Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 119

by Theodore Daniels

  - I hope, lay down that this - no joke. - Said the captain, crossing the threshold of the capsule. Prime stood motionless in their positions do not feel threatened or voltage. They were soldiers, but not enemies.

  - It is - not a joke, Commander. - Sniper said. - I will say more. They will remain here and fight the geth heretics. Agree, the power of the platoon primes able to impress.

  - You're right. - Shepard took a few steps from the capsule and primes clearly turned, parting and opening the passage to the exit from the server. - May be.

  - Captain, then the connection breaks off, Admiral Daro'Zen. - I reported to the audio-watch officer, "Normandy." - Quarians have already received information on how the attack was carried out the termination squadrons geth heretics on-farm quarian Navy ships. On a limited scale, of course, but they were. Daro'Zen wondered how so you could make the primes to join the Resistance. None of quarians even skontaktirovat any of the primes was not possible. Fighters geth heretics completely disconnected, the commander. The attack completely halted.

  - Moment. - Shepard looked at his instrumentrone recordings made when he and the Legion back to the landing site. Falls on metalloplity-geth geth infantry and missile troops, attack aircraft and is no longer impressed by the captain, and the Legion did not pay to immobilize opponents the slightest attention. - Give the admiral that I will have a conversation with all the Admiral of the Fleet. Now, apologize and say that we have plenty of work and we intend to do it before the conversation takes place. End communication.

  - Submitted. Receipt received. Before connection, the commander. - Watch switched channels. The shuttle broke for atmospheric shield Rannoch and Shepard saw the mark hundreds of kilometers from the shield, sadly thought that it will take a lot more time before quarians can masse to cross the border, returning to his home planet is already a long time, if not forever. Returning as hosts.

  Stepping on board the frigate, cruiser, Shepard went to the cabin Anderson put relying poslepolёtny report. After discussing with my colleague further action Posse Shepard noted that Daro'Zen he will speak only when the main threat to quarians will be eliminated.

  - Looks forward to the union, John? - Anderson asked, as usual pacing the cabin.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard sat in a chair at desktop, spit in the hands of the stylus. - It is better if we can combine the Goths and quarians. Because alone they inevitably start a war or be alone in any order are subject to the Reapers.

  - It is confirmation of the Reaper on Rannoch. - Anderson filed Shepard reader. - And it's proof that the geth dreadnought built. I suppose that they will throw him into battle against quarian Navy in the near future.

  - We all will soon be in the near future. As always. - Shepard did not hide his displeasure. - Daro'Zen dream is now open primes and try to at least make them quarian servants.

  - Admiral Koris also risks, John. - Anderson filed another reader colleague. - He is trying to personally participate in reconnaissance missions to orbit Rannoch. We sent a warning about the undesirability of such actions, but it is unlikely he will listen to it properly.

  - Exactly. Therefore dreadnought have to put in priority. Such a ship approaches the fleet slowly but thoroughly. And when closer - to begin the rout. Warship of this class and a few cruisers and frigates ... Too weak protection against fully computerized and equipped with a associate artificial intelligence ship. It will be shaped rout. Well, if even a few civilian ships survive. - Shepard looked at the contents of the file reader. - I assume also the possibility of finding the shuttle Admiral Koris-geth heretics in orbit Rannoch. They can knock down - shoot down. I have no doubt about it. - Captain postponed readers on the table, looked at the crouching in his desk chair Anderson. - I know, I feel like a prophet, but I'm sure Admiral Koris will be our third issue.

  - Shepard. - Anderson's voice clanged metal. - What are you still going to do?

  - While this polutorakilometrovaya shrimp there on Rannoch, safe and sound - all guaranteed to assault the planet is doomed to failure. Even if we are able to organize the entire quarian fleet and make it work as a single military vehicle. With over a newly heretics Dreadnought, can not be planned assault on Rannoch and the elimination of the Reaper. So it is necessary to do everything consistently, commander. - At this time, Shepard did not name Anderson by name, just go to the official format. - And I intend to organize the destruction of Reaper bombardment from orbit by the entire fleet quarian. Cruiser "Volga" will cover the area from Rannoch approach landing ships geth heretics and "Normandy" and its Synthetic organize fleet management tools to get as well as on the Citadel. Alix, I believe, not refuse to take over the management. If necessary, a frigate with his own twelve "Taniksami" will finish the shrimp. In its preservation would be no need. There may, of course, some parts remain, but it will be immaterial.

  - Suggests that the Reapers will not abandon the fleet here? - Anderson looked at the wall screen with a map of the galaxy.

  - Yes, commander. Reapers used to the resistance caused by the organics. So far, this resistance does not cause them fear or fear. And they will not spend reserves. Moreover, if the first pass will not get themselves the Reapers and their accomplices such as the same-geth heretics. As long as we deal with the dreadnoughts geth heretics, it will be necessary to prepare for and to unite and quarians Geth, and the attack on the Reaper on Rannoch. I suppose that it is an attack on the Reaper with its success will be the finale of our mission in this star system. Further will depend on the combined efforts of the Goths-patriots and quarians.

  - So far, these combined efforts believe quite weak.

  - It is - just first commander. - Shepard stood up.

  - Okay. The variants and do not forget about the rest. - Anderson nodded, allowing a colleague to leave the cabin.

  Priority - Rannoch. Admiral Koris

  Shepard and managed to work and relax. Although, as said teachers at the Academy, during the actual war, great vacation can be a dream, of course, if it is a good rest. So when on the threshold of the cabin stood watch officer with the reader, Shepard already knew - there was what he most feared.

  - Thank you, you can be free. - Taking the reader, the captain went to the table gesture by releasing a colleague. The reader contains the latest information about the situation on Rannoch. Synthetic, collect it, we highlighted the fact that the commander of the Civil Rannoch went Fleet Admiral Koris. Looking at the map of the area, Shepard saw a huge number of anti-aircraft guns - quarians simply had no chance to safely get closer to the race and try to take out the admiral and his guards. Inquiries from the Navy for help in rescuing the higher the officer did not act - self-confident "skafandriki" certainly thought it was their internal matter and therefore does not want to involve in this case squad.

  - Commander, I consider it necessary to intervene. Our shuttles will take the Admiral. - Reviewing and studying the materials presented in the reader, Shepard went on audio communication with Anderson. - Lieutenant Group Alenko and Corporal Jenkins at full strength. I suppose that will have to disable the anti-aircraft guns, and only then look for admiral - in the area acts powerful jammers. Neither we nor quarians have no information about where the Admiral is now and what happened to him.

  - Keep. Nihlus Saren and also go with you. Yavik head the backup group, it will also be ready if necessary to cover the fire two reserve shuttles frigate Admiral evacuation at the final stage of the operation.

  - Understood, Commander. Thirty minutes.

  - Welcome. Proceed. - Anderson did without protocol. The war much, much easier. - Good luck.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard switched channels, initiated the preparation for landing.

  Twenty minutes later he entered the dock. There are two shuttles together all members of the landing party.

  - Captain, the group to land on the planet Rannoch ready. No comment. - Lieutenant Alenko saluted, gave relying report.

  - Welcome. Georgia. - Shepard said, taking his place in the first shu
ttle. - Set down here. - He said point on the map instrumentrone. - Then, on foot, destroying and creating visibility patrols of the sabotage operation, moving to the area of maximum concentration of anti-aircraft guns. Our main goal - tower-jammers. Destroy it from the ground, we can not, therefore, we will need to break through the corridor, so that both the shuttle could go a distance assured destruction of the tower of heavy weapons onboard. In the meantime, they will clean up and destroy, if necessary, disabled anti-aircraft guns, we have to make a forced march over here. - On the map there was one more point. - Synthetic suggest and I agree with their data, that is where we must find at least someone from a group Admiral Koris. That someone may well clarify its latest position. I do not exclude, colleagues, that it is necessary to drag the many wounded and dead quarians on itself. Throw them out there, we can not. We find the admiral, and then punched on the corridor we come to a shuttle from the frigate. Send to Admiral and it will delay the elimination of the group of troops minions Reapers. Then, pointing rather rustling, moving away on the shuttle. The guns will be disabled safely, so that particularly hinder us can not. All. And now - include masking and forth. hovering enough rustling, moving away on the shuttle. The guns will be disabled safely, so that particularly hinder us can not. All. And now - include masking and forth. hovering enough rustling, moving away on the shuttle. The guns will be disabled safely, so that particularly hinder us can not. All. And now - include masking and forth.

  The second appearance of Shepard on Rannoch now there was no secret to the geth heretics nor accomplices Reapers. Not for himself Reaper, his five hundred kilometers carcass somewhere to hide in the bowels of the planet. Two shuttle cautiously approached the home planet quarians. In the salons of ships reigned usual silence - no one wanted to say anything out loud, everyone was busy with their own thoughts, trying to keep a clear tension under control. Normal landing, a common military operation. How many of them will still be in this war? Shepard, looking at approaching the planet disc, thought a great deal. First, the parties will try each other's strength, to find out the potentials and the direction of impact, sorting capabilities, try on, and then comes the hot phase, where there will be a lot of conflicts of various kinds - from simple diversions to naval battles. The captain did not rule out that the detachment will have to be noted here and there. That was the share of the Special Squad. Let completely independent, autonomous, even independent, very specific. But the fact that without the "Normandy" and "Volga" many naval battles are not cost - that Shepard was one hundred percent sure.

  - We are on the landing area. - In a low voice, reported Sgt driver.

  - Group. Attention. - At the same low voice audiokonferentskanalu Shepard said. - Desantiruemsya on the ropes. Fast.

  Virtual training that otryadovtsy on a strict schedule involved, helped. Now the actual landing took place without any problems. Yes, there were minor flaws, their officers group noted and took control. The main thing - the whole group without losses and problems landed at a given point and was able to navigate.

  - Rock-how many. - Quietly murmured in Alenko audio channel. - Captain, we will climb the path or in the crevice look for?

  - Both have to do. - As quietly Shepard said, looking back and observed pattern combining with the conventions of the plan. - The required area with guns - to the side. - He pointed at the same time noting on the plan. - Stamped.

  Colleagues captain without further reminders lined up in a column, sent scouting ahead and to the sides, and took care of the rearguard cover. In general, we did everything as it should do seasoned warriors. Now it was as quiet as possible closer to the positions of the three anti-aircraft guns, the area covering the planet from penetrating quarian shuttles.

  - By all indications, the captain, the geth heretics here are in alliance with the collaborators of the Reapers. Convert organics. - I reported Alenko until Richard understood from the scouts arrived.

  - Then do not go on, Kaidan, I know. Battery. - Shepard looked lieutenant sent data on their instrumentrone.

  - Yeah. For the first time in the Extranet saw - very impressed. And then - everything was familiar, the routine. It does not hurt, absolutely. Do you believe?

  - Why do not you believe? - Shepard took the first few steps along the path. - Mines. - He pointed to a barely sprinkled antipersonnel land "star -. We go around.

  - Patrol Geth. Three units. Geth heretics. - A few minutes Alenko reported.

  - I do not think that there is a true geth and a lot of them. - I supported Richard.

  - So we shall assume. We called enemies for the sake of brevity and speed just geth. For us, the Legion and the like - not just the geth, which they may become vposedstvii when hung over the reapers victory and geta patriots. And this is just the geth, already chose the shadow side of their identity. - Captain said, catching sight of the sniper rifle in the trunk of one of the patrol. - Dismantle the goal. On the count of three - fire. Mufflers are not forgotten. One. Two. Three.

  Agreed volley dumped patrolling the Goths on the ground, drawing walkers in the wreckage and, fortunately, not aroused any of of organic or Synthetic in the district. Skirting the "stars" of anti barely disguised minutes, landing the group leaked into the clearing among the rocks, I searched skeletons geth patrol.

  - While quiet, the captain. - Richard reported, completing the collection of data on your instrumentron. - No one in the neighborhood, we are not aroused. It's strange. Already a machine having the AI should attend.

  - Maybe they just do not believe that quarians will help the other races? After all, the standards are still in most cases quarians treated as outcasts and fugitives. Even with the outbreak of war, this situation persists. - Shepard looked at the continuation of the path. - Go ahead.

  Members of the group remained silent. they get all the information, all of it has been studied in advance, even in the course of approaching the planet, so to discuss anything, upload and ether to give the opportunity to getam precisely calculate the location and understand the purpose of the group there was no need. Yes, Admiral quarian Migrant Fleet was corny fired his frigate destroyed, and he was in an escape pod along with several quarians rank much lower parachuted to the surface of the planet.

  It is unlikely that he wanted to be on Rannoch in this way, as a shipwrecked commander, but what happened - happened. The admiral in command of the Civil Fleet, trained fighters there was not, by definition, they are moved into the Heavy Fleet, unless, of course, except for those students and pupils warriors Tali. Here they are, they could be in the civilian fleet quarian people in abundance. Maybe some of them will be able to save more, though ... when landing a brave Admiral managed to take over control of the capsule, and by changing the trajectory, figuratively speaking, bent rails from one of the guns getskogo space defense. Not zenith, basic. Oh, how is he bent them - in detail about this even Synthetic Corps was not knows, but struck a blow to guide the protection of the capsule and she landed dangerously close to the positions of the geth heretics. Those, of course, without an order from anywhere in no hurry to put forward - is still more important than the position of PKO some kind of capsule, though with the admiral on board, but for a group of Shepard's precisely this closeness of a forced landing places admiral capsules to getskogo positions and complicates the task.

  - The second patrol. Four geta. - Alenko reported.

  landing group was preparing for battle: four walker this is serious.

  - Silencers and sniper rifle. Let's wait, maybe send reinforcements. In order not to intercept the path. - Ordered the captain.

  Replies were not - keeping silence, the band members were preparing for a short battle. Finally short clicks testified that all positioned.

  - Harvesting. - Briefly threw in the audio channel Shepard. A minute later, the same quiet clicks reported on the complete destruction of the patrol. Now he had to wait. Having a comfortable position and disguised, captain watched for their sector. Minute by minute flowed, but the geth do not a

  Fifteen minutes later it became clear that walkers are not particularly worried about the loss of the next patrol and try not to plug the gap in the system of protection.

  - Forward. - Shepard dropped. - Now we need as quickly as possible to pass this position, and there will be to do two more positions and finally turn off the tower-jammers. - He did not specify anything aloud, saying jumped across the path of the avant-garde group of geth-flamethrower. He did not even have time to raise the funnel as was packed with charges and sprawled helplessly on the ground Rannoch. - Looks like they're awake.

  More two-geth infantry had to reassure in the same manner. Finally he appeared in front of a passage in the rocks, behind which could be seen the structure of the position of anti-aircraft guns space defense. The same tools put off the earth planet inadvertently approached the frigate Rannoch Coris. Now was to attack from the ground position and the captain knew that for sure, and position in general, and especially - the tools are protected well enough.

  disembarkation Group stopped a few meters from the canal. Silent conferred signs, adding and allocating tasks normandovtsy entered the territory of the position. The first was het soldiers apparently hour under fire snayperok Turian. Three charges quite turned enough to walker had no one else to bother. Het-rocketeer, ran out of some sort of container, was hit by a volley of well-coordinated assault rifles, five policemen paratroopers. The walkers did not like the charges, and he quietly stёk on iron plate broneploschadki. Two-geth infantry laid casually, almost on full automatic, although they appeared unexpectedly - jumped from some rocky ledge. The battle raged and Shepard felt like the place clash tightened more and more new walkers. First there were a few geth-missile, then - somewhat Geth soldiers. Clicking fired assault rifles and squad members snayperok merged into a continuous noise, even a distinct barking sniper rifles lost with the constant hum shturmvintovok queues.


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