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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 133

by Theodore Daniels

  - They're really mad. - Shepard looked at the next change in the situation on instrumentrona screen. - Pilot, you can see them?

  - Yes. They further anger the Reaper. And Kalros will not be happy. - Said Croghan. - Change the landing area?

  - Yes. As close as possible to the reaper and the Old Town. - The captain looked on-screen options. - Here. - He sent a copy of brushed instrumentron card to the driver. He threw the file to the console, opened:

  - Clear. Perform? - Driver Croghan respectfully looked at the man, so quick decisions.

  - Yes. - Captain instrumentron closed.

  Turian flew fighters were clearly visible from the cabin window. Rising from the bench, Shepard went to the door, I began to observe how the fighters are trying to damage its thin body Reaper guns and machine guns. He knew that this was also observed specialists from the cruiser and a frigate, but they will not interfere in what is happening - if turians decided to have fun, then this - their choice.

  Reaper took out a small laser beam is one of the fighters, he lost control, spun, flew in the direction of the approaching shuttle, scored with decent acceleration. Croghan pilot could barely avoid a collision.

  - All planted me here. - Ordered Shepard, opening salon door sash. - And at once - back.

  - You - can. Here - the territory of the nearest clan. - The pilot said. - We have already seen, one hopes that we will take. I gave that drops you off and fly away.

  - Good. - The captain had seen the temple and gathered on the square in the krogan armor and weapons. - Do not sit, just Reduce up to five meters.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Fulfill the wishes of the pilot spectrum and fell, putting the car in the slow drift. - Done.

  - All. Fly away. - Shepard jumped, aiming to the roof of a building prihramovogo to which was only three meters. After landing, he waved his hand and the shuttle headed back sharply.

  - Human. - I climbed onto the roof of one of the soldiers-krogan. - Shepard?

  - Yes. - Captain silently opened the valve on the suit, showed a "star" of the spectrum.

  - You are waiting at the bottom. - A warrior, evidently conveyed an image alien leader and received additional instructions. - I'll take you.

  - Good.

  Approaching the area, Shepard felt a growing dissatisfaction with the soldiers. It was necessary to conduct a difficult negotiation: to break into the Old City had is now on the ground, and there alone to do it was almost nothing - Huskies could crush any alien just numbers.

  - This man got a right to be in a clan Urdnot. - Said the soldier, who accompanied Captain. - He came to deal with the Reaper.

  - We can not risk it. - Said one of the soldiers. - One Reaper - it is understandable, but there are now Kalros. And in a third krogan battle can not be.

  - The battle has not yet begun. - Said the captain. - Kalros not yet come to grips with Reaper as it can.

  - You have killed many threshers, Captain? - I asked to stay in central area of a person other Croghan. - We have heard that you shy away from battles with the thresher.

  - It's true. I shy away, because no one thresher at me did not attack. - Captain confirmed the assumption krogan by wrapping its meaning to their advantage

  - A Akuza? - Asked another Croghan. - The Extranet is full of data that you got under there threshers.

  - They provoked. - Shepard said shortly, not wanting to go into detail.

  - And how can provoke Thresher? - There was another young voice. Apparently, it was a warrior, just passed the initiation.

  - Attacked him alone, for example. Or - to try to shoot at him with a weapon of the weak. Or take other actions provoking nature.

  - Cleverly put it, Captain. - Said the leader of the clan approached. - But I do not see that my soldiers you believe. But without faith, I can not send them into battle, so they diverted the local husks.

  - Chief, car prepared? - Shepard did not want to engage in an altercation with the head of the clan on the "moral" of disagreement.

  - All that we discussed with Rex - done. - Confirmed the leader of the clan. - But my soldiers are willing to fight with the Huskies on foot.

  - Then two waves will be needed. First go to the machines, and the fire will clear the way, and the other foot soldiers will follow. Their share also will be plenty of enemies.

  - Can and will, but what about the faith? - The leader of the clan did not want to leave the affected subject.

  - There, under the feet of the shrimp - Shepard pointed toward the towering Reaper. - Is yours kroganskoe. main planetary sanctuary. We, the people, it is assumed that such a presence. - Captain pointed to the Reaper. - Offends such a place. Insult demands vengeance. And this place must be free from contamination. Because it is - a holy place.

  - There can not shoot. - Said one of the soldiers standing close by.

  - You can not. - Confirmed the captain. - Under normal conditions. And now unusual conditions. And because you can shoot at enemies and need.

  - I do not know. What if the gods do not approve krogan. - Said another soldier Croghan.

  - You will be a long dispute with the captain ?! - A woman's voice and saw Shepard appeared on the steps of Eve. - It is, man, come here alone, and you krogan lot. You - the soldiers. And it is - a warrior. A warrior lives for battle. The temple must be purified - Captain rights. And for this we need to be closer to the temple. The rest will do the captain himself.

  - Good. - The leader of the clan, thought, gave some orders. - Have it your way, Shepard. Make two waves - a walking and by car. Looking for twenty minutes.

  Shepard nodded, seeing him approaching Eve. Kroganka nodded:

  - Stubborn? - She asked, stopping next to the spectrum and looking at the soldiers, are already being built in the column. Several dozen krogan headed to areas where belts were. - Nothing, but in front of them waiting for the battle.

  - Reasonable. - Shepard said. - They need time to prepare.

  - It is that they have. You want to use the Veil tower to spray vaccine over the planet? - Eva asked.

  - Yes. - Shepard studied looked at Reaper. Shrimp froze, pumping extinguishing fires lasers. The main gun was hidden under the flaps. For him, Reaper did not see a worthy goal.

  - It's - the last tower, the Captain. She played the role of supervisor and installer of climate on our planet for a long time. - Eve said thoughtfully.

  - I think, for her - is a worthy death. It will bring the latest benefit of the planet, and you, its reasonable inhabitants. - Shepard said, reloading his rifle. - We have to wait.

  - Will wait. - Said kroganka, seeing the departure of the leader of the clan. - I hope that with the departure of the Reaper and the destruction of the tower the life of this clan member becomes a little calmer ... or something. Hardly - it is easier.

  - May be. - Confirmed the captain, looking at to come instrumentrone files.

  We had to wait for longer than promised. Shepard had already realized that it is dependent on transport - he really did not want to intrude on the mother of all major possessions threshers - she had a right to independence and loneliness. At the same time, the captain realized that the situation could happen in every one, so thinking about what should be done, if you still have to walk through the Old Town district.

  - Man, our transport is ready. - Approached krogan warrior was laconic. - For you, there is room, but the Reaper can notice the car.

  - Maybe. Therefore, we try to break through. - Shepard stepped to the messenger, he turned around, intending to leave.

  - Break? - That's our man. - Croghan approvingly smiled, revealing his shark's mouth. - Maybe it is true that you are bold.

  - May be. - Shepard tried to keep pace with the krogan, sent to staying pootdal armed kroganskim conveyors.

  After taking the above driver's seat, the captain waited until the door closed. Herald said something to the driver of the machine, he disappeared into the cockpit and jumped up conveyor.

  Loopholes in the car was not krogan r
elied more on the permanently installed two machine guns, did not practice shooting out of the car with his small arms. Maybe they just did not like to weaken bronekokon conveyor. Shepard stared at the floor, waiting for the road and feeling the tremors suspension.

  There was a blow jolted the conveyor, the driver swerved. Sitting closest to Croghan old driver said something, then the machine, again turning sharply stopped. The door opened, two krogan warrior, having prepared shotguns, went quickly to the outside ,. A minute later, one of them peered into the cabin, waved his paw, showing that the outside is clean and have to leave.

  Shepard left the car penultimate - last out old Croghan. Looking around, the captain noticed that the road ahead is not - Reaper, noticing movement, hit the small lasers and now the road crosses a crack, through which to move the car could not.

  - There is a bypass road, but it is - a long time. She goes through the outskirts of the city. - The leader and saw and realized what had happened. - I give you the five young warriors. You - commander, and they want to take part in a real business under the guidance of an experienced warrior. - The chief made a sign, and lined up near five krogan. - They will help you break through the dungeon of the Old City, and we have picked up on the road that separates the two parts. There, too, there is a temple complex, he was alone. I sent you. - Old Croghan instrumentronom clicked. - Last card, extracted by our scouts.

  - Good. - Shepard looked at his companions. - Let's not waste time. - He has seen the entrance to the dungeon a hundred and fifty meters away - the arrow on the plan indicated the same direction. - Come on.

  Krogan posedovali him, went two sides, three - clearly stayed behind. Soon the entrance portal is left behind. The roar of engines carriers notified the captain that the car went to the old road. It was necessary to hurry and Shepard including searchlights on the shoulders of his suit. It has become more comfortable, anyway imagined all in the dark.

  - They say, here lives Kalros. This is her dungeon. - One of the young krogan have a paw on a mural. - This picture ... I was told about it. I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes. - Croghan even stopped for a few seconds. - What is the mother of all, this is a huge threshers. - Respectfully noted warrior. - If she will attack the "shrimp" - quite possibly, she would win. There can not win. It is the most powerful on the planet. Now I'm convinced of this.

  The rest of the krogan and Shepard, considering the image remained silent.

  The mural was left behind. Unclear hum caused ahead, forced to repay the captain abruptly spotlight. Thicken the darkness made the sound more clearly.

  - It Kalros walks nearby. - Other Croghan said. - I've heard such a sound. However, not in the dungeons.

  Nobody said nothing - the group continued to move. Probably krogan this tentative plan was referred too - the usual caution, because it is not known who will be able to come to the surface. The plan turned out that the portal is located at the Garden. There once was a man-made reservoir and nearby - the oldest trees on Tuchanka. It is unlikely that there remained intact.

  - Some kind of a corpse, captain. - One of the soldiers came to something blackish ahead. Shepard did not include spotlights suit and krogan perfectly do without light, as befits the soldiers and predators. - Never seen.

  Hardly zateplilas spotlight, Shepard looked at the corpse. It was once the beetle rachni. Present. Now Husk corpse lay in front of him. Ensnare hoses beetle bore on itself two laser infantry unit. Weapons for the infantry, especially - the enemy, terrible in its destructive force - any suit, even heavy, reveals very quickly, especially if you get there just under the dual beam. Salvation opponent from this fire was only in the fact that, as Synthetic reported receiving regularly all new and new information about the created Reapers warriors supporters, the former bug rachni was slow in movement, and in aiming. it also took a long time to save energy. But he shot accurately and quickly. Do not have time to go - he has become a corpse.

  - Suck it some. On the mummy does not like. - Approached one of the soldiers, he stared. - In the light even looks different. We have not met before such. So, the Reapers have already managed to send a new form on the planet.

  - Moving on. - Shepard finished filming a corpse. - We need to find a large staircase. According to the plan, it can be here only one - in this part of the dungeon is located closest to only one exit. - Heard the hum again, produced, no doubt, a huge body foremothers threshers. - Come on. - Captain resolutely walked down the aisle, leaving the spotlight pritushennymi to a minimum.

  On the way to the stairs leading to the surface, the group found two more murals. One of them was represented, of course, krogan worshiping foremothers threshers, on the other - the scene of the fight with krogan Kalros. Many krogan and the only "molotilschitsa". Fresco, of course, wore a rather sketchy, but the moment was captured impressive scale battle.

  - And we were told that krogan never engage in a Kalros. - Said quietly one of the krogan. - Now I can say that there is a fresco, which depicts a scene krogan fight against Kalros.

  - And what you'll get, Uzek? - Asked the other partner Croghan. - Will come here envoys leader and mural will either be smeared or destroyed. And you'll be the laughing stock of the clan.

  - I saw this scene and remembered. - Stubbornly Uzek said. - And no one can prove to me that I saw it in delirium or after good rinkola buckets.

  - Prove you Uzek, nobody will not do anything. - The conversation took another krogansky warrior. - You just told to keep quiet and forget about it. And you perform this order.

  Shepard did not interfere in the conversation with your fellow travelers. He tried to combine a real course on which there was a group, with the mosaic, which was recorded on the plan. It turned out it's bad - had to wander several times come across dead ends, several times had to go back because the moves were overwhelmed. Krogan did not complain - understood that Kalros is at home and all those built by generations of matriarchs krogan dungeon threshers are of no value.

  The first saw the light of one of the krogan. Warrior stride, but ran forward, holding their place in the group. Shepard said the combination of the output that was depicted on the plan, and also quickened his pace. None of the soldiers at this time did not say anything. The staircase, wide and steep, led a group under the arch. Pausing for a few minutes, Shepard noted that his teammates also stopped and froze.

  - Finally, I saw what was previously seen only in pictures. - Said one of the soldiers. - So Tuchanka indeed once buried in greenery. Few of krogan saw it, man. We know more about those who have been lianopodobnymi trees of their country only from the stories and the few images. We almost never happens in the Old Town. It is valuable to us, but few dare to come here, disturbing the peace and solitude Kalros.

  There was a rumble of moving zmeechervya already become accustomed. From the height was clearly visible, as in the movement of underground rock formations Kalros lifts, breaks and destroys the structure of the plates huge stone city. Krogan with undisguised respect looked like moving Kalros.

  - I see a flock of husks. - I reported to one of the soldiers, who stood closest to the trail descends steeply to the ruins of the Old Town. - They are clearly involved in our appearance.

  - To combat. - Ordered a senior krogan group before does not manifest itself seniority. The leader of the clan wisely appointed the eldest of the krogan - hardly lizards, especially the young, would immediately begin to listen and obey a foreigner, even more so - the short-lived individual.

  He heard the clicks vzvodimyh gates, scanned the krogan their shotguns, reloaded shops. - A lot of them. - Said a senior checking their weapons. - Three - forward, one - to look for the flanks and rear. Stay behind. You, the person will go to the center, next to me. I know that you wish to shoot. I do not mind, but do not break ranks.

  - Good. - Shepard readily agreed. In the end, he - the guest and krogan fight here for months, if not years. The war has just begun. And now, it was important not to show their prowess and their readiness and res
olve the main problem - to remove from the tower of the Veil "shrimp", so that the tower held. Otherwise you will have to engage the frigate. Representing the "Normandy" as the spray of the ship, the captain almost imperceptibly shook his head - what does not have to deal with warships. Even more so - now, during the war with such a difficult opponent.

  - Among the enemies have a lot of those, whose body we saw in the dungeon. - Said the commander-Croghan, walking beside Shepard and looking around. - Look. - He opened his instrumentron. - Here and there we can go through to get to the temple complex. But not here. Kalros plowed.

  - As long as we go. - I agreed spectrum. - And there - as it will.

  The first encounter with the Huskies was only half a kilometer from the exit of the cave. In the former rachni beetles, transformed into husks, it was strong armor, but most unpleasant - very powerful shots. Shepard saw how got under a shot Croghan his group remained alive and well, but his suit has lost much of the force field shields. Generators could not stand the load.

  - Rebuild. Will you come with us. - Calmly reacted to the senior group. Croghan went, trying to go there and in the leg, he was clearly uncomfortable to take a place in the center of the circle group, but ordered a senior, he could not dispute. In a combat situation, Shepard remembered, for it relied immediate execution. Morals have kroganskih soldiers were severe. And now the senior group performed a key position received the order - in any way but to bring Shepard to the temple complex of the Old Town. And then the group could act on its plan, the existence of which man-earthling know not supposed to do, as well as about the contents of the plan.

  Former beetles rachni krogan we dubbed the spoiler, as seen - these enemies do not kill immediately, but only warrior left defenseless, devastating charges shields fields. The group went forward, almost hiding, ignoring the shelter. Straight shooting shotguns testified that the young krogan warriors have been excellent training and are not recruits. However, for several decades essentially capable to live a hundred years without much effort and have run at least another hundred years of active life, it would be difficult not to become a professional in his chosen field of activity.


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