Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 175

by Theodore Daniels

  Liara is no longer felt as if struck near the column overlap the floor plate, on which she was lying, covering up and hugging the children, gone cracks and in the place where the body lay dead asari and where lay prostrate Liara, formed a failure, where the bodies of two adults asari and two babies asari and fell, hitting the lower levels of the shopping center in the basement, where he kept supplies of goods. Beat of a freight container has been terrible, top hole in the floor came down immediately closed down the floor plate of the upper floors torogovogo center - ruins stacked like a house of cards. On the floor plate hit a ton of rubble and now to get to the basement could only be by means of heavy construction and engineering tehniiki.

  Aela looked at all this terrible act, wide-eyed. Her whole essence yelled that Liara buried under the rubble that now we have to do something, but his legs opolchenki asari if rooted to the ground, and his mouth opened in a silent scream. Only a few minutes have seemed Aele eternity, she gained the ability to more or less clear to think and reached for the radio. After reporting to the headquarters about the incident, she learned that all the nearest emergency crews are busy and in a few hours will not be able to send in the quarter even briefing. Her, Aelu, asked to remain in the neighborhood close to the center, to observe the procedure.

  After finishing the conversation, Aela sat on the chip. What might be in order? Shopping center in ruins, away virtually nothing left - a design covered all the goods and that it was very little. The cellars wade impossible even to the point where there was Aela, it was clearly visible - behinds shopping center turned into a sea of heavy debris, which can be raised only with the help of heavy machinery, which at the looters were not by definition - it is too attracted attention. And wait for rescue squad - long. Too much damage in other neighborhoods.

  Squeak small asari penetrated the veil enveloped the consciousness of Liara. Baby were visibly frightened, but even more, probably hungry. Liara tried to open his eyes, but it's not enough for her help: around was darkness - the part of the basement, where they were, buried. Younger T'Soni gently gently felt the little ones - like they are safe and sound. Now was fully awake. Morok dissipate slowly - a blow on the head with a helmet has softened, but not much. And the wait was impossible - Liara already felt close to the body of the dead babies mother. Doubt no longer had - Asari was dead. Who was she to little ones - it was not clear, the most familiar Liara was considered her mother young asari. Light instrumentrona small screen, which is included because of the care of only a quarter of the power, broke the darkness and allowed to look around. The body is sore - apparently falling, Liara pressed small asari to her, protecting their bullock, and his body exposing a plurality of bumps of different-sized fragments. Fractures like it did not work - it does not feel any signs of it, but it was difficult to move. Baby squeaked all the more demanding.

  Glancing at the clock in instrumentrone, younger T'Soni taken aback - it took more than five hours. So rescue teams could not even come up here and get started on dismantling the debris. Aela ... Well, if it does not hurt when the second bombing - Liara memory gradually restored sequence of events occurred. Of course, that could store up to loss of consciousness.

  Disengaging arm Liara felt the helmet once stumbled on a big dent fingers. One of the processes sore that indicates the possibility of a crack in the ground. Enjoy a little. Pulling out his energy pill, the youngest T'Soni forced herself to swallow it dry running - throat from the dust scraper as a grater. The water she decided to leave at the last moment - as the emergency reserve.

  Bags of baby food at Asari was not - Liara knew it attentively searched the corpse. Maybe she just grabbed the first babies arms and ran to the door, and forgetting about the shopping bags, and bags with about baby clothes and food. That could well be. Liara looked longingly at the food asari. In this age of asari able to feed only breast milk. About any substitutes or older and solid foods speech could not be - it Liara remembered and knew quite definitely. It took more than six hours. If it does not find opportunities to feed their baby ... will die in the next four hours. Yes, small asari can long do without milk, but not the six hours.

  Raising instrumentron higher, Liara tried to light as much as possible the space around them. It was found that around - no more than eight square meters of space. warehouse ceiling sagged dangerously, perhaps - under the weight piled on him designs completely destroyed shopping center. Assessing what is now a wall, Liara sadly thought that they dug out very clearly and very long without heavy machinery.

  Tablet Energy acted - mind cleared completely. Arranging babies comfortably on free of pebbles place younger T'Soni took more comfortable accumbency - sit while she did not dare, for fear of the collapse of the ceiling - and thought, trying not to look at the asari continued to squeak.

  Benešov and Etita rarely talked about how they fed Liara in infancy. From what I remember the younger T'Soni, it followed that the baby at that age is nothing but breast milk can not normally perceive. Five hours had passed, they have not received the next portion of milk, if you will take four more, then they will start to fall asleep, and then ... then they die. The details of this process are now Liara did not want to climb, but her own mind refused to acknowledge the existence of a single exit - she had to give them milk. But how to do it, because she and the age and condition of the body - a virgin, and breast milk can be only matrons? You can not deceive the babies, giving empty chest ... Well, shut up baby asari begin to suck, smack, looking for milk, make sure that no milk ... And - will fall asleep ... The first stage of agonal state. Asari Infants die quietly and quickly - it Liara knew from materials Extranet. Through the extranet receive the necessary information was not easy.

  Benešov called Liara only daughter, but somehow let slip that before Liara she already had children. There were children and Etity, but the father also prefer them not to talk. Because remembering later on the slip of the tongue d'Avignon, Liara buried in the Extranet and fully sufficient clearance on matters relating to the life of infants asari. Of course, she then wanted porassprosit Benešov more about your sisters, older sisters, to be exact, but it was easier to talk to a stone statue krogan Citadel, than to talk on the subject's own mother. D'Avignon was able to evade the responses, silent or just trying to go into another room, which meant - she answer questions daughter will not.

  Extinguish the light instrumentrona small screen to a minimum, Liara looked at the food babies. It's been two hours. A little more - and small asari begin to sink into sleep, from which they can be output only in a medical hospital. And where is it here to take this medical hospital? Even signs that emergency crews began removing the debris was not in the perimeter of the shopping center. So she would have to spend many hours here. What are the hours? It is a mature, well, relatively mature, a little bit, but a trained asari, but are they? - Liara opinion focused on food baby. - What can they do? There is nothing they will not do! Here it is helpless in its entirety! - Thought the younger T'Soni.

  I passed one more hour. Liara all this time sitting still and thinking. I thought about how to proceed. Well, let her give them milk, unless, of course, it is, by some miracle, she will. But it is not even a relative of them! And if milk would be incompatible ?! The murder of two young asari hang on it, opolchenke. Nearly military offense. And that is - a criminal offense and did not want to think - and so it was clear that here - wide crime. And if you do nothing, it is - leaving in danger. How easy to write the rules, being in warm and bright classrooms! And how difficult it is to carry them out in practice, in reality!

  Hands younger T'Soni already digging in his backpack, laid out on a stone tray packaging Energy and briquettes rations. It seemed that the subconscious mind and not guided during this time her Liara, actions. Maybe it was true. May be. Dry, without water she shoved once five pills energy into his mouth and told herself one swallow them. All five. Sensing the onset of action of swallowed pills, Liara took off her armored breastplate and unbuttoned overalls. Intellectually
she knew that to be fed just two ... One by one it will be too long. Contrive, she picked up the little ones, pressed to his chest. Azari immediately stopped beeping began to suck. Minute, second, third. Liara fear felt that a little more - and the baby will start beeping again, finding no milk, but suddenly felt her breasts begin to swell.

  Goddess as they suck it! Barely holding babies at the breast in his mouth Liara stuffing more and more pills, knowing that very soon will have to make a break and take rations. Otherwise, it will simply lose the remnants of power - energy work in full compliance with the law of conservation - not taking back the energy from somewhere in the mythical "pocket", but directly from the body younger T'Soni, consuming operational and strategic reserves.

  In Liara had no strength pricked appetite babies, she barely had time to dry running absorb soldering, counting packaging look. It took more than three hours, and Azari starving continued to suck. Younger T'Soni even thought that the mother before going to the mall is not fed them a half-day, though it was so unlikely and believe it is not particularly desirable. On the militia course we told her that the most improbable sometimes becomes the most plausible and realistic. In this she was convinced, when felt in their breasts the milk. And now she was convinced of this once again - both babies was just ravenous appetite that Liara, and so totally unprepared for dealing with such small tribeswoman, was a complete surprise.

  Hour after hour passed. Gorka tablet packs and rations reduced briquettes. Baby just fell asleep for forty minutes, and then raised a squeak, as if they had not been fed for at least two days. Liara gave them the breast, they fell silent, sat. Now younger T'Soni not seem to silence and the darkness of the basement shopping center quite so dire, conjures up thoughts of the grave. She has appeared business, which occupied it completely. Only here the food stocks dwindling faster than the baby stopped sucking. And Liara felt creeping weakness - Energy has climbed to the main reserves of the body, and regularly drew out the forces who went on a product of milk. To learn more and to nourish itself Liara, energy, of course, did not care.

  Liara did not know what Aela not left quarter of all those long hours that she repeatedly sought communication and urged all become available to her commanders and superiors of the need to send the equipment to the ruins of the shopping center. What she heard direct and veiled otkazok and otmolvok - it was difficult to count, but it is clear feeling that Liara alive Aela continued to seek connection with new and new leaders, continued to persuade them to do it all to the ruins of the shopping center were dismantled as soon as time. She certainly could not hear a squeak babies asari - too thick layer of debris covered the basement center, but feel, feel, understand, and know - it naparnitsa there, she is alive and needs help. In the immediate relief, it's been many hours since Liara stepped into the ruins of this center.

  Asari baby slept less than half an hour, and then taken to squeak by requiring milk. Liara sadly looked at three soldering and two packages of Power, feeling numb feet and it reduces the stomach from hunger - rations processed almost instantly, and even more energy spurs the process of digesting this mixture of freeze-dried food. Hour after hour passed, and the youngest T'Soni increasingly sinking into a state of semiconsciousness: the brain is not getting enough to eat - everything was spent on the generation of milk. Liara is not surprising that she, being a virgin, fed breast milk young asari - it already seemed so familiar ... against the wall, the younger T'Soni most feared arms weakened and no longer will keep the little ones near the breasts. While still had power. Till. Are they still have enough - Liara was afraid to even imagine.

  A few hours later there was not a whole package of Energy and no soldering. Small asari smacked, feasting again. Last time. - Sadly I thought Liara. - For the last time, because I have nothing else to maintain milk production. There is nothing. No soldering, no power engineers are no more - and she searched his backpack, and his overalls and even the clothes of the dead asari. Nothing. And so far it has not even started to look and began to dig.

  Sated, baby slept. Liara felt that they let the chest and put them on their free rock dust and debris place beside her, feeling the approaching weakness. Eyes closed themselves and Liara felt - for a few seconds - and she falls into oblivion, from which shall go no more. At least she did everything that she could.

  Aela waited - machinery and rescuers arrived. They do not even have to adjust - they are already plenty of indications received from a variety of leaders on the need to like this shopping center as soon as possible to clear. Naparnitsa Liara did not know what to throw it on the center of the ruins, which forced her to help rescue workers to disassemble the rubble on the entrances to the warehouse basement. She felt that Liara there, but when I saw her ... She was stunned at first. But rescuers were dumbfounded before that they face many, examining the debris, but is seen clearly for the first time - young opolchenka sat against the wall, and to her breasts pressed against two baby-Asari. Nearby lay dead young asari.

  Who are the rescuers called doctors - no one could say later. Aela helped doctors to put babies in incubators and returned to on their hands transfer companion on a stretcher. All the way to the medical flyer and she just repeated, turning to aides-Asari: "Please be careful!". Those nodded, understanding the cause of such complaints and tried to carry Liara as possible care. Doctor asari only nodded, looking at the figures meddiagnosta - good if opolchenku be able to take to the hospital alive - depletion was marginal and even immediately organized food could not immediately help - in fact it was impossible to apply it massively - only in small portions.

  Aela refused to move away from the bed Liara. Commanders of units to learn the details of the incident, did not object. No Aela or Liara did not know that the case of the deceased engaged asari housing Justiciary and personally Justiciary assistant Samara. Looking at the white face of his partner, Aela wept bitterly, do not hesitate any tears or sobbing, just holding Liara wrist and feeling very weak pulse beat.

  Samara quickly found a family, which brought two baby-Asari. And there was an unpleasant, but necessary conversation with her mother, and her parents.

  - You sent with children young asari, not giving her anything from baby food. - Samara stood motionless, ignoring the invitation to sit in a chair and not particularly interested in the interior decoration of the surrounding room, where the conversation took place. - You have not even made sure to find the children and their nanny. You, the mother of two babies, children left with a strange and nonnative them asari.

  - But I got a call from the hospital and was told that my children's lives - in danger. - Babies mother kept astonishing calm. - And for me it is - the most important thing. I also said that they had saved some opolchenka.

  - Probably, you really should not know who it was. - Hissed Samara. - She saved your children and is now in serious condition.

  - I hope that doctors will do their best. - Said the mother of the little ones.

  - Do. - I entered the room d'Avignon. Behind her came Etita. - Because this, as you put it, opolchenka - our daughter.

  - To what do I owe this honor? - Mother babies stared at the newcomers. - I like talking to Justiciar, and you do not explicitly Corps.

  - You are required. - Icily thundered through the room Samara. - You are required to collect a minimum of things quickly and immediately move into social housing. You have to get ready in fifteen minutes. This will move more needy and large asari.

  - But I - two children! - Babies mother apparently did not understand that the situation has changed dramatically. And ... Mom, tell them.

  - Do not have to talk. - Cut Samara. - The matter is managed by the Corps of Justiciary. According to the Code, applicable in wartime, children will not be returned. They already took the other, a childless family. And the one you would be enough social housing. - Samara nodded logged three asari and police. - I informed them both everything. Next - your business. - With these words she left the apartment of the former mother of many children. Follow
ing Liara parents came.

  - Edemte to Liara. - Samara opened the door with the emblem flyer Corps of Justiciary. - She's waiting for us and needs us. And with this, and her mama will work law enforcement agencies. The case will keep the matter under control.

  - Thank you, Samara. - Benešov said.

  - It's my pleasure. You brought up a wonderful daughter. - Samara closed the door and picked up the car in the air. - The Corps admired her heroism and self-sacrifice. We raised the question of awarding her one of the highest awards azariyskih. This will be decided as soon as possible. And, sure, the decision will be positive. - After a quarter of an hour the car arrived at the location of the hospital and all three asari quickly passed in the House. - Aela?

  - Do not come to mind, do not say anything, does not move. - Swallowing tears said embarked stool workmate. - I ... I'm afraid for her. She was so exhausted ... It's true that babies ...

  - True. - Samara said, handing a plastic card Aele. - That's all their data and their new parents. The family is under the protection and tutelage of the Corps of Justiciary. With little ones all right, they almost did not suffer because of Liara ... - Justiciary gently looked at the white face asari. - Now the main thing that Liara woke up and began to recover.

  - Hello. - Aela greeted d'Avignon and Etitu, pushing their stools. - I ... I ...

  - Stay, Aela. You - naparnitsa Liara. Maybe now - for a long time. So - stay. - Benešov said softly. Etita nodded. Blushing, Aela down on an empty chair, then stood up, noticing that Samara continues to stand. - Sit down, Justiciary.


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