Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 158

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard nodded, without seeking anything elaborate or explain it aloud. Overall Arterius was right and any words were now superfluous. Feeling that the captain would say nothing, Arterius continued:

  - According to my information collected from a number of sources forces Intelligence Corps of the spectrum and through my friends in the Hierarchy, even Adrien Viktus will not be optimal Primarch. I will not elaborate much, but there are rumors of secret disposal of old Primarch, the essence of which boils down to one thing - race should lead the young.

  Shepard tried not to show his astonishment, but Arterius something felt hastened to clarify:

  - We are talking about the fact that this war must win the young, that they should lead the Turian ... Tale of the future, lead to victory. - Said spectrum. - I can not imagine how it can be implemented in real life, but I hope that the primarch, which the vast majority of the Turian know and love quite frankly, made the decision, knowing more than many of my countrymen.

  After a pause a few minutes, Arterius continued:

  - His works, works of general Adrienne Viktusa, never published in translations into other languages, but I would like to quote just one statement Viktusa that is contained in one of the latest of his works. It is, unfortunately, very revealing, John. - Saren instrumentron opened, called on the small screen and file read: "Strategies in me approves their cruelty turian understands that I see the destruction of civilization with a history of fifteen thousand years my civilization...." Closing instrumentron, Saren was silent for a long time and Shepard saw how painful it was to him to reproduce the words of his compatriot.

  - Viktus, John - a veteran of the First Contact War. He does not like you, earthlings, not very respectful of the people did not believe you capable of something great and serious. I suspect that he saw the three of the fleet of the Empire, reaching full speed to Palaven and its two moons ... he will experience an uncomfortable feeling burning, against which always stood, stands and will act as the very essence of turian race - a feeling of weakness and helplessness, a sense of the need to take care on who recently including in the discharge of enemies turian race and was ready to destroy, not to bomb the stone age as journalists like to write, but to destroy. That nasty feeling that can motivate him to rash acts. It is difficult to me to speak about this compatriot, Shepard, but I am convinced that this war breaks preconceived notions and previous frame is too reliable.

  - If Fedorian - diplomat, then ... - wondering aloud Shepard said. - Maybe it makes sense to sign a treaty of alliance with krogan?

  - John, we turians, can sign any contract. These are the rules here, but I'm not sure that the time that the contract has come, the more - if it should sign the old Primarch Palaven. We have for such a treaty no reason nor the necessary support. I'm afraid that Fedorian feels the same way. The most that he can go - for a framework alliance with krogan - only military. Without promises and promises, John. I know I need more krogan planet, but first let are comfortable in their own system. And there - enough time for such an agreement. So far - only military aid. And at the conclusion of a military assistance treaty old Primarch go - this has all imaginable conditions and prerequisites. I'm more concerned and worried about the problem of the prerequisites for the transfer of power to his son Adrien Viktusa - Tarquini. I know, Adrien Viktus that is heir to an ancient and respected family, he spent all his life in the army, where he won popularity among the soldiers as effective and cautious tactics, not suffering losses among his subordinates. I'm afraid that this war against the Reapers - not the war, where his military talents can be fully realized. - Saren paused again. - I very strange to say it, I, too, no longer young, but ... this war requires that caution does not harm performance. We need final and complete victory over the reapers, and the victory over an enemy can not be achieved with minimal losses. She came to the Galaxy, let's face it, John, is very unexpected even for us, a race of warriors. I am aware of the ease with which the Reapers hack purely civilian and many, many military colonies defense system, planets and entire star systems. I know that many soldiers now inclined to panic and defeatism. I know this, because this enemy - not one for confrontation with whom we have been preparing. We're prepared, to put directly to war with each other, John. I very much hope that Viktus correctly understand the old Primarch. And this time he would do as he tells his own mind, his own understanding, which is so often helped him to find a non-standard and leading to the success of the course in the difficult path to victory over their enemies. - he got up. - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know that my race would be so weak and helpless ... - he turned and walked out of the cabin XO, closing the door behind him. a confrontation with whom we have been preparing. We're prepared, to put directly to war with each other, John. I very much hope that Viktus correctly understand the old Primarch. And this time he would do as he tells his own mind, his own understanding, which is so often helped him to find a non-standard and leading to the success of the course in the difficult path to victory over their enemies. - he got up. - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know that my race would be so weak and helpless ... - he turned and walked out of the cabin XO, closing the door behind him. a confrontation with whom we have been preparing. We're prepared, to put directly to war with each other, John. I very much hope that Viktus correctly understand the old Primarch. And this time he would do as he tells his own mind, his own understanding, which is so often helped him to find a non-standard and leading to the success of the course in the difficult path to victory over their enemies. - he got up. - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know that my race would be so weak and helpless ... - he turned and walked out of the cabin XO, closing the door behind him. so often helped him to find a non-standard and leading to the success of the course in the difficult path to victory over their enemies. - he got up. - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know that my race would be so weak and helpless ... - he turned and walked out of the cabin XO, closing the door behind him. so often helped him to find a non-standard and leading to the success of the course in the difficult path to victory over their enemies. - he got up. - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know that my race would be so weak and helpless ... - he turned and walked out of the cabin XO, closing the door behind him.

  Shepard got up, walked across the cabin, stopped at the closed window bronezaslonkoy, including wall screen. Map XO reported about the location of the squadron.

  - Commander, I am convinced that to come - landing on the moon, and if necessary - and then to Palaven. - Shepard entered the cabin Anderson received permission to sit down and continued. - At this time, are the only people and turians. I warned Alenko, Jenkins, almost agreed on this issue with Saren and Nihlus.

  - You're right. If Earthlings are ready for planting, then our Spectra ... I would call it a culture shock, but it is - too weak and superficial definition of their present state and mood. - Anderson looked up from writing another document. - See primarchs replaced with such frequency, and participate in the process of this change, while under fire as a strong opponent ... Not every reasonable Organic capable of it. I'll tell you himself - at first I did not believe that the Empire has allocated as many as three of the fleet in order to protect the mother planet, so that there is a planet - parent Turian system. At the Imperials to their experience strong opposition to armed opponents might have his own reasons, but I understand it is only as an attempt to reinforce the unity of the formation of the galactic races. Quite possible, that instead of the Citadel Council will be formed after the war, the Council of the Galaxy ... Well, I was just distracted. You're right. I spoke with Saren and Nihlus, and yet ... you get ready, John. I gave the team technicians and Adams to test shuttle. The work is carried out. - Anderson stood up, removed his hands from the keyboard instrumentrona. - Honestly, John, I do not believe that it is not the Alliance, but the Turian Empire assists. But the facts - an obstinate thing. I have too much evidence that the Alliance again did not work as it should. And it's not that we have too little power to o
rganize such assistance now ... The fact that the alliance again proved to be too weak. Weak, after grown in itself a malicious structure as "Cerberus". And the Empire remained united and strong. Frankly, I'm glad that we are working together with the Empire, John. If we can defend Palaven, it will be the first and, God forbid, the last victory in this war. Major victory. Important victory. But there is more work for that victory. Go, John. - Anderson touch sensor incorporating instrumentrona. - It's hard to be our Spectrum Turian, very difficult. But when the Galactic security was a simple matter? Never.

  A few hours remaining until the arrival of a detachment of the meeting point with the fleet of the Empire, Shepard spent in a technical compartment of the frigate, where the system checked his suit, and weapon systems and software. The next landing was, no doubt, difficult, one of the most difficult and the captain did not want to let down equipment at the most inopportune moment. On his orders, doing the same Alenko and Jenkins, as well as most cops paratroopers. Visiting hangar XO convinced that both the shuttle fully trained to fly and fight.

  In CIC, he received an update on the situation on the Palaven and its two moons. Unstable balance was maintained, paid positional heavy fighting and casualties on both sides.

  - Attention on the ships! - Hands-free voice watchman blew the frigate. - Detachment comes to the area of concentration of forces of three reserve Imperial Navy. Ready for the meeting - the first! Include navigation lights. Prepare for the signal returns "The Shining."

  Including screen showed normandovtsam three huge fleet lined up in battle formations. Cruisers, frigates, battleships, kosmonostsy, vehicles and electronic warfare support, boats, destroyers and dreadnoughts. Who knew about the size of the reserve fleet of the Empire, Shepard was impressed by the visible power of their composition. Reapers waiting for battle with a strong and confident enemy - on board the ships of the fleet were not recruits, there were only professionals. Such fleets Empire used only in the most critical moments of confrontation and therefore gave them everything that could ensure victory. Once again, Shepard remembered the words of a classic that "Russia has only two allies - the army and navy."

  "Volga" took place among the cruising fleet composition. "Normandy" has received the signal from the flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk" the need to join the squad commanders. According to the team led by Anderson Moro "Normandy" in the specified position with the flagship frigate and cruiser lay in a drift, maintaining alignment.

  A few minutes - and all the masa ship comes in coordinated movement.

  - Fleets Empire will grind the Reapers and their henchmen is on the way, John, and you have your own task, so frigate goes directly to Mena orbit. We have received information that Fedorian intends to return from there to Palaven. Specialists me convincingly proved that in such circumstances, which were formed there, is pure suicide.

  - Suicide becomes the specifics of our work, David. - Shepard came down from the pedestal at the Star Maps and went into the hangar. - Attention all members of the landing party. Come to the hangar! Ready in five minutes.

  Having reports that Alenko and Jenkins Group has its full complement on board the second shuttle, Shepard received reports and technicians down flap cabin hatch. Turians frozen in their seats, tense as a string. Partly Shepard knew their condition. Strapped, XO opened instrumentron and felt that the shuttle had already left the hangar, starting the descent to Mena. The fleets of the Empire launched an offensive on the Reaper forces attacking Palaven and two moon. So far, the shrimp is not particularly pay attention to the arrival of so many opponents, continuing to bombard the moon and the planet itself parent Turian, planted there to direct landings and small vehicles in order that they provide their emitters protect ships and their henchmen husks.

  Frigate, hiding behind a disguise, moved behind shuttles, Anderson decided to hedge landing

  - Attention. - I heard the voice of the watch officer, transmitted over an encrypted channel on board the shuttle. - Mena approaches to the cruiser "Slava Palaven".

  - Heck. - She murmured Alenko. - Primarch still caused its flagship ... Now he just tries to take off from the Menai. And there is such a grid ...

  In the words of the lieutenant was too much truth.

  - Greg, cover the shuttle to the primarch and let your colleague ... - Shepard looked up at the salon console connection.

  - I understand, Commander. - The driver of the shuttle for a few seconds appeared on the wall screen in the cabin. - I perform. Fasten, if anyone has forgotten. The signal is matched to the frigate, we will cover from a particularly brazen. - He cut the connection by going to work.

  Shuttle, banked, came right from hook on which to board his flagship heading Fedorian. Shuttle Alenko went left, on the go oschetinivayas barrels of guns. Frigate crept back and top and bottom, near the start of the shuttle unfolded a new confrontation between the troops of the Reapers and the Hierarchy - turians covered takeoff and flight of the shuttle its primarch, without giving Reapers use anti-aircraft artillery.

  The driver of the shuttle primarch turned master and professional - quickly calculate the situation, he took in the resulting build exactly the situation that required for safe-flight to board the cruiser opened fire on the pursuing boats Reapers and their henchmen. Links to board the shuttle was not, but at that moment she did not need - Automatic ships operated by Olivia and Alix and maintained in the right part of Mark she did much more than what was originally taught.

  Had entered the hangar cruiser Three shuttle made a concerted approach and Shepard, stepped on deck "Glory Palaven" saw bronezaslonka closed, cutting off the space of the hangar space.

  - Commander Shepard, is not it? - Primarch, who left the shuttle, was standing a few steps away. - Greetings. Thank you for the protection and defense of me and my colleagues. Without you we would not have got out of there. - He nodded, taking the salute and Shepard have approached Alenko and Jenkins. - I think we have something to talk about, so ask me in the admiral's apartment.

  Past trumps and pulling Turian Primarch spent officers "Normandy" to the admiral of the cruiser, is already committed to Palaven. Shepard tracked the evolving situation in its instrumentronu - it appeared that fleets have already taken both the moon and Palaven under his wing and began liquidating all the surrounding contingents of troops and forces of the Reapers and their henchmen.

  Synthetic Corps continued to supply the members of the landing party instrumentrony most current information, and the option of having prepared specifically for the Primarch and his entourage. Because a few dozen minutes Primarch, his officers and the officers "Normandy" held at the wallboards and virt-plate, watching the situation and discussing its details and options for the further course of events. As befits a high-ranking diplomat, Fedorian kept outwardly calm and detachment, although Shepard felt it internally tense and excited.

  - Palaven ... - Fedoriana blurted when he saw the fire growing focus on the site of one of the major cities. - Silver and steel Palaven turians ...

  Saren at this moment was like a statue - not a grain of emotion not a grain of sense does not break through the skin, only his eyes track what is happening on the screen and on the virt-tablet. Minute by minute, and was bleeding just in the situation there has been a change to the weakening of the Reapers. Shrimp trying to line up in order of battle, trying to go in attacking position, but in vain: the fleets of the Empire did not give them any opportunity to implement such a dangerous for the inhabitants of the galaxy plans.

  - Perfume ... - said Fedorian. - Now I understand why the Empire refused to send their delegates to the peace talks organized by me ... If I knew it before ... It's almost everything, things would have turned out differently ... to fight with you, earthlings .. . We obviously rushed three decades ago ... hidden power ... legendary hidden power ... - he paused. - Now I can say that the time of my departure has come into the Counsellors. - It is activated communications console. - General Adrienne Viktusa.

  A few minutes from the
console speaker donёssya few disgruntled voice of the general. Below, on Mena walked fight and the general, it is likely not willing to be interrupted for some conversations, even to him and said that it is very Primarch Palaven.


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