Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 126

by Theodore Daniels

  Tali was stunning in the new admiral's suit. Battle armor. Heavyweight suit. Face of young quarian shone with joy, pride, conviction and contentment, glass visor was completely transparent, not constraining eyes shine.

  - John, I'm sorry. I ... I can not find words. I - Admiral quarian fleet. The youngest in the history of quarian people. There was no one who could prevent the adoption of decisions on awarding me the title, but I know that the main merit of this - yours and your normandovtsev, John. - Tali said, carefully hiding a storm of emotions and feelings that engulfed her. - I have to repeat, John, I will not forget this ever. You are for me, all without any exception otryadovtsy and especially you, will always remain the most expensive after his father's reasonable. You gave me the opportunity to rise to such heights, which I conceive of something feared. I have the right to do what is closest to me, for I have kept the post of leader of the Union of Youth quarian, now I'm there, and military leader. To me... I was given the right and opportunity to give direct orders to launch an orbital bombardment of the planet-pile-geth heretics, and I ... I'm asking you, John, do not deny me my request. - Tali paused, hesitated a little bit my lip, gathering his thoughts. - I want with you, along with normandovtsami take part, directly involved in the elimination of the base the Reapers to my home, the parent planet - Rannoch. I ask John. Do not deny me this. If I am to die there - so be it. I'm going to die on his home planet, and not on the ship. I'm going to die, freeing my Rannoch! The planet where I was born, where I dreamed and dreamed of building your own home. Please, John! a little bit my lip, gathering his thoughts. - I want with you, along with normandovtsami take part, directly involved in the elimination of the base the Reapers to my home, the parent planet - Rannoch. I ask John. Do not deny me this. If I am to die there - so be it. I'm going to die on his home planet, and not on the ship. I'm going to die, freeing my Rannoch! The planet where I was born, where I dreamed and dreamed of building your own home. Please, John! a little bit my lip, gathering his thoughts. - I want with you, along with normandovtsami take part, directly involved in the elimination of the base the Reapers to my home, the parent planet - Rannoch. I ask John. Do not deny me this. If I am to die there - so be it. I'm going to die on his home planet, and not on the ship. I'm going to die, freeing my Rannoch! The planet where I was born, where I dreamed and dreamed of building your own home. Please, John! where I was born, where I dreamed and dreamed of building your own home. Please, John! where I was born, where I dreamed and dreamed of building your own home. Please, John!

  Shepard was silent. Tali looked at him demanding a direct gaze, knowing that soon he would not answer. Do not be able to answer. He needs to think about what he had to say in a moment.

  The captain hesitated. He knew that Admiral Tali Zora will no longer sit in the rear. She will try to be on the cutting edge. Yes, if it is possible to destroy entrenched in the Rannoch shrimp, it still will defend his Rannoch, your planet from armies and navies of the Reapers. Will, because he wants to fulfill his oath, the oath became quarian for all the people: I swear homeland, which I hope to see. See free. Kila Se'Lay. Maybe she is the youngest admiral quarian Navy will be able to organize a Geth interaction patriots and quarians, using all the advantages of youth, taking advantage of its status as a leader of the Union of Youth quarian. It is still waiting for Troop other star systems, planets, and other races have quarians and getam himself, perhaps - in complete isolation, blockade,

  - Well, Tali. You will be a part of the landing party on Rannoch. And yet - get ready. We have two days, less than two days to go to the planet. The tail and mane are ready. - Seriously Shepard said.

  You should have seen the white light erupted majachnym eyes quarian Admiral. Video calling, usually deaf to the feelings and emotions of organic reasonable, nevertheless gave a strong piece of satisfaction swept Tali.

  - Thanks, John. I and my young quarians ... will prepare! Rannoch will be free! - With these words Tali switched channels.

  Melodic signal Shepard reported about the next video session with Svetlana.

  - I have already congratulated Tali on behalf of the command of the cruiser "Volga", John. - Svetlana, who was sitting in his desk chair in the lobby of his cabin, did not hide the joy and satisfaction. - The girl did not lose her head with joy and emotion that is very valuable. And I congratulate you with great success - you really grew quite good admiral. It is solid and strong, despite the external fragility and weakness. It is at the core and is the foundation, and now it is - the main thing. In quarians, as you may know, are rarely in the same family are just two of Admiral. Typically such purpose too spaced in time. The old generation goes and only the younger generation takes over the status of the admiral. It turned out better - two active admiral in the same family. I'm sure many now Rael teaches his daughter. They will work together and close. And Tali. .. Tali learn a lot. She loves to learn and know how. To teach what he wants. Quickly learn.

  - Thank you Svetlana. - Shepard smiled his somewhat weary smile. - We did twice successfully broke getam-heretics. It is time to break the third blow. This, unfortunately, is not the final blow, but it is - a good start. And about Tali - this is only her merit. Without deposit, hidden in it, all my attempts to make her admiral, real, not formal, Admiral, they would be doomed to failure. Now it is a matter to which it will give all of myself.

  - When I talked to her, John, she had promised to invite us all to her wedding. She said that even if the wedding will be under fire Reapers, she still held. I believe her. Girl - flint. And the word is not evident. I was informed - it strongly suppressed the attempts of the old admirals and captains to swing the situation. John, you said that Anderson - rest. So eight hours of sleep you need. Now eat, take a shower and - on the side.

  - Yes, Madam Captain of the first rank! - I have reported Shepard jokingly.

  - Do it. Before connection, mentor quarian admirals of the fleet. - Svetlana smiled, changing channels.

  Priority - Rannoch. The elimination of the Reaper. Combining quarians and Geth

  Two days on the squadron did not stop work. Two days otryadovtsy preparing for complex heavy and expensive operations for the liberation of Rannoch. Frigate and cruiser first had to clarify the situation on the planet, identify pathways to it - there was no doubt that the breach which the landing party normandovtsev for Admiral evacuation Zaal Coris geth already blocked by a large margin.

  It was necessary to clarify the location and characteristics of the base the Reapers. It is also clear that quarians not only realize, but almost certainly aware of the fact that their home planet settled Reaper. We had to prepare for a possible fierce resistance geth heretics, entrenched at Rannoch and obliged by any means to protect the main value - the Reaper.

  Perhaps it was by the standards of the theory of military operations typical local operation, but it had global consequences: the Migrant Fleet, which is its massive bombardment from Rannoch's orbit will have to destroy the Reaper, later will be required in the high-speed order to provide airlift thousands quarians on the surface of Rannoch, so that they were able to quickly build a life and a life in the liberated from the geth heretics parent planet race. Yes, there are, perhaps, the fighting, and the loss will be, but now quarians will be their home planet underfoot. And it will give them a lot of effort and most importantly - the confidence in the inevitability of victory and over-geth heretics, and over the reapers. Immediately thereafter, the Migrant Fleet take defensive positions around Rannoch and will make every attempt to prevent the fleets of the Reapers and their supporters to regain control over the planet.

  - I was talking about a great infamy, John. - Anderson said, taking a First Lieutenant in his cabin. They were together, find a few minutes for a brief conversation. - And this is confirmed by meanness. The authors of this meanness - geth heretics, led by the Reapers. They are studded with planet-jammers towers, and they, in turn, seriously hamper the orbital bombardment of Rannoch. I myself do not want to destroy the infrastructure of t
he parent planet quarians therefore consider it necessary to apply the version of the landing again. In short - you're headed enhanced group arriving on the shuttle at Rannoch and using a laser-pointer to "Normandy" could destroy the Reapers base. Yes, we know that there Reaper. It is now known, or very clearly realize quarians. Moreover, we need to destroy the base and the "shrimp." This can be done only by giving accurate targeting. While the "Normandy" will bombard the base quarian warships occupy their positions on the orbit and prepare for bombardment of the Reaper. You will need to hold out long enough, and therefore need a reinforced landing party. More than confident that the geth heretics will have a fierce resistance. I do not rule out that it was full of primes. With them will be a lot of fuss. The main thing - to destroy this polutorakilometrovy Reaper, and I think that by that time he will be forced to leave their underground shelter. We checked everything - on the surface it does not appear. So, most likely sitting under the ground, in a cozy silo-based. On that same basis, the coordinates of which we, fortunately, is now known. quarian warships occupy their positions on the orbit and prepare for bombardment of the Reaper. You will need to hold out long enough, and therefore need a reinforced landing party. More than confident that the geth heretics will have a fierce resistance. I do not rule out that it was full of primes. With them will be a lot of fuss. The main thing - to destroy this polutorakilometrovy Reaper, and I think that by that time he will be forced to leave their underground shelter. We checked everything - on the surface it does not appear. So, most likely sitting under the ground, in a cozy silo-based. On that same basis, the coordinates of which we, fortunately, is now known. quarian warships occupy their positions on the orbit and prepare for bombardment of the Reaper. You will need to hold out long enough, and therefore need a reinforced landing party. More than confident that the geth heretics will have a fierce resistance. I do not rule out that it was full of primes. With them will be a lot of fuss. The main thing - to destroy this polutorakilometrovy Reaper, and I think that by that time he will be forced to leave their underground shelter. We checked everything - on the surface it does not appear. So, most likely sitting under the ground, in a cozy silo-based. On that same basis, the coordinates of which we, fortunately, is now known. I do not rule out that it was full of primes. With them will be a lot of fuss. The main thing - to destroy this polutorakilometrovy Reaper, and I think that by that time he will be forced to leave their underground shelter. We checked everything - on the surface it does not appear. So, most likely sitting under the ground, in a cozy silo-based. On that same basis, the coordinates of which we, fortunately, is now known. I do not rule out that it was full of primes. With them will be a lot of fuss. The main thing - to destroy this polutorakilometrovy Reaper, and I think that by that time he will be forced to leave their underground shelter. We checked everything - on the surface it does not appear. So, most likely sitting under the ground, in a cozy silo-based. On that same basis, the coordinates of which we, fortunately, is now known.

  - And what about the Legion? - Shepard asked. - After all, he wanted to convey getam some programs. As soon disappear signal from the Reaper, the geth heretics will be deprived of the supreme external management. Will start if you do not panic, it is certainly a mess.

  - Mark, both captivated and kiborgessy VI promised that support the Legion's all that they can. Yes, I know that the transfer of these programs and software infrastructure of our partner will be fully open. Therefore, at this moment Legion was risking his life and normative functioning. Then the power of the brand and need both kiborgess. Captive VI I bring to this business do not want to. He's unreliable.

  - About the VI support, but it is ...

  - Yes, John. This means that both Mark and kiborgessy will take part in the landing. Risk is necessary for the full, because this war - to the destruction, and if we are not willing to take risks, and we are guaranteed to quickly lose this war, will become its victims. And we are such a luxury impermissible. We must, we must win. Lieutenant Alenko Group will be involved in the full strength - we'll cover its Synthetic kokonopodobnoy protection. As for the laser-designator, then this task perfectly mastered our Chief Engineer Adams. - Anderson went to the container at the door of the commander's cabin, opened the lid. - This is - his creation and his young engineers. Against his signal, and against his beam at the geth heretics no antidote and long more will not. I want to warn John immediately. This technology - news for heretics geth and Reapers. Therefore, it can be applied only twice. For the first time - on the basis of, exactly where the hidden underground Reaper to the frigate, cruiser struck on the armor, no doubt, bin and a second time - on the most Reapers. And there will have to beat for the main gun. In the main emitter, to be exact. To do this, wanting to get the maximum effect, will have to be less than half a kilometer from the shrimp. Deviate by more than half a kilometer is undesirable - the signal will weaken and accuracy. Still, this is a prototype, and we did it in a very inaccurate intelligence data. - Anderson pulled out of the container something resembling a grenade launcher. - Get more size, I myself would like something like a keychain, but alas, even on the basis of "Volga" do less failed. We're all done, that is possible and to reduce the weight and size. All at once reduce failed. Though so. Thing maximum of double entry. Then, after the complete exhaustion of the charges will have to invent something else. Take. - Anderson filed a colleague weapon. He picked up, weighed, grunted, took aim at the window, pressed the button, there was a bright spot, gudnul buzzer. - It works, do not worry. Charge the batteries, and there is even a reserve sufficient for punching two or three such atmospheres, which are over Rannoch. Checked. and there is even a reserve sufficient for punching two or three such atmospheres, which are over Rannoch. Checked. and there is even a reserve sufficient for punching two or three such atmospheres, which are over Rannoch. Checked.

  - Maybe this will give us an opportunity to lure and defeat the "shrimp." - Said the captain.

  - Also avoid calling it Reaper? - Anderson smiled faintly. - I see. Too eager not to give her so much honor. No it is not the Reaper. Thus, a tool for killing and processing. And it's more than a Reaper. Maybe our ancestors, referred to as "prawns" Reapers, perceive them in a different way, perhaps. For me, they are simple clipper. Cruel, costly, but only a haircut. Okay. - Anderson poserёznel. - John, you know, Tali you gave permission for it to participate in this landing. Yes, it will be protected, will give her a five troopers-policemen in the escort, I have agreed on this issue with Alenko, Jenkins will see. And especially to protect her and our two kiborgess. Legion and Mark know they will cover. At the time of the operation will be disabled prisoner VI - we do not need a spy on board. However, I was ordered to turn it off a few hours ago. Needless us active spy. Saving our kiborgess and Tali. The rest of you do correctly and accurately, I'm sure. We need to keep the Legion intact all Synthetic and Tali. Otherwise, we simply will not understand and will not understand quarians geta and other Synthetic.

  Shepard nodded, putting pointer in a container.

  - It will take away with them. I think there is a container is not required. And the rest ... Maybe we will be able to make a significant contribution to the future final victory over the Reapers. May be. Probably, here on Rannoch, will begin the countdown to the final release of the Galaxy from these "liquidators of intelligent life." Go, John. I wish you success. Get ready.

  - Good. - Shepard stood up. - I'll take a laser-pointer in his cabin. I saw it in the container has a soft case. I think it will be enough. We'll have to, however, leave the launcher on board. Okay.

  - Good idea, John. - Anderson watched as his assistant takes the container pointer, packs it into a gray fabric cover, fastened with zipper and secures the back wraps of the stops. - He sat like a glove. We were not wrong.

  - I agree. - Having said that, Shepard left the commander's cabin. Leaving the laser pointer in his cabin, the captain met with Legion, Mark, Olivia and Alix information in the Hall frigate, cruiser, discussed with th
em the details and options on Rannoch action plan. Then held a short briefing with a group of Lieutenant Alenko, particularly pointing out that it is necessary to fully cover kiborgess, Legion and Tali.

  - Shuttle quarian fleet arrived. On board - Admiral Tali Zora. - I reported to the watch frigate, cruiser.

  Shepard met Zora on the ladder in the hangar. Embracing captain Tali paused, enjoying the proximity of so dear to her reason. This time she was wearing a heavy suit to normal, respecting the rights of stealth for officers of army units - there was no sign of her admiral's rank and status. Sending Chakwas to Tali and Michel, Shepard went into the cockpit, gave Jeff characteristics designator.

  - Hitting all the "Taniksami" - break the cover, Captain. - Jeff said with conviction, will drive the numbers in the designated field on their small screen console. - Clever little thing, one can see that's exclusive. - Pilot glanced at the cover on the back of Shepard. - You really do good work there, otprygnite away behind a boulder some to fragments not flogged. Well, Captain?

  - I'll try. And you, Jeff, try to do so that our gunners were able to get into the "shrimp" more precisely. Desirable - right in the main radiating element.

  - Good problem. I love these. - I noted with satisfaction Moro. - I'll try, of course.

  - Okay. - Shepard came out of the cockpit and went to the CIC. After talking with the gunners and lokatorschikami with skanerschikami, he agreed with them procedures for the attack on the base cover storage Reapers and Reaper himself. BIC experts promised to do everything to ensure accuracy in both attacks. New sighting them interested, having familiarized with its characteristics, specialists in satisfaction poschёlkali languages. The device they definitely liked.

  Going into the engineering compartment Shepard thanked Adams and his engineers for creating such a perfect weapon, and then returned to him. We had to repeatedly check the weapons, equipment, suit to eliminate the slightest problems and malfunctions. There, on Rannoch, will not be able to be distracted by little things. There will have to confront the Reapers.


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