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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 141

by Theodore Daniels

  "Shumel severely Bryansk dog,

  Blue mist descended.

  And pine heard the neighborhood,

  How to go to win the guerrillas. "

  Almost without pause, Shepard continued guerrilla topic and it was evident that a new song is more understandable krogan:

  "Oh, my fogs, rastumany,

  Oh, native forests and meadows!

  Care in guerrilla campaign,

  Care to march on the enemy.


  Care in guerrilla campaign,

  Care to march on the enemy.

  In parting, the heroes said:

  Expect good news.

  And on the old Smolensk road

  We met the intruders.


  And on the old Smolensk road

  We met the intruders.

  Met - fire treated,

  Forever laid in the woods.

  For our great sorrow,

  For fuel our tears.


  For our great sorrow,

  For fuel our tears.

  Since then yes across the district on

  Lost villains peace:

  Day and night the guerrilla blizzard

  Over roving buzzing head.


  Day and night the guerrilla blizzard

  Over roving buzzing head. "

  The appearance of the room Alenko lieutenant and Corporal Jenkins was swift and at the same time - quiet and inconspicuous. Going to Svetlana, the two officers courteously bowed in silence to her, standing next to Shepard. The captain looked at them, took a new chord is sounded and a new song, familiar normandovtsam and, as hoped otryadovtsy, understandable for krogan:

  "Here, the birds do not sing the trees do not grow

  And once we grow side by side in the land here

  Lights and spinning planet

  on our homeland smoke

  And that means we need one win

  One for all, we pay the price

  One for all, we pay the price

  We are waiting for a fatal fire

  And yet he is powerless

  Doubt takes away the night separate

  Tenth, our commando battalion

  Tenth, our commando battalion

  As soon as the battle waned sounds another order

  And the postman goes crazy looking for us

  Red Rocket takes off

  Beats gun tireless

  And that means we need one win

  One for all, we pay the price

  One for all, we pay the price

  We are waiting for a fatal fire

  And yet he is powerless

  Doubt takes away the night separate

  Tenth, our commando battalion

  Tenth, our commando battalion

  From Kursk and Orel war has brought us

  Before most of the enemy gates such cases the brother

  Someday we remember it

  And do not believe themselves

  But now we need one win

  One for all, we pay the price

  One for all, we pay the price

  We are waiting for a fatal fire

  And yet he is powerless

  Doubt takes away the night separate

  Tenth, our commando battalion

  Tenth, our commando battalion. "

  This song was a bit of normandovtsah little about volgovtsah and all reasonable Organics, who now had to contend with the invaders in their native planets in small units, inflicting damage and permanently weaken the enemy. When the voice of the captain added their voices lieutenant and a corporal, Rex, too, began to sing, feeling in my heart is enhanced confidence in defeating the Reapers and their accomplices. Svetlana and Baqarah not singing along, listening as the men sing

  Without pause Shepard succeeded manner of performance. Chords steel cutting, beating the soul:

  "Warm place, but the streets are waiting

  Fingerprint of our legs,

  Star dust on his boots.

  Easy chair, plaid,

  Do not just pressed the trigger,

  Sunny day in the dazzling dreams.

  Blood type on a sleeve,

  My serial number on the sleeve,

  Wish me luck in the fight,

  Wish me

  Do not stay in this grass,

  Do not stay in this grass,

  Wish me luck,

  Wish me luck."

  Kaidan and Richard picked up the chorus of the song. Bacharach and Svetlana listened, their faces zakameneli, sharpened features. Whatever it was, the men in battle always went first, and the women were waiting and hoping, to educate children and to keep the warmth of the hearth.

  "And there you pay, but I do not want

  Victory at all costs,

  I will not want to put his foot on his chest,

  I would like to stay with you,

  Just stay with you.

  But high in the sky a star

  Calling me in a way.

  Blood type on a sleeve,

  My serial number on the sleeve,

  Wish me luck in the fight,

  Wish me

  Do not stay in this grass,

  Do not stay in this grass,

  Wish me luck,

  Wish me luck."

  Taking the last sharp chord Shepard leaned over the guitar, fingers not so quickly scurried across the strings and the tune was different, calm and measured. Standby Power forthcoming battle, heavy combat was replaced by a picture of the perception of unexpected silence, whether it be a pause in the crossfire or shelling:

  "Ironically, in the days of war

  There are moments of silence,

  When the fighting dies down tiredly

  And the gaps are almost inaudible.

  And we are in the days of the war,

  Silence stunned.

  This is what happens in war -

  We are in the trenches, dreams,

  Dream of our pre-war village,

  Where the lights are lit in the windows.

  And in the dugout during the Warriors

  Breathe the world of our dreams.

  As foreseen in advance

  Difficult path rifle companies,

  Who reaches near the crossing,

  Someone comes up to the victory?

  As foreseen in advance,

  What else awaits you? "

  Continuing the theme of calm, Shepard looked at the lieutenant and a corporal, they nodded, giving the captain the opportunity to sing a new song in the solo version:

  "Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,

  Let the soldiers sleep for a while.

  And he came to us on the front spring,

  The soldiers had no time for sleep,

  Not because the gun hit,

  And because once again sing.

  Forgetting that the fighting here goes,

  Sing Crazy nightingales.

  Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,

  Let the soldiers sleep for a while. "

  Svetlana moved away from John and went to Bacharach. Kroganka looked at the dugout, understood it without words and a woman standing nearby, began to listen to the song. Kaidan and supported Richard John, a chorus singing the chorus to the song.

  "But the war for the nightingale,

  In fact the nightingale's own life,

  Not sleeping soldiers, remembering the house,

  And garden green over the pond.

  Where the nightingales sing all night,

  And in the house waiting for the soldier.

  Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,

  Let the soldiers sleep for a while.

  And tomorrow will fight again

  Oh, so assigned fate,

  To us go, nedolyubili,

  From our wives from our cornfields.

  But with each step in the battle

  We are closer to home in their native land.

ightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,

  Let the soldiers sleep for a while.

  Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers,

  Let the soldiers sleep for a while. "

  Again without pause Shepard took a new chord. Smooth, muted melody filled the space of the room. Catching consonants nods Kaidan and Richard, the captain began to sing:

  "With birch inaudible, weightless

  Fly yellow leaf,

  Vintage Waltz "Autumn Dream"

  He is playing the accordion.

  Sighed, complaining, bass,

  And as if in a trance

  Sit and listen to the soldiers,

  My comrades.

  Under this waltz spring day

  We went in a circle,

  Under this waltz in the land of their own

  We loved friends,

  Under this waltz we caught

  Points favorite light

  Under this waltz we grieved

  When no girlfriend.

  And he again sounded

  In the woods near the front,

  And everyone listened in silence

  What a dear,

  And every thought of her,

  Remembering that spring,

  And everyone knew - the road to it

  It leads through the war. "

  Those who knew the song Alenko Jenkins and John consistently supported:

  "So then, friends, since it's our turn -

  Be strong steel!

  Let our hearts not freeze,

  Do not tremble hand.

  May the light and joy of previous meetings

  We shine in the hour,

  And if the ground will have to go,

  So there is only once.

  But even death in the fire, the smoke

  Fighter will not fear,

  And who put

  Let each make.

  The turn, it's time has come -

  Come on, friends, let's go!

  For all that we lived yesterday,

  For all that wait for tomorrow. "

  Final Shepard lyrics sung one. Alenko Jenkins and listened attentively mastered hiding their feelings and trying not to show emotions:

  "With birch inaudible, weightless

  Fly yellow leaf,

  Vintage Waltz "Autumn Dream"

  He is playing the accordion.

  Sighed, complaining, bass,

  And as if in a trance

  Sit and listen to the soldiers,

  My comrades. "

  After finishing playing, Shepard put down the guitar, stood up. Rex came to him, silently held out his hand. Shepard reached out, felt a strong affectional handshake. Baqarah hugged Svetlana. Words are not needed. It was not a concert, it was just a performance of expensive and clear songs in a circle of good friends and acquaintances.

  A few minutes later, Rex and Baqarah gone. Following a quarter of an hour gone Alenko and Jenkins. Svetlana came to John, who was standing at the table and packed the guitar case, and embraced him, pressed, came to a standstill. His singing, his game as Shepard told her personally that she did not feel the need to say something out loud, knowing that he will understand it without words. So they stood for a few minutes. Carefully freed from the hugs of his wife, the captain sat down, turned on instrumentron:

  - Svetlana, rest. You have to eat and sleep. - Shepard turned.

  - Again, put me to bed, Joe? - Gently asked Streltsov.

  - While you're here - please, rest a little more. And besides sleep is nothing more natural to relax the people have not yet invented. - Continued the captain in a low voice. - So that...

  - Okay, John. - Svetlana sat on the bed, monkey gave the opportunity to sit down and closed her eyes. - I sleep already, do not worry.

  - Go to sleep. A relaxing stay. - Shepard turned to the screen. Cause time - hour fun. It was necessary to work with the incoming information. The service continued.

  Typing text reading sent messages, Shepard thought about Gryunt. Rex, no doubt, sent him to the most complex and difficult military operation - otherwise simply could not be - Gryunt has already proved its readiness tribesmen and their perfection. Now he was not the only krogan, not carrying a genophage. When he returns, he will be able to see a variety of healthy and strong fellow, but still remains one of the best warriors, and the warriors are very krogan will need a very long time. Shepard was a little anxious - Gryunt really wanted to participate in the present case and will carefully treat entrusted him the leader of the clan task responsibly and passionately. Rex was right in refusing to talk to the captain, where and why he sent Gryunt: less reasonable,

  We had to prepare to return to the Citadel. Normandovtsy included in the landing party, we had already received notice about the need to collect things and be ready for planting in shuttle.

  On the screen appeared instrumentrona text message icon. Sender was the son of the Primarch Palaven. The message informs the lieutenant that he and his soldiers came to assault shuttles transport. All dead Turian evacuated to Palaven and buried, with all the military honors. Lieutenant Shepard thanked for the cooperation and understanding, handed their official communication codes and expressed the hope that they will again and again to meet and socialize.

  After reading the message, Shepard said a brief semi-official. Now he did not want to feed excessive expectations - the lieutenant was too young and maloopyten, and yet the war on the borders of Space Hierarchy has gained more and more acute.

  A few hours - and instrumentron received a call from Anderson. Svetlana woke up quickly slipped into the shower, got dressed in the suit already. Shepard helped her gather stacking, shook outstretched foot monkey, grabbed their styling and pilings of the wife, heading for the exit. Svetlana escorted to her commander's shuttle, Shepard gave the older group and the protection of its styling, saluted and walked away, allowing the driver to the shuttle pick up the car in the air.

  Watched flies on the shuttle into orbit, the captain went to his shuttle, near which were already two Turian and proteanin with salarians. Mordin as usual worked instrumentrone, not wanting to waste time doing nothing. It was noticeable that he stay on Tuchanka satisfied - he's got a lot of dreams and theories on which he will work all the time the way to the main station of the Milky Way.

  Chakwas, Michelle and nurses flew a little earlier - Anderson sent them a passenger shuttle with three Marines for security. Earlier doctors flew Synthetic - Olivia Alix Tuchanka flew on for a few hours to help engineers and technicians in their work.

  Tuchanka left behind. Troop ships went farther and farther away, heading to the Citadel.

  The war against the Reapers. The first months of

  Liara. Tessa

  Liara woke up with a jerk, as if pulled herself for processes of some of the viscous swamps. She again had nightmares, which she fortunately forgotten, scarcely awake. Look slid out of the window - the sky bloomed Tess flashes of explosions. Parent planet fighting, not allowing the enemy to their surface. Dozens of large, medium, and hundreds of thousands of small ships, hastily armed, equipped with something like trained crews and mixed fleets in different size, covered home planet asari from attempts to small and medium sized fleets of the Reapers and their supporters to get to the planet.

  After washing, Liara went into the kitchen. Having prepared a simple breakfast, she calmly ate it, cleaned up the dishes, looked at the calendar. It took several decades, and it seemed that the time of peace was over a few centuries ago. Going into the study, the asari by displaying instrumentrona schedule to do today and in the coming days. The three main things - information firm, militia unit asari and research unit of the Institute of Special Azariyskogo problems. Today these three areas was important only one thing - information firm. About the others, too, should not be forgotten - the youngest T'Slni tried not to schedule unnecessary cases.

  Going, Liara meticulously checked the apartment, not wanting to add yourself problems and issues - there was
no certainty that it will be back here. Coming out of the apartment, locked the door asari, sadly thinking that thieves are now more active than ever before. And, although the police Tess worked in emergency mode, it is, as always, did not help the law-abiding residents of the capital of the planet feel safe.

  The company has met its usual rhythm. Sitting in his office in the desk chair, Liara has adopted the reports of department heads, by displaying the information on the most complex orders. Benešov fulfilled his promise - now Liara had a brokerage company and informational search and information processing Liara liked more than to dig in the ground, searching for traces of ancient civilizations. Although the war against the Reapers gradually took away more and more resources, ordinary life demanded and tried to get his - asari need for intermediaries, who can work in the information ocean, especially now, when the communication channels are in the sights of various thugs and hackers, as many bond data banks became very unstable. So with the domestic and public instrumentronov found in surviving segments Extranet necessary data often became simply impossible task. Because Liara business flourished and brought a small but steady income.

  A few hours spent on something to solve a couple of complex queries. At such moments, the younger T'Soni forget about everything, even to eat and could not leave the chair for hours, riding on it from the keyboard to the keyboard and from screen to screen. She loved the work given entirely, knowing that solving the next task will be able to give yourself a little rest, a little, because it does so not only for pleasure but also for the benefit of compatriots and tribeswoman.

  At noon, she left the office by giving female employees new tasks for the second half of the day and for the next few days - Liara accustomed themselves to a permanent understanding: it can not simply return, and the firm must continue to operate. War.


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