Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 159

by Theodore Daniels

  - Listen. - Finally around Viktusa established some semblance of calm and his voice was clearer and stronger.

  - Adrien Viktus. - Primarch is allocated a special tone and Shepard felt on the planet, the device communication General straightened. - My solution you are assigned Primarch Palaven. You must pass the command of the Defence Forces and his deputy Mena to come on board the cruiser "Slava Palaven" for the organization of the decisive attack on Palaven.

  - Primarch, I ...

  - Orders are not discussed, General. - Firmly said Primarch. - I am waiting for you. Proceed. You have little time. - Switching channels Fedorian ordered aides to find and bring on board a son Adrien Viktusa - Tarquinia Viktusa then moved away from the console, dropping to the bench against the wall.

  - I hope that you and your colleagues do not have to go down there. - Dull Fedorian said after a moment of silence. - I would have to compare what is happening on the exchange, only known you a place - hell. We showed a criminal, another word I do not pick up, the criminal arrogance, complacency and samozashorennost when we decided that we do not need to prepare for war against so strong and so unlike anything in all that we were then known to the enemy. We waged war with each other ... and served as a scarecrow for the majority of the races of the galaxy.

  Less than an hour - and in the corridor he heard hurried footsteps and voices dissatisfied Adrien Viktusa:

  - What perfume is going on? I tear off places require to arrive at the flagship, but still ordered to transfer command to his deputy? Am I now no longer there do not come back? There - my soldiers, my soldiers and I call for to become parquet General ?! Just so it will not work, so I will not leave! - He opened the door and just innate and brought up for years of service discipline made him freeze on the threshold, to give statutory Primarch turian salute and a few steps inside. - Primarch ...

  - Primarch. - Retaliatory Fedorian nodded. - Get used, Adrien. It is still only possible - get used to your new position.

  - I will do my best primarch, but ...

  - As long as you do - Primarch Palaven, Adrian. And from you now depends on the fate of the race.

  - The fate of the race depends on them. - Adrien took a quick look at the unhappy stood at Wirth tablet earthlings. - I do not know how, I do not know why, but they turned out to be wiser and stronger than we are, with two thousand years of long-distance manned space flight. How could we so quickly deprofessionalizirovatsya ?!

  - Allow the primarch. - Shepard looked at Fedoriana, caught his nod consonant. - Let's put aside the dispute about the probabilities in the post-war period. Now we need to do everything to Palaven was released by the Reapers, as well as both of its moons. It will take several days. And whatever it was, no one except you, Turian, will not be able to carry out the release of the parent planet and its moons better, fuller, faster than you. We, humans, but will provide you help and support, not trying and not trying to replace you in this matter.

  - But ... - Adrien began in that moment came Tarquin Viktus. The lieutenant gave Tarquin Viktus relying salute old Primarch and froze, waiting for orders. Adjutant Major closed the door, cutting off curious glances Primarch assistants.

  - Check with your instrumentrona with the order to transfer the functions of the primarch, Adrien. - Fedorian said. - There is something that applies to you and your son. - He turned to the wall screen, allowing the General, and now the primarch to read the document.

  A few minutes and a strangled gasp Adrien marked the end of the reading order.

  - But how...

  - Unity of command, Adrien. Unity of command. We are old for such a war. And it has to be to win the young Turian, which will lead to the victory of your son, who will from now on present primarch Palaven. And we are with you, Adrien, should agree with the role of advisers and mentors.

  - Primarch. - Forced a Tarquin. - But I...

  - You are young, but this is, as you know, a transient fault. - Fedorian said. - The structure of the pyramid and its unity are strong, but at the head should be one who is not afraid to go to extreme measures to go forward using the new, rejected, hated. For me, your father too much importance is the First Contact War, the war with humans. And now you, officer Turian Hierarchy, you can see that those we had planned to destroy in whole, to help us, too hastily imagined himself as professional military. They help because we have forgotten that the martial art it is necessary to properly develop.

  - Do I understand right, Primarch ... - Adrien said. - What hidden power hierarchies ...

  - This is the power of her youth, Adrien. And that Tarquin, a young officer could, leading the Turian, lead them to victory. For him go young turians.

  - Primarch ... - Young Viktus finally gained the power of speech sufficiently. - I must...

  - Come on Palaven, to lead troops and beat the Reapers from the planet. - Firmly and precisely formulated Fedorian. Hearing this, Tarquin instinctively took the drill stand and stood at attention. - We ... We will try to beat the Reapers on both moons Palaven to deprive the Reapers, and tactical and strategic advantages. - Adjutant!

  He emerged on the threshold of the officer heard everything, so his face was calm and detachment office. After hearing the order, he registered with a slight bow Turquine Viktusa invited to follow him to the hangar. Before leaving the old primarch gave Tarquini reader with the order of the hierarchy and packing with accompanying documents and equipment.

  When his younger Viktusom closed the door, he turned to Fedorian desk typing on the keyboard several teams.

  - All. Now Primarch Hierarchy is Tarquin Viktus. But we must return to Mena. The fleets of the Empire perform their function, and we - his. We need to see the free Mena. Free from the Reapers. And everyone should see that the exemption from the Reapers - not a myth but a reality. - Having said that, Fedorian first out, neatly bypassing the adjutant returned. - We're down to the Menai officer.

  He only managed to nod, not finding what to say in such a case.

  A few minutes - and the shuttle Fedoriana pulled out of the hangar cruiser, followed, almost keeping pace, both the shuttle flew "Normandy". Guarding the cruiser frigate Reserve Fleet did not move - the area around the Menai has already been cleared of ships Reapers and their henchmen, so get on the surface of the planet at that time were not working.

  battles were fought on the surface of the moon. Reserve Fleet landed their troops paratroopers, but the Reapers managed to deliver on its MENA dozens of small ships and is now engaged in the shrimp burning positions defending Turian and positions of earthlings who came to their aid.

  - Works - for a few days. - Fedorian said quietly, looking on the opening of the salon window view. - But the result will be the only way, which we needed. Palaven and the moon will be free from the Reapers, as the whole system. We will learn to fight so that is no longer ashamed of their former weakness. Be sure to learn.

  The appearance of two primarchs on the outpost came as a complete surprise to his advocates - Fedorian specifically chose the outpost, the most remote of areas where there were fixed and where the Imperials sent marching battalions replenish.

  Adrien Viktus saluted his deputy, took command of the troops and Fedorian Shepard and two turians spectrum had the opportunity to read more information about the state of affairs in this area. Battles with the Huskies continued shelling the outpost with the same regularity. Reapers, as expected polumashinam not want to retreat and give up all the more.

  The beam from the command virt-tablet had a conversation about the prospects of help from the Turian krogan.

  - Captain. Here again, communication tower knocks. - Made contact with Shepard audio-Lieutenant Alenko. - Jenkins wants to go to the tower and scare husks. There's a couple of close Critters hanging around.

  - Permission granted. Let him decide how many and whom to take in the company. - Shepard said in a low voice. - Organize cover.

  - Yes, sir. - Lieutenant switched channels.

  - Attack the enemy! The third direction!
- There was a report in the earpiece speaker of one of the sentinel-Turian. Alenko looked at Shepard, who nodded and motioned Lt. five policemen sent paratroopers to barricade barrier-threatening direction. As he saw the captain on TV vnutrishlemnom on the small screen, went on the attack raiders, armed with assault rifles and shields mid-level and surrounded haskolyudmi. Turians quickly figured out that you first need to destroy haskolyudey, and then to concentrate fire on the raiders.

  Reapers have struggled to maintain a foothold, to avoid encirclement and almost inevitable destruction. Fighters and boats Turian and earthlings hovered in the sky Mena, forcing the few, yet retaining the ability to move on their supports mini shrimp snapping blows emitters air targets are much more likely than on land.

  - Attack with the second direction! - Donёssya report of the observer. Outpost is clearly trying to take in a pincer movement, and Shepard, nodding-Turian Primarch rushed to barricade-barrier. Pushing the body of the dead Turian-infantryman, Shepard activated actuators stationary heavy machine gun and, catching sight in the first haskolyuda, I pulled the trigger. haskolyudov Waves tried to take the barricade and a half hours, and all their attempts were unsuccessful.

  - Damn, where did it come from ?! - He shouted, standing beside him and shot at haskolyudov turian paratrooper. By jumping the barricade approaching creature. - We are almost all knocked out!

  In fact, to understand the threat that brought with it this beast, Shepard took exactly two seconds. Grabbing a grenade launcher, the captain was released in the carcass of five grenades and heard behind me a familiar barking sniper rifles - it Saren and Nihlus, climbing onto the roof of the command bar, shot Creature armor-piercing incendiary. Yes, Critter very thick armor, it is able to move quickly, but against professional sniper rifles and grenade she had no chance. Realizing that the attack on the barricade Creatures drowned, followed her a few dozen haskolyudov rolled back.

  - Shepard, the attack was successfully repulsed attacks on the outpost is no longer expected. - I heard in the speaker's voice Fedoriana. - Go back to the command beam.

  Handing a receipt in the reception of the order, the captain handed over the machine gun had come up Turian and jumped from the barricades down, toward the beam.

  - Thank you, Shepard. - Fedorian was visibly pleased. - Can you believe that your idea of a young Primarch succeeded one hundred percent. - He handed the captain reader. - The latest news from Palaven.

  - You read, read, Shepard. And then I will please you progress troops on both moons. I believe we will soon, very soon even vzdohnёm calmer and freer. At least for a while. We need success. We need a break. - Senior Viktus bent over the plate.

  News and in fact were good. Tarquin Viktus barely reached the capital city, opened the tireless activity, has already given the desired positive results. By maintaining a close relationship with both senior Primarchs young Primarch organized youth militia, strengthening its experienced already to war mentors and commanders, also strengthened the position of Turian, working on military and defense plants. All that was done to them, it was even difficult to enumerate a few hours. Of course, not all give instant results, but Tarquin began to work for the future, giving it the focus.

  - Read? - Asked senior Viktus, giving the reader. - Here are the data on the situation at the two moons. If I was not a witness of the foregoing there - I would be extremely difficult to believe in it all. And even more difficult - to present it as reality itself.

  The Imperials have completed the destruction of shrimp Reapers in the space of the parent planet Turian and completed their destruction in the whole space star system. Fights on the planet after the arrival of the ships and Marines Empire acquired an extremely unfavorable and painful character of the Reapers and their henchmen. Turians felt timely and strong support, took heart and fell on the Reapers and their accomplices, who managed to land on the planet, belonging to the Turian, all available forces. When Shepard finished reading the text file reader, he recalled the words of one of the imperial poets:

  "For the happiness of their own hands

  We have built a city native.

  For each split stone

  We repay a terrible price. ".

  Now, those words apply to all races of the space of the Milky Way. Everywhere the enemies, whether Reapers themselves or their supporters, will pay a terrible force behind the invasion and its consequences.

  Returning the reader, Shepard heard the ringing tone with the "Normandy". Display vnutrishlemnogo computer flashed the name of the call initiator: Captain Anderson.

  Linking Shepard heard:

  - John, everything. Our task here is done. The detachment returned to the Citadel.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard briefly bade farewell to primarchs and nodded Alenko and Jenkins have already received appropriate orders from Anderson toward reduces the shuttles.

  On board the frigate Shepard received information that on the orders of the new Primarch hierarchy is fully translated into a military schedule of activities. The war against the Reapers to Turian became World.

  After a decade of the team returned to the Citadel. Command did not want to risk the ship and crew, so ordered the pilots not to seek short cuts - the main thing was to come back in one piece sohrannnosti at stations and not to reduce the time of arrival to a minimum.

  Shepard himself made for ensuring that the most secure way back and knew him to this decision prompted not only common sense, but also the fact that Svetlana neared the moment of birth, and he did not want her to worry and worry, and also he tried to return to the command of the ship and crew. The fact that his girlfriend at the slightest deterioration of the situation will try to regain full status in the command, he had no doubt - with all its softness Svetlana was able to achieve its draconian methods. She's alarmed until he understood the situation on the MENA and always has since said that Shepard acted very well, not wishing to fly to the moon or the second Palaven. Hey, stay on the "Volga" and get all the information about what was happening, it was clear

  When the team returned to the Citadel, before flying on board the frigate on station Shepard came to Chakwas. The doctor took his ship in his study, and, as usual, subjected to medical control. Satisfied, Karin asked the reason for the visit. John asked her to support and Svetlana Chakwas agreed, noting that the Corps Commander, "Volga" and so ahead of all imaginable and unimaginable graphics, so that the support she will need.

  Sam Shepard plunged into work on the squad to the next stage of the struggle with the forces of "Cerberus". Only earthlings fully able to effectively confront supporters of the organization and therefore for Troop fight with the servants three-headed dog had been and remained one of the priorities.

  The war against the Reapers. The first few months - 3

  Mordin Solus

  Salarian worked. He agreed, and even accepted the fact that it is now almost no byvvaet on landings - otryadovtsy insisted that he most of the time is given to work in the laboratory and remained on board the ship. Perhaps they are right - yet he is old enough for such dangerous activities, what are today the landing. He may well bring much more benefit in the laboratory than engaging in military skirmishes and firing guns.

  On board the ship Troop he felt his old age decompresses vise allows you to work as if he had just twenty years. Here, in the "Normandy" and "Volga" was such an atmosphere that fatigue, emptiness, heavy thoughts about the fate of fellow countrymen and inhabiting salarian space, somewhere to retreat, disappeared uncertainty in the forces. It worked all reasonable - and Synthetic and organic. They worked in full force, to wear, not giving yourself opportunities raskisnut, lazy and retreat. Detachment acted everywhere - in flight, on planets, on the Citadel. Everywhere. Acted, bringing real benefits to what he Mordin found dozens of conclusive evidence. Who, if not him, fell in love with the clock not to leave the well-equipped on-board laboratories

  Previously Solus would not have believed it if learned that you can pray to the actually existing reasonable.
And now - it is not just a faith, he saw and felt it. He saw that faith in the eyes of the krogan. He saw that faith in the eyes of infants born to healthy children. He saw that faith in the eyes kroganok, who gained a higher meaning of his life - to generate healthy new generation of their compatriots, know that now genophage they are not threatened and kroganku not waiting for death during childbirth, not waiting for the pain and despair, when a newborn kroganёnok dies she on hands and mother can not do anything, they can not do anything really saving and krogan doctors.

  At the Citadel in the Destination Solus not know rest and find in this sverhzagruzhennosti special satisfaction and joy - it was wound on warehouses, subscribed apparatus, equipment, materials, reagents, in a word - everything you need, made several reports raznorasovyh scientific community, attended by more than in the top ten multidisciplinary scientific discussions to establish new contacts with fellow-scientists, I visited the training salarian MOUNTAINS, divisions which are now based on the station.

  Headquarters, he was convinced to expand and improve - he immediately offered to see how undeveloped the main laboratory, and he was gone in these areas for a long two days. In the state there were only highly skilled professionals who have passed a multilevel selection and control. Among them were the geth, arrived at the station on the recommendation of the Legion. The presence of self-propelled autonomous AI disciplined of organic, made them focus during intense and productive work.

  Unexpectedly Solus saw others salarianok - not those who will eventually become violent and wayward dalatressami, and others who, as it turns out, can not focus on the management of others, and learn to control first of all themselves and benefit others reasonable, not only salarians not only to themselves. Mordin first thought that he was too perfectly perceives the situation, it's just a wraith, he simply lost touch with reality, the usual Salarian Union. It turned out, no. Salarians and salarianki changed, feeling the strength and ruthlessness of the Reapers and their accomplices. It is changing for the better, discovering in themselves the personal and spiritual qualities, which, as it turned out, they were originally, and only waited for a convenient and necessary moment to appear.


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