Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 120

by Theodore Daniels

  Finally force the geth heretics at this position have been depleted. While still was able to quickly destroy the anti-aircraft guns and Shepard decided it will certainly take advantage of. Having a familiar sign teammate, captain took up a position at which the fine were examined possible ways to approach getskogo reinforcements, knowing that five more policemen, commandos took up positions on the perimeter of the site, controlling other possible ways to approach the geth.

  Alenko Jenkins and do undercover Saren and Nihlus and another five policemen paratroopers setting charges on the guns space defense. They worked quickly, disputes and not distracting. A few minutes later, Lieutenant schёlchkom PTT signaled the end of the installation and the willingness to move away from the position. Shepard response clicking confirmed readiness for departure and landing party, together, went to the next gun position. We had to clean it, and then - another.

  Transition has passed without any problems - hiding behind the rocks, they blew up the charges, destroying the guns at the first position and making it unsuitable for rapid recovery, then carefully walked a few minutes, after which destroyed two patrol trёhshagohodnyh Geth.

  At the entrance to the position had to pay in the wreckage of the four-geth missile, eight Marines and two geth snipers. Catching a questioning look Kaidan, Shepard nodded, allowing the installation charges. The lieutenant and the corporal do commonplace.

  At this time, the earpiece clicked - it saw Saren approach to the position of the Goths. Now was to protect Richard Kaidan and engaged by setting explosive charges. Gestures distributing teammate on hideouts and positions Shepard crouched behind the wall, preparing an assault rifle. Sniper Scope is now could not help - he reduced the field of view, so the captain quickly changed it to a normal, infantry with the collimator point.

  The earpiece sounded two clicks: the matter was complicated, observers noted Prime. Reload charges appropriate to the situation, Shepard moved over another wall, having noticed the guns approaching the blood-red three-meter figure of robots. Lai sniper rifles and Saren Nihlus confirmed: PRIME had several snipers and first made of heavy robots to behave more cautiously. By barking snayperok connected crisp cottons shturmvintovok - it went into action advanced the Five policemen paratroopers.

  Shepard saw his side to a position approaching the lone prime. Taking his torso in the crosshairs, the captain held his breath and a clear five-shot of all Prime's collapse led to the armor plating position. Noting several other primes, Shepard rolled in for the next jump the wall, barely having time to hide her from the charges turn issued its nearest heavy robot. There was a grenade explosion - the second the Five policemen paratroopers forced Prime's brash turn into a pile of debris.

  Two Prime's went in different directions, and driving almost continuous fire from their rifles, they had tried to take the defenders of the demolition in a kind of pincer. Nihlus and Saren, which is located on the rocky ledges - they go so quickly climbed Shepard at the moment is not particularly understand - opened concentrated fire first one prime, then the second. The captain realized that the fire a sniper rifle is not enough to cause serious damage to the robot is sufficient, but two rifles fire - exactly what you need to destroy the walker.

  In short "break the silence" Shepard differences in ear three clicks - it's demolition reported on completion of work. Having familiar teammate gesture, the captain ordered colleagues to depart from the position. While continuing to fire on the arriving Marines-getam, the group went to the gun positions and disappeared into the cleft. Geth did not go there, and Alenka, who was walking in the rear, not good smiling pressed key activator of subversive machine gun emplacements and plunged into the fire. Rocks normandovtsev reliably covered by debris and the heat, there was a rattle and a series of short but powerful explosions - apparently it exploded munitions. The second position antispace flak ceased to exist.

  The trail took away sharply upwards, the going became difficult, the soles of shoes suits often slipped. Trying to keep quiet, the group has sharply reduced the pace of progress, paying particular attention to the presence of mines and proximity patrols Geth.

  Precaution was not out of place - three geth hunter, equipped with cocoon of invisibility, having twenty meters ahead, but Nihlus Saren and were on the alert: barely audible shots snayperok have left the invisible no chance for the operation. Making sure that no one in as reinforcements getskogo not in a hurry to the shots, the group continued on her way. Shepard gave himself little reason to celebrate the fact that the Legion was on the "Normandy" - the presence of such a highly organized geta, geta and even patriot here on the planet, would further complicate the work of the landing party. Distracted by thoughts of relaxation, the captain looked at the small screen instrumentrona - third position was already close.

  Group passed five minutes without stopping for their discharge, then eliminated trёhshagohodny geth patrol.

  - Captain, come - Severely quarian. Dorn'Hazt. Passes databases quarian Navy as a technician. - Whisper audio-Alenko reported. I guess assist and evacuate. Two policemen paratroopers suffer it.

  - Welcome. - Shepard replied curtly. Clarification needed again - next to the captain were professionals.

  Quarian in black suit when he saw him approach to the lieutenant and the two cops, Marines, he reached for the gun lying on the stone, but Kaidan raised a warning hand. Perhaps wounded considered that it - not geta because longer reach for the weapon and began to watch with interest the approaching people.

  - Have you heard ... my signal? I sent a distress signal. - Through the power he said.

  - No. - Kaidan said. - In Geth running powerful jammers. It is unlikely that your signal is passed to the orbit. We are here for another reason. You are from a group Admiral Koris?

  - Um. A...

  - Lieutenant Alenko, videoconferencing Systems Alliance, Earth. Frigate "Normandie".

  - "Normandie" ... - a barely audible whisper quarian. - I remember a lot of talk in the Navy on your party ... Yes, I'm from a group Admiral. I managed to get away on all, not to direct the Goths to the parking lot. But I pressed here, I found myself between the two positions of anti-aircraft guns.

  - You - the soldiers? - I asked the policeman approached paratrooper, starting to provide medical care.

  - No. I - techniques. Gets cleaned the engine. - Quarian genuinely surprised professionalism earthling. - Do you know how to help us? So it's true, about Tali Zora?

  - Yes. It's true. - Kaidan said.

  - It is as much about you told me, admired ... ... Captain Shepard - to quarians, supported by injections of drugs, clearly returned to power and he became impatient.

  - It is - us. - Kaidan said, refraining from reporting details.

  - Captain ... with you? Why, because he - the commander?

  - He is now senior assistant again. - Said Alenko helping quarians take a seat on a stretcher. - Relax. We take you on board the frigate, to receive medical treatment, and then you get to the Navy.

  - But ... here is full of the Goths, and I will carry two of your soldiers. It also weaken your team.

  - Do not worry about. - Kaidan walked beside the stretcher. - We already have seen the Goths and shoot them. Rest...

  - They did not throw one admiral. - Quarian looked around a bit, as far as possible to its lying position. - We - the civilians, but we have to fight. Although ... we never really wanted a war with the geth.

  - Okay. And now you can take a nap while. We need to clean up another position anti-aircraft guns, to go to a place where, as we assume, is Admiral parking. - Kaidan said, coming up to Shepard. - Medical aid provided to be able to lend a few hours, but then - need help Chakwas and Chloe. There is little we could do. Only the most necessary and preliminary.

  - Clear. - The captain looked at the small screen instrumentrona. - Now two steps rock Let's go, then - the path and - next position. Wounded leave protected.

  - Will do, Captain. - Kaidan walked away to the middle of the column, in a low voice
giving instructions to colleagues.

  Carefully lift the ledges stretchers with the wounded quarians group walked three anti-personnel mines, shot two trёhshagohodnyh geth patrol-infantry, stood for a few minutes in the breach, to pack up and get the latest information on placing the Goths at the position of anti-aircraft guns. They said aloud to a minimum, there was no need for many words.

  Two short-clicking on the audio channel marked the beginning of the elimination of the geth heretics. Alenko two cops-desantikami moved to the guns, protecting stretcher quarians while preparing everything for the mining of high-speed gun carriages. Now it was impossible to delay, and almost all had to make the move. Geta again let a few primes, but they have calmed some of the first, so it remained stubborn rocket men, hunters and snipers with Firebug. Realizing that it opposes the group is composed of professionals, not amateurs, geth heretics had tried to take a number, but it did not help - soon to positions almost no places where the debris had not towered walkers.

  The ear heard three short clicks - Lieutenant Group announces that it has finished and is ready to move. In response, Shepard, looking around the position posted on the conference channel three clicks PTT - signal collection and transcending the position to be outside the range of dispersion of the fragments. Cleft hid landing party from the fire - Kaidan, again going in the rear, without the smile pressed the detonator button and brought into action fuses.

  Now, between the group and the landing place of the intended placement Admiral Koris no obstacles remain.

  - In the area there is a fight, Captain. - Richard Shepard walked. - They pinned all "skafandrikov".

  - Accelerates. Kai, in the middle of the building. Together with the wounded. Blanking. - Shepard listened.

  - Yes, Captain. - Corporal confirmed acceptance of the order with a nod and walked beside the stretcher, insuring lieutenant.

  - Shoot. I hear shooting. - Quarian worried, tried to sit up on the stretcher, but Alenko easy to cut short his attempt, gently pressing his shoulders quarian. - So, they still geth found.

  - Richard, you take five - and forward, to help a group Admiral. It - it clearly. But be careful. - I ordered Shepard.

  You had to see the satisfaction on the sergeant's face, gestures immediately determine who the cops paratroopers him company. Stop sign shagnuvshego was behind them Nihlus, Shepard said:

  - Nay, it is not necessary. Richard have to get used to working. At our wounded hands, and by the sounds of battle is clear that the Admiral takes the Goths along. We must stand between geth and Admiral. Call the shuttle. Let pricheshut geth from the air. And we do zaymёmsya preparation for the evacuation Admiral and his subordinates.

  - Yes, Captain. - Turian quickly got in touch with the drivers on the shuttle encoded channel. - There will be eight minutes over the point. I suppose that during this time we need to get out here and here. - Claw turian pointed to the small screen instrumentrona captain, on which light map of the area. - More will be divided into two groups.

  - You will go with four cops, Marines and civilians prikroesh. We Saren and the other cops, Marines defend the Admiral. - Shepard did not aloud to clarify that getam much more valuable to capture or destroy the Admiral, than to pay special attention to the almost unarmed and helpless because civilians. - You take with you into the top four, and two of those who bear quarian.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Turian corrected clip sniper rifle and went to carry out the order.

  - Captain. - Shepard walked up one of the cops - paratroopers. - Wounded asked to convey that the Civil Navy has always opposed the war between quarians and geth. He was in such a hurry to say it ... Perhaps he repeated. But I consider it very important.

  - He's right. It is better to say it out loud now than later we will hear it from the Admiral. - Shepard said quietly. - He's right. - He repeated the captain.

  - And further. He wants us to save Admiral Koris. He says that he specifically volunteered to distract the attention of the Goths from the group, which remained with the admiral. The Civil Navy Coris only one who will listen. The wounded also requested, very asked to convey this to you. I asked word for word.

  - Tell him that you have fulfilled his request exactly. And me not to say anything. Be warned also that to me did not tell your other colleagues. He is too weak and does not need to strain conversation. It will be good if he just slumbers.

  - Yes, Captain. - Cop-Marine turned and headed for the outgoing group.

  When the policeman disappeared behind a rock on instrumentronu Shepard discovered that the wounded quarian have a son - John. Perhaps young quarian was very glad to know that my father has finally landed on their home planet, but will be much more valuable if normandovtsam be able to return to his father's son in a normal state. With this in mind Shepard stepped behind care in the other direction sokomandovtsami.

  Two shuttle Arrived not need target designation. They immediately identified among the rocks and boulders characteristic figures geth and rained down on them a deadly downpour charges of heavy weapons. Geta were swept that allowed teammate Shepard to come out and block the path of walkers as admiral, and an almost unarmed civilians quarians. The bulk of the primes and the geth-missile, tried to open fire on Rannoch reyavshim shuttles in the sky, was immediately turned into dust - shuttle pilots not stand on ceremony here. Weapons-geth infantry, snipers and geth geth hunter could not cause much damage to the space ship, adapted to fly in the hot and refrigerated atmospheres, but the shuttles weapons allow to eliminate dozens slabovooruzhёnnyh Geth. Sometimes pilots making

  - Admiral protected. - On the encoded audio channel voice appeared Nihlus and Alenko. - We - on the ground, civil also taken under protection. You can begin the destruction of the Goths in the area. sent to the Group.

  - Accepted. - Shepard on the small screen instrumentrona saw mertsnula dots representing Admiral Koris. - What about the admiral? Why is it a sign flickers?

  - Admiral wounded, he refused to go before civil. - Nihlus reported. - We have almost destroyed the Goths, who were heading in his direction. There were only a half dozen. Work on the quarter hour.

  - Proceed. - Shepard prolistnul card in the square, where they were to be civilian. - Kai?

  - In place of the captain. Blanking of civil, almost no problem, shuttle good job, most of the Goths rushed for Admiral. This is only a dozen left, from its structure to date, properly and fully, only three are operational. We will understand in ten minutes.

  - Clear. Proceed.

  - Captain, jammers tower height increases. Next to her came from caponiers two guns. Shuttles to evacuate can not approach if guns are not disabled. - Reported Saren. - We've got the most dust-.

  - Accepted. I will do it. - Shepard reloaded his assault rifle and rushed to the breach, The conclusions he realized directly on the position where the communications tower suddenly acquired a very powerful cannon prikrytiiem. - None for me not to go! That's an order.

  There was no answer. Shepard lightning crossed the trail about a hundred meters in the breach, managed to capture in the memory of a common position of the plan, he noted the presence of two anti-aircraft guns FFP and perekryvavshh approaches to the tower due to possible enemy infantry squads of two anti-personnel weapons. A few geth, among which, fortunately, was not Prime - only simple grunts and hunters - Shepard poured on full automatic, advancing to the passage in communication tower.

  Along the way, he gain of the charge set to the frame of the first gun by activating the burst with a delay of twenty-five seconds, then darted for the nearest metal wall, possessed as he realized just by looking at it, thick enough to avoid missing pieces. The explosion turned the noble - a weapon, groping already regularly flew away two shuttle, lowered his trunk, losing the ability to be induced. That was enough. The company's profit-geth infantry goals in fifteen Shepard flunked a stationary anti-personnel weapons, and then quickly covered the distance to the second gun, keep shooting for shuttles.

  Less than fifteen min
utes for the captain to undermine the frame. Directed blast disabling precise electronics and a minimum fine mechanics tools, so Shepard setting charges, scored on the timer delay of twenty seconds and tried to back off from the gun under the nearest cover thick wall as quickly as possible. Zhvarknuvshy eardrums sound of the explosion was impressively powerful. After waiting until the flames subside a little bit, Spectrum convinced that this tool has lost the ability to properly perform its function.

  Drivers of the shuttles to capture the moment and brought the boats closer. The captain waved his hand, denoting the direction of fire tower and both the shuttle fired from guns. As soon as the two top sections of the tower collapsed in the water surrounding the peninsula on which the anti-aircraft guns and communications tower, air Rannoch exploded discord.

  Declining shuttle took Shepard on board and went to the place where the Admiral Koris. Another shuttle headed to quarians group's location, accompanied Admiral. Geth did not dare to approach - against guns shuttles they had no chance, and anti-aircraft guns were destroyed. Nearest antiaircraft positions reach the peninsula could not. Anti-aircraft guns were not originally designed for shooting at three hundred and sixty degrees.

  - You saved Dorn. - Admiral Koris said, standing up from the boulder when approaching the captain. - Thank you. I have already met with him and talked. You have managed to bring it almost completely back to normal and it is - in the field. So, what you talked about Tali Zora - not fiction. I am glad to clearly and fully convinced of this, Captain. - With these words the admiral handed Spectrum hand and Shepard shook her. - You are also able to save all of my followers. I appreciate it very much.

  - Kai, the wound Admiral? - The captain asked, straightening up.


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