Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 125

by Theodore Daniels

  Turning left at the end of the tunnel, normandovtsy climbed the short stairs, then turned right and walked to the elevator. Cab - or rather, a simple platform - minimalism Geth in all its glory - arrived on time, but the Legion had barely time to search out the geth-rocketeer, lurking behind the upper guiding bar two floors above. If he had fired on the platform, has already been raised and filled normandovtsami, fall would be very high and very painful - the ship was huge and otryadovtsy originally planned to get closer to the command center dreadnought.

  With each passed ten meters Shepard still doubted whether to comply with further silence. Especially because the passive locator appears on the small screen instrumentrona icon informing the captain of the proximity to the core. When normandovtsy entered the room, which was located in the middle of bronekapsuly petals unfolded before the eyes and arrivals appeared het.

  It is a human voice without using an interpreter, het, as soon as the petals have taken fully open position, he said:

  - Who are you?

  He received the immediate response:

  - And who are you?

  - I - VI Goths. Incorporated platform. The hub of collective intelligence command of this ship.

  - In other words, you are the core of the dreadnought? - Tali asked, with great interest considering the clamped-blank geta.

  - You could say that. - Said evasively VI Goths. - Through me Reapers transmit its signal to the rest of getskogo platforms.

  - Inspect the room. - I ordered Shepard. The situation did not like him very much. Quarian fleet went to the opening of fire position, was to advance the agreed time less than fifteen minutes. And then - het, which in general is not my fault that he was elected by the transmitter signal Reapers. What was at hand at the geth heretics, then they used to perform the next set by masters-Reapers problem. Killing this geta seemed to be not at all - he's just a transmitter. On the other hand to drag him along - is unsafe. It is not known which programs it carries a het.

  Legion walked bud open on the perimeter. Is it at all possible, clamped in clamps het - Goths VI - monitor the movements of fellow. Scout Sniper explicitly collected some data to make a final decision. The sniper rifle was aimed precisely in the trunk fixed geta.

  As the control center Dreadnought was found, and now it was necessary to ensure that, in time to leave the board the doomed ship. Make it on the shuttle was not possible - now geth heretics are not allowed to handle the sides no hostile ship of any size. Shot down and they will be right, because the act under the protection protocol.

  - I guess, Commander Shepard, it can and should be released. As soon as we release him - dreadnought system will go hawking, disappear multilayered protective field guns, and even civilian vessels can cause substantial damage to the monster. - Finally delivered its verdict Legion. - The control panel locks located on the upper level. There you can climb the stairs or the elevator. As soon as we remove the fixation releasing this geta, here come five primes with two dozen smaller geth heretics. Nearby hangars with fighters. These small little boats, we may well move away from the sides of the dreadnought, giving fleet quarians opportunity to bombard the ship without interference.

  - Good. Legion, take care of the fact that this is not arranged immediately het Armageddon, when we release him. - Said the captain. - Richard quickly upstairs actuated latches opening system and immediately hide behind the thickest wall. The rest - to take shelter and prepare for battle.

  Even the reports of acceptance of orders for execution was not followed - all at once began to move. Freed from the clamps het obediently gave Legion forge itself and fix the neck, and then, accompanied by a scout and exercise extreme curiosity Tali, he proceeded to the shelter.

  Prime and their smaller brethren do not have to wait - indoors dreadnoughts management system kernel broke a short fight.

  - Fall back into the hangar fighters. - He ordered Shepard catching a pause in the arrival of reinforcements to the leading-firing aliens getam heretics. Prime is not sent, but every little thing in the face of the Goths, the Goths and the infantry-missile heretics were sent to the kernel space in abundance. Linger on it was quite impossible, and the first compartment - a hangar fighters retreated Legion and Tali escorted brother, accompanied by three paratroopers-cops. The remaining fire snarled attempts to geth heretics hold them and cut off the output from the portals.

  Flight on a small fighter away from the cocoon has lost power multilayer field giant hardly remember any of normandovtsev. Each fighter jammed in twos and threes otryadovtsev, all in a hurry, so not particularly going over who will fly with someone. Speed catapult work, they have autonomous control and food and geth could not disconnect them completely.

  - Quarian fleet approached the distance of fire. We are in the field of security. Before the discovery of fire - thirty seconds. - Reported by konferentskanalu Troop Alenko. - We're leaving immediately to the frigate.

  - Accepted. - Shepard looked back. Dreadnought already covered mesh breaks, fires broke out. Geth rescue capsules are not used, they are likely to board was not. The weapon was de-energized - it turned out to be unworkable without VI Goths. As soon as the fighters were in the area of the protective field of the frigate, Dreadnought disintegrated into its constituent parts and exploded. The flash was blinding, a dozen seconds majachnym space illumined by light.

  - Well done some shooting quarians. - Anderson said, entering the hangar filled with parachute getskogo normandovtsami fighters. - They are quite satisfied. Reapers signal disappeared, as soon as you have checked out from the core of the geth. - The captain looked at the Legion escorted heretic. - I hope you're not going, John, to make him a member of our team or Troop?

  - I do not know, Commander. - Shepard answered honestly. - In any case, he honestly fulfilled its duties and functions. You can not just kill him for it. He is a soldier. I suppose that the Legion explores it with the Community. Dreadnought already destroyed. The first victory - is history.

  - Fleet Admirals quarian impressed with your work, John. - Honestly Anderson said. - And, as I said Rael Zora, already practically settled the question of conferring the title of admiral Tali. Her are waiting in the Navy, but they understand that it is not finished yet. It seems that some admirals found out about the Reapers on Rannoch.

  - This is much worse, David. - Shepard said. - This is much worse. They're organizing a cavalry attack on the shrimp fleet and opolovinyat faster than it could make the victim Dreadnought. I do not think that such a crime will be charged admirals. In addition to hand-geth heretics already got a weapon invented by Admiral Daro'Zen - gun "Arc". Tali took him, I think, should be established, to whom it belonged, or at least for someone from the Navy officers were designated.

  - Let this quarians understand yourself, John. We completed our task - to destroy the Dreadnought.

  - I'm sorry, Commander. - Returning the Legion was unusually thoughtful. - I do not know whether to entrust such a thing quarians, but they have to build on the success. - He applied to Anderson reader. - VI Goths split completely as you people say, "bottom up". It - verified data. Community Goths confirmed. They already had suspicions about all of this. - Het sniper paused, waiting for Anderson to get acquainted with all the data.

  Elimination bases Kosmoflot geth heretics

  - Hmm. As said, one day my ex-wife, when she was punched in the game words, "if you have a pet dog, then this dog needs to be shed." - Anderson handed the reader Legion. - I think that quarians handle it? - He said to Geta.

  - Yes. With the support of both ships Squad - will cope. - She nodded het. - I guess you need to discuss the details.

  - What we have now are going to do until the ships quarians within reach. - Anderson went to his cabin. - Follow me, please. I went to inform a large ship Council on the need fifteen minutes to be with me.

  - Made. - Briefly reported Legion commander entering the cabin and stopping at the window.

  Similarly, at the appointed time in the cabin came all the
officers of the frigate, cruiser, including Presley and Adams Chakwas. Anderson nodded Legion and sent the commander of the frigate content viewed on instrumentrony all present. Giving colleagues the opportunity to study the files, Anderson turned on wall screens. Discussion of the operation to capture the planet pile started.

  A few hours passed in a tense discussion. So far quarians decided not to tell anything. The details of the operation developed by dedicated officers only "Volga". It was necessary to take into account all real possibilities warships quarian fleet, to provide protection for civilian ships lungs by security forces in the period of the military involvement of major powers in quarian attack to the planet-building berth.

  Since captivated Goths VI announced the availability of drawings and documentation getskogo dreadnoughts, it was decided not to risk sabotage groups, and not seek to obtain these drawings. Much more important was as soon as possible to blow up the planet itself-slipway, depriving the geth heretics major shipbuilding base. We decided to also take into account the possible existence of other similar databases, so the basis of the objectives laid it destruction of the planet. Yavik, as the most experienced specialist, actually participate in such operations, he offered a lot of value, allowing you to more accurately determine the direction of the main attacks.

  - All colleagues. Two hours to perfect the details - and pass an agreed package quarians information. - Anderson said, finishing the first part of the meeting. - Let it make the Tali. Send it under the protection of the two shuttles with troops on "Raju", albeit accustomed to the true admiral level of activity. And the fact that some of its recently all girl trying to keep on the premises. It is not good. - Without a smile said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - As long as they're on trial and ryadyat, we prepare. Yavik, we believe that we can and to undermine the two ships?

  - In case of need - of course, Commander. - Confirmed proteanin. We did not have such powerful tools as modern "Taniksy". And the twelve trunks frigate with artillery support of a cruiser able to make such a planet drushlag on full automatic. This - the calculation and not emotions, commander.

  - I believe. So podstrahuem quarians. All. The first part of the meeting is finished. We send Tali fleet, detained near the Migrant Fleet warships, albeit podreyfuyut, do not spend time on the fuel and flights to and fro.

  And so it did. Readers get a pack marked "Top Secret. Only Fleet Command quarian" Tali's face changed. It's one thing when you consider just a public figure, a kind of leader of the Union of Youth quarian and quite another to know that not everyone knows the admiral and act on real-admiral level. Realizing that it is sent to the "Raju" under the heavy guard of two shuttles with troops, Tali poserёznela sharply, but found the strength to embrace Anderson, Shepard and Alenko and say:

  - Thank you, friends! Thank you for your trust! I will not forget! Quarian fleet will perform the task. We need to fight the heretics getam-and we will.

  With these words quarian disappeared in the darkness of the third shuttle cabin. With Tali flew five troopers-policemen - Alenko ordered them to fully protect hoists from all sorts of trouble.

  Shuttles started. Several hours of waiting.

  Shepard almost feel: here today canoe moored to the "Rice", two shuttles are patrolling around the leader, and Tali hurry premises Command Center farm of the ship, which already gathered the admirals and captains of warships, all who remained to guard the civilian fleet of ships. That report Tali began, so he ended, that discussion began. The captain felt - the discussion dragged on, but Tali overcame the desire to turn the masters in business talking shop and demanded to take a coordinated decision, decorate it documented and officially transfer the captains of warships the Navy.

  - Warships quarian Migrant Fleet received all the necessary instructions. They are willing to interact with our ships. - I reported to the officer of the watch.

  - Welcome. - Anderson stood on a pedestal to the Star Map, sat in a chair. - Then - forward. Let's make this planet liquidation.

  Build ships, headed "Normandy", made the transition to a neighboring star system, which was not publicly available on most cards. Guarding the planet-berth small and medium-ships geth heretics were tried to fight back, but quarian captains of warships the Navy ordered to destroy the pesky opponents. After forty minutes instead of a few dozen to several hundred medium and small ships hung in space only fragments, some of which embraced by fires.

  Planet slipway had no protective space defense systems - it is it does not have enough space. Looking through the information on the video screens, Shepard wondered how tightly bustles bowels of this celestial body geth heretics. Everywhere felt the hand of the Reapers.

  - "Taniksy" twelve. To battle! - Ordered Anderson.

  - In combat mode. The loading is completed. Ready to fire. - Reported specialist artillery CIC.

  - Coordination with the cannon cruiser complexes performed. - I reported another specialist BIC.

  - Tools of the "Volga" ready to fire. The objectives included in the guidance lists and captured. - Reported third CIC specialist. - All gun complexes of both the squadron ready to open fire.

  - The first salvo provide warships quarian Migriruyuyuschego Navy. - Briefly conferred with Titov, ordered Anderson. - It is their enemies. Let quarians feel his strength and power. Let learn to fight in a real war, as long as it is still possible.

  - Target designation checked. - Alix responded. - Corrections, changes in net additions have been made. The main and auxiliary artkompleksy Fleet ships are ready to fire. Routes are laid over the planet and communicated to the pilots and helmsmen.

  - Admiral Rael Zora connected. - I reported to the watch frigate, cruiser. - Interested in who will give the command to open fire.

  - We provide this right quarian supreme military leader. - Anderson said.

  - Submitted. Admiral thanks. The signal of the volley went! Navy shoots. Started the movement on a grid of routes over the planet! - I reported to the watch frigate, cruiser.

  On a map of the Star, translated to review star system mode, it can be clearly seen as the disk of the planet is covered by waves breaks. The shelling continued, intensifying. Gunners Navy warships quarian came off at full speed, not sparing the charges, although respecting the limits, as had, what they were almost certain, more involved in the liberation of Rannoch. Minute by minute flowed, Navy ships quarian wove over the planet-Stapel deadly net, leaving no one square kilometer area without fire. Four long hours continued deadly for the geth heretics dance quarian combat ships on the Migrant Fleet doomed to ruin the planet-building berths. Synthetic Corps regularly reported to the command of Detachment of the devastation produced.

  - Shelling is over. Quarian navy thanks. The guns of his ship converted into a massive reload mode. - I reported to the officer of the watch.

  - Now, colleagues, our turn. Jeff, come to the point. - Ordered Anderson. - Prepare the "Taniksy" to fire in the orbital bombardment mode. Check the connection to the fire control systems of the cruiser.

  - Completed training "Taniksov". - Reported specialist artillery CIC. - Made preparations for the shooting in the orbital bombardment mode. Connection to fire control systems cruiser "Volga" is checked. No comment.

  - Commander, ships - over point. The accuracy is confirmed. - Reported Jeff Moreau. - Stabilization is achieved.

  - Attack! Og-gon! - I ordered Anderson.

  Frigate cruiser dipped slightly, offsetting the impact of twelve powerful trunks. Immediately responded implements the approaching "Volga".

  - On the planet - explosion of a special power! The planet is destroyed! - I reported to the officer of the watch, not hiding emotions. - Additional volley?

  - Not required. - Anderson closely examined the progress screens pile-destruction of the planet. - We have fulfilled our task. Deprived geth heretics main base ship. Even if they have a similar base, they will have to try hard to quickly build new ships and quickly bring them here, close to Rannoch. - I order you to withdraw.

  - There is waste. - Jeff Moreau took the frigate, cruiser to combat drift mode and started to withdraw the ship from the destroyed planet. - The withdrawal is made. - He reported in fifty minutes.

  - Commander, the relationship with the Council of Admirals quarian Navy. They are delighted. Thank you.

  - It - their victory. Perhaps the second biggest win over the geth heretics. - Anderson said. - Now the important thing to them under the hot hand hit the geth not patriots. And for this to deal with the base the Reapers on Rannoch. Jeff, the conclusions of the ship on course for Rannoch. Time reaching?

  - For two days, the commander. Forty-six hours. - Said the chief pilot.

  - Cannon recharge. With cocking - do not shoot. - He ordered the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - We go first, what kind, and more Reapers show up.

  - Achieved commander. - I reported to the officer of the watch. - The ship - on the path to Rannoch. Quarian Fleet warships return to the Migrant Fleet. Message received on the preparations for the transition of all quarian Migrant Fleet to Rannoch. Ships prepare to fire on the planet, and especially - the base the Reapers. This wish to participate captains and crews of the ships. Both military and civilian.

  - Their right. - Anderson repeated. - Shepard, relax and prepare. I suppose most of the meanness of the Reapers on Rannoch. Just inside it reduces expectations of this great meanness. - He added quietly commanding the frigate-cruiser. Watch officer pretended he did not hear anything.

  - Let go? - Captain rose from his chair at starpomovskogo Star Maps, again switch to the general overview mode.

  - Go. Prepare for landing. - Anderson said wearily.

  Nodding Commander Shepard went to his cabin.

  As soon as he entered, immediately noted the request signal to the video. Ballon explanation reported that regard, requests the Admiral Tali Zora folk Raya vas Normandy. A little surprised at such unconventional quarians to complete the project, Shepard touch sensor allowed to open a channel.


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