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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 168

by Theodore Daniels

  It is increasingly looked with fear at the feet swollen, bandaged them all the tighter, more and more wore a "strong" astringent underwear, did everything in order not to be forced at all honest people to lift his feet almost at head level.

  Svetlana could not bring myself to begin preparations for the conditions of the children in his cabin. The idea that it was her first and last children paralyzed its activity, forced to go down on a chair or in a chair and feel weakness throughout the body. Thinking about what she had done badly, forcing herself to accelerate the process of gestation, Svetlana was inclined to total soul-searching, borders on self-incrimination. She thought that violated the natural pregnancy, she made the biggest mistake and the toughest of his life. What is now the difference will have children from her in a month or four, as it should be? Now she often wanted to come to Alla and beg her to do everything to slow down the process of gestation. It was very fully prepared to contribute to this slowdown.

  Just the thought of it - not only her children but also the children of John stopped Svetlana many, too many extreme actions. Well at least that Shepard could not personally visit every day in the cruiser and see it in polurazobrannom, untidy state. Now she understood why Russia has long existed in the limits and rituals especially for pregnant women and their families - without them the life of a young mother turned into a nightmare.

  Sortie Squad with the Citadel. "The forces of Columns" for batarians

  Everything in the upcoming departure would be easy, if it came to only perform application discovery and delivery "Pillars of Power" on the Citadel to batarians, finding a relic, could strengthen the morale of his people. In fact, how quickly it became clear very many otryadovtsam, the case turned out to be much more difficult - batarians were weak. Their system of relations based on the massive use of slave labor, cracked, as soon batarian space fleet was attacked by Reapers, and location of this space did not leave batarians choice - they are the first to fall under the blow of more and more fleets of the Reapers.

  Of course, the annexation Bahaka, Implemented before the start of invasions, more to improve the situation, not allowing batarians continue to mock dumb slaves, but at the same time it is not fully made themselves batarians quickly and efficiently revise too many aspects of their lives.

  Staying at the squadron and at the headquarters in the Citadel messengers Grissom Academy coincided with the arrival of the Citadel parlimentaire-seekers from batarian Hegemony. Otryadovtsy were forced to participate in working meetings with Councillors parlimentaire Citadel Corps leadership spectrum and after a lot of races. Because Grissom Academy students were largely left to themselves.

  Batarians hard to get used to the idea that now they can be guaranteed to be the slaves of the Reapers. They were difficult to realize that the whole race can be indoctrinated Reapers in a short time. Animal fear of strong adversary batarians forced once again to look for those who could instead enter into battle with such a strong opponent. Unfortunately for the battery, the only one who could protect against the Reapers race slaveholders were those reasonable organics, which batarians gladly caught and chipped in droves. Now several dozen battery meetings tried as little as possible and to speak as little as possible to meet the views of his opponents. And where only become of arrogance and arrogance battery?

  Shepard, Anderson, Streltsov, Titov paid sufficient attention to the negotiations, although the first mate and was categorically opposed to permanent Svetlana participate in this action. Alla and Karin regularly informed him about the latest issues in the state of his wife and he was trying to encourage Svetlana refuse to appear on the next round of negotiations. Most of all - to no avail. Realizing that his presence on Svetlana talks once again trying to set yourself on the right way, disconnect from the overwhelm her negative feelings, emotions and thoughts, Shepard darkened as constantly recalled to Prevent Alla, confirmed Karin - Svetlana risked losing the ability to bear and give birth to children .

  Svetlana avoided a lot of talking to John on the topics that worried her. She took with him to the mountain apartments readers, the clock sat on them, picking on instrumentrone long texts, thinking, thinking. She did not protest against the fact that Shepard hugged and kissed her, she may be found in this something important and useful to himself, but the Shepard saw - it is still tense and her thoughts are often very far from the subject of negotiations with the batarians and very heavy and unpleasant. He at times and did not understand how to help his beloved wife and at least keep themselves within the norm, and was angry with himself, feeling helpless and unprepared.

  Batteries have tried to expose the conditions bargain breaks, sought to gain a foothold on the Citadel officially impose their representatives in all imaginable collegial bodies. Councillors responded to these attempts sluggish, had to take over the defense of the interests of the Citadel and all representative structures. Headquarters and so to work around the clock, was forced to seek additional resources to counteract the tendency the battery "take root" in the station until until all the necessary documents will be signed.

  Batarians fiercely resisted documentary fixing agreements, offering obviously unacceptable to the rest of the space race of the Citadel wording trying to delay the negotiation process to gain time. They were particularly angered the fact that the Terrans were able to annex almost the center of their star system and to overcome all the exposed counter system. They were not going to forget the shame of his weakness, but tried to lay the blame for every conceivable his weakness for other races, and above all humanity.

  Very rarely otryadovtsy and headquarters staff could communicate with adequate batarians capable of a sober assessment of the evolving situation. If Shepard received evidence that another team of negotiators, the battery is set to more or less constructive dialogue, he urged Svetlana to take part in a conversation with just such batarians, and he took the objectors, apostates and frank "brakes".

  It was possible to talk with a group of batarians who received the right to settle on the Citadel. They asked otryadovtsev find and bring to the Station "Forces of Columns". Communication with members of this group has facilitated the relationship between the population and the Citadel batarians - inhabitants of stations had to remember that once the batteries have been known as a very skilled physicians and pharmacists, as well as race, able to seek consent.

  Enough it was unusual to see Shepard batarians who understood to have found for them an enemy and the enemy outside the community Ras Citadel. Reapers attacked Jack Kite over and over again, gathering copious tribute captive indoctrinated batarians. According to the reports appeared that batarians, fallen under the influence of the Reaper, a big part of husks, appearing as part of the Reapers assault and troops in other star systems. Batarians who asked detachment take "Force Columns" acutely aware of how to decrease the number of their race, like turning to desert their most populated colonies.

  Otryadovtsy fluctuated. It was hard to forget about how many earthlings, Turian, salarians become slaves of four-eyed monsters, it was difficult to forget about the fact that came to light in the course of the annexation Bahaka. More difficult to forget about the passivity batarians caught up in the system and not annexed become stabilizing forces to help in establishing the regulatory minimum of life. Too strong and deep was the reliance on the use of gratis labor dumb and obedient slaves. Proud race batarians considered stressful work below their dignity, and is now reaping the fruits of his myopia.

  The news of the destruction of the Reapers station "caver" located in Indris system in the nest Vulture, the very station where in an atmosphere of secrecy and privacy is refilled and replenished ammo Alliance ships, fought pirates and slave-owners, showed that, in what way did not want to believe partners batarians negotiating too many batarians rejoiced the fact of the destruction of this station Reapers. During the talks, there was a crisis - although Reapers and destroyed the station during his assault on the planet Kamala, batarians sought too stick out his integrity, c
onstantly referring to the fact that settled, and representatives of many other races apart from them on Kamala with the permission of the Hegemony, attracted to the planet rich zero element deposits. The fact

  According to NATO intelligence and Citadel batarians now kept trying to wishful thinking: most of the population was turned into Kamala husks and batarians tried to say, keep the situation under control in the world, and the reapers are there to act only in certain areas. No documentary evidence of the battery did not work - they are realizing that the citadel and the Terrans have accurate data and intelligence functions much more effectively and efficiently, and tried to blame Advisors Alliance in violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Hegemony. Few adequately perceive the situation evolved over batarians insisted that the squad as soon as possible to hit the road and brought to the citadel relic race.

  Shepard pondered over how to persuade Svetlana left the cruiser on the Citadel. Anderson received intelligence information from agents who worked in batarian systems supported his XO - frigate, cruiser quite alone could take "Force Columns", but when he hinted at the need to stay at the Citadel in connection with the Video Sessions Strel'tsova - and Svetlana fell.

  Stating that it is not going to keep warship undercover Flotow Citadel Streltsov demanded Anderson recall that squad acts in unity and there is no reason to "Volga" is not accompanied by the "Normandy" in this flight. Which have become the unwitting witnesses to call Titov and commanders Shepard kept silent, giving the supreme leaders of Troop themselves look for an opportunity to find a compromise. This conversation lasted for a good half hour and only calmness and prudence Anderson saved the situation from worsening. Svetlana agreed that a cruiser in this flight will play a purely supporting role - to insure and protect the area of the operation for the removal of "Pillars of Power", but Shepard clearly felt:

  Negotiations with batarians continued and it was necessary to choose the moment to care squadron from the station did not cause complications in their process and crisis. Normandovtsy volgovtsy and spent day and night at Headquarters, advised to seek and find profile information, lined script that would help bring the negotiations to a necessary and sufficient results.

  - Captain, sir. - Prengli Shepard went to the office in the main building of the headquarters in the late evening. - It's true?

  - Yes, Jason. Tomorrow at six o'clock in the morning on time tsitadelskomu squad goes to Kite's Nest. I really hope that our absence will not result in another long crisis. - Shepard looked at the young man entered, a sign to sit down. - You worried about returning to academic station?

  - Not only that, sir. We dally here ...

  - No, Jason. You do not dally. Are you good enough job, you have now the possibility ...

  - We do not feel entitled to dally here, sir. You know, we're trying to find yourself here for use in scientific, research and production departments, but as soon as their heads will know that we are students and that we will soon departure is on academic station - they do not want us to talk about anything other than order perform occasional tasks.

  - And the occasional problem, as you put it, Jason, are also important. - Shepard pushed instrumentron. - Our departure is for "Pillars of Power" can also be considered an ad hoc task, because much more important to find as many points of contact and other races batarians Space Tsitateli. Positives points of contact. I have no doubt that batarians try to use our absence at the Citadel in their own interests, will try to make the negotiation process went either to a standstill or has been interrupted, or has been is minimized - the mass of options. Nevertheless, we can not only focus on short-term needs and interests. We must work for the future and if we are able to deliver these "forces Columns" in the Citadel, it can help batarians much more than any lengthy negotiations.

  - I understand, but...

  - And if you understand ... - Shepard stood up, walked over to the side wall of the cabinet, pulled back the curtains, opening the whiteboard. - Look. - He turned on the screens on either side of the board. - Batarians negotiators arrived here with their families. Our intelligence has determined that batarians already mastered biotics and arrived among the members of the delegation to the Citadel there biotics. There biotics and children battery-negotiators.

  - He decided to return until the frigate, John. I spoke with Jenny for audio communication, informed her that there might be a delay in the return of students on academic station. It looks like Jenny and she thinks so. So she promised to talk with the leadership of the Academy and in five in the morning, too, will inform their decision on the audio channels. I think they give them at least two decades, will take into account the fact that we can not come back before.

  - You're right, these "Pillars of Power" will return a very roundabout way - is very valuable cargo. - XO nodded. - I just hope we have time to take them away from the planet on time and without much shooting.

  - Maybe, John, perhaps. - Svetlana stood. - Okay, I'll go to him. It is necessary to check documents more uphill. Write recommendation. Paper that work ... As if I drag a hippopotamus on a string.

  - Good rope - stuffed an entire race to our partners. - Shepard chuckled.

  - I do not believe it, John. That's what you want to do, I do not believe. Hypocrites, liars, deceivers and manipulators. And besides, and shorts. - He threw Svetlana, coming to the door. - Okay, John. Probably...

  - No light. I'll take you on a mooring complex. According to another can not be. - Shepard said, not taking his eyes from the attentive wife.

  - Good. - Flatly said Streltsov, disappearing behind the door.

  At five in the morning Shepard helped Svetlana overload things out flyers in the canoe, shook hands with the commander of the group protection and spent soaring boat look.

  - Captain. - Greg went to the XO. - Ready to fly.

  - Good. - Shepard took out flyers laying suffered them in the canoe. - Flew, Greg.

  Path to the Nest Kite took four days. Looking to the next in the wake of the cruiser frigate, Shepard is very vividly imagined disgruntled Svetlana, sitting in the command chair of the Central Post. How are the classics - "I have a horse and a sword - only saw me!". That Svetlana spoiling for a fight. Shepard felt like she wants to announce the alarm on the ship and to comb the guns closest henchmen fleet Reapers. I felt that she barely restrains himself.

  While waiting for the release of the ship at the target, Shepard again and again looked through the documents with information about the "Columns Strength" and the first batarians wish to take the relic to a safe place, how it is quite likely represents only the Citadel. It turned out that it was batarian refugee, got on board the retiring freighter quite by chance, spent all the way to the station in its dirty hold of and very pleased by the fact that he managed to get a place in a refugee camp on the Citadel.

  Of course, batarians kept separately from all, security at the camp was strengthened, refugees were not allowed beyond the perimeter, ensuring at a minimum. But provided the same, protected from hate, indignation, from attacks by other reasonable dissatisfied batarians presence on the Citadel. Yes, officially batarians still wore rogue status - Advisors disagreed easily change it to the status of "candidate" and were probably right. Too batarians rooted in a commitment to slavery. Too. And, perhaps, undeniable harmlessness, positivity, and even the usefulness of individual representatives batarian race is that I could not break the overall negative impression and the overall negative attitude towards batarians from all the other races of the Milky Way.

  Beating congestion ships Reapers and their accomplices, detachment approached Khar'Shanu. Passive scanning was carried out quickly, accurately and clearly - time to re-entry and refinement was not: on the planet continued to host accomplices Reapers.

  Otryadovtsy watched as the husky driven indoctrinate batteries and batarok to zevam ships, processors, and there submissive and obedient husky-battery and husky-batarki already independently loaded onto transport ships to become the basis of airb
orne forces on other planets is under attack fleets Reapers and their accomplices.

  Engineer Adams undertone audio-Anderson reported that the area of accommodation, "Pillars of Power 'and a refined approach can be performed Troop ships. "Volga" habitually pulled from a planet far beyond the orbital station, close to the area and prepare to provide fire support, and "Normandy" was closer to the site of placement of the artifact. Finally gone down cargo probes entangle "Force Pillars" of the transport grid. Following additional cargo drones are gone - had to tear out the artifact out of the ground and how to load it into the hangar frigate quickly as possible. On the whole operation took just over three hours and all this time and normandovtsy volgovtsy closely monitored the activities of the Reapers and their supporters that they should not have moved to the area of evacuation batarian shrines.

  - They batarians, seeing as we remove them from the planet artifact and do not do anything ... - said shocked one on watch, observe what is happening on the planet at the screen side of the Star Maps.

  - Half of them - indoctrinated quarter - already the Huskies, the other - clearly intimidated by the fact that the enemy found a surpassing all known battery race in strength and power. Here you want - not rypneshsya. Too much brake and deterrent. - Anderson said. - Batteries are not prepared to act on their own. Accustomed to do difficult things someone else's hands.


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