Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 87

by Theodore Daniels

  Karin wanted to believe that her presence on the frigate then helped Anderson. It helped at least what he saw - he was not the only one who stayed on board the frigate, who would very much like to take part in hostilities. But - remained on board the frigate.

  Then, on the basis of a collector, a frigate, docked masterful Jeff Moreau to the skin of the "island" all found work. All without any exception. Was conducted in the raid on the first landing of the Base and kosmopehotu, then - a group of Shepard landing. Then - technicians and engineers. Then he went a very long time ... Mordin befell him so much work ...

  But her and Chloe Anderson did not let go. He said that the frigate will be plenty of work to physicians. And her, this work is really very soon it became too much. Then she moved temporarily moved to the side of one of the cruisers captured and swept her work with the head. She even ate on the go.

  And sleep ... sleep very quickly became a luxury. She was very grateful to the Medical Academy teachers, who not only gave them very young medichkam, extensive theoretical knowledge, but also forced to undergo a serious practice. Yes, sleep is very difficult to compensate for something, except the dream. But it taught to sleep deeply and at the same time - a very light sleeper. Probably, so sleeping for many generations of physicians. Now able to sleep so she did. And this skill while on the Base and on the cruiser, it is very handy.

  She really wants to go to sleep once close to Anderson. At least for a few hours. She knows, as no one knows that he loves her. Alas, given the evolution of women and nature to feel it is much deeper and is much sharper. Yes, it brings not only joy but also pain. Not in this case - pain. In this case - the joy. Severe indoor and strictly following the captain's, men's and commander's codes, David loves her, loves for real, but gives it, Karin, the right to choose. That's right, it is given by the nature of any woman.

  And Karin thinks. Think, though almost all agreed. It will be able to stand next to Anderson. And neither he nor nobody will condemn. New times require new solutions. And if she found the frigate family, not just a place of work, it must find and head of the family. For most find themselves. Now she will not rush things. About much more should ponder. But on the "Citadel", where a detachment of ships or perhaps already Squadron, because technically, all four Prothean cruiser is now subordinated Yaviku, who did not want to change their place of residence, was the frigate ... On the "Citadel" it will be able to decide once and for exactly. And then Anderson feels her decision. She is able to. She is able to do. He - be pleased. And she - will be happy.

  Looking from the outside - Yavik

  Protheans not sleep. Let the current organic think Yavik, hiding in his cabin - sleeps. Relax, see some dreams. Yes, dreams he sees. When he wants. And now a dream come true for him. He saw the collapse and death of collectors race. Those of puppets, which created the Reapers conveyor method of once captured, captive, indoctrinated him Yavika, relatives. Tribesmen. Compatriots.

  The war, as it turned out, never ends. And the world is largely designed so that in each case the time is at least one big war. In any large sense. Sometimes - even as big as the one he Yavik already seen and felt. On which he has already visited. And now ahead - a new war with the former enemy.

  Yavik knows a lot. He remembers a lot and feels very much. He remembers many details of the explosion Base Collector. He sometimes reviewing videotape of the explosion. And I realize that evil has not gone anywhere. What it is not lost. What it is only removable media. Now, if it were somewhere Collectors, they held her, zatiharyatsya people say. But they otryadovtsy necessarily found out and punished. Destroyed. In the meantime, they will be engaged in a close and clear objectives. Take those who gave birth to the Reapers. Leviathans.

  It will be very difficult. There will be so complicated that collectors seem tin soldiers. It will be very soon. The new campaign, a continuation of the former, a large campaign will begin as soon as squad will leave the Citadel. A few days later detachment will go to the Citadel, and then go in the footsteps of Leviathans. Yavik no doubt - it is indoctrination granted Reapers Leviathans. Such a powerful weapon someone has got not give. And it gave Leviathans Reapers. Dali, retreated into the shadows, but not stepping outside, not having gone over the brink. Now you need to find these Leviathans and put before a choice - either the destruction of them as race, every single one, either - they are on the side of the Troop. They will have to stop interfering in the life of the inhabitants of the galaxy.

  These shimmering orbs that are scattered throughout the galaxy, and are able to provide the ability to track what is happening Leviathan in detail. Not only to keep track of - influence what is happening. As if the power of Leviathan continues. How it lasted for millions of years before.

  Yavika We do not feel that finally defeated Collectors. Evil has many faces enormously. It expertly encrypted, masked mimics. Now it's the Reapers. Now it's Cerberus. The fact that they attack, "Omega", Yavik doubts. The advantage of the Elder Race. The advantage of the experience of many hundreds of years of fights and confrontations. Yes, now the station is not defenseless. Yes, the Reapers can try it to attack even without the support of tserberovtsev. But this will not do. Not according to the order to them. Such a small thing - any station. They Reapers are designed for carpet, massive sweeps of entire star systems. What do they kind of station. Will hang, face, put pressure on the psyche, threatening with their weapons. A "Cerberus" will try to clean up the station. And to make it his base. In fact, not his - and base the Reapers. In addition to zaretranslyatornomu "

  Everything is sharper than he felt at tserberovtsy "Averno" can not cope. Adjutant too strong. Too powerful. And not a weapon for poluhaskov-people. He is not on the rank. Too weak tserberovtsy for such technological creations. So these adjutant primarily Strip "Avernus" himself, and then rush to Omega, Omega-rush through the fourth. Will try to clean it. There will be battles. There will be losses. Adjutant strong and "Omega" is another. It is now far from toothless. Archangel, and with the Patriarch Nayrin done a lot to ensure that a reasonable organic understand the benefits and advantages of the regular army units and armed with the station itself to the limit. And now, "Omega" is able to give battle cruisers and shuttles "Cerberus", which will try to attack the aide station. And then fit the other cruiser "Cerberus". And begin several days siege begins Confrontation. Yes, many people and many tserberovtsy adjutant able to break into the "Omega", to gain a foothold in certain sectors, even at the individual level. All repeats.

  Well, if the unit will be able to deal with the problem quickly Leviathans. And be able to come to the "Omega", to take part in the battles to take part in the confrontation. This siege will mark the fact that all reasonable organics and many Synthetic waited. Start the real beginning of a real war against the Reapers. After this siege flywheel Invasion Reapers will be impossible to stop. World retreat completely, giving way to war. And they will turn into a military detachment, a special unit combat. In time, they were able to upgrade the "Normandy". To adopt this baptism of fire there, with the "bloody repeater". A volley of twelve "Taniksov" sounded like a punch blade of the guillotine, cutting off a world war. "Normandy" first war took over. It entered into war. Did the war. How to say anything - but now the war - a reality for all normandovtsev. And for many volgovtsev.

  Splatter in the ditch water calmed. Yavik stood, but his fingers do not touch the water. It was not necessary to wash off fingerprints. All around was familiar. He again returned to war. Again returning to the confrontation with the ancient and terrible enemy of his race. His Empire. And very much like a very sought and hoped that this time the enemy will be destroyed permanently.

  Looking from the outside -Tali

  Qila as it's complicated. It's hard to break stereotypes, rules and procedures. Medtransporty first came to the Navy. They came to the coordinates, issued jointly by the Navy command, the command of the Corps of the spectrum and the command of the detachment. They came to return to the fleet of several hundred abducted co
llector and managed to survive and quarians kvarianok. Of different ages. Normandovtsami released there on the Collector Base.

  Tali has already begun to get used to that otryadovtsy know how to deal with her tribe, her relatives so as not to hurt them. And the survivors were extremely grateful it otryadovtsam, and even more - normandovtsam because they freed them from labkompleksa from the barracks, made it possible for the first time to eat in plenty, slowly and gradually, but very familiar to them food for the first time to sleep plenty on soft beds and not on stone tablets, the first time to diagnose and cleaning suits for many months, for the first time ...

  A lot of things for the first time. The main thing - the first to feel free for the first time feel that they have - not slaves, not slaves, not prisoners, not prisoners. They can again dispose of their own destinies. They were almost the only ones among the saved, immediately sent to the Navy, without delay, without overloading on "Omega". Yes, there is, at the station still have a few kvarianok and quarians. Those who had to be saved and restored as the Fleet could not have not been able to. But the whole, the most complete information about them, pausing at Station Posse - so now more often called Station "Omega", was received by the Navy, was obtained by their family and friends.

  How quarians sparkling eyes. How even brighter and more sparkling kvarianok eyes when they learned that their relatives, friends alive and relatively healthy. What they are no longer prisoners of that they are treated, recovered among friends, among those who can be trusted. For some, they are - are not objects of torture, abuse and humiliation. Housing Spectres provided quarians Fleet opportunity through hundreds of buoys due for a long time to talk with those relatives who still remained in the "Omega". Do not just talk - see. How many feelings and emotions ... What was the joy and happiness.

  Even more was the joy and happiness of those quarians and kvarianok who met the arrivals of former prisoners and female prisoners at locks. Young quarians quarian and helped them, returning due to the "bloody Four" as soon as they could. It was they, the young, it is necessary. It fostered better than lectures and movies, better than anything else. A young need in education. In fact, to see life for what it is and what it actually is. Shortage of helpers have arrived quarians kvarianok and now it was not in principle.

  Navy medics were delighted with the skill of his colleagues with "Normandy", "Volga", "Omega" and medtransportov. Thanks to them, there was almost no deterioration even those with great difficulty managed to send immediately to the fleet.

  Yes, "Omega" it would have helped. But they, the survivors, former prisoners and prisoner, eager to see the Navy and see their relatives. Or, at least, to visit at the Memorial Wall, touch their hands to the plaques with the names of deceased relatives and friends. And feel like the right though not native, but very congenial fellow tribesmen. In the prewar period very quickly many strangers approached and joined reasonable stronger than any blood relatives. Now is Tali saw almost en masse. I saw and felt. I saw and felt.

  Admiral of the Fleet preparing for war. The fleet was preparing for war. Now, thanks to the support and assistance Corps spectrum upgrading, retrofitting and repairs Navy ships were faster, better, more efficient. Gone quarians unemployed. Tali itself barely creep into his kayutku and saw just creep up to their kayutki tens and hundreds of tribesmen. Now there was no need in the Pilgrimage - operation and navy have enough for everyone. Every day and every week. Enough for many months. However, those who wish, those who wanted to - went to other worlds of the galaxy. Knowing that, and there they will benefit and Navy tribesmen. The hour is gaining homeland, his home planet. Or, at least, help the mother find a new planet for his race.

  Now many tribesmen Tali deeper and better understand what young quarians lived all this time. And classes to Tali began to go not only young and quarian quarians, but also their parents. Because younger Zora quarians taught to fight and fight with the enemy by all means. Taught to be persistent, he taught not to be afraid, not afraid, not retreat. Taught to defeat even the strongest. Togo, to which most of the earlier quarians be retreated. Now there is no. Now they are all more clearly, all the more clearly felt themselves strong. Ability to fight. Ability to resist. The ability to win.

  It disappears understanding that quarians - outcasts. No, they are not outcasts. They - the people - they are a race. Yes, a unique race living on ships, wandering race. But - race, ready to fight and to fight for a common cause with a common, extremely strong and dangerous enemy. Beating even completely surrounded. Before the victory. And those who returned from the "bloody relay" will help to understand something that can only help to understand such a reasonable, who have already been through hell.

  Liara under tremendous secret and full encryption of sent Tali some fragments of the film, which she watched herself. The one about the concentration camps and prisons in the history of mankind. I sent through an anonymous server, so that only Tali knew where she had these videos. Frivolous name for a media information density. Such frames.

  Late at night, a few hours Tali, transferring sound to the microphones inside the suit, listened and watched these fragments. They shook. If people have passed through such a host on the planet, being locked in their solar system. If every one of them were not the ones who tormented, tortured, humiliated and mocked the tribe ... in these institutions, this race - a race of people - an incredibly powerful and incredibly versatile, and dangerous for the Reapers. Dangerous in their unpredictability. Dangerous because after that it has passed itself, on its own bitter experience.

  Tali is now understood why people, why normandovtsy won Collectors. They knew about the collectors that did not know the other races. They realized counted, it is calculated on a number of grounds. Yes, this miscalculation, in these calculations, in this sense played a huge role Synthetic efforts, Turian efforts, efforts Mordina Solus efforts Yavika ...

  Kila ... None of quarians, even my father still does not know what and how did Yavik for her, for Tali. How she grateful to this day and I will always be grateful, how much will to live. And if it be a family and children, then the children will give it, try to convey the love, the respect and admiration for him, a representative of an ancient race. Elder Race. Warrior, commander and proteaninom.

  Yes. The victory over the collector - a huge achievement, not only men - all normandovtsev, all volgovtsev. Marines-Imperials were beautiful in their quest to punish and punish and destroy the enemy. Marines-turians carried collectors only death as retribution for all the crimes and sins - past, present and even just zamyslennye, future. Kosmopehotintsy Alliance got a real combat experience and that was unable to give any ground, any one maneuver or one teaching. Multifaceted knowledge and understanding of the Enemy. Ability and willingness to win it, who imagine themselves invincible.

  Tali almost the only inhabitants of the Navy knew a lot about the traitors-quarians. The ones that went into the service of the Reapers to collectors. Sooner or later, many of them about these nefarious poluhaskah quarians be known to all. Because the saved and the survivors have seen those who helped collectors mock prisoners and prisoners of. And not determine quarian, unable to survive without the suit - it was impossible in principle. This was determined immediately, even delirious, even in a drugged haze of sleep medication. Even in a bloody shroud, hugging the body and mind of the victim at the time of torture and cruel experiments. Many survivors quarians quarian and very soon begin to talk about it, when recover when rested. When stabilized.

  The main thing - do not miss the moment and a lot to explain to young quarians. They need to know first. It is not known how many months of the war drags on. It is not known how will develop the circumstances. But know this young quarians will. Understand - will. If you do not want on the space expanse appeared Reaper created from quarians, milled, every single one of ground into a paste by a swarm of drones. And, most quarians does not want and will not allow - the Tali convinced repeatedly. Every now and again.

  She will always remai
n in the heart and soul thanks to all normandovtsam. Without any exception. And especially - Kaidan Alenko, Yaviku and Karin Chakwas. Anderson and Shepard ... They were all out of any competition. Tali sincerely doubt that I could have been so fully and deeply believe any little girl rescued, trust her secret civilization, galactic level. Mystery Protheans, their real existence. And Anderson and Shepard - able. Now Tali knew, felt - Shepard realized her attitude. I understood and considered normative. She loves him. And Shepard knows about it. At such times, the love - any - true healing. It really becomes omnipotent.

  It is free in its sense. And he did not limit does not prevent, does not protest. He knows - it is wise, as any woman. And she's sure to find the one who will be true for a long time. So there is true, that would give birth to his children.

  How strong Shepard. He believed Svetlana so that he did not protest against the implementation of her desire to have children by him. Having now, in front of a difficult war. The war with the Reapers, a new enemy is extremely dangerous and scary. I do not protested, but did everything to Svetlana remained at the "Volga". Under the reliable protection of those whom she raised herself, from whom eventually made one of the best crews around Astroflote Empire. He left to stand in the children's safety. Children of her and John.

  Looking at Shepard, his commander and chief, his older colleague, so did Kaidan Alenko. His Ashley also remained on the Citadel. Yes, the Citadel was attacked "Cerberus". And thanks to all the previous work of the Troop - Troop and not only - it stood and not obeyed, withstand a siege. Ashley fought. Even in the rear, where her pregnant, and carefully kept fully associates, she fought. And I survived. Because Kaidan believed in themselves.


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