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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 118

by Theodore Daniels

  In the meantime, it had to move to the next kernel also contains the most important data in their clusters. Clean the core from the reaper code and write new data to instrumentron. Data stored geth not reshivshimisya finally destroy the historical documentary memory quarian race. Not reshivshimisya completely and utterly destroy the race of their creators. Het, WI yet, but has already become a mobile platform, confidently and habitually referred scholar quarian not only as "the creator of Zahak". It meant a lot, and even more clear.

  Blinked green LED on instrumentrona panel - the record was saved. Shepard took the first steps on the path leading to the next the core server processor. Time and distance were perceived in a virtual environment is quite different. Shooting pipelines leading to the next bronekokonu Shepard followed the path segment is highlighted further and further, noting how the track winds around the next column. Having shot all suitable to bronekokonu pipelines, the captain saw another video clip, time stamp which has been designated as 290 years ago.

  - Creator. The platform operates regulations. - Het said, as recorded in his chair, his head turned to the standing beside quarian scientist. - It is quite stable.

  Quarian was clearly annoyed that he had read and his posture and his gestures. Even a suit with translucent glass visor of the helmet could not weaken the impression of dissatisfaction organics:

  - Do you see a colleague. - Said the researcher, who was standing next to the chair. - Gets ignores the trip command. Any team note.

  Goeth, who was sitting in a chair, did not take his spot light lamp with helmet researcher:

  - Creator, specify which part of the platform does not execute the program. We will fix this program.

  - We? - I surprised the researcher, bowing to the terminal screen. - Who are we"?

  - Geta, the Creator. - Het said, sitting in a chair.

  - Okay. We will see. - Quarian put your fingers on the keyboard, peered at the screen.

  It took a few tens of seconds. Shepard knew that the scientist did not pay attention to the key point - isolated platform, mobile platform has ceased to be a single, it was associated with other software such as platforms and are now confronted not quarians individual geth platform-servants, and the whole community. Amazing, frightening blindness, unworthy of the scientist-researcher. This blindness was worthy of an artisan-programmer, barely mastered writing instructions for virtual interfaces, and now was to quarians platform, equipped with AI. This fact is also proven attention and understanding is quarian-scientist. The same situation, no doubt, took place in other laboratories and research institutes - geth awareness of its generality and its unity is truly spread like wildfire. And quarians brakes and in perception, and awareness of, and in opposition. Brakes, signing a verdict on expulsion. So far, the exile, and eventually, it is possible, and at the destruction. The case has already intervened Reapers, grass-destruction. For them, has extensive experience of successful harvest became finals existence of tens and hundreds of highly intelligent civilizations of organic, Geth submission was not at all a problem. The case has already intervened Reapers, grass-destruction. For them, has extensive experience of successful harvest became finals existence of tens and hundreds of highly intelligent civilizations of organic, Geth submission was not at all a problem. The case has already intervened Reapers, grass-destruction. For them, has extensive experience of successful harvest became finals existence of tens and hundreds of highly intelligent civilizations of organic, Geth submission was not at all a problem.

  - Like this. - The researcher said. - Now - Mute ...

  This record breaks. Goths quarians tried to silence. Miss this moment, quarians "beat on their tails." She was beaten in vain, not realizing that the opposition has already lost. Silenced all platforms geth therapeutic methods are no longer possible. We had to try the use of force to confront the captain had already guessed what might be the next video clip stored in the next processor core.

  Again his feet lay a path had to shoot the pipes again. Fatigue was not weapons charge indicator stood at a maximum, the number of charges was restored quickly and the captain seemed enough ahead inevitably be drastic complication of the situation, because the hacking of several cores could not be taken geth heretics and their owners - the Reapers as an accident.

  To gain access to the next cluster array of data had to shoot through pipelines, light yellow-orange and have not intersect the path, and located far below. There handy optical sniper scope or virualnymi analogue. He allowed to fire at the infected sites "guts" accurately and not waste ammunition in vain.

  Quarian paratrooper instructed his assault rifle on a few geth, while reporting to the voice of his commander that he managed to catch a few fugitives Geth. Shepard thought sadly, that this quarian soldier does not understand how he's wrong, and behind him is a direct participant in the situation is wrong and misleading introduced quarian officer. Even the army is unable to resist getam, received the individual consciousness and self-awareness, united into a separate community from quarians.

  The second commando, appeared next to the first, immediately ordered to open fire. In all probability - once on defeat: CSKA rarely avoid extreme variants boesituatsy solutions. Shepard saw being shot unarmed geth do not even try to attack only two paratroopers. Commando immediately counted mobile platforms - Six against two. Numerical advantage remains for machines, fire - for quarians.

  It was clear that unarmed Geth, possessed deprived AI restrictions, more than a temporary phenomenon and will soon quarians, clad in flexible spacesuits themselves become objects of fire damage. Missed and wasted geta ammunition can not, by definition, and therefore the number of quarians will decrease exponentially.

  The next part of the video confirmed the worst expectations and assumptions captain. Unarmed het outwardly malootlichimy from the Legion, squatted in front of the abandoned on some horizontal surface - whether the floor of the house, or the surface area - a sniper rifle. Marine yelled that one het comes to weapons, but it was too late - the development of geth effects resulting means was carried out immediately. Quarians missed the point and could not do anything to stop him. Legion during the meeting on the "Normandy" reported that equips platforms were sufficiently well programmed to perform a large amount of work, that is, were, of course, more sophisticated, and as members of the community who wanted to survive has become a hostile environment, were set up to save the least equipped and less developed geth. Legion did not specify who in their functions could be armed with the platform, and who - the platform that het, who took weapons, I decided to protect. It was clear that quarians missed another thing: geta realize its unity and began to defend themselves, with more highly protected less developed, taking into account the possibility doprogrammirovaniya and improve their less advanced counterparts.

  Once the record was broken, front lit familiar Shepard communications hub cylinder. Stepping into the white light, the captain paused for a few seconds as usual and felt the increased level of danger. Even in a virtual environment the human senses, the human mind worked and reported on the difficulties and challenges. Something told Shepard that at the time of his exit from the communication center of the attacking ships next farm getskogo fighters ceased to be a serious threat to slabovooruzhёnnyh huge ships was not originally designed as a military and already have spent in space for over three hundred years.

  Familiar shot another blocking the track "gut" returned no results. The captain peered into the color "pipeline", whitish areas identified and tried to bring down on them the bulk of charges. That helped. So Reapers code is the basis of the contents of these "pipes", adapted. Consumption only weapon ammunition expectedly increased. We had to shoot sparingly, now in many areas, to shoot very accurately. Only by acting on vulnerabilities could slow the rate of regeneration scraps, avoid them the next splice.

  Among pipelines encountered along the way, there were several that could break immediately, as if they came here by chance already traveled route segments. It wa
s necessary to gain access to the next array of cluster data, the contents of which Shepard is now represented with all certainty. It was strange to know the contents of the video, however, continue to go to the next kernel processor array to see the record.

  At the very core, clad in bronekapsuly, charge level indicator several times fell to the ground and Shepard had to wait until the ammunition is restored. Fortunately, the vulnerabilities being destroyed, were not allowed pipelines to quickly regenerate that, in turn, did not give bronekapsuly restore its cocoon.

  Recording joined unexpectedly. Young quarian stood in front of geta. And in front of them, holding a rifle at the ready, stood quarian cop. He was not looking at quarian, and geta, standing behind the girl.

  - From the road. - He ordered, making a typical movement of the rifle barrel.

  - You can not do that with them. - Said the girl.

  - I said - out of the way. Step away from the geth. - Ordered the policeman, without dropping his weapon.

  - This is madness. - To the police approached the boy-quarian. - You can not do that to the geth. We, quarians, geta needed. You can not kill them just because they asked for ...

  Treaty young civil quarian did not - the police moved him in the stomach with a rifle butt, and then emptied his gun to the head geta. Two other police officers carried an unconscious girl and crouched by a sharp severe pain Man to a group of other quarians, which held at gunpoint a few quarian police. On geta none of the servants of the law did not pay any attention. It turned out that, indeed, not all quarians supported the war with the geth. ? To circumstance it was a death sentence quarian system of government nor the civil or military units which were not prepared professionally oppose such a serious crisis affecting the whole race.

  Track front cnova blocked normal "pipe" did not show the slightest desire to regenerate. Shepard thought about what he saw in the record, so the shot "gut" on full automatic. Legion warned that the data sets will be more and the path to the output capsule Wirth port will open only when the last data set to be released from malicious code Reapers. No sign of that was seen by a record based on the latest array was not, so the way it was necessary to continue and Shepard mechanically moved along the path, shooting illuminated segments, and not particularly interested in the fact that leaves behind.

  Another that cost without any attempts to regenerate "pipeline" has broken up, the captain had seen in front of the illuminated orange bronekapsuly core, enveloped in "pipeline". Again I had to shoot. Again, the level of charges several times fell to the ground, recovering slowly.

  The recording was devoted to the period when quarians, making sure that it is impossible to find a justice on the geth peaceful means have been forced to declare martial law on Rannoch, giving primacy to the confrontation with the intelligence gained their machines into the hands of the army units. Police forces supported quarian army and tried to separate quarians rebels and their partners, the Goths, the Goths split, defended with arms in their hands unarmed synthetic counterparts. Picture confrontation, merciless recorded videotape impressed. In modern conditions it was a sentence admirals quarian Navy. All admirals. At this point, Shepard thought that Tali has not yet become the official Admiral was very good circumstance. It at least will not be responsible for the artistry of their more senior colleagues,

  The next part of the recording shows geth and dialogue between scientists, quarians.

  - The creator of Megara. This platform is not committed in relation to quarians-creators of hostilities. She does not understand what her fault. Explain.

  Around was a barricade of some office furniture. Scientist turned from those who knew the geth as they have become, and not what they were supposed to be. And so I said

  - Them - quarian have to approach from the corridor policemen - are not interested in it. They are interested in your total destruction.

  - The conflict - het said, - beyond the limits set for us in the security settings. - Pause, the platform continued - We agree to donate your hardware, if it will help stop the conflict.

  At this time, coming up in the distance, police quarians sure shot fired and both - and quarian-scientist and his partner-rem were destroyed. Record showed how the bodies came het another one from among the rebels:

  - The creator of Megara. What is your condition? The creator of Megara.

  He gets called quarian several times, but there was no answer. Most likely, quarian-scientist was killed. State police destroyed another geta survivor het Rebel identified immediately. The captain thought that the Legion said in a meeting - the opponents of the introduction of martial law in the minority, because the further development of the conflict could not be put into safe limits.

  Shepard just saw part of the development of the conflict. And this part of the capital quite pleased. Admirals quarian Navy had to answer a number of uncomfortable questions. This Shepard convinced with each new viewing a new entry, escape from the blockade of the Reapers code. First Reaper-Scout, then Collectors, then "Cerberus". All of them wanted to leave reasonably organics in the dark about the fate of the galaxy further general population. Now Admiral of the Fleet had to be held accountable for their shortsightedness and lack of professionalism.

  At this point, Shepard was glad that he is now all this is seen and understood, and not turned directly to Rice among Admirals. Now he had something with which it was possible to come to these leaders who imagines himself a professional, but really is not any professionals. "Being" and "appear" again failed to bring together and make uniquely perceived. Technically, it was an admiral, in fact - the executioners quarian race. What passed three hundred years of exile did not change anything. Current Fleet Admirals were responsible in previous volumes and scale. Yes, generational change, but the situation has not been overcome. It has not been put into safe-driven normative direction. And it has been very seriously.

  A portion of the video opened barely overcame several Shepard blocked the track "pipeline." Now the captain saw quarian ships overloaded with refugees, moving away from Rannoch. The pilot of one of the ships warned by radio his counterpart pilot that Geth lead pursuit ships leave only within a hundred kilometers of atmospheric shield Rannoch border. It turned out that this record belonged to the main part quarians escape from the home planet and showed that the geth do not actually set ourselves the goal is to destroy quarians physically.

  It was not the captain at the time of viewing this sudden run record is no doubt that the geth machines could easily destroy all their creators to a man. Machines that have unlimited, devoid of AI framework, could do it fast and guaranteed. They just kicked quarians from outside the native race of organic planets, kicked out, giving them the opportunity to once again reflect on the situation. Think already away from Rannoch.

  Shepard heard the final order, according to which all ships must quarian were immediately retreat to the repeater mass. It turned out that not only the star system and the whole flock was cleared from the bulk quarians who managed to escape from Rannoch. The time stamp has been designated as a range of 290 years ago. The explanation for the record, it was stated that the question is really about the flight quarians after the Morning War.

  Legion cabin Shepard said that geta then experienced his childhood and, nevertheless, decided not to destroy their creators finally, because they could not calculate accurately and certainly all the consequences of such a step. Because, as soon quarians ceased to be a real threat to the Goths, fugitive investigation was closed.

  The subsequent part of the record surprised captain. It was the time of the work on the reaper, the reaper abandoned. The moment when the Legion defended the landing party from the husks of attack. The fact that this point is already included in the original getskogo chronicle, the Legion said nothing. He certainly knew about it, but it's possible he was not sure that a copy of this record will get on rannohsky server under the control of the geth heretics. So geth community continued to be still single, despite the division between the
real and the geth geth heretics. For Geth, all geth geth moment of contact with organic reconnaissance, was undoubtedly a milestone. It was not boekontakt leading sides to mutual or unilateral destruction. It was a touch of equal sides. The consequence of which could well be a union of the Goths, or even the unity and the creators of the Goths. Shepard is now physically felt the range Scales choice but to change the direction of arrows prospects. For the Goths, gained their understanding, support of organic, led not only to the mind but also the emotions, was a condition of survival.

  Recording will end it is not sharp cliff, and the usual "dimming". Lit up the path to the front of the capsule and the captain took a few steps along the path, I looked around. The server has died. Disabling its components acquired irreversible. Now the Reapers and the geth heretics know that the squad intervened on Rannoch. They know precisely and will oppose in every way. The fact that the planet was habitable and large, the situation does not simplify - the opposition promised to be fierce and lengthy. Crossing the virtual capsule transition threshold, Shepard turned and watched as drops translucent cover on the entrance doorway, thinking that now the main thing - as soon as possible to combine the Goths and quarians. For this I had to do a lot, but now it had to do everything quickly and very quickly.

  The glow gradually fade away, giving way to the usual gloom. It is the material of the capsule lid was opened, going up. Before the capsule was Legion, followed by three dozen towering bulk of primes. Shepard's hand rested on the hilt of the gun.

  - Commander Shepard. - I heard in the silence of the voice server geta reconnaissance. - These primes are now on our side. During off geta patriots server to preserve the viability of these primes, volunteered and have expressed a willingness to help in the war against the Goths, the heretics and the Reapers.


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