Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 173

by Theodore Daniels

  Another turret shut up, received two grenades thrown Jenkins for supports. Immediately followed by a message to Olivia:

  - Around you, Lieutenant, large enemy groups were observed. By Area suitable reinforcements arrived from Benning to the squadron to protect the escape route.

  - Heading to Captain Shepard. - Curtly replied Alenko.

  - Accepted. - Kiborgessa left the channel. She did not try to change the decision of lieutenant. Whatever it was - on the spot, he was more visible and easier to understand how to proceed.

  Moving up the Troubled tserberovtsami city Shepard tracked everything that happened at the nodal points haskotserbov confrontation with local residents, companies, and arrived in orbit Squadron tow. What is happening he was not happy - there was too much uncertainty, there were too many civilian casualties. Again the old formula "does not get you to anybody" acting with a precision that has just frightening characteristics.

  Traces son ambassador and his buddies have not yet been able to discover. Asks coming across on the way the local people could hardly: they were too scared, too concerned about their own survival and their own salvation. So it had to act blindly.

  Good thing to calculate the location of the civilian becomes easier - Troop art created scanners, for three hundred signs of sorting the possible "targets", located hundreds of meters ahead and on the flanks. Now you do not have to rush to each mound is once the body to make sure: no, this is another tserberovets, not a local resident. I do not have to flinch at the sight of another civilian lying on his back. And yet, filter had noticed purpose scanners or manually.

  - Captain, take a look. - Yavik picked up a badge. On a thin chain. Civil badge. Standard equipment identification labels. "Bilal special". Everything else that has gone in to this metal piece exactly coincided with the list of data that was passed by the normandovtsam ambassador. Oh, father of the Ambassador would not lie and distort the identifying characteristics. Not the kind of situation, so to joke. - How could he lose?

  - Could. - Shepard briefly pointed spacesuit gloves torn webbing - rough edges, then tore badge ... Yes, with force, but to establish how and under what circumstances ... Let's hope that it - not a sign of trapping or capturing. Let us hope that we are able to identify him without a medal. Although a medal would be more likely to agree. Forward. - Shepard, and most did not want to stay in this place, he longed to move anywhere, but to move. Bilal could now be anywhere, it was possible to go in any direction and with equal success as a stumble and not stumble upon the living, the dead or half-dead son of the ambassador.

  - There are moving. - Yavik reloaded his assault rifle, went into full invisibility. Prior to that, he appeared in a few minutes as a silhouette, like Moroku. - Moving. - He confirmed already for audio channels.

  While Shepard himself desperately hoping Bilal and his men alive, logic and reason were talking about the possibility of the death of all wanted. Not that was now Benning situation, to hope for the best. And because Shepard habitually began to suspect that the worst had happened and this badge - the only thing that will be able to receive from the hands of Ambassador Troop Command on his return to the Citadel. Only the fact that their bodies are not friends Bilal and tokens were found were found left faint, ghostly hope that at least they are alive and will be able to explain what had happened to the son of the ambassador.

  continued combing the city. Group Shepard painstakingly evaded meetings with large clusters of civilians, as well as clashes with tserberovtsev groups. Another task. Another task. Another task. These two words hammer pounded in his temples captain as he paced in a row that already kilometer endless streets randomly built-up city. Blitz surveys of local residents to no good do not lead: they stood on the thesis is dead "was not, was not, did not see, did not participate" and tried as quickly as possible to get rid of unexpected interviewers. What then, you can understand them, when in his hometown happening is a disgrace ...

  Finally one of the local, probably something having understood more deeply remembered that five blocks from here there are some abandoned building, which is already showing interest in a few hours, many groups tserberovtsev. Show, but the building still shooting by unknown people, which no one really saw, but that obviously does not belong to tserberovtsam respectfully.

  - Son after more original. - Nihlus said. - It is clear from all the data that we have.

  - Ugum. - Shepard, looking at the screen instrumentrona, struggled to understand what to do in this situation. - Another "House Pavlova". I can understand that they - just adult men and shoot because somehow know how, but why they did not make their way to the borders of the city?

  - Distract themselves have no power "Cerberus"? - I expressed cautious assumption Saren. - Or maybe just do not want to leave. Although the evacuation of supposedly declared quite clearly.

  - We'll have to find out on the spot. - Shepard folded instrumentrona screen, picked up the rifle lying beside. - Forward.

  - This is not a "Cerberus". - Verdict Saren, surveyed through the scope sniper rifle with its unique space around the house, in which, presumably, strengthened Osoba Bilal and his friends. - Yes, there are similar, but - not tserberovtsy.

  - Local sympathizers. - Confirmed Nihlus. - Many of the signs are not the same as the standard and customary for most haskotserbov. Only local sympathizers.

  - If there was a "Cerberus" - Yavik said - then we would have already seen Bilal indoctrinated. And so, pulling force "Cerberus" to the suburbs, we were able to protect the city center and surrounding areas, creating freedom for these very sympathetic.

  - May be. We'll have to destroy the party. Walk into a mug. - Shepard looked at both snipers, Turian, knowing that they will relinquish such an infantry pastime. And his intuition did not disappoint.

  - We walk along the top, John. - Saren said. - Do not argue, it would be better. Kicking the most active without causing you unnecessary aggression. We together will be easier to move away from the persecution of small groups, and you will take a major part of these self-styled pomoschnichkov.

  - Good. - Shepard nodded, knowing that the two of Turian, professional spectrum and master snipers will be easier to carry out its part of the problem, if they are left to themselves, and will not have to endlessly consistent with aliens, that is with humans, that is with people. - Let's try to play this game in this manner.

  And the game began. Shepard Group supported climbed to the top of multi-storey Balkov turians began to systematically shoot even shaky, but it is clear and precise ring environment with houses, where entrenched son of the ambassador and his pals. They, of course, also supported the action of unexpected saviors pretty confident, and most importantly, accurate shooting, but still most of the work had to be done from time to time people XO and Turian.

  - Captain, I'm with you, I take half of the ring! - I heard a voice in the audio channel Alenko lieutenant.

  - Kaidan. You will also ... - Shepard shot at another accomplice tserberovtsev, convinced that he was dead, crouched down, to not be so noticeable target. - The order was ...

  - I will not leave you, Captain. The task on this planet - one for the entire landing party. We have fulfilled our part. Now to help you and together uydёm from this planet. In another I will do my people too.

  - Well, I allow. - Pausing for a moment, ordered the XO. - Your neighborhood ... - he briefly outlined the position in which the people now had to act lieutenant. Turians also heard exec orders, so there should be no overlap was. - Olivi ...

  - I hear you well. Shuttles frigate is on its way. Take saved and output to the site. I give the coordinates ... - kiborgessa ottarabanil alphanumeric designation with machine-gun speed, making misleading amendments to confuse possible "listener" among tserberovtsev and their accomplices. - Ready for reception and waiting for all of you with the saved onboard.

  - So. All heard everything. Getting the final! - Shepard reloaded his rifle, stood up, opened fire. After a quarter of an hour around the house, not a
single living haskotserbov accomplice. In captivity normandovtsy fundamentally nobody took.

  Select from the basement of the number of young people were delighted with a half dozen.

  - I did not expect that we will be able to escape. - Bilal Osoba came to Shepard, immediately recognized in him the chief. - Yet we - people civil. And these ... like two years uchebke otpahal. We snuggled. We are on the ground floor, first holed up, and then they started shooting from the grenade, we realized ...

  - Okay. All - on board the shuttle. - Shepard saw two shuttle "Normandy", approaching the site of the house and escort two passenger shuttle. - You take to the frigate and transferred to the "Citadel". Day four you will see with your family. Olivia, said after the - we found all alive ... There are wounded, they will assist.

  - It is, John. - Kiborgessa responded readily, it was obvious that she was pleased to report such good news to the Citadel. Let a roundabout way, if not this very minute they are received at the main station of the Galaxy.

  At the shuttles landed and take on board the son of the ambassador and his buddies, Shepard stopped, turned instrumentron. The last paragraph of the plan stood "dozachistka certain areas of the city."

  - Commander. - Shepard went to the direct relationship with Anderson. - The last item of the plan.

  - I canceled. - Anderson said. - Come back, John. You have completed all the points of the plan. The rest - is the competence and capabilities Squad. I am sending you to the official and public thanks residents Bening. You saved so many, John. And it facilitated the work of the local resistance. Destroyed your group of supporters of "Cerberus" was one of the most active. Well, they will no longer annoy Resistance. Come back.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard nodded Greg came up. - We're going back.

  - I am glad the commander. - The driver replied. - Everything is on board.

  - Flew, Greg.

  Osoba Bilal and his friends on the "Normandy" spent a relatively short time. They were given a few cabins, but very limited in the right to travel on the ship. The food they brought in the cabin, provided an opportunity to speak on the special communication channels several times with relatives. Several days were spent in semi-isolation until detachment reached the station.

  - John, moored at the Citadel, we will not. Shuttles will make several flights, the saved will be taken to the Citadel. We must follow to Arran. - Anderson poked stylus in a bright dot on the wall big screen. - There is an interesting situation arose. - He gave XO reader. - Check.

  Tali. Explanation of the groom. A break up

  Tali tried to concentrate, but it is poorly managed. A few days. Just a few days - and it has already mentally prepared to break any relationship with Stefan. She realizes that her situation is commonplace and standard to impossible, but that it does not get easier. Stefan forgot it, forgot, barely got a chance to plunge into the job. I forgot about that ahead of the wedding that he wanted children from Tali, that they wanted to live together side by side, live a long time and, if possible, happily.

  He stopped coming evenings in her four-room apartment, he stopped calling her at instrumentronu generally smaller tried to communicate with her. Yes, it is quarian Admiral Fleet, could learn that Stephen is not anybody from kvarianok no close relationship. It looks like he just stopped loving her. As is often the case - quickly and without bloodshed. Man ... What is it, Kila, the man ?! Tali saw and felt dissatisfied with her father, he is suspicious of their relationship. But suffered, did not interfere, Tali recognized for the right to make their own mistakes. He did not want a daughter in this situation acted on his orders. Too much has changed, much has changed. And he did not want to interfere with her changed circumstances.

  Tali resigned to the fact that a rare guest in her apartment is Legion. He - AI, it cyborg, cyber, robot, and here was easier to understand his desire to be given to the work one hundred percent. But Stephen ... How could he ?! It turns out that he could. It turns out that the support, the presence beside him Tali needed him only when the fate of the Navy, the fate of the entire quarian race hung in the balance when quarians there was no certainty that they will return to their home planet ?!

  It is believed that a sense of distance and time tested. Again, this rule is triggered and hit on it at Tali. If not for the memory of Shepard, she would have fallen into despair and would make mistakes in his admiral's work. She works, works, is, teeter on the ships, through the village, the underground towns and solves endless challenges and problems. But she has time and Appliances apartment and maintain her comfort and keep the appeal. During her many, many people are trying to look after. Many quarians. Both old and young.

  It is a success, but tries, aims, tries to remain faithful to Stephen. whether he is worthy of such loyalty? Does he understand many things, having seen otryadovtsami in the bar? It turns out that is not worthy and Tali is now doing everything possible to reduce the gap to the soft option. She did not want to waste the time of his life on quarian, were weak and infirm. She did not want to be faithful to the one who did not know how to be faithful. She's ... much that she did not want, he realized with all certainty that it is not a pair of Stephane.

  She knew that the Legion had already talked with Stephen. I talked like a man. Simply put, he beat Stephen, beat, punishing him for contempt for Tali. It does not come down. Stefan did not understand. I not realized. Without penetrating. Tried Do not make a trial just because of the fact that he beat het, beat Cyborg, beat the robot. Well, that and the other quarians quarian too knew very well who the Legion and what he did in the recent and therefore very good for the good of the memorable last quarians not only, but also of many other races of the galaxy.

  Because Stephen cries no one heard, no one did not believe them and did not heed. Beating was honest: Legion did not hide his resentment and his aversion towards Stephen, he did not believe him initially. On what he's built - probably, clearly and fully understood only himself. For the rest quarians it was enough just to see the result. And the result was: Stefan ozlilsya. Ozlilsya, because I realized - a return to the days when the geth are servants quarians - there will be more than ever. Geta now a very long time - only partners and allies quarians, not servants or slaves.

  More recently, a few days ago ... Tali learned that Stefan hates her younger Zora, because it is successful outside the family and private life. So successful that it, this success, recognize the most quarians and kvarianok. Stefan hated her because she was a civil leader of the Youth Union quarians, hated for what it is, and the admiral's office began to make great and real progress. He could not rise above the prior art, it is possible that he could not get up, but somehow Tali felt that he did not want to rise above this level would not grow in a professional manner, and this is when to Rannoch were already Reaper armada fleet of ships and brewing battle over Rannoch, the battle for the preservation of the most quarian race.

  For the most part quarians realized that geth not just in a hurry, in a hurry, running around the clock and with maximum load. Time to blow the Reapers on Rannoch was too little and geth knew about it as anyone. And Stefan, whom she had the imprudence and folly to declare publicly her fiance, stayed in the minority among those who wish not to strain is categorically.

  Looking lukewarm spotlight Legion, came to her the day before yesterday, Tali was silent. Just het sniper, het-leader suggested that she use scary article of the Code of Laws of the People quarian. Articles providing for the elimination of harmful quarian members of the community. Article, the effect of which was allowed only here in these critical moments.

  Tali was silent, because before joining the Legion, it looked a video about how the Reapers captured in a remote village quarians quarian colony. Little pioneer colony. The journalist, who made this unique recording, remained unknown. Such was the practice of guarding the safety of those residents of the Milky Way showing the truth about what is happening in the Galaxy. Only the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  Looking like the fi
rst tie-indoctrination seize her countrymen and countrywomen, Tali paled and tried to stop shaking and indignation. It was something that people were waiting Rannoch if successful attack Reaper on the planet. Indoctrination, depersonalization. Transformation or husks or as a paste. She watched the three hour record and knew it - a very possible future. The future that can provide quarians community such as Stefan.

  She stood silent, while Legion offering her a way out. Too few resources from the Goths and quarians. Too few. And spend those resources on the organic matter, which did not want to go along with all of the battle for the future ... it would be wrong. And at the same time - extremely cruel, perhaps, somewhere even unacceptable. Now Say admiral Tali Zora word - and Stephen instantly decompose into components. The details of this process, it never ponder - it is death is death, it is a prelude to death is different. A death is always the same.

  She stood there and said nothing. And the Legion, she lay down, I realized it. He realized that she was still something in their relationship with Stefan hopes that it wants to preserve integrity in such a critical moment, when the gap is the highest good. He can be counted and realized that Tali wants to see for the last time with Stefan. Talk to him. Communicate. The last time before they both will become each other strangers.

  Saying goodbye with his usual deep bow, the Legion turned on the spot and left. Tali did not hold it. She knew a lot of these tens of seconds when standing in front of his friend-geth. Geth, who for her sake, for the sake of its peace and security, remained at Rannoch. Although he could freely and safely fly to the detachment.


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