the outside - Ashley

  Returning in the evening in his room, dressed in the usual Ashley formёnku without insignia. Inhabitants stations are still discussing the incident for the relay, thus, "the fourth Omega". Some of the survivors there, at the Base Kollektstsionerov, was aimed at medtransportah to the Citadel to be treated in local hospitals. Yes, to them, as soon as they arrived and were placed in the wards of hospitals and clinics, immediately began the inevitable pilgrimage. Many, many residents and visitors want to know the details of the Citadel. But doctors and nurses quickly stopped any such pretensions. No need to disturb them, who visited the war. No need to disturb them recover.

  At the Citadel began arriving relatives, relatives of survivors. Everyone managed to find, and were able to find very many. Pay expensive round-trip is not in economy class. Paid services of a professional, proven medical-accompanying, pay for food, lodging, accommodation. We met at the port of Ciutadella, was taken to the hotel. Placed. But even they, blood relatives ... Even they were not immediately allowed. Gradually, little by little. It does not matter - so much joy, so many tears of happiness and satisfaction Ashley rarely could see. Many, many families are reunited again, took on a second or third breath, took on the will to live.

  Then came the official award ceremony. Awarded only to the survivors. Military, government and civilian awards. None of them was not marked. All were satisfied. Everyone was excited and happy. In different ways, of course. And well, that's different.

  It is, for example, pleased, happy and proud that her Kaidan survived. Survived where personally, with his hands and his arms he freed those who now regained his health at the Citadel physicians. I saw and felt Kaidan, of course, very much. Including the fact of what is, of course, he told her never to tell.

  As always it was, many have learned that it is - that the wife of the Lieutenant Alenko. Well, we tried to take in hand - press conferences, interviews, conversations with a hidden tape recorders enabled. Poor they knew her, Sergeant Williams. Bad, very bad, they know it. She has - not a girl, not nesmyshlёnysh. She has a more important task - to bear and raise children. Her children and Kaidan. A scribbler, snimaki and all other curious - wait. How long will wait. For years.

  It is - in the service. She - a warrior. Always I wanted, wanted and sought to serve in the army. And certainly - in kosmopehote. For many reasons. And now, rarely, very rarely, who recalls dare to remind her one way or another about her grandfather-generals. As it has always been, with many points of view over time - changed. Very cool change.

  Yes, many were jealous of her. Why, the wife of one of the main, the most important officers of "Normandy". And she has always believed and will assume that it is - just a woman. Just mother. Just spouse. And just soldiers. It's simple. For those who are able to properly understand - it's simple. And for those who can not - she agrees not exist. For them - do not exist. It is enough that it exists and lives for their children, for their Kaidan, for their parents, relatives and loved ones. For their commanders to their subordinates, for those who believe and trust in it.

  She's waiting for Kaidan. He knows already, feels that he is sure very soon, for it will soon arrive at the Citadel. Together with all normandovtsami and volgovtsami. And it is sure to be near him. Everywhere. Do not let a single step. Because she understands - they have already identified following his goal. A hard target. The goal, which many organic, many have little knowledge and even less - understand. Leviathans. The secret rulers of the galaxy, a very long time gone into the shadows. Unfortunately not at the Edge, not outside. Just a shadow. And now normandovtsy volgovtsy and decided to deal with them. To stop their interference in the affairs of the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy.

  She was very pleased and happy when had the opportunity to speak for a long time and long hours talking with Svetlana Strel'tsova. As she understood it ... They both had nothing to share with each other. Both of them - women. Both are under the twin hearts. And both - warriors. Of course, the level of understanding was sverhdostatochnym. No competition - just help. She helped Svetlana Svetlana helped her. Wait. Hope. To believe and to overcome fear, fear, fear, to overcome rises, the soul of weakness. For Ashley Svetlana was not the captain of the first rank, was not commander razvedkreysera was not a senior officer. She was a friend of Ashley. A close friend. Real girlfriend. If the daughter grows up, Ashley would very much like to have it, at her daughter had the same girlfriend.

  And when she called Kaidan ... The first phone call ... She was numb and I realized that this mutism - the correct, timely. Let talk among themselves her soul and the soul of Kaidan. Let talk. Silently, silently. In his special language. Then there were the usual words. The words with deep meaning, with a deep implication. Communication of two loving people.

  How Kaidan cared for her ... After all, she also fought. Fight when the station came, we tried to come tserberovtsy. Yes, it was not allowed to the front. But no one doubted that she too fought. Everyone - his own war. People know that truth is always good. And now we know better. Many learned. Even better and more deeply.

  She already knew - all normandovtsy Alliance awarded the highest awards. The highest award of their country. What are - yet was not precisely known: it is only a sergeant, it is not according to the order - to know such subtleties and details. But that Kaidan - the hero, it is not doubted before. Much earlier than happened what happened. This Zaretranslyatorny Hike happened. How quickly caught on and spread this definition is the concept.

  It caught on - and it is fine. For her Kaidan - I have always been a hero. Her personal, his hero. To which she - the heroine too. The mother of his children. Yes, the unborn, but - living.

  She knew also that volgovtsy in the first place - the paratroopers razvedkreysera - also awarded. And we have received awards from the hands of Svetlana Strel'tsova. Senior officers and senior commanding unit commander, part. In the presence of Shepard received. In the presence of Titov received. The very Titova, now calmly and freely perform almost all the acting commander razvedkreysera. But volgovtsy know - the ship can only be one commander. And they were sure - what makes Titov, more would be better done Svetlana. It was, is and will always be their only leader. Only she was alone. they do not fully take other commanders. Do not accept it. And there will be in its own right.

  And now she, Svetlana, for volgovtsev - not only the commander, but also a woman. Expectant mother of his children. Girls and boys. It volgovtsy invariably and inevitably see their own mothers. His wives, brides loved ones. Those with whom they would very much like to be around.

  And they volgovtsy, comfortable with the fact that their captain happy full family life. They knew - she would also fight and fight, if it comes an hour. And always will be to lead and command, to do everything that they, her colleagues and her subordinates, survived. Save yourself for a peaceful life. That will surely come. It can not come.

  And if someone from v
olgovtsev and happen to die - he will die, but die so that the enemy, in any, even the most powerful enemies - become sick. Not big trouble. Die volgovets firmly and fully knowing that he died with honor, die for a cause, for my family, for their families, for their loved ones and for their children. Volgovets die in battle. Volgovets die unconquered, not handed over. Do not retreat.

  Because in the next war will be nowhere to retreat - Reapers hit the mother worlds, planets mother on organics. The first strike there. And local residents to retreat to nowhere. Each race, any race, any race will fight in the environment, in isolation, but not alone. Because all organic, all reasonable organic Milky Way will know that they are united spiritually, they are always there and always together, even if they are separated by billions of kilometers.

  And Ashley commanded his platoon. He commanded and trained their infantry, took care of them, demanded to ensure that they have been prepared as a better quality possible. Not the teachings not to polygons. For the real big war with a very strong, non-standard opponent. Yes, she did not give himself favors. And with surprise and gratitude I felt like her colleagues, the ones that she commanded, imperceptibly relinquish it to the side, make it possible to monitor, advise, command. But do not strain, do not be forced to personally show the techniques, not to show how to perform an exercise.

  Most young warriors its division between them called it as nothing but a "mother." They Ashley is allowed. They themselves are still too young. Too, for obvious reasons, are dependent on their parents, their care, their influence. Let them keep that connection with family. This relationship will help them survive. And she kosmopehoty Sergeant Ashley Williams will help them survive and defeat enemies. Any and all enemies, with whom they will have to meet very soon.

  These enemies will be more difficult poluhaskov-tserberovtsev. It is much more difficult. But its soldiers, its boys and girls - and win these enemies. They win because they are able to do this because they are able to do so. Because they will be ready to win.

  Ashley waited. Waited, when the moment comes - and it will see its Kaidan, her husband, their hero in person. And be able to carefully and gently hug and a lot of time to kiss. So as soon as she is able to - the mother of his children, and a married woman.

  Preparation for the meeting with the Leviathans. Change frigate commander-cruiser

  Ten days Troop ships were at the "Omega" station. Ten days of crew members and "Normandy" the team could afford to fully relax after a difficult mission.

  All these days Command Corps was engaged in searching, organizing and studying materials on Leviathan. Do not know how to relax Synthetic, now - all four Synthet Squad - were glad that their power and perfection again in demand: they did not like to stand in idleness.

  Anderson once again invited Shepard to him and immediately made it clear that the conversation is going to be conducted in an informal setting, but about things quite serious and complex.

  - As I expected, John, - said Anderson - It seems so most of that does none of the reasonable is not interested in insignificant facts. I do not really want to go back to the Admiral Hacket, so I asked my friends to give me additional profile information. Further to that, you have already learned. And we have a clue. So far we have worked in the space of the fourth zaretranslyatornom Omega, the Citadel came the daughter of Dr. Garrett Bryson - Bryson Ann. She came back a few decades, but it is already interested and BRP and spectra. They, in particular, and forwarded to me the materials that he himself managed to get. - Anderson opened his commander instrumentron, find the desired file and opened it. - Something managed to get in and out vnetsitadelskih sources. Here: Garrett Bryson headed a special group "

  - So that's why the Reapers so definitely declared that the invasion has been postponed. - Shepard said. - I have something like this assumed, but for lack of evidence - not really believe it. In addition, if not Dis leviathan and Reaper ... then ... if the Leviathans Reapers built in his own image and likeness ... No, I do not believe, it is too simple and flat turns. - Shepard wondered aloud - Something here does not fit into the system. Need more proof.

  - Dr. Bryson suggested John, that killed Disu real Leviathan. The reports of the group to whom I gave my friends access, indicates that the field offices of the "Aurora" is constant, strong, multi-level resistance. Bryson noted in one of the reports, which assumes the worst: someone else is looking for it, and Leviathan, most likely - it yourself Reapers, including those acting through its associates and other agents. On the basis of some not expressly disclosed in the reports available to me, data, Bryson concluded that Leviathan - Fighter Reapers, top predator. He makes the Reaper nervous. - Anderson paused for a moment, obviously pondering something. - You understand, John, nervous before the invasion - is counterproductive. And the reaper may well look for Leviathan to eliminate it until when required to implement the Harvest Plan. They understand that the Leviathan killed Disu, with the same efficiency and ease will kill and others Reapers. Despite the multiplicity of shrimp and that these shrimp will assist numerous intoxicated accomplices, not to say that the Reapers so very confident in his benefits, having behind him so effective and powerful enemy.

  - They arrested Harvest to get the time to transfer resources to find the Leviathan, the commander. - Shepard said. - And is likely to search for it in this space. So, Leviathan actually located in our space. In the space of the Milky Way. And nowhere else. Otherwise ... I find no grounds for delaying the start of the Harvest, the commander.

  - I might add, John, that the Reapers, it is likely to understand - attack the Leviathan in our space single Reaper - a luxury. So, they are trying to combine the time of the attack on the Leviathan with the moment of the full deployment of the Harvest process.

  - Despoyna. - Shepard said. - We decided not to go there, did not dare to even come close. It is impossible to believe that the Reapers on Despoyne not know. So they realize. Speculate that Leviathan is not really one. So they can guess that Yavik and - is not one. And, given that now confronts the Reapers and Yavik and the Leviathan, as well as the other inhabitants of the Milky Way somehow, but not prepared to surrender to the mercy of the Reapers and resist the Reapers in the armed struggle against them ... the Reapers can understand that the current opposition to them will be long and difficult, much more difficult than before. If now, in this cycle, intensified Leviathans, if their activation differs greatly from the one that took place in previous cycles ... Reapers harvest may well be interested first destroy the Leviathan, then - Protheans, and then - to find a way to execute the program of the Harvest. And all this they will have to do both in the general flow of the Harvest jobs. If more than one Leviathan ... At the Reapers - a big problem.

  - Exactly. The fact that Dr. Bryson ship disappeared a few months ago. The connection did not come out in densely populated areas did not appear. Given the fact that this - spetskreyser almost complete autonomy, rely on the fact that it is easy to catch on the site of the last session of telemetry - foolish. The Alliance, meanwhile, does not organize large-scale search, fearing to bring him to the ship, the attention. - Anderson said. - And it and especially - from Admiral Hacket, there are no opportunities, which, fortunately, we have. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser laid before Shepard reader. - Check.

  - Hmm. - Shepard read a short text. - David, I Miralem with the permission of the Archangel personally kiss on both cheeks. And I will apply for the setting of "Omega" s monument, similar to what the inhabitants of the Citadel want to put in their station in honor and gratitude to our Alix. It is necessary - the exact coordinates of the drifting ship! Private sector. Where else, he loves to talk, my Svetlana, Star Makar calves are not chased.

  - What about the monument Miralem on "Omega" - a very good idea, John. - Anderson smiled. - And what about kissing, I think, the archangel would not mind, you're actually - Miralem father.

  - Like you, David. - Shepard said.

  - Perhaps, perhaps. But still, the Citadel, we have to look and talk to Ann
Bryson. What we have now clarified the logic of events in the chain Leviathans - Reapers, it gives us a great chance to attract the really strong and extremely dangerous for the Reapers ally.

  - What do we know about his daughter? - Shepard returned reader commander. - If we are to return to the Citadel on the subject ...

  - Not so much, but each of these items is extremely important to us. Traditionally, Dr. Bryson made his daughter a member of the group "Aurora", she is also a scientist, under her command had its own subgroup, which was originally engaged in one of the ground bases sorting and processing of information and the extracted samples.

  - Where is this base? - Interested Shepard.

  - Planet Itvisa, Yungar system congestion Ukresh. - Anderson said. - I understand, a little-known system is still a little-known planet, too unexplored cluster. In all catastrophically at reasonable inhabitants of the galaxy is not lack of effort, time, resources, desire. According to the latest Anne really experiencing the loss of the cruiser and the loss of his father. I asked to reveal personal files Ann Bryson. It is in them repeatedly pointed out that her father was obsessed at times ... even mad. He loved to work in his cruiser, working mainly in places where most of the ships did not go, where there was no sign of the slightest learn. We also found information about that before my father was gone, Ann ... quarreled with him for nothing. They are not agreed as to how to sort and classify novopostupivshie samples. And then... Then the cruiser was gone, as always leaving the exact route and origin, and Ann went to the base. On the very same on Itvise. She knew that flights cruiser last long, so it worked ... quietly, that is. And when she arrived at the Citadel ... ball was found in her luggage.


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