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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 104

by Theodore Daniels

  - Will not drive. The main thing - to get to the station. - Captain lowered safety arc. - Flew.

  - World, I beg you, do not strain too much. Understand your power is required when the matter will come the three shrimp. - Archangel barely keep up with fast-paced the corridor Asari station. - You...

  - Yes, Archie, I remember. What I have not yet fully recovered, consolidated, strengthened, oklemalas. And the other, I also remember well. I, through inaction ...

  - What kind of inaction, the World ?! How omission ?! - Flared displeasure Archangel. - You nearly destroyed, you stayed a few days, a few days between life and death, you put together the pieces, poured a dozen liters of painkillers. What is the omission of the World ?! This is - the full heavy injury with unpredictable negative consequences which can affect even now, when you are persuading doctors to release you from the sickbay station !!!

  - Shaped inaction, Arch. - Miral climbed the steep stairs, passed by transition-tunnel, he turned into the corridor. - Shaped. Shepard scared, turians - Nihlus and Saren tense normandovtsy had to show the wonders of resourcefulness to perform tasks FORCE Alliance and catch the edge of our system. And now - I know precisely - two normandovskih their shuttle go to the station.

  - You're kidding, World ?! - Archangel opened instrumentron. - They fall into the grinder!

  - We are now in a meat grinder. - Said the world, stopping for something to listen. - We're all at war, Arch. And we no longer have the rear. Everywhere front. Even within us. And Shepard comes to us from all over the landing team. Legion also joined. Take - come the second part of the group. Anderson took command of the frigate. And no one, mind you, not said that team of advisors warship. So, Arch, we are now all in the war and many of the conventions of peacetime ... have lost their meaning. - A world slowly went forward, going to turn into another corridor and continues to something very sensitive listening.

  - Shepard scared not in vain in the world. - Archangel did not concede. - If you what happened ...

  - And what happened to me, Arch. - Asari stopped again, continuing to listen. - It happened to me ... For a few days I was out of order. During this time the station has penetrated enough adjutant. And they are not alone. According to my information, I'm just their specified - arrived at the station, General Oleg Petrovsky. One of the top commanders "Cerberus". And he has an order - to take control of the station "Cerberus". His spearhead hitting it aims at Aria and the Council. Tries to decapitate the Station during a planned major offensive to which. - Miral paused. - There are not many. - She paused again. - And he plans to prove Aria as it worthless. It is, of course, a seasoned campaigner, but I wonder why Ghost has not yet made his huskies.

  - Almost ... - displeasure reached Archangel. - Peace is not for me to tell you that in that pot is "almost" does not happen.

  - May be. Maybe Petrovsky - the last of the major warlords "Cerberus", which save up to it's indicative of a vice. The war has just begun and is under attack - one of the most important stations. And soon - I can feel it literally skin - we have every quarter of an hour will be releases of news agencies about what will happen in multiple star systems. These issues will be ... bleak.

  - Mira, I'll still ask ... - Archangel caught girlfriend desire once again to stop and listen.

  - Do not, Arch. Do not. I already lain for several days of inactivity. I can not, of course, to say that the sleep off and rest, but I still dormant. And during this time the situation has become more complicated in the station. Shepard goes here in two canoes. Their help will we just needed if Peter decides to general assault. And yet ... While Peter will dismiss painful but pinpricks. Disturb us not give rest and relax. - A world emerged from the concentration. - Maybe something like calm. Not for long. It seems, Shepard arrives at this time. Let it be calm and inside the "Omega", but it will. And the fact that outside the station - we will try to cope.

  - We will try ... - The Archangel said, realizing what keeps back the world. Oh, it was something well known that Shepard Miralem love and peace love him. These are all asari - for the short-lived races, they always leave open the possibility of continuing high-level and deep relationships, even family. And peace, knowing, understanding, recognizing and accepting the fact that Shepard formally and actually married and family man, loves Shepard is much deeper and longer than even the godmother girlfriend and daughter. A Shepard, respectively, deep, fully and sincerely in love with her and does not want to Miral was captured by the Reapers and Cerberus. For then the funeral shroud over the galaxy snap in record time.

  Miral sadly looked at the Archangel, by reading its status as an open book. She knew that he had a lot guess she knew that much he understood correctly. The war - simply means the continuation of politics by other, more violent means. A policy of ... because it is different. And levels.

  "Omega". Arrival normandovtsev

  As soon as the canoe entered the star system and began to approach the "Omega", as soon as the system was the second shuttle "Normandy", all their inhabitants clung to the screens: so far only vision sensors and radars shuttles were able to show reasonable organics everything that happened around the station . Legion silent, directly connected to the shuttle equipment and remedy the lack of information by means of communication with the community geth adds video and Audio dubbing their data.

  - According to intelligence data spectrum on "Omega" managed to penetrate the general "Cerberus" Oleg Petrovsky. - Nihlus said. - Grated warrior. It seems he is preparing something like a decisive blow to the Board Station. And now - turian looked at Saren, scroll through files on his instrumentrone - now there seems calm. Inside. And outside all the same. The fighting, as you people put it, of local importance.

  - In the conditions of the siege. - Added Saren, who had heard the whole conversation. Oh, this turian acute hearing.

  - Yes. Under the conditions of the siege. - Confirmed Nihlus.

  Shepard nodded. He was staring at the screens, placed on the walls of the cabin of the shuttle commander. Once the shuttle commander carried over antennas and bowls radar and communications systems, and with the arms they had frankly not very much. Now commanding shuttles were outwardly indistinguishable from the usual - the same weapons systems, the same contours. A communication system - where the same without them - have been hidden under the skin. And not unmasked machine control units.

  Greg led the canoe expertly, occasionally dodging attempts boats and destroyers "Cerberus" block the way to the boat station, occasionally, when absolutely was hot, snapping out of cannons and machine guns, forcing tserberovtsev retreat. So far managed to evade the fighting, has not yet had to waste time on a frank confrontation, but all the inhabitants of the two frigate cruising ships known - will sooner or later such a moment may come.

  Shepard looked on the opening of his eyes - now only vision sensors complement the overall impression - the siege picture "Omega". Yes, the intention of the Reapers and "Cerberus" clear and unpretentious - they need this station as a convenient base for the deployment of a further offensive. Already came the first information about the appearance of the Reaper ships in various star systems, were the first reports of the fighting took place with them, and with ships minions. Those "Tserberovtsev", for example, single ships which joined the shrimp. The war gradually and steadily gaining momentum.

  Tearing himself away from the contemplation of a picture of fighting around the "Omega", Shepard discovered instrumentron, plunged into the reading of files forwarded Olivia and explaining the situation inside the station. Of course, it is necessary to protect the Council, of course, will have to organize the defense of the station control centers. Of course, it is necessary to counteract the attempt to seize control of General Petrovsky and the power station. All of this will be. And yet ... As long as is necessary to pay attention to detail. A variety of small things, of which usually develops a great and large. Maybe then it will consider really small things, and while Shepard was sure of one thing - the war, the more - such a
war, there is no detail.

  Breaking the gauntlet of fighters and boats "Cerberus", shuttles entered the gateway berth complex "Omega". By dipping bronezaslonkam portals knocking charges - some particularly stubborn fighter pilots tserberovskih continued to bombard the shuttle up to the moment of landing. Guns and rocket launchers Station immediately responded several volleys - up to a dozen fighters and three boats disappeared in clouds of tears.

  - All - to stay and get to work. - Shepard came out from the race, as always last. - Aria, still later, now we have to place and start working. - He bowed respectfully welcomed mistress "Omega". - Time in the protocols and rituals is absolutely no.

  - Shepard. - Reproachfully said asari. - No or there is - let me decide. You have arrived and we are very pleased to your appearance.

  - I, too, am glad to see you, Aria. As the world?

  - Does it turn away? Yes, Archangel singled her protection, two dozen rangers, but it also runs on the station almost skipping. Now here, and in a minute - there. Physicians for grasping the head: with the activity of any recovery period is a fallacy.

  - Clear. We will carry out explanatory work. - Captain nodded, priniimaya in Alenko readers with novopostupivshimi files.

  - It is better to educate. - Aria said, do without a smile. Her face read concern, tension and dissatisfaction easy.

  - Let the Archangel is doing. - Shepard scanned files, to be exact - their only brief summaries. It was not more time.

  - And I had hoped, John, what do you me povospityvat. - The captain approached the World and just hugged him, kissed him on both cheeks.

  - Povospityvat, Miral, if required. In the meantime, really ... - Shepard did not shy away from kissing, realizing that it does not need it, but above all Miralem. Maybe just order than before to make her feel a little more alive.

  - John, I ask you. - Voice Miralem proskvozilo concrete intransigence. - I have to work. A few days of my downtime ...

  - World - Shepard drew young asari to standing in the corner a few chairs, almost forcibly seated Miralem on one of the chairs, sat down, took her hands in his and stared into her eyes, his long close look - you'd better think what would be reasonable people here, if you will bring down a very long time or forever.

  - John, do you think that I have not thought about it? - Voice asari proskvozilo bitterness peculiar moments when we say reasonable because really knew something about what he called thinking.

  - I believe the world that you were thinking about it is not enough. - Shepard did not think to give. - You - the senior partner of the Council, you declared hunting uniform. - Shepard did not talk about that hunt almost failed - Ahead - an attempt to neutralize the Petrovsky Council. By any means, by any means. Now you start aktivnichat not recovered completely after heavy wounds. It is a pity that there is no Karin, it would be popular you explained to me what your injury from a medical standpoint.

  - I heard - and not only when the reservoir lying in the infirmary - a lot of talking doctors, John. And, gradually recovering, read them entirely medical, professional thoughts. So I am quite unable to understand that my injury was quite serious. It was, I emphasize. It was, John. And now it is - in the past, and let there remains. In the past, and nowhere else. - Mira was also adamant. - John! - She took the face of Shepard in their soft warm hands. - I know you care about me, you have come to defend including me. But you got me ... you make me John, raised, not even when all the time there! You brought up, not in words but in deeds! You and your normandovtsy, you and your volgovtsy. No, John! I know that volgovtsy, every one of you have long considered their own, including among volgovtsev. Yes, spit on the formalities, the bureaucracy, in the protocols on the rituals and all this written tinsel. You do not just otryadovets, John, you - and normandovets and volgovets! I know you put in charge of the frigate, cruiser adviser Anderson. They gave him the opportunity to return to the command when ... when the world really was in the past. And he's ... he's in his own way, but happy, John. He is happy that you are reminded of the fact that he - a military officer, he participated in the First Contact War. What-no, but a real and heavy war. And now he is fighting again. He knows that he is not around the world, and war. And he is ready to fight in the war. He is ready for war, John. And it is, I repeat, I know this for sure, happy, John, that you have given him the opportunity to become the commander of the war. Again become the commander of the wartime. Not peace, John, when he was choking from the routine, and the military. And I'm ... I'm happy that I can be with you, John, here and now. I am happy that you survived, having been at the Leviathan, to communicate with them. I am happy that nothing bad happened with Svetlana after an underwater mission. Do not walk - mission. Walk there and did not smell, John. I know, I know everything, John! And then, as you do not want the Light to take with you, aiming to single-seat underwater robot. I also know it. And I know how you experienced when the "Omega", Troop station was under siege Reapers. Frankly, I know that this was the first appearance of the Reaper, Reaper ships in our space. The first case! But something had to be that the first case, John. So we began. We, who to this case, I will not hide, getting ready. Maybe better prepared and more than others, but we are ready. And now that you're here, your whole group, the main part here, I'm sure of one thing - we stand, and we will win, John. - Miral Shepard kissed on the forehead, and he did not oppose this expression of the highest location. - I believe in this!

  - Good. Then - start. Come on in coordination. - Shepard stood up, gently opening the ring Miralem hands.

  - No, John. I have to go further. My job - the whole station, and coordination - is the work of the archangel, and Patriarch Nayrin. Meet with them, talk, agreed. - Miral stood up, keeping warm and attentive eyes on the captain. - And I will continue my work as it used to do. Late reconstructed.

  - Be careful of the world. - Shepard said quietly.

  - I will, John. Now I have a reason and what to be careful. - Azarov said. - You are now on the "Omega" and I want more many, many times to see you, talk to you and hear you. - She turned and walked out of the room.

  - Perhaps, indeed, Shepard, you start with the Coordination? - Vera came up to the captain. - Everyone is waiting for you there. From there, it is best to size up the latest developments in the situation. I'll be glad to get you to spend, John.

  - Come on, Vera. - Shepard nodded. - By the way, if you will have the opportunity and desire to tell me about his impressions about what's happening at the station and around it.

  - But why, John. I'm just sort of adviser on culture, and what is happening - well, obviously not mine. When the cannons speak, the Muses are silent, is not it?

  - No, not that, Vera. - Shepard left the room, heading down the hall to move into the inner part of the station. - During the war, the muses speak. In another talk. Be sure to speak. Otherwise, when the silent muse ... usually guns are silent, too. Because it is ... it is universal silence of the cemetery. Where there is not even the wounded, there unconscious, there is shell-shocked. There are only the dead. Which muse ... is already useless.

  - Does this mean that there may be a third concert? - Vera asked, looking straight at Shepard, when he turned in a tunnel-junction.

  - It can not be Vera. He will. - Said the captain. - For we are still alive and living have to live. Including the need and the Muses.

  - When John? - Asari mixed, realizing that asked something is clearly not an appropriate time.

  - When it is time, Vera. - Shepard said, entering the room a focal point and a welcoming crowd there. - When is the time for this. - He came up to the big table-plate. - Colleagues, we have in front - the battle with shock units "Cerberus", supported by units of adjutant. Calm is clearly coming to an end. The fight is expected in the coming hours. So let's again will review the options and possibilities.

  "Omega". A short lull. The attack on the adjutant. inverters Kerry

  A few hours prior exchange of views, understanding the situation, study options. A few hours of the u
sual voltage. A few minutes were devoted to snack - Advisors assistants brought army rations. This was not showing off. All the inhabitants of "Omega" knew Advisors shikuyut not, do not eat delicacies, do not spend the energy wasted stations. And then the work of the Coordination Centre Station continued. And this work has lasted for a few tense hours. Tense because tserberovtsev attack on the station continued. We continue to die reasonable organics. And advisors and their partners - senior and junior were working to ensure that these attacks have not been successful to the victims as low as possible. Is it at all possible.

  The Legion was in the Coordination - assistance Synthet needed above all there, his power was involved again in full. Shepard, who has decided to go through the stations, accompanied by only two policemen paratroopers - to cover greater had not the strength.

  Shepard knew - all stations Advisors, all senior and junior Partners glad his presence and the presence of his teammate. But until now they do not particularly care required. Currently there are no complications. And therefore turians and Alenko and Jenkins, and their cops paratroopers could afford to pay attention to the station to many "little things" to which the inhabitants of stations and commanders did not have enough time, energy, opportunities. Sits at Headquarters, crowded managers engaged in its important and necessary work, to sit back or interfere in their work, giving advice, directions, recommendations or Shepard nor his teammate did not want to. Because, as decided in advance - each doing their chosen "small things." Any contribution to the victory - a contribution to the victory. About the size of this contribution will have to argue then, when the time comes for that. And it will come only after a big win. Victory over the reapers. Complete victory. Another victory no one will take. Another victory will be a defeat.

  Because Shepard moved through the station, along the way getting to know the real situation. He knew that many of its inhabitants to know - whether the recall Concerts, whether remember videovypuske news. Now it is not it should pay attention to, and what you can help them, than to justify their own presence on the "Omega". In vain that they broke into the station on the shuttle?


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