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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 143

by Theodore Daniels

  - Well, Lee. You have, consider convinced. Be careful and remember only that you ... - d'Avignon did not finish as Liara, startled, finished the sentence for her:

  - Yes, I remember, there are limitations. But this - is the war in which I can not take part. Active participation. We are all in this war fighting - and those who are up in arms, and those in laboratories and office desks. For all of the war is one and the same time - it is different for everyone. For me it is - this, as I have already said. War will change - change me. But I do not want to die just did not want to be killed Otryadovtsy not want to be killed Svetlana and John ... - Liara sobbed. - Sorry. I probably talk too confusing.

  - You say that that there is no doubt of your sincerity and honesty, Lee. - Etita said. - Are you really convinced us, my daughter. And now - let's get to the side.

  - Obey. - Liara sighed. - To have time tomorrow to the landfill. We have a lesson in the morning.

  - Tell me when you wake up. - Benešov got.

  - At five in the morning, Mom. At five in the morning. - Liara splashed his face from the water scoop, hand rubbed. Forces wash to complete the program she has not really had, but in the soul reigned a strange and pleasant calm - she said aloud to myself the most expensive reasonable that held deep inside. If they understand it, then it's fine. The main thing - it is necessary to give them time to think Liara said. This can not be immediately covered in full, you can not just take all the senses.

  Falling asleep, Liara habitually brought to mind the image of John and gently enveloping his radiance, quietly said to myself important words: "I love you, John Shepard and wish you happiness and victory over the enemies..."

  Convinced that her daughter sleeps, d'Avignon and Etita returned to the kitchen. Closed the door, they sat down at the table.

  - What do you think, Ben? - Asked Etita.

  - I think that in love Liara and managed to keep the love. This is not the reckless youthful infatuation. This is - the love of a mature, hard-won. I do not know just where Lee takes strength to maintain such a strong and deep feeling. - I said d'Avignon. - She's too young for that. In my opinion - is the level of matrons. And she is still - virgin.

  - Maybe it's the sense of self supports Liara? - Quiet asked Etita.

  - May be. Without love Liara ... Shepard will not feel fully realized. - Benešov got up, walked to the window. - Whether the right, the Reapers will not leave asari alone. In our whole race ahead of heavy fighting. And Liara right in saying that we, all the asari, these battles have to prepare now. Do you think maybe you and I do agree on the teaching of biotics on courses? After all, the commanders of the militias have not so easy to fall behind. And Liara will be quieter - we will be under the protection of themselves and learn how to shoot and everything else.

  - I do not know, Ben. - Etita went to his wife. - You're probably right. We, too, need to throw the pension limitations. We may not like the old you and I to sit at home and receive almost nothing making it a small social benefit. I do not deny it to us enough and even remains to make small savings, but I myself recently looking at Liara, I feel lousy. She's helping us both financially and morally, but we only accept and receive. We must and we also connect and start something to give. Time has changed.

  - That's tomorrow and start, as you put it, to connect. - Benešov away from the window to see if water and other cranes and off Power distributors. - In the meantime, let's sleep. Liara I'll wake up at four to five she had already - because she was worried, afraid of being late. Walking distance to go - will long, and discipline the militia have increasingly compared with the military. One name only - the militia, but in reality - the army.

  - Let's sleep. - Supported Etita.

  Legion and Tali. Rannoch

  - Lay down, you again? - Tali was unhappy. - I love you for days and not see decades.

  - Tali, I have a job to do now. - Het shifted from foot to foot, expressing impatience and continued. - Yes, now geth have the same program as me, but they need to control and direct, they need to bring up. And it can not be done from time to time, it should be done continuously and systematically. Believe me, I'd really like to stay close longer, but - work is work.

  Tali sadly looked at the Legion. Yes, at times, and now - very often, he became impenetrable. It is sincerely hoped that he would spend more time with her, and he was the last decade did nothing that flew, or moved from place to place. No, he was not idle, and not only because he is - a machine and doing nothing can not. He just took over the leadership roles and all other geth recognized his rule. And if he head, you have to know everything, and everything is happening, and in the same moment as it happens. Do not just know, and control many processes.

  Yes, significantly helped geta quarians. Now quarians had its shipyard, its docks, its spaceports and three new frigate class ships were built. Tali If someone said that the frigate medium size can be built within a decade, she would have considered this a reasonable joker or a very narrow-minded, if not an uneducated man. Maybe he considered it reasonable that a crank. But three ships Klas frigate fully armed and ready for further in flights existed in reality - Legion almost forced to go aboard the Tali each and younger Zora could not refuse it to his friend. Once on board, it is on each frigate held for several days, so impressed by what she had enough of these experiences for the next decade.

  Sometimes Tali just do not understand how the geth take materials, equipment and everything you need. Legion did not devote it to these minor details in his opinion and often Tali was grateful friend for this concealment.

  Quarians gradually mastered the ground structure, returning to the city saved geth, many settled in their former homes and apartments. Now robots build underground shelters - land they considered too fragile.

  Council Admirals arising at the site of the former military governing body instructed the youngest fleet quarian Zor conducting all work to geth. Many admirals headed the technical, industrial and agricultural tips, two admirals became heads of the military and civilian squadrons, which included only vehicles tested geth and recognized "almost new." The rest of the ships stood in the dock for repairs and refitting.

  Citizens Conclave is also divided into two parts - ground and naval. Quarians felt that it would be better. Get used to the terrestrial life was hard. Among the expected quarians it turned many of those who could not bring himself to accept the need to co-exist with the geth, seeing them not as servants, but as equal partners. Among quarians were many of those who, for purely medical reasons was unable to live on the planet - the adaptation to the conditions of existence of the ship's gone too far. Among quarians and turned many of those who simply could not yet definitively decide where they will also better and more convenient to stay permanently - on ships or on the surface of the home planet. There were also those who feared the prospects of underground existence - for them it was even more difficult to accept and understand,

  Tali did not know the rest, the information on it collapsed waterfall. Quarian Admiral mastered trassory speed, and flew with the drivers, and the drivers geth-quarians, and she ran trassorami if the need arises. And yet time was extremely small. Yes, and constantly refines and re-examine reports from the fronts of the fight against the Reapers did not please. Increasingly, Tali thought about the time when the race quarians will be closed in the blockade and forced to fight in complete isolation.

  Leaders Youth Union quarian too complicated - now the Union also consisted of two parts - the naval and ground. Yes, there were two deputy Tali, but they refused to share in the management of two additional part, remained at the head of the female and male parts of the Union. The appearance of two other leaders, was oriented on the management of land and naval units would split with the guarantee and the Union's hopes for a successful preparation for the confrontation with the reapers. So here Tali had to contrive to speak and obedinitelnitsey and coordinator, and delve into the military and civilian specifics.

  Geta built and equipped the position FFP
quarians-trained warriors always something improved, upgraded, replaced in weapons systems. Positions were built a long-term field of defense, which immediately sent quarians units. It supposed to conduct battles on Rannoch surface. Though this prospect quarians most adults did not try to argue, seeing on the extranet all its frightening realism.

  If only the Legion refused to stay longer next to Tali, it would be even able to understand it, because it is - the machine, but the fiance ... No sooner had quarians feel that they are actually returned to Rannoch and now have regained the mother planet as he disappeared, lost in work. Yes, Tali remembered that men work - all this, but what is painful and difficult to reconcile with their own desires, because she wanted him to, her husband, was there as long as possible and as often as possible. It was possible to come to terms with the fact that there is a period of adjustment that is quarians only develop, but such a long separation. Or perhaps people are right, that separation is best to check the strength and depth of feelings, including such as love?

  Tali struggled to find a case more difficult to not constantly thinking about the Legion or the groom. Strange, but it calls quarian just fiance, he avoids calling him by name. Increasingly, she disappears from his father in the command center - Admiral Zora took a lead research fleet, the former Admiral decided to take over the leadership of terrestrial research divisions. Objection admirals Council is not caused, and Rael Zora established itself as the sole commander of the Navy Scientific. And there was always a lot of work, very different - from very rough to the most advanced. And Tali spent on board ships Scientific Navy long hours and sometimes days.

  Does she think about Shepard? Of course. As with the groom in her relationship ... to say the least - and froze yet Tali did not believe in the probability of rupture, the thought of John helped her not to jump to conclusions and not to take rash actions. She knew that the very first, who loved John, Svetlana was not, and Liara. And I know that asari still loves the captain, and he ... he felt Tali loves Liara. And Svetlana, the wife of Shepard, mother of his children, does not prevent it. Apparently feeling Liara John and John's feelings to Liara deep enough and mature enough to Svetlana did not protest against the development of their relations.

  Azari yes, genetically and biologically capable of living with almost any other representative of the race, and have children by them, healthy and holistic mentally and physically Azahar. Many Earthlings, and representatives of other races did not object to such an outcome relations - the main thing is not only children, but also feelings. With quarians earthlings did not work. The first problem - the suits and the second ... The second is more complicated - too fundamental biological differences between the races were. So fundamental that Tali wistfully thought about the injustice of evolution - is safe for themselves very well "conditionally safe" quarians could enter into a close relationship with the only turians. And it had its own complexities. It seemed that nature itself protested against

  Thinking about all this, considering the options, Tali, more and more convinced of the rightness of Shepard: he chose to Tali is the best option - to become the wife quarian, have children from him, and if possible - that and give parental love and affection more foster children. Greater one could hardly wish to understand and Tali - Shepard is more concerned about personal comfort quarian than about his own comfort. And for that, the younger Zora Shepard was ready to love even stronger and deeper. In any case, it did not feel right to prevent such their feeling to the Earthman. Strange, but she believed that her simple quarian young admiralshi also enough warmth of heart and affection to love and fellow tribesman-husband and stranger-earthling. Tali always remembered Shepard did not get hung reasonable relationship of organic only on sex, it is important for the whole spectrum of regulatory non-sexual intercourse. Probably, this is also attracted to the captain of the many not the worst representatives of many races - he sees in women is not subject to satisfaction of men's desires and personality.

  After learning about the incident on Tuchanka, Tali was very scared in the first minute. After Shepard repeated the trick with a deadly Reaper, now without arms ran under his legs. Only later, after learning the details and making sure that the captain did not hurt the younger Zora I calmed down. Shepard remained true to himself - always perform the most difficult and the most dangerous action. Probably including this he attracted professionals. May be. May be.


  Greenskin asari remained dominated by complex feelings. Several decades of war, the inhabitants of the colony proved the rightness of it all: Hope Zhu was reliably protected even against shocks medium fleets of the Reapers, not to mention the attacks of small units accomplices giant shrimp.

  On the table Shialy Readers crowded with desperate requests for the inhabitants of other, less protected colonies to allow send to Feros ships with refugees, but Shiala hesitated, realizing that it is - a consequence of despair. Do not overload the arrangements so painstakingly debugged colony, otherwise ferostsev waiting for the fate of all the others already dead, dishonored and Peeled Plum colonies and stations. She even did not have to convince daily the validity waiting position, the administration - all councilors, which is now was responsible for more than two hundred and fifty thousand Earthlings. All the leaders of the colonies clearly understand - is to exceed the allowance of twenty-five thousand refugees here allow access to several hard fugitives laden ships - and you can say goodbye to the stability and integrity so painstakingly adjusted life.

  Colonists Ferosa fully benefited Prothean buildings - are now in the majority of towers residential and non-residential premises were built, there were numerous fully equipped underground complexes residential, warehouse and industrial purposes. Yes, you can take five thousand refugees, but it is necessary, as I understand Shiala open once here the way - and all eager to line up on Ferosa salvation to the earth, which categorically do not want to admit.

  Strict pre-selection of candidates for the settlers Ferosa also gave a positive result - there were practically no people who want only to take and do not want to give anything. All the colonists passed rigorous military and polygons practical training, and only on the quantity and quality they listen to a lecture, many military schools could only dream of. Shiala not stingy to pay for the best military instructors, both theoreticians and practitioners, even if the majority of studies conducted remotely.

  Now the colonists on their own were engaged in military research, military working laboratory, military factories and military research and production complex. Feros not going to give the Reapers, and none of the colonists could not conceive of the possibility of retreat or show slack. Of course, Shiala knew that the war had just begun. And the majority of the colonists had a firm conviction that the war would last at least a few months, maybe even years.

  Underground shelter Minister of Defence Colony - finally ferostsy ceased to sneer at this position - had only colony to withstand the first attack medium Fleets Reaper - never empty. These colonists were constantly coming with the problems of military, scientific, industrial or family and personal. None of the colonists no longer felt chuzhachkoy asari, or an alien, unable to understand the problems and feelings of earthlings. On the contrary, it often happens that non-human eyes showed the hidden opportunities and ways to solve many issues, helping to cope with anxiety and hopelessness.


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