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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 162

by Theodore Daniels

  - Easy. - I agreed to Rila. - A little familiar at first, but over time - very relaxing.

  - John, can you? - Alix knocked on the half-fold starpomovskoy cabins. Kiborgessa knew Shepard works with documents, but received only that it would not tolerate delay information - Alix saw that the captain has recently not himself. And what she learned from the information packet sniffing Extranet could help John.

  - Come on, Ali, have a seat. - Number One stood at the door, she opened the door a little wider, gestured, stepped aside. - Thank you for helping interrupted.

  - John. - Kiborgessa entered, closed the door as usual, filed Shepard reader, sat down in a chair. - From the last session.

  - Hmm. - Shepard got a grasp. - It's good. So, Samara awake. Good. She needed their daughters and she needed Corps. The main thing is that it does not speed, do not aktivnichal excessively. After such injuries. - Shepard did not notice as started to think aloud. - If you believe what I was told Mordin and Karin, it will have a long time to recover, but she did not restrain himself. She will do everything to quickly get back to the command of a regiment. She did not stop. - In the captain's voice cut spicy heat. - Eight hundred years, the matriarch, and energy - Liara envy. Samara need for all of us healthy and strong. Let her now everything will turn out. All that she only wants to.

  - We need it, John, you're right. - Confirmed Alix, standing up. - Okay, I'll go, a lot of work.

  - Thanks Ali. - Shepard stepped aside, allowing kiborgesse to go to the door. - Thank you for the good news. And that you have brought for what it.

  Alyx nodded and walked out of the cabin starpomovskoy. Shepard closed the door, leaving schёlku and returned to the table - Work with documentation did not expect.

  For decades, doctors were not allowed to sit Samara, all the procedures necessary to do everything you need lying. Samara train hard muscles, yet not daring to use biotics, although doctors say that biotic abilities saved completely. Control tests have confirmed their approval, but Samara was afraid that the level of capacity and capability, and decreased very significantly. She dreamed of a time when he could turn biotics in full force. Rila and Falera spent day and night in the House, to be replaced every few hours, so that the matriarch did not feel lonely and abandoned. Paired post guards at the chamber doors remained - colleagues flatly refused to take it off before discharge from the hospital of the regiment commander.

  Surviving in the battle staff officers and soldiers of the platoon commandant of the defense team and the Defence Staff came to Samara, as soon as these rare visits allowed doctors. Colleagues tried to speak fairly neutral topics, do not touch the war and everything connected with it, but is this possible? Because they were talking about the war, about the service, on the situation at the front. We talked in a low voice or whisper for fear of anger and discontent doctor Samara and indignation nurses. Rila and Falera, respecting the right of mothers to communicate, went out of the room, but not the left.

  Samara guessed that they are very much to listen, remember, ponder and comprehend, but never reproached him for such high-handedness: they are telepathic and mentalists have to know the situation in all its details to be able to intervene effectively on time. And she was happy to Samara - its not the number of written-off in the stock or saved the Goddess, to resign. It is still considered a full-fledged and full-fledged commander who are undergoing treatment in a military hospital. Yes, your doctor forbade Samara to read a lot, so as not to overload the eye, but also stories of colleagues matriarch enough to make for yourself every time an accurate and complete picture of what is happening.

  Yes, the war had just begun, and yet was not going to go into acute, median phase, the main phase of confrontation. So far, the Reapers have tried to understand how dangerous their current organic, and they in turn tried to find weaknesses in the Reapers to, hitting him win a complete and final victory.

  Parts of the world phoned my mother and they talked for a long time. Audio-link was virtually continuous, and video - problem. Samara guessed that the eldest daughter without these technical means clearly and fully monitors her condition, but the world has ever so directly did not say, and the voice is on the lines of communication would be highly undesirable.

  In the state of a matriarch-General first signs of improvement. Rila and Falera together helped her mother take the first semi-sitting-accumbency, programmed control unit bed to Samara may at any time raise or lower the head. Pillow was a real salvation for the neck - there was no need to overwork and strive to find the most comfortable position for damaged shoots.

  Samara thought that decided not to host Shepard now that stayed in polurazobrannom state, but later it increasingly began to think that Shepard its appearance would be much less important than its internal state, and he would not to focus their attention on the sick as a matriarch. Strange, but it somehow felt that Shepard could easily come here and visit her, although she is sharp and fully understood - Squad performs tasks far away and hardly even shuttle can overcome quickly and seamlessly distance to the planet and to the hospital.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Biotic interfaces

  - John, can I? - Alix habitually knocked at the half-open shutter starpomovskoy cabins.

  - Come on, Ali. - Shepard stood up, welcoming entrance kiborgessu and showed her to a chair next to his desk. - I see you again, something interesting excavated.

  - Yes, John. - Kiborgessa sat down in the chair again pleasantly surprised how much is constant in their preferences Shepard - he always saw in her and in her mother weak and in need of protection and assistance to women and did not pay any special attention to the fact that both of them - not organic and Synthetic. - We scanned information files "Grisomskoy Academy". We uncovered some facts that need our intervention. Fortunately, this time - combined. Remotely-direct.

  - Count on Jennifer?

  - On it - in the first place. - Alix filed Shepard few readers. - As you read, I will say briefly. Not so long ago, long before the appearance of Jenny Grissom aboard the station, there is one teacher worked. Man, biotic. It ... stealing, and had been denounced fired. He dismissed quickly. In one of the most neglected and abandoned pantries he left the blueprints of new biotic interfaces. Which, by the way, according to the scan, and are suitable for individuals and for the asari. Details - clearly a technical and medical character, so I omit them for brevity. Forward these interfaces simple email is now dangerous, so I would suggest that this coded message to inform Jenny, let them find it there, studied in the laboratory and then express their opinion - should we deal with them, or consider them a simple pacifier. According to my information, John, this is clearly not an empty shell, therefore confident that Jennifer will not rest on this - she will find a use for them, and maybe even test on several of his cadets. Because it - the head of an elite special group of listeners, without the support and assistance of his students, it clearly will not do. I would suggest that if you do not Jennifer, at least three of her students visited us on board ships and the Citadel Corps. I suppose we could in the next sortie to return them to the Station Grissom. In the meantime, they would have lived. Useful experience. - Alix straightened, marking the end of the report. then at least three of her students visited us on board ships and the Citadel Corps. I suppose we could in the next sortie to return them to the Station Grissom. In the meantime, they would have lived. Useful experience. - Alix straightened, marking the end of the report. then at least three of her students visited us on board ships and the Citadel Corps. I suppose we could in the next sortie to return them to the Station Grissom. In the meantime, they would have lived. Useful experience. - Alix straightened, marking the end of the report.

  - Plan. - Shepard nodded, he has started reading the contents of the last reader. - Well. I approve. And we have someone from the asari their offer?

  - Yes, John. - Alix opened instrumentron. - The list of applications and appeals have an interesting order. At the hospital, the hospital has one Guerta-asari scien
tist. Very promising and strong researcher. Circuits improved biotic interfaces found in Academy Grisoma during scanning, will strengthen the power of the asari biotic ...

  - What would help them in the fight against the Reapers in Husky Azariyskom Space and not only with the Huskies, but also by the Reapers. - Softly finished for kiborgessu Shepard. - Let's not to be repeated, the talks about everything in detail with Anderson, co-ordinate points of stay of students Jennifer on board ships Troop Titov and Svetlana. In general - a situation proventiliruem the full scheme. - He got up from the table. - Come on, Ali.

  - With pleasure, John. - Kiborgessa conjoint movement rose from his chair and left behind XO. - I think Jennifer would be nice. She really wanted to give real help to the detachment.

  - I am sure that now it will be such an opportunity. - Shepard said, entering, obtaining authorization, the cabin Anderson. - Commander, there is a situation that requires our intervention.

  The conversation with Anderson turned a clear, informative and helpful. In video script it has been agreed with volgovtsami and now had to prepare for the implementation of the plan.

  Coded message took a roundabout way to address Jennifer - otryadovtsy decided not to risk a direct audio and video connection.

  Changes in the program of training applauded by the students so that they persuaded the Academy to form a guide for their enhanced training schedule. And most Jennie work in full force like much more than a leisurely climb from subject to subject and from level to level. And when late in the evening on her instrumentron dropped a message marked "Normandy" - the mood at Jennifer has risen to the level of "very good." After reading the message she wondered called on instrumentron plan card station long twisted it this way and that, then dressed and went into the back room, the coordinates of which were listed in the report.

  The fact that she's found her puzzled. So puzzled that she first spent a sleepless night, studying and equipment and documentation, and even more - thinking about who to charge of the students to take all of this on the "Normandy". It would be a great pleasure, and she flew to the frigate, but ... she also said that it is ready to work in full force, so now have to live up to its same decision, and his own words.

  rest of the night until the morning Jenny was trying to figure out who the student be released to the squadron - she was convinced that her students will volgovtsy like their own, and they in turn will be useful to visit this imperial battle cruiser.

  In the morning she was taken aback their pupils, concisely laid out to them all that thought over for the night:

  - So, now you have a special day. I got all the work for you. Everyone emphasize. And those who love to dig in the laboratories, and those who love practical biotics. - It is perched on a table in the audience containers are taken out of the back room. - It's - the new biotic interfaces. You can come and see. The thing amusing, but one condition - to perfect the entire three days.

  - Three days ?! - Gasped one of the first to have approached "theorists". - Yes, there is one on the estimations twenty hours, and how the final miscalculation?

  - I can not hear the confidence in your words. - Jenny podnachila alarmist. - You want the complete and actual work? It is in front of you. You are expected to authoritative opinion on the suitability of this equipment for use by people-biotics.

  - But, since there is not only for humans. Yes, and configuration. - Said one more "theoretical".

  - You're right. They are intended for the asari. And for people - too.

  - Double assignment? - "Theoretician" did not let up.

  - Exactly. So most. First you do for the people, then to the Citadel is to master the asari. Will testers and experts in the list.

  - Three days - it's interesting. - Jason said. - And what's the catch?

  - The catch is that the best and most effective testers and experts will be awarded.

  - Um ... - mused Rodriguez. - And what, exactly?

  - Three of the best and most effective testers and experts who will shape the first of these three days and whose findings and tests will be the most complete and professional will be entitled to ten days on board the squadron. - Jennifer announced.

  The cry of admiration, approval and joy shook the walls of the audience.

  - Miss Jenny, then we need a laboratory. And immediately. - Jason took the leadership of the process into their own hands.

  - No problems. Fifteenth, the third level. There have already prepared everything. - Jennifer pretty smile. - Her pupils certainly caught the wave and are now even Reaper will not stop. And so it happened - grasping containers from the table, the students swept the audience with a velocity close to the speed of a supersonic fighter attacker. Soon instrumentron Jenny received a message from the control service, lime mentor that students have activated all the laboratory equipment and plunged into work.

  "Well, at least they have now than three days to occupy themselves will work like hell I do know them -.... Thought Jennifer, leaving the lecture and practical audience and back to her room she did not want to Stop cadets and control - control service so see to it that everything was safe and reasonable.

  In the laboratory, they say, the smoke was a rocker. Theorists took himself all the documentation and huddled around tables laden with computer terminals, we began to dismantle the texts and diagrams with graphs into its component parts, finding fault and analyzing every detail, down to the punctuation mark. Figures were subjected to draconian indiscriminately. Practice, grabbed all natural samples from the containers, the other end of the lab, shut the transparent wall of highly-durable glass, tried to work with biotic interfaces, not in the least bothered by reading manuals and instructions. The method of scientific spear worked here with a bang, because everything was recorded on video, both written audiosovety, audiorekomendatsii and audiozamechaniya.

  On this day, breakfast was the only body with food, perceived cadets. Late in the evening of the theorists, completely get tired, fell asleep at the keyboard. Practice slept side by side in their isolated parts, surrounded by exposed and devastated Meal packages. On Prengli averted sleep only six hours, the head of Service and threatening that anyone who fails to meet personal needs in fifteen-minute intervals, will be deprived of the right to the entrance to the lab.

  In the morning the students found the door lab mountain rations and thermoses with drinks. On top lay reader-note: "Your work on the first day satisfied Continue in the same spirit, I wish you continued success Miss Jenny....." Opoloviniv pack rations and poised residues inside the lab, the students got to work, dozhёvyvaya portions on the go. Work has begun to boil with new vigor and about lunch and dinner on the students firmly forgotten.

  - Another three hours of such work, and it will be possible to write the final report. - Rodriguez did not hide his joy. - I think we already have leaders.

  - There is something there, - said carefully Jason Prengli - but still better to wait.

  - What can we expect, we also said - to present the results. So imagine. - Rodriguez returned a few minutes from the part of the lab, where a rampage practice. - We are almost all aspects are already ventilated, left to formulate.

  - So come on, are formulated. - Podnachil friend Jason.

  - Uh, no, better to let the theorists boiled their brains over it. And I - practice - I'll give crude tekstik. Let pricheshut.

  - Do not go, Rhodri. - Jason poskuchnel. - We have also been clearly stated that the best. So - in the two areas - both in theory and in practice.

  - Again the combination. I Hate. - Snorted Rodriguez.

  - In man, everything should be in harmony. - I quoted mentor Jason tone. - And the soul and mind and everything else ...

  - Shut up about things ... - hissed Rodriguez. - Only the thoughts and roam ...

  - Well ... - I shrugged group leader. - We are all human, we are all humans.

  - Listen, chelovekus, go, please, to the efforts of theoreticians. And as a broadcast from the pulpit. - Rodriguez disappeared behin
d a glass partition.

  At two o'clock in the morning yawning students finally we reached the final documents and packed in a modified shipping container interfaces.

  - Hmm. - Jason looked around the lab, in which almost everything was put in order. - And why do I think that tomorrow we are all waiting for the defeat?

  - Because we missed the two days, Jay. - Rodriguez blurted. - And I think that tomorrow we will all bo-bo, but at least we can find an objective opinion of other people about their work and its level. And then in my ears ringing from the discussion of who is better, who is stronger and who is efficient.

  - So. All are confident that we have done everything to the max? - Jason colleagues around the silent gaze. - I understand that it is not sure. Ten minutes to think. We have four more hours of standby. At six in the morning - the deadline. After six in the morning, we will not be allowed to do anything.

  - Yes, and we are not going to, it's a mockery of common sense. - Cried one of the theorists.

  - Correctly. - Jason confirmed. - While there is life there is hope. Because - think carefully. The container is not closed - think. Solve.

  The ten minutes passed in silence. Students came to the container, packaging fingering, remembering all the details Implemented work, viewed in the reader and the text entry process development.

  - So. Then - all to sleep. At five o'clock in the rise in the six - all gather in our lectures and practical lab. In full readiness. - I ordered Prengli.

  - Um. What is a fully cooked? Do me a favor, Jay specify. - Podnachila another Rodriguez.

  - To be confirmed. In full readiness to Axe-chump and fully prepared to go down as soon as possible from the station on board the squadron and the Citadel. The rest - to further theoretical and practical training under the guidance of our incomparable Miss Jenny.

  - Bad how it turns out. The three of us are flying, and the rest, including our mentor - remain. - Sean Bellarmine said it quietly, but she heard it.


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