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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 160

by Theodore Daniels

  Salarian community residents brought to the Citadel Station huge benefit. And now, seeing in the audience of his lectures and speeches are many salarianok himself Mordin believed - his race changed for the better, she became a different, stronger, more beautiful, more intelligent. If salarianki not only manage, but also they are working - at the race there is a great and bright future.

  Mordin did not have to be attached to the suit scientific overalls and sign "Normandy" - a professor and an expert recognized immediately. He was invited to several places at the same time, served out of turn, they welcomed tried to interview. This demand loved Solus, it helps not to think about the approaching death, that he left to live just a little.

  Nayrin Kandros

  Turianka staring at the screen, the transmitted image "Omega" with one of the probes, made well beyond the outer road. How many times did the Reapers and their henchmen have tried to take the station? Several dozens of times. How many times have they landed on her landings how many times fired. Many, very many. The station continued to live, to act, to fight. Send and receive ships with cargo and passengers, he gave shelter to fugitives from the planets, stations and colonies, attacked by Reapers. It maintains strong communication with the plurality of channels worlds Traverse and Terminus.

  The Cabinet of the Head of the Army Militia "Omega" was immersed in gloom. Turian do not need a lot of light to feel safe - they are predators and hunters, accustomed to the fact that hiding in the darkness. Where most reasonable of organic do not feel confident. Just above the desk hung an arm, which shone fortified clamp lamp. The cone of light. The only lighted place in the office. All the rest of the space melts into the gloom. The windows are closed cabinet bronezaslonkami - time requirement. Turians lot of fighting, they are used to having to do with little. War - a common thing for Turian - race, which was able to combine military and civilian orientation, to educate a person, and ready to fight and work.

  The clock on the wall ticked minutes late. Once, in peacetime, Nayrin would long ago have subsided, but now ... now to sleep there is little opportunity and even less time. Too many things to the commander of the militia. Good thing she had enough strength train regularly biotics to maintain their unique weapon in due form and in full readiness for use.

  Instrumentron trenknul, have a new message. Turianka approached, touched the sensor claw. From Archangel. Winged turian Fifth Race hesitate to come himself, and respects its right to the peaceful evening minutes. If not for him, if not for his presence at the station ... it would be much harder. Probably, peace once again asked him to accompany her in this eternal walks on the Station and he complied, temporarily reassign and not in full control and protection of his beloved Rangers. They are still patrolling the station, and he - the head of the main army, "Omega" and so plenty of worries and affairs. And among this cycle, he always finds an opportunity to pay attention to her, his tribeswoman. Let distant but tribeswoman. He knows and understands how it is important and necessary attention. It can not respond to his message - he still finds out that she had received and that she ... satisfied. Satisfied so small and so important sign of attention.

  The war, she knew Nayrin, reasonable changes organics. I have a very fundamental. Even more so - a war which even turians could not, no matter how trying, to find close analogues. Not close as they initially dissatisfied. Unique war, inherited generation Nayrin. It seems that Svetlana said something like, "Each generation of intelligent waiting for a big war ...". But not so. Such a war would be history, to become a legend, in legend, myth. Because the losses in this terrible war. And turians, a race of warriors, know this more than anyone else in the galaxy.

  This morning she had visited in hospital "Omega". There she spoke a long time with doctors and patients. About to talk a lot. And of peace and war, and on health and personal problems. Not his, of course. Problems of other sentient organics. He clarifies lists necessary, transfer them to the headquarters. She sat at the bedside of the seriously wounded tribesmen. Helped turiankam, nurses and doctors. She remembered that she was aware of the military field medicine. Turianok little in the stations, they have always been a little outside of the Hierarchy. Turians cherished their women, do not let them in "free floating". And now all the more protect and defend. Yes, many turianki changed civil status to the military, and officers began soldatessami. And in the hospital they are primarily women, and here they are important in that capacity - wounded turians for all their endurance and perseverance worthy bit of tenderness and understanding. It is there, in the battle, they will be cruel and tough, scary and violent. And here, in the hospital, they need to feel a reasonable organics, have the right to be themselves, and not machines and machines for revenge killing enemies.

  Then, after the hospital, she went to one of the cafes. I am listening to the conversation. Forced herself to eat - there are not after the hospital wanted to perfect, but there was a stressful time, and she forced herself to eat a few servings of something ... she did not understand that she had ordered and eaten that - not before it.

  Then there were a few hours in the Center for crisis management. Maps, charts, plans, programs, discussions, tapped, soglasovki. Normal rhythm, regular staff work. As there said one technician man digging in some control cabinet in the corridor, on which it was to the Center? "Monotonous and motley and tomorrow -. The same as yesterday?" Probably, not only Nayrin would have given much to return the old, peaceful life, so she continued indefinitely. The main thing - a long time. The main thing - the old, peaceful life. Let the problem, if not arranged, but such as it does not pull in death, does not entail the destruction and loss.

  Probably, not only Nayrin would wish that this war quickly ended with a victory over the Reapers. That she could finally get pregnant by the archangel, and bear him children. He - a son, and myself - a daughter, a beautiful little smyshlёnuyu turianochku. First turianku who will suffer in the future of the combined, integrated gene complex that combines the qualities of ancient and modern Turian. Turianku capable of love and Turian Fifth Race and his contemporaries. Those who choose. She wants to become somebody - for her first new turianki will be open all the way and in the civil and in the military sphere, and it will be successful in many areas. A son of the Archangel will become a prominent military commander, at least - General VKS Turian Hierarchy. And maybe it will become famous and influential civic leader of the Hierarchy, may even become Primarch. Let them be happy, the children of the new society Turian Hierarchy. The main thing to be done to their parents - to defeat the Reapers, overthrow of shrimp into the abyss of oblivion.

  After the Crisis Management Center, she again went to the cafe. Such is her habit - at every opportunity to go where the inhabitants are going to the station to be aware of real life. The most real, the most usual, the most complete and natural. Again, a few tens of minutes for a table, over a meager meal and reflection, reflection. She always chose the single tables, not love, to her someone was coming at this time. Unless, of course, these were not the militias and their commanders - for them Nayrin always made an exception.

  Coming out of the cafe, she watched the main column of soldiers Army. They relocated to a new place of accommodation. The station is attacked by Reapers and their associates, continuously restored, healing the wounds improved. Lived.

  Passing through the corridors to the location of one of the divisions of Militia, Nayrin held a three-hour practice sessions with officers and sergeants. As yet people were organically for Stari Ras Galaxy ... They, it turns out, so full capacious and short sayings for all occasions. "Learning to military affairs this way." A bit strange it sounds, if you do not think about the meaning. A sense of the big - the army can not be complacent.

  Turians two and a half thousand years damned fat and lazy and have lost their military skill and perfection. What happened to Palaven almost full, barely averted Reapers success in capturing the parent hierarchy of the system, indicated and testified about the laziness and loss of legitimately a
nd with good reason. If not for the Reserve Fleet Empire and assistance Corps ... Nayrin sparingly shook her head, getting away from the horror gripped her. Those captivated turians and turianki who remained in the clutches of the Collector ... They could become a reality and Palaven. Collectors - the same Reapers.

  The evening of the day she spent again in the crisis center. Commander's job is not going away, it was necessary to carry out regular, daily and hourly. Archangel and the Patriarch came to Center together, ending the cycle of endless daily exercises and training. They came - and left the militancy of the threshold, becoming just the commanders and leaders. Headquarters - the realm of strategy, reinforced by the tactic.

  In short break, they gathered at a table near the center of the hall. Snack, talked in a low voice. Nayrin sat next to the Archangel, the Patriarch sat opposite. Old Croghan was satisfied and even happy - he was in his element, and the military did not feel neither age nor illness nor ailments. Yes, military doctors Stations worked wonders, but age ... he's not going away. And during the war - a strange thing, but the Patriarch seemed to be rejuvenated.

  Nayrin again convinced of the special influence of the high voltage of the war time on reasonable of organic - rarely one of them had a simple ailment or ill simple habitual, somewhere even now understand as a purely civilian and disease. If we got to the doctors and residents of the station, it was really severe diseases and conditions, threatening life itself. And ... were treated household folk remedies often otlёzhivalis, the benefit of the war on these protocol standards, few people paid attention to the former, just briefly, if there was an opportunity, reduced labor intensity. In anything can happen. Nayrin itself also did not feel tired and weakened - tone remained. But otherwise it's impossible - the commander, the more - the commanding officer is obliged to always be strong, full of confidence. That Nayrin also tried to be like that.

  Evening on the "Omega". Difficult it tonight called calm. Nayrin dreaded to imagine a deserted, abandoned stations, the frozen, depressurized, knackered shelling. Scarecrow and operated, making everything possible to station and its inhabitants survived the war and defeated the Reapers and their henchmen. We survived and won.


  Kiborgessa came out of the Hall of Information in the late evening. Previously it was not possible in any way to break away from work. And now she's got a few hours until Marc took the watch by connecting their spare capacity. Again convinced Olivia that she should rest. Still staying close to the organics, organics with intelligent, interesting and strange effect on her, and the cyborg robot. Who would have told her before that she has to rest? She is capable to work round the clock to capacity? Ironically, perhaps, it would even think about it. But does she thought, a product of "Cerberus", when running from the station servants three-headed dog that she is my daughter? Is it thought that, instead of killing sentient of organic, opposing it to the creators, it will be those of organic to defend their creators, it will gain not just the partners and colleagues,

  Alix ... Former VI, who became self-AI, which gained thanks to the efforts of engineer Adams perfect body and received the full autonomy and freedom. Her daughter, whom she brought up for hours and days. Her Alix, who became a legend yourself Citadel galactic gained its fame and popularity due to the efforts of the crews of the ships stranded at the station then. Then, at the time of the attack on the Citadel cruisers "Cerberus". Confirmed that it will not accept any ideals or spirit or essence, determined the existence of a three-headed dog of servants, who were servants of the Reapers. Alix, over and over again to give up, so that she erected a monument in the Presidium of pure gold. How did she say? First, put a monument to my mother and my partners, all without any exception, and then I will agree to a modest monument to himself? Modest. Strong, powerful and at the same time surprisingly discreet and not prone to shine neither its presence nor his work. And it works intensely. Very hard, amazing and surprising even Olivia sophistication in handling a wide range of information. Make it just fascinated, and perhaps precisely because of Alix Detachment suffered no losses, while agreeing with the right to stay in the Legion Rannoch.

  Legion. He needed there, he loves and wants to Tali and her goodness, and other quarians and his own, which gained individuality fellow-getam. He made his own choice. Perhaps this choice is not better or worse than others, but is able to bring so much good the Legion, while continuing to participate in the Corps here, on ships or on landing on the planet and the station? No, he Rannoch in a few days made a lot more. And probably experienced the satisfaction and even joy. He works, he serves on the home planet of his race, the one where the first het quarian asked if they have it, the robot soul. Now, thanks to proteaninu Yaviku and his compatriots quarians strengthened their immune system and no longer in need of constant wear suits insulation. Geta repeatedly accelerated the process of adaptation to the new conditions quarians existence. Thanks to the tireless robots quarians preparing to attack the Reapers on Rannoch. Prepare to fight. Prepare to survive and cause great damage to the Reapers. Ready to fight.

  Mark, almost a complete copy of Shepard, left alone. Now, she knew Olivia, he believes is responsible for the lives and safety of both kiborgess. And therefore does not let it out or Alix aboard ships anywhere Squad, managing to agree on a candidate solution with the command of the detachment. Of course, it is indistinguishable in appearance from Shepard, it makes it easy. He is strong and powerful, as befits a man who is strong, not only physically, but mentally and. He passes through a huge volume of information that supports multi-channel communications, ready to be included in the provisions dealing ... As he significantly helped the Legion while on Rannoch ... He took it and Alix duty to be constantly on the external communication, encouraging them to focus on both Troop on issues, problems of ships and their inhabitants.

  Now Olivia rarely comes to external communication, but remains constantly on vnutriotryadnoy communication, monitoring and ships and all that relates to the life and work otryadovtsev. And Alix ... She decided that it would be given specific Troop Command. Yes, it can be considered personalization. But Alix ... it is clearly not indifferent to Shepard. Let. She has a lot to learn myself. Tom, what it does not even Olivia can teach what can only teach real life. If she, Olivia, indifferent to Jeff Moreau Alix ... Why can not show a deep interest in someone of the very worthy otryadovtsev?

  they practice, Synthetic, have become part of not only the squadron, they have become part of a team of organic. Reasonable organics. Previously, Olivia knew, VI and AI became part of the ship, with integral parts, incapable of living outside the ship, unable to change their position and go beyond the strictly defined functions. Such an existence can be called even a prison and Olivia was happy and felt happiness when you realize that she, being an integral part of the team otryadovtsev, at the same time retains a strong bond with the squadron, without being mechanically linked to any of the ships. It is free. And free her daughter, yes, stepdaughter, but native. His own so that I could not even tempted to express subtle feelings through words kiborgessa to find immediately and quickly a precise definition,

  Otryadovtsy not even wanted to know whether Olivia gave her Alix its unique quality, a unique opportunity - to generate control AI centers. And she gave Alix this opportunity and this quality. Dala, knowing that Alix, newborn AI, this is worthy. Alix has confirmed it is in the protection of the Citadel "Cerberus". She fought with the three-headed dog servants for to be able to generate new AI in time of peace, without fear for the lives of their children already. To fight, not shifting organically whole burden of the struggle, realizing that in such a war, with the enemy may be only two choices: victory or death. Third choice is not given, it simply does not exist. For one can not forever stand between death and life. You can live in the present, past and future, but always can not stand even for Synthet between life and death.

  Alix intensely studying, watching carefully, thinking a lot. Perhaps it is more a man than Olivia, but she is also a
ble to properly communicate and coexist not only with humans, who believes his compatriots, but also with many other races of the Milky Way space. It can be really ahead of the Galaxy is waiting for a unique long period of his life running united by common interests and common aspirations and objectives of organic and Synthetic? How do you want to believe it ...

  Richard Jenkins

  Before going to bed, Richard used to think about the events of the past day. Today, he thought, and that happened in those days that are now forever become Days War on reapers. Previously, he did not know how will behave in a combat situation. Now he knew for sure, and quite definitely. He fought and fought, it turned out well. He not only fought, he lived a full life, because he knew - at any moment he might die.

  Once, when he had just won the right to a non-commissioned officer's stripes, he quite possibly did not understand fully what it is - to be a warrior. But since then, he has changed a lot. Second Vice Shepard on air assault operation, the commander of the special group of military gain - if he ever thought before that it will be his work, his life and his destiny? No, i guess. Did he think that would be his usual chat with many representatives of alien races? No, certainly not on such a scale and scope, except sporadically and slowly.

  And now he is working side by side not only quite common to earthlings turians and salarians, but also with Yavikom. He is one of the very few officers VKS of the Alliance, who can every day to work and communicate with a representative of the Elder Race, an ancient race, the warrior and the commander is not on positions, and by vocation.


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