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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 154

by Theodore Daniels

  Kasumi led their war against "Cerberus", harming him wherever possible and causing huge damage to its offices. Tserberovtsy zvereli realizing that Kasumi again escaped. Even military action did not stop her, she was accustomed to risk, and used to fight, keeping obscurity and remained elusive.

  In her mind there was a warm feeling, Kasumi constantly reminded that it is not so lonely. Yes, Keiji will always be close to her, but now she is, perhaps, the frigate on which it will not as a thief, subject to immediate arrest and transfer to the hands of law enforcement. Of course, there is a war with Reapers and Kasumi no harbors hope for the possibility in the near future appear on the "Normandy", but still it is not the loneliness is so profound and inescapable, as before. This otryadovtsy not looking for it, do not command it, and do not give out her secrets to anyone.

  It remained independent and could indulge fully his hobby. It is not just stealing it weakens enemies, and first of all - tserberovtsev. Punishing it and the rich people who refuse to sacrifice their assets in favor of the defense and resistance funds. It punishes those who indulges in debauchery and roskoshestvovaniyu in this difficult for the majority of the inhabitants of the Milky Way time. Reduces the number of those who have seen her face or even her figure - a war for that provides much more opportunities than peacetime.

  You could say that she is also fighting. His agents, its methods. Fights remaining unrecognized, unknown, neuvidennoy. What then, it is no stranger to hide in the shadows, in the fog, in the mist. This is her life. She really wants to believe that their actions brings victory over the reapers, because she really wants to live in peace and security. She wants to live in freedom and peace, faithful to her lover, and remained in obscurity. But now it increasingly seemed that the squad - the only place in the galaxy, where she will be able to come in, if its powers are not enough. Maybe. How do you want to believe that otryadovtsy take her and help her ...


  Rannoch prepared. Preparing for war against the Reapers. Thousands of Geth worked around the clock, without stopping for a second. We prepared the planet for what the Reapers would try to attack its orbital bombardment, landing, landing commando units. Build new ships for the Navy, were put into operation the new multi-level fully insulated shelter - the whole underground city.

  All this required all the time, which was only available to the Legion. He worked and found his employment required and regulatory. He just did not know how to explain it Tali. How to explain it, the seemingly simple thing: it can not be without a job, he can not stand idle. Time to first strike the Reapers had less and make had too much. Even getam that can work round the clock, and so it was difficult to count on what will be able to do everything that was planned. Hence, it was necessary to do the maximum. Lots of potential.

  And the Legion was doing. He was seen in different parts of Rannoch, he always flew from one region of the planet to the other. Rannoch was huge and it was inconceivable that has been saved at least one slit through which the Reaper forces could infiltrate the planet. This planet has now become not only the birthplace of quarians. She also became the birthplace of the Goths, new Geth, who did not want to give her the Reapers and their accomplices. We do not want, because they knew that another Rannoch in the universe does not and never has been and never will be. So, we must do everything to protect this planet. Maximum protection. Fully protect. Save everything of value, which is possible only been saved. To provide maximum flexibility for the future revival of the planet and its inhabitants already in peacetime. So much had just done.

  Legion did not like the groom Tali. I do not like it. And the machine component mind geta sniper protested against the prospect of their association. Cold machine logic did not give reason to believe that this would be her husband quarian Tali, regulatory husband. So, Tali will suffer because she is a woman, for her emotions much more valuable and important than to male quarian. She will suffer, because the front - a possible gap, a possible cooling period, during the search of another possible quarian. After Shepard correctly configured Tali - he explained to her that she has to find marital happiness with quarians and only with him. Yes, it may be their children and foster. The war is merciless to the children and Tali will be a mother for many who have lost their biological parents "skafandrikov".

  This gap, the gap is quite possible to weaken her fiance, and she is now the admiral level of care and work and this gap is bad for the efficiency and effectiveness of its teamwork. Yes, it may not perceive themselves as admiral in full - it was her perception of the situation and the moment, but others see it as the Admiral, and let the new time, but waiting for the admiral and compliance.

  Comply she can, if will focus on the most important areas of work and will not require him, the car and the robot that he can not give it if they wanted. He can not forever be tied to her, accompany her everywhere. The war is already underway, and soon it will come to Rannoch and if it is, the Legion will not lead his fellow tribesmen clear and complete for it to suffer for two races - a race geth and the race quarians, which allow in any case impossible. We'll have to allocate a few hours to a heavy and complex conversation difficult for both of them. We'll have to talk about this subject, complete and accurate.

  Miranda Lawson

  Miranda was angry and nervous. Yes, she struggled to retain at least outwardly calm, and yet it is but somehow managed, but the inner peace she did not have a long time ago. Only traversed in childhood and adolescence draconian training allowed her yet not reduce the quality of the work and not really pay attention to the fact that it is no longer a special, approximate to the ghosts.

  The fact that she fell out of favor, knew almost all the staff sector, in which it now works is that the old settings act - no one knew for sure whether or not it is in the doghouse, or just decided to work until the grass-roots posts. This information is strictly confidential and address, allowing Miranda not to multiply the number of problems in relations with colleagues. Her subordinates now had not, she was engaged in individual sections of the work and was responsible for these areas and very alone.

  The war with the Reapers showed her that what she previously could not think - it was not just a time for such thoughts, because all the forces, all the resources, all possibilities have been thrown out to keep, and if it be possible, then rehabilitated Ghost before.

  Now it is increasingly seen as people disappear, and instead of them there were not people, but the Huskies. Recently they have been, these new employees have ceased to wear helmets and other coverings such as suits and costumes, for the time hiding the synthetic nature of their bodies and organs. Now they went barely observing the generally accepted standards, and the former women did not hesitate to expose the breast and work like eight, twelve, sixteen hours a day. Husky did not get tired, asked not to eat, drink, relax, do not be distracted by talk is a need. They are simple to operate and carry out their duties.

  Miranda felt a little more - and the Huskies will be able to catch up with her on the efficiency, quality and completeness of the performance of duties. It is strained and she began to get nervous more. The crack was growing stability and Lawson felt that a little more - and she picks.

  Number of employees-men declined with each passing day. More and more people turned to the husks. Maybe it was profitable Ghost, who himself was a long time ago Husky, and perhaps the reason was that the Reapers are not tolerated, completely independent from themselves organic. They could tolerate only husks, which controls the hassle and problems.

  Perhaps for the first time she thought about the fact that it is waiting on. After childhood, conducted under the terrible pressure of his father, a severe and extremely painful procedures, the purpose of which was to make it fully absorb vast amounts of information in a short time, she thought to herself another life except the life of the most successful student and most successful employee and worker . Yes, she knew that it had paid for a great price - she could not have children. And now before her loomed the pros
pect haskizatsii or indoctrination. For many of organic and reasonable both mean personal death, the end of at least some, but of the free, independent and autonomous life.

  She could not deny that there is still much different from ordinary people, by ordinary sentient organics. It has been programmed to live a hundred years, with aging due to begin in the last fifty years of this period. It is stronger, more agile and faster than the average woman, and only on the level of intellect and mind and say nothing - practically on this indicator, it leaves behind the majority of women dugouts. She could heal wounds and injuries before our eyes for a few minutes, and be injured for it was a big problem - too well planned it all too well weighed all options. She constantly felt its difference from ordinary people, because, perhaps, easily agreed to start "Cerberus", it attracted such non-standard and unusual people the opportunity to be among their own kind.

  And yet, despite the crippling education, in spite of the endless training and coaching, she was, as she wanted to believe, man. Yes, she knew that many women, ordinary women, of which the Solar System was the majority, childless for many different reasons. It is not because they like Miranda, created a cyborg. Previously, she had no choice, because they do not arise for him the necessary conditions - in most cases decide for her, and she had just met, but now stood in front of her choice. Simple and at the same time - a very difficult choice: to become husky or stay human.

  Miranda felt that in order for the choice have already matured grounds. In order to become husky - it is not too clear Ghost attempt to cheat, after which she spent several agonizing hours in the community tserberovskih mozgolomov and lost much of the trust Harper. In order for it to remain a man - a sister and her adoptive parents, who did not see in it a fiend.

  Somewhere in the background of consciousness loomed Jacob Taylor, whom she had "dumped" - because he wanted children, but she could not only give birth to a child - could not even conceive. Taylor - one hundred percent man, and now he, too, left the "Cerberus", refusing to become husky. If it becomes Huskies - she will not be returning to the old, even poluchelovecheskogo life - did not exist neither salarians nor "Cerberus" of such technologies, to return to normal Husk reasonable biological organic life. Simply did not exist - she knew too well.

  If it remains a man, well, even poluchelovekom, then, at least, she will be a real, though small to resist haskizatsii and indoctrination - it's about these two processes and knew she knew enough. Much more than the usual average person, earthling.

  Something kept her from a clear choice in favor of the common man. Maybe because she had almost never lived the life of an ordinary girl, girls, women, and perhaps because of her work weaned see people something more than obychnh biological and accustomed to see in the first place the wrong side of human activity and essence?

  But it was also a job. Let not such a significant and important as they used to when the Ghost trust her completely, but still work for which she was paid and provided with everything necessary. So, quite unexpectedly, before Miranda was a problem of choice and on this issue will also have to reflect. Combining these considerations with work and trying not to miss a moment of realization of choice.

  Tali Zora

  Tali instinctively sensed the impending danger on Rannoch. And now that it's a sense of danger every day became more and more clearly, she became more aware of the Legion, has become less urgent to take his absence. Legion worked to quarians not killed in the first days of the Reaper strike. Yes, the war in many sectors of the galaxy was already under way, but so far that the fleets of the Reapers did not appear in the near Rannoch and limits geta worked around the clock to enable quarians survive.

  She personally chasing the crews and forced young quarians and kvarianok work as, in its views, normandovtsy worked on ships of their units. She knew little about volgovtsah-Imperials and it is much easier to orient his colleagues to ensure that they adhere to the standards of the crew and the team, "Normandy." Was it a desire to realization of desires a little stand on a par with Shepard? Perhaps it was, but Tali clearly knew that whatever it was, it is obliged to do everything here and now for quarians. To her race was not killed in the first days of the strike Reapers that it is not extremely weakened.

  Now she only attended the evening or early in the morning, and the rest of the time was wound between the slipway and research centers, where she was a purely practical work. Sometimes, if possible she led classes at the Academy quarian Youth, for the most part - practical training, supervised the conduct and content of lectures on a range of disciplines and generally tried not to let out of sight of the process of upbringing and education of young quarians.

  In rare moments of rest she enjoyed staying in an underground garden, where for the first time when something very recently managed to smell the flowers without the mediation quarian suit filters. The vaccine is created Protheans, worked a hundred percent and quarians now with each passing day felt all the more clearly and deeply as their immunity is strengthened and they can not have so much to pack themselves in spacesuits.

  She walked round and round the garden paths and tried not to think about work, not to load yourself problems. It turned out it's bad - consciousness slips more and more results issued by the subconscious mind, and had great difficulty not concentrate on their comprehension.

  Tali tried at such times and not think about the groom - was very unpleasant and something she suggests that the less she will think about it, the faster will form the final decision. It's how she became every day more and more clearly, could only be negative. Alas, she was not able to connect with them in a single entity, could not understand it and could not believe it informally. Maybe it's the influence of my Shepard gave her the opportunity to set such high standards requirements, but Kila, it does not expose anything unattainable, she just wanted a normal family life. Such a life as lived, Svetlana and John.

  Yes, she was now quite well known and navy on the planet, she had a lot of friends, like her younger and much older. Many quarians tried to give her attentions, but she has not yet found it necessary to notice them. And now ... now she will have to choose again. How it hurts to do when the first time she made a mistake in his choice ...

  Father so count on the fact that soon he will see the grandchildren ... I do not get. Do not get it quickly. Of course, he cheered up when passing vaccinated for the first time was able to see her daughter without glass barriers in front of his eyes, he appeared like a second wind - stronger immunity is very important. And now this ... He's believed to groom. He believed. But even more, he believes his daughter, and if she refuses the groom - he will understand. Understand. There is nothing to forgive - it's only her choice and she has a right to make mistakes.

  Tali realized that one can not demand perfection from everyone and all at once. She remembered trying to perceive it only as a female, now she will be remembered as it tried to do something a fallback. It was painful and Tali tried her best not to let the pain outside. Other quarians plenty of their own problems and they do not see how the admiral Zora Jr. suffers.

  At such moments, she really helped the memories of Shepard, because she knew that John would never put pressure on her and on her way and that he asked her a high standard that it can and must achieve, so there is nothing reprehensible - it must be improved and developed. Must. Because the development and improvement make life complete and normative.

  Thane Krios

  Cured of syndrome Kepralya Krios has gained a second wind. Kolyat remained at the Citadel, he was still working with young street children and orphans, alternating and combining work in the shelters, as well as directly at the station. Many young children were hiding in the remote corners of the Citadel, not wanting to fall into the hands of social workers. They did not believe them. Kolyatu too, at first I did not believe, but he did not turn and gradually wins their position real and not ostentatious help, participation, understanding.

  Thain was now calm for her son and was able to return t
o perform the most complex mission to eliminate the prominent heads of departments accomplices Reapers. At the Citadel now he appeared extremely rare, most of the time on board the shuttle frigates and reconnaissance units many races. He worked in full force, constantly improved and no longer feared nor for his son or for his health. He fought and benefited, and this was very pleased.

  In his room at the Citadel was deserted - at least things, a minimum of furniture. Portrait of Yreka was hidden behind the sash of the cabinet and is coded, so that he could look at only the Krios and Kolyat. In the absence of Krios Kolyat often slept in his father's room, and he felt that there he is better and more clearly feels the presence of his mother.

  With Shepard and Thane normandovtsami I tried not to meet. His current work is still supposed obscurity or limit a little-known, but the squad became more famous and even legendary. He knew that Detachment Synthetic track his movement and his work, knew that they inform the otryadovtsev, but he was sure that this information on them will not go.

  The war against the Reapers and their associates gave new meaning to the life of Thane. Now he was not looking for goals - they were everywhere and the lack of them was no more. The goals were very different - from simple soldiers and husks to functionaries "Cerberus" and indoctrinated reasonable organics. Now Thain decades did not get out to the sides of ships and shuttles, finding in his work previously unknown satisfaction and even joy.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: batarian codes

  - John. - Svetlana woke up, sat up and turned to lying next to Shepard. - Today I have to go through a full medkontrol. It's long.


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