Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 121

by Theodore Daniels

  - First aid. The rest will do on board the frigate. - Said the lieutenant.

  Coris hear it, I tried to resist:

  - No, Captain. I need to go back to the civilian fleet. - Admiral tried to get up, but standing beside the stretcher Richard did not let him do it. - Without me there ...

  - If you will not be forthcoming in the near future patient care - they will have to do without you, which, of course, we can not allow, Admiral. - Shepard looked at the second shuttle flies. - Accompany your well is to be placed on board the frigate. And then we all of them along with you to deliver Navy ships.

  - You spend time convincing the captain. - Coris bowed his head. - Good. The main thing is that you take care of my attendants.

  - Richard, dispose immerse Admiral for the first race. Wounded equipment - the same.

  - Yes, Captain. - Non-commissioned officer gave several orders had come up paratroopers. Those raised the stretcher and carried into the cabin to reduce the Coris shuttle nearby. - All. All shipped.

  - All - on board. Fly away. - Shepard looked around the area. - The next step - Geth Dreadnought.

  - I'm just getting ready to call all the Goths themselves. - Admiral said quietly, when the shuttle headed for the frigate. - You talked about some Dreadnought?

  - Yes. At the Goths came the first heavy vehicle. And we will need all the power of warships quarian Migrant Fleet to the monster did not make one successful raid on quarian space.

  - Quarian space. - A little sing-song with evident pleasure Coris said, throwing back his head on a skinny pillow. - For a long time I have not heard these words from inorasovogo reasonable organics.

  - It's - future, which is worth fighting for, Admiral. And for that you quarians need unity. Without you, the civilian fleet management easy to lose, and there is generally transformed into the crowd. - Shepard said, looking at instrumentronu incoming reports teammate.

  - You and so do more than I could have expected, Captain. - Coris, said after a pause. - I spoke with her, with many of his compatriots on communication, because you have destroyed jammers. And they are glad to have been able to survive. To survive, to return to his home planet is no longer soldiers and civilians.

  - As long as they come back to Rannoch just soldiers, Admiral. - Shepard said, turning instrumentron.

  - Hint that's what we need to do for yourself? - Coris tried to straighten up on a stretcher, but he failed to do.

  - With our minimal help and support, Admiral. - Shepard confirmed.

  - But ... How can geta? They are in fact there are thousands and all of them hostile to the quarians. - Voice quarian senior officer could be heard clear bewilderment.

  - Not all, Admiral. - Shepard looked out the window, saw that the shuttle taxis to the gateway frigate, cruiser. - Soon you will be able to see it for yourself. And while you and your kinsman will be taken to sickbay, where both of you, and all your accompanying render quality medical care.

  Coris took it silently. It was obvious that lie in the sickbay he really did not want to.

  Cabin door opened and two technicians picked up the stretcher with the Admiral, and two more - with a stretcher technician quarians. Enabling colleagues to carefully pull the wounded to the hangar, Shepard left behind, he saluted Anderson came up.

  - The task is completed, the commander. Admiral delivered. All his guides, who died - well.

  - Good. - Anderson answered the salute had come up Alenko, both Jenkins and Turian. - Let me in the cabin on poslepolёtnoe meeting. Chakwas report inspection results and treatment plans. I do not agree to fly?

  - I resisted, but not much. - Captain said, walking next to the commander of the frigate, cruiser to his cabin. - I understand it, he is very worried about their civil, barely able to fight.

  - Alas, few people know how to fight professionally. This is only our friends Turian military training is compulsory for all. - Anderson said an approving smile marching behind him two turian spectrum. - And we have mostly army ... so funny. Just arrange a small party. With an enemy like the Reapers ... need another army.

  - I think we have it, Commander. - Said the captain, skipping his senior colleague in the commander's cabin and coming after him.

  - People? - Anderson went to your desk. - Sit down, colleagues.

  - Exactly. - Shepard sat in a nearby chair and pulled out of the stacking readers. - Here is the complete audio and video recording of all suits.

  - With this - later. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser nodded, put on the table a pile readers. - Let's first take a brief analysis.

  The meeting lasted a little more than half an hour. We discussed, taken apart, analyzed, we made conclusions. The usual routine operation commander.

  Releasing the Turian and Alenko Jenkins, Anderson made Shepard sign linger. He nodded and left to sit in a chair. As for Jenkins closed the door, the frigate commander waited a few minutes.

  - Who asked you to single-handedly throw at jammers, John? - With a fair share of discontent I asked Anderson.

  - Debt service, David. - Shepard said. - There was no one more.

  - Yeah. Sami will explain it to Svetlana. She blanched face, watching your jumps on the bridgehead. - Anderson sidelong glance at his first mate.

  - Needless to say, I know, had run fairly. I will not deny. - The captain agreed. - But now the main thing - to pull out and destroy the shrimp, David. A race for site communications tower - so warm. No more. - Shepard did not smile, but added in the same tone of voice a little cheerfulness, because everything went well.

  - So explain it to Svetlana via video. No audio. She broke all the channels to convince me that you're ... - Anderson did not finish.

  - I know I know. Himself no shore, irresponsible attitude to their status and Ted and Tepe. - Shepard caught. - Let me explain where I go. And educational-outreach work has been done. To whitened face and do not follow me on top.

  - Where all can see, John. And I really do not want to Svetlana saw how you hurt or ... - Anderson again did not finish. No, positive, present-day Earthlings, and not only earthlings definitely headed for understanding without words. Sometimes words are not really needed. That's, like, now.

  - I will try, though ...

  - Yes, she understands, John, that "although". Only here the pregnancy does not give Svetlana understand it too one-sided. She's afraid of you, John. - Anderson put on the table his hand, palm down, spread his fingers, then svёl them together, moved his hand from side to side on top. - Very, very afraid. I Carine this prozhuzhala all ears while you're there jumped on the rocks Rannoch like a kangaroo on the savannah. Well, what else Seleznev not connect either by audio or video. Two doctors I do not draw. Okay. You can have a rest, John. And calm Svetlana.

  - There is. - Shepard stood up. - One question, Commander. - The captain went to the door, held out his hand to be lighted VI interface. - How to deal with Coris. He wants to see the Legion.

  - Quick old man. - Mildly said Anderson. - Let Went decides. It is - only his right.

  - I thought so, too. - The captain opened the door and went out.

  The problem solves itself as soon as Shepard went to the sickbay. The voice of the Legion, he'd learned from the thousands, and his voice Coris became accustomed to it recently. Het and Admiral-quarian talked. Quietly and steadily they said, with no signs of discontent, anger and intransigence.

  - How is he, Karin? - Shepard asked Chakwas issued from sickbay.

  - I have it patched. Living will. Strong old man. No wonder it is the fleet are respected. While I have not examined this technology - I would not give myself to inspect and treat. He said that only after examination of all his attendants, he is allowed to take. We had to fulfill his request, the more I was convinced that you had all quarians professionally there on Rannoch necessary first aid. It is making it easier for me to work.

  - And how is technology? - Shepard looked into the doorway sickbay and Karin took it fine.

  - Will be all right with him. I gave him
the opportunity to speak with her son via video link from sickbay. The young man was very happy. Highly. His father, too, perked up, because he has already visited the home planet, traveled as a warrior, but fired for the first time from the fighting weapon. In general, admiral and techniques of tomorrow by noon can get out of sickbay quite healthy. Fortunately, the situation is not repeated with Tali. Yavik confirmed - will not be complications.

  - And as the Legion? - Shepard listened to the chirping of geta sniper. - How did he do here?

  - He came. Silence came. Admiral was surprised, but to reach for the gun did not. I understand that we geta-enemy on the frigate to keep free will not. So the conversation, as you can see, they have a long and normative. - The ship's doctor turned and went into the sickbay. The door slowly closed, flushed red signal banning VI interface.

  - John, you're tired of living ?! - Svetlana said the move, when the communicate by video only just been established. - So just tell me, I'll do you dramatically ease the transition into the lifeless state. Are you there uchudil on Rannoch ?! Cadet-youth decided to recall the listening ?! So there was a training ground, and there is a real war! Goths - the hell out! And one - the heretics.

  - Light, light, I ... - Shepard effaced, not even able to insert the word.

  - I am, I am. - Svetlana did not reduce the pressure. - Just like a German. You, John. You're the commander or someone? Alone I decided to show a master class? Why, they ask?

  - I - the same as the other officer, World. And if there is a situation that no one else - I will do everything to solve the problem properly. Any task. For the commander in my understanding - not a gentleman, and a warrior, like all others - even the officers, even soldiers, sergeants even though the foreman.

  - Okay. - Svetlana's voice softened. - Rest come on, and then plunged into the planning of the operation "Geth Dreadnought" - you of Operations CIC will have to pull out ticks.

  - Light, well why I always say that I definitely need to rest? Anderson, Presley, now you. Do I look weakling or dohlyaka make an impression?

  - The war will be long, John. And career-cavalry techniques to overcome it. Only the consistent work. And for a long-term work needs a good rest. So that...

  - And you, "so that" the Light. I will ask no more of my observations on the work of landings does not hold. - Shepard felt that dressing down and dries quickly goes normal conversation. Unless, of course, Svetlana want to continue this conversation.

  - You still say that it is harmful. - With a share of playfulness said Svetlana.

  - And I tell. You are now live for three. So do not all hold the nerve overload. They do not need you or herself, nor children.

  - That is - the word husband. Thank you for the care, Joe. - Svetlana nodded, beckoning gaze ozhёgshi Shepard. - Relax. I think until tomorrow afternoon, nothing will change. And there can be half a day to plan the operation. I feel with quarians is now easier to negotiate. Although departures aboard the ship fleet also can not be avoided.

  - You can not. - Sighed the captain.

  - Do not sulk. I know about Zora, I know. Flight and chat. And admirals and with it, too, Admiral. I've got data - if so go on - Conclave and Colleges Admirals are ready to give her the title. By way of exception. I think she deserved it.

  - Weather it would take it, the Light. I still have to pesochit these admirals. Bloat cases. I will send you shooting at Rannoch, ask Alix filter and send. - Captain took from laying readers. - It is - copies. Originals - Anderson. He runs over them.

  - Speaking of Alix, John. You did not notice?

  - You have a special relationship daughter Olivia to me? - Shepard allowed himself to sit in a chair comfortably.

  - Well, finally you saw. - Svetlana smiled.

  - Maybe. The normal ratio. The girl is looking for an example. And if I could be an example for her ... - Shepard depicted modestly downcast under the directors' view of the schoolboy.

  - I'm afraid, Joe, that you have become to her more than an example. She fell in love with you by the ears. And as Olivia loves you - all a fairy tale. I'm sorry, but I, as a woman, it became obvious long ago. So in order to reduce the time for the realization just to inform you - in love with you both kiborgessy. Appreciate it.

  - I appreciate. Okay, Light.

  - Good luck and tranquility, John. - Svetlana nodded farewell and switched channels.

  A few seconds Shepard looked at the screen extinguished. If not the landing group at Rannoch, Civil quarians fleet would have remained without a single sane commander. Against a small support group, where the only professional soldier is, of course, himself Admiral Koris, ganged up all kinds of walkers - infantry, snipers, hunters, flamethrower, rocket men. Even primes could easily and freely be noted in this imminent confrontation. But - it did not happen. Admiral escaped. And quarians, it accompanied also saved.

  During this landing normandovtsam not have to admire the unearthly landscapes - they arrived on Rannoch work and this work was done properly. Admiral saved accompanying it - too. The mines have been seen in time, none of normandovtsev died and was not injured. Otryadovtsy practice in blasting fact, in opposition to the geth-Prime, in the shooting of anti stationary guns. Drivers practice shooting on material objects and manpower of the enemy. Otryadovtsy received another batch of real combat experience.

  It may even be that the surviving thanks to Admiral Koris quarians have a chance in the war with the geth and the Civil, slabovooruzhёnny to actual combat fleet will not perish. Communication Legion and Coris can give getam patriots real chance of survival in the life close to their creators.

  - Captain. - Manifested in the audio channel voice CIC specialist. - Geth Dreadnought alive. He transmits a control signal from the Reapers Rannoch. Wide range. This is - the new station Heretics. Now - heavily armed and armored.

  - Clear. - Shepard stood up. - I'll be in the CIC. Prepare all the information.

  - Yes, Captain. - Specialist switched channels.

  Priority - Rannoch. Resolving contradictions in quarians environment

  - I understand everything and, nevertheless, we have stopped the attack getskogo fighter fleets, we rescued Admiral Koris and his attendants, we have plenty of information about the Dreadnought Geth and destroy the Dreadnought, already in full swing going to Rannoch must themselves quarians at our minimal support. - So said Shepard in the midday meeting in the cabin Anderson when Chakwas officially reported to the commander of the frigate, cruiser, and that Admiral Koris and technician quarian healthy enough to return to the Navy ships. Threats to their lives and health was no more. - We can not solve all of quarians. They will have to decide for themselves a lot of problems and issues. We can restrict only minimal help and support. In the end, Rannoch - metropolitan planet quarian quarians race and want to see firsthand their homeland. See free.

  - You have not left the idea to help them eliminate the "shrimp." - Whether asking whether confirming Anderson said.

  - Yes sir. I do not leave. Elimination Reaper should be a turning point, colleagues. As you wish, but this must take a direct part all Migrant Fleet. Yes, a frigate and a cruiser is quite in a position to destroy the shrimp together. Now you do not have nothing to restrain it - the enemy and it should act accordingly. But it is better if the resulting blow to inflict reaper united united and worthy goal quarian all Migrant Fleet. Inflict in order to land on Rannoch, start cooking the planet to face the Reapers. The war, in my opinion, is just beginning. And quarians should not lose the opportunity to equip the planet until such time as the main fleets catch up here Reapers. And there is a danger of total isolation race.

  - Alone, they do it can not. - Presley said.

  - I agree. Do not be able to. But they are not alone. Geth Dreadnought heretical - is only the first step. Heretics have already done it, confirming its commitment to the Reapers. And now we will make a step to destroy the Dreadnought, and once again the possibility of depriving heretics broadcast duping the Goths, yet having the ability to be patriot

  - One sign after the eighth decimal place. - Said Legion. - And in front of you will stand the enemy. One sign after the eighth decimal place - and before you get up each. Selecting equally probable. We should make sure that it is unique. And depriving heretics power transmitters of the dreadnought, we will gain time.

  - For what? - Said Presley.

  - To geth found the proper level of intelligence. No longer just a walker. - Said het reconnaissance.

  - Lay down, you serious? - Chakwas sniper looked at with suspicion. It looks like she knew where het going.

  - Yes seriously. I was created as a reconnaissance platform. If I give my program getam other patriots, they will be better able to resist the signal of the old machine. And for them quarians will never be enemies. As they are not enemies for me. I have to put it in human terms, proof sufficient immunity to the influence of the signal of the old machine. This immunity is not hardware-software in nature. He's different and he is ignorant of the old machine, sharpened on the separation of the races and peoples. Because nothing Reapers will not be able to oppose him.

  - Lay down, you're talking about combining the geth-patriots and returned on Rannoch quarians? - Presley asked in amazement. - But how?

  - Geta, received from me the program, which they did not have before, will be able to find the meaning of life. The new meaning of life. They return to their creators, but will return as the partners. And not as servants and slaves. With the Goths patriots quarians dramatically strengthen and expand its capacity, reduce the time to conduct the necessary reforms, necessary work. Now, during the war, it is - a priority. - Said Legion.

  - Admiral Koris ... - said Anderson.

  - I Believe in the future, but promised to comply with the sequence. First - dreadnought, then - rannohsky Reaper. And nothing else. And a huge role in solving these two problems - said the Legion. - Should play only quarians. Our function, our task - to provide them all possible assistance so that they believe and rely on their own strength. They believed in themselves and in themselves.


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